# ⚠️🔌 vue2-simplert-plugin
> Vue2-Simplert as Vue.js Plugins
[](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert-plugin) [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue2-simplert-plugin) [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue2-simplert-plugin)
## Why we need ?
When we using [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert), we will need to `import` the library in every place we need. This is very bored because we do same task in many place. In [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert) we need to access method inside using `$refs` which is not recommended. For solving those problems I reborn [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert) as Vue.js Plugins and using EventBus for open/close.
## Demo
## Install
#### Yarn
yarn add vue2-simplert-plugin
#### NPM
npm i vue2-simplert-plugin --save
## How to use
#### Import in your root project
Usually `main.js` or `index.js`
import Simplert from 'vue2-simplert-plugin'
> from v0.4.0 you need to add `vue2-simplert-plugin.css`
Or, with customize default config which still can be overrided.
import Simplert from 'vue2-simplert-plugin'
Vue.use(Simplert, {
title: 'test', //string -- title alert
message: 'message', //string -- message alert
type: 'success', //string -- type : info (default), success, warning, error
customClass: '', //string -- custom class in simplert div
customIconUrl: '', //string -- custom url custom image icon
customCloseBtnText: '', //string -- close button text
customCloseBtnClass: '', //string -- custom class for close button
onClose: this.onClose, //function -- when close triggered
useConfirmBtn: false, //boolean -- using confirm button
customConfirmBtnText: '', //string -- confirm button text
customConfirmBtnClass: '', //string -- custom class for confirm button
onConfirm: this.onConfirm, //function -- when confirm button triggered
disableOverlayClick: false, //boolean -- set to true if you want disable overlay click function
hideAllButton: false, //boolean -- set to true if you want hide all button
onOpen: null, //function -- when simplert open will fire this method if available
showXclose: true //boolean -- show x close button
for more [Methods and Props](https://mazipan.gitbooks.io/vue2-simplert/method-and-props.html)
#### Add template in your root Vue
Usually `App.vue`
#### Open/Close Popup
For open popup :
Object that pass is same with [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert), please read [wiki](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert/wiki/Methods-And-Props).
For close popup :
## Migration from [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert)
If you already use [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert) in your project, please follow this below guide :
+ Make sure you add dependency `npm i vue2-simplert-plugin --save`
+ Import and use this plugin in your main app, ex : `main.js`
import Simplert from 'vue2-simplert-plugin'
+ Remove all import [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert) in your components and/or pages, because as Plugin you dont need to import in all components
import Simplert from 'vue2-simplert'
+ Remove all adding component [vue2-simplert](https://github.com/mazipan/vue2-simplert) in your components and/or pages, because you dont need set components again
components: {Simplert}
+ Remove all template html snippet in each components
<simplert :useRadius="true"
+ Add new html snippet in root application, ex : `App.vue`
+ Change all call method open with new plugin method, you dont need to change all configuration
// change this call
// to this way
+ And **DONE** :+1: !!!
## Documentation Vue2-Simplert
- [Download](https://mazipan.gitbooks.io/vue2-simplert/download.html)
- [Usage Guide](https://mazipan.gitbooks.io/vue2-simplert/usage.html)
- [Methods And Props](https://mazipan.gitbooks.io/vue2-simplert/method-and-props.html)
- [Example Code](https://mazipan.gitbooks.io/vue2-simplert/example.html)
- [Articles](https://mazipan.gitbooks.io/vue2-simplert/articles.html)
- [FAQ](https://mazipan.gitbooks.io/vue2-simplert/faq.html)
## Credit
+ Icon from [SweetAlert](https://github.com/t4t5/sweetalert)
## Contributing
If you'd like to contribute, head to the [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). Inside you'll find directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development.

Copyright © 2017 Built with ❤️ by Irfan Maulana