StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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4 years ago
'use strict'
const tape = require('tape')
, child_process = require('child_process')
, workerFarm = require('../')
, childPath = require.resolve('./child')
, fs = require('fs')
, os = require('os')
function uniq (ar) {
let a = [], i, j
o: for (i = 0; i < ar.length; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < a.length; ++j) if (a[j] == ar[i]) continue o
a[a.length] = ar[i]
return a
// a child where module.exports = function ...
tape('simple, exports=function test', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm(childPath)
child(0, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(pid >, 'pid makes sense')
t.ok(pid < + 750, 'pid makes sense')
t.ok(rnd >= 0 && rnd < 1, 'rnd result makes sense')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
// a child where we have module.exports.fn = function ...
tape('simple, exports.fn test', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm(childPath, [ 'run0' ])
child.run0(function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(pid >, 'pid makes sense')
t.ok(pid < + 750, 'pid makes sense')
t.ok(rnd >= 0 && rnd < 1, 'rnd result makes sense')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
tape('on child', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ onChild: function(subprocess) { childPid = } }, childPath)
, childPid = null;
child(0, function(err, pid) {
t.equal(childPid, pid)
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
// use the returned pids to check that we're using a single child process
// when maxConcurrentWorkers = 1
tape('single worker', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 1 }, childPath)
, pids = []
, i = 10
while (i--) {
child(0, function (err, pid) {
if (pids.length == 10) {
t.equal(1, uniq(pids).length, 'only a single process (by pid)')
} else if (pids.length > 10)'too many callbacks!')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
// use the returned pids to check that we're using two child processes
// when maxConcurrentWorkers = 2
tape('two workers', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 2 }, childPath)
, pids = []
, i = 10
while (i--) {
child(0, function (err, pid) {
if (pids.length == 10) {
t.equal(2, uniq(pids).length, 'only two child processes (by pid)')
} else if (pids.length > 10)'too many callbacks!')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
// use the returned pids to check that we're using a child process per
// call when maxConcurrentWorkers = 10
tape('many workers', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 10 }, childPath)
, pids = []
, i = 10
while (i--) {
child(1, function (err, pid) {
if (pids.length == 10) {
t.equal(10, uniq(pids).length, 'pids are all the same (by pid)')
} else if (pids.length > 10)'too many callbacks!')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
tape('auto start workers', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 3, autoStart: true }, childPath, ['uptime'])
, pids = []
, count = 5
, i = count
, delay = 250
t.plan(count + 1)
setTimeout(function() {
while (i--)
child.uptime(function (err, uptime) {
t.ok(uptime > 10, 'child has been up before the request (' + uptime + 'ms)')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
}, delay)
// use the returned pids to check that we're using a child process per
// call when we set maxCallsPerWorker = 1 even when we have maxConcurrentWorkers = 1
tape('single call per worker', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({
maxConcurrentWorkers: 1
, maxConcurrentCallsPerWorker: Infinity
, maxCallsPerWorker: 1
, autoStart: true
}, childPath)
, pids = []
, count = 25
, i = count
while (i--) {
child(0, function (err, pid) {
if (pids.length == count) {
t.equal(count, uniq(pids).length, 'one process for each call (by pid)')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
} else if (pids.length > count)'too many callbacks!')
// use the returned pids to check that we're using a child process per
// two-calls when we set maxCallsPerWorker = 2 even when we have maxConcurrentWorkers = 1
tape('two calls per worker', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({
maxConcurrentWorkers: 1
, maxConcurrentCallsPerWorker: Infinity
, maxCallsPerWorker: 2
, autoStart: true
}, childPath)
, pids = []
, count = 20
, i = count
while (i--) {
child(0, function (err, pid) {
if (pids.length == count) {
t.equal(count / 2, uniq(pids).length, 'one process for each call (by pid)')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
} else if (pids.length > count)'too many callbacks!')
// use timing to confirm that one worker will process calls sequentially
tape('many concurrent calls', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({
maxConcurrentWorkers: 1
, maxConcurrentCallsPerWorker: Infinity
, maxCallsPerWorker: Infinity
, autoStart: true
}, childPath)
, defer = 200
, count = 200
, i = count
, cbc = 0
setTimeout(function () {
let start =
while (i--) {
child(defer, function () {
if (++cbc == count) {
let time = - start
// upper-limit not tied to `count` at all
t.ok(time > defer && time < (defer * 2.5), 'processed tasks concurrently (' + time + 'ms)')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
} else if (cbc > count)'too many callbacks!')
}, 250)
// use timing to confirm that one child processes calls sequentially with
// maxConcurrentCallsPerWorker = 1
tape('single concurrent call', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({
maxConcurrentWorkers: 1
, maxConcurrentCallsPerWorker: 1
, maxCallsPerWorker: Infinity
, autoStart: true
}, childPath)
, defer = 20
, count = 100
, i = count
, cbc = 0
setTimeout(function () {
let start =
while (i--) {
child(defer, function () {
if (++cbc == count) {
let time = - start
// upper-limit tied closely to `count`, 1.3 is generous but accounts for all the timers
// coming back at the same time and the IPC overhead
t.ok(time > (defer * count) && time < (defer * count * 1.3), 'processed tasks sequentially (' + time + ')')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
} else if (cbc > count)'too many callbacks!')
}, 250)
// use timing to confirm that one child processes *only* 5 calls concurrently
tape('multiple concurrent calls', function (t) {
let callsPerWorker = 5
, child = workerFarm({
maxConcurrentWorkers: 1
, maxConcurrentCallsPerWorker: callsPerWorker
, maxCallsPerWorker: Infinity
, autoStart: true
}, childPath)
, defer = 100
, count = 100
, i = count
, cbc = 0
setTimeout(function () {
let start =
while (i--) {
child(defer, function () {
if (++cbc == count) {
let time = - start
let min = defer * 1.5
// (defer * (count / callsPerWorker + 2)) - if precise it'd be count/callsPerWorker
// but accounting for IPC and other overhead, we need to give it a bit of extra time,
// hence the +2
let max = defer * (count / callsPerWorker + 2)
t.ok(time > min && time < max, 'processed tasks concurrently (' + time + ' > ' + min + ' && ' + time + ' < ' + max + ')')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
} else if (cbc > count)'too many callbacks!')
}, 250)
// call a method that will die with a probability of 0.5 but expect that
// we'll get results for each of our calls anyway
tape('durability', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 2 }, childPath, [ 'killable' ])
, ids = []
, pids = []
, count = 20
, i = count
while (i--) {
child.killable(i, function (err, id, pid) {
if (ids.length == count) {
t.ok(uniq(pids).length > 2, 'processed by many (' + uniq(pids).length + ') workers, but got there in the end!')
t.ok(uniq(ids).length == count, 'received a single result for each unique call')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
} else if (ids.length > count)'too many callbacks!')
// a callback provided to .end() can and will be called (uses "simple, exports=function test" to create a child)
tape('simple, end callback', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm(childPath)
child(0, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(pid >, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(pid < + 750, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(rnd >= 0 && rnd < 1, 'rnd result makes sense')
workerFarm.end(child, function() {
t.pass('an .end() callback was successfully called')
tape('call timeout test', function (t) {
t.plan(3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 1)
let child = workerFarm({ maxCallTime: 250, maxConcurrentWorkers: 1 }, childPath)
// should come back ok
child(50, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(pid >, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(pid < + 750, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(rnd > 0 && rnd < 1, 'rnd result makes sense ' + rnd)
// should come back ok
child(50, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(pid >, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(pid < + 750, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(rnd > 0 && rnd < 1, 'rnd result makes sense ' + rnd)
// should die
child(500, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(err, 'got an error')
t.equal(err.type, 'TimeoutError', 'correct error type')
t.ok(pid === undefined, 'no pid')
t.ok(rnd === undefined, 'no rnd')
// should die
child(1000, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(err, 'got an error')
t.equal(err.type, 'TimeoutError', 'correct error type')
t.ok(pid === undefined, 'no pid')
t.ok(rnd === undefined, 'no rnd')
// should die even though it is only a 100ms task, it'll get caught up
// in a dying worker
setTimeout(function () {
child(100, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(err, 'got an error')
t.equal(err.type, 'TimeoutError', 'correct error type')
t.ok(pid === undefined, 'no pid')
t.ok(rnd === undefined, 'no rnd')
}, 200)
// should be ok, new worker
setTimeout(function () {
child(50, function (err, pid, rnd) {
t.ok(pid >, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(pid < + 750, 'pid makes sense ' + pid + ' vs ' +
t.ok(rnd > 0 && rnd < 1, 'rnd result makes sense ' + rnd)
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
}, 400)
tape('test error passing', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm(childPath, [ 'err' ])
child.err('Error', 'this is an Error', function (err) {
t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'is an Error object')
t.equal('Error', err.type, 'correct type')
t.equal('this is an Error', err.message, 'correct message')
child.err('TypeError', 'this is a TypeError', function (err) {
t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'is a TypeError object')
t.equal('TypeError', err.type, 'correct type')
t.equal('this is a TypeError', err.message, 'correct message')
child.err('Error', 'this is an Error with custom props', {foo: 'bar', 'baz': 1}, function (err) {
t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'is an Error object')
t.equal(, 'bar', 'passes data')
t.equal(err.baz, 1, 'passes data')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
tape('test maxConcurrentCalls', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentCalls: 5 }, childPath)
child(50, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error') })
child(50, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error') })
child(50, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error') })
child(50, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error') })
child(50, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error') })
child(50, function (err) {
t.equal(err.type, 'MaxConcurrentCallsError', 'correct error type')
child(50, function (err) {
t.equal(err.type, 'MaxConcurrentCallsError', 'correct error type')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
tape('test maxConcurrentCalls + queue', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentCalls: 4, maxConcurrentWorkers: 2, maxConcurrentCallsPerWorker: 1 }, childPath)
child(20, function (err) { console.log('ended short1'); t.notOk(err, 'no error, short call 1') })
child(20, function (err) { console.log('ended short2'); t.notOk(err, 'no error, short call 2') })
child(300, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error, long call 1') })
child(300, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error, long call 2') })
child(20, function (err) {
t.ok(err, 'short call 3 should error')
t.equal(err.type, 'MaxConcurrentCallsError', 'correct error type')
child(20, function (err) {
t.ok(err, 'short call 4 should error')
t.equal(err.type, 'MaxConcurrentCallsError', 'correct error type')
// cross fingers and hope the two short jobs have ended
setTimeout(function () {
child(20, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error, delayed short call 1') })
child(20, function (err) { t.notOk(err, 'no error, delayed short call 2') })
child(20, function (err) {
t.ok(err, 'delayed short call 3 should error')
t.equal(err.type, 'MaxConcurrentCallsError', 'correct error type')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
}, 250)
// this test should not keep the process running! if the test process
// doesn't die then the problem is here
tape('test timeout kill', function (t) {
let child = workerFarm({ maxCallTime: 250, maxConcurrentWorkers: 1 }, childPath, [ 'block' ])
child.block(function (err) {
t.ok(err, 'got an error')
t.equal(err.type, 'TimeoutError', 'correct error type')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
tape('test max retries after process terminate', function (t) {
// temporary file is used to store the number of retries among terminating workers
let filepath1 = '.retries1'
let child1 = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 1, maxRetries: 5}, childPath, [ 'stubborn' ])
child1.stubborn(filepath1, function (err, result) {
t.notOk(err, 'no error')
t.equal(result, 12, 'correct result')
workerFarm.end(child1, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
let filepath2 = '.retries2'
let child2 = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 1, maxRetries: 3}, childPath, [ 'stubborn' ])
child2.stubborn(filepath2, function (err, result) {
t.ok(err, 'got an error')
t.equal(err.type, 'ProcessTerminatedError', 'correct error type')
t.equal(err.message, 'cancel after 3 retries!', 'correct message and number of retries')
workerFarm.end(child2, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
tape('custom arguments can be passed to "fork"', function (t) {
// allocate a real, valid path, in any OS
let cwd = fs.realpathSync(os.tmpdir())
, workerOptions = {
cwd : cwd
, execArgv : ['--expose-gc']
, child = workerFarm({ maxConcurrentWorkers: 1, maxRetries: 5, workerOptions: workerOptions}, childPath, ['args'])
child.args(function (err, result) {
t.equal(result.execArgv[0], '--expose-gc', 'flags passed (overridden default)')
t.equal(result.cwd, cwd, 'correct cwd folder')
workerFarm.end(child, function () {
t.ok(true, 'workerFarm ended')
tape('ensure --debug/--inspect not propagated to children', function (t) {
let script = __dirname + '/debug.js'
, debugArg = process.version.replace(/^v(\d+)\..*$/, '$1') >= 8 ? '--inspect' : '--debug=8881'
, child = child_process.spawn(process.execPath, [ debugArg, script ])
, stdout = ''
child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
stdout += data.toString()
child.on('close', function (code) {
t.equal(code, 0, 'exited without error (' + code + ')')
t.ok(stdout.indexOf('FINISHED') > -1, 'process finished')
t.ok(stdout.indexOf('--debug') === -1, 'child does not receive debug flag')