StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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641 lines
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641 lines
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4 years ago
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('vega-util'), require('d3-array'), require('d3-scale'), require('d3-interpolate')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'vega-util', 'd3-array', 'd3-scale', 'd3-interpolate'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.vega = {}, global.vega, global.d3, global.d3, global.d3));
}(this, (function (exports, vegaUtil, d3Array, $, $$1) { 'use strict';
function bandSpace(count, paddingInner, paddingOuter) {
var space = count - paddingInner + paddingOuter * 2;
return count ? (space > 0 ? space : 1) : 0;
const Identity = 'identity';
const Linear = 'linear';
const Log = 'log';
const Pow = 'pow';
const Sqrt = 'sqrt';
const Symlog = 'symlog';
const Time = 'time';
const UTC = 'utc';
const Sequential = 'sequential';
const Diverging = 'diverging';
const Quantile = 'quantile';
const Quantize = 'quantize';
const Threshold = 'threshold';
const Ordinal = 'ordinal';
const Point = 'point';
const Band = 'band';
const BinOrdinal = 'bin-ordinal';
// categories
const Continuous = 'continuous';
const Discrete = 'discrete';
const Discretizing = 'discretizing';
const Interpolating = 'interpolating';
const Temporal = 'temporal';
function invertRange(scale) {
return function(_) {
var lo = _[0],
hi = _[1],
if (hi < lo) {
t = lo;
lo = hi;
hi = t;
return [
function invertRangeExtent(scale) {
return function(_) {
var range = scale.range(),
lo = _[0],
hi = _[1],
min = -1, max, t, i, n;
if (hi < lo) {
t = lo;
lo = hi;
hi = t;
for (i=0, n=range.length; i<n; ++i) {
if (range[i] >= lo && range[i] <= hi) {
if (min < 0) min = i;
max = i;
if (min < 0) return undefined;
lo = scale.invertExtent(range[min]);
hi = scale.invertExtent(range[max]);
return [
lo[0] === undefined ? lo[1] : lo[0],
hi[1] === undefined ? hi[0] : hi[1]
function band() {
var scale = $.scaleOrdinal().unknown(undefined),
domain = scale.domain,
ordinalRange = scale.range,
range = [0, 1],
round = false,
paddingInner = 0,
paddingOuter = 0,
align = 0.5;
delete scale.unknown;
function rescale() {
var n = domain().length,
reverse = range[1] < range[0],
start = range[reverse - 0],
stop = range[1 - reverse],
space = bandSpace(n, paddingInner, paddingOuter);
step = (stop - start) / (space || 1);
if (round) {
step = Math.floor(step);
start += (stop - start - step * (n - paddingInner)) * align;
bandwidth = step * (1 - paddingInner);
if (round) {
start = Math.round(start);
bandwidth = Math.round(bandwidth);
var values = d3Array.range(n).map(function(i) { return start + step * i; });
return ordinalRange(reverse ? values.reverse() : values);
scale.domain = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
return rescale();
} else {
return domain();
scale.range = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
range = [+_[0], +_[1]];
return rescale();
} else {
return range.slice();
scale.rangeRound = function(_) {
range = [+_[0], +_[1]];
round = true;
return rescale();
scale.bandwidth = function() {
return bandwidth;
scale.step = function() {
return step;
scale.round = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
round = !!_;
return rescale();
} else {
return round;
scale.padding = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
paddingOuter = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, _));
paddingInner = paddingOuter;
return rescale();
} else {
return paddingInner;
scale.paddingInner = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
paddingInner = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, _));
return rescale();
} else {
return paddingInner;
scale.paddingOuter = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
paddingOuter = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, _));
return rescale();
} else {
return paddingOuter;
scale.align = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
align = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, _));
return rescale();
} else {
return align;
scale.invertRange = function(_) {
// bail if range has null or undefined values
if (_[0] == null || _[1] == null) return;
var lo = +_[0],
hi = +_[1],
reverse = range[1] < range[0],
values = reverse ? ordinalRange().reverse() : ordinalRange(),
n = values.length - 1, a, b, t;
// bail if either range endpoint is invalid
if (lo !== lo || hi !== hi) return;
// order range inputs, bail if outside of scale range
if (hi < lo) {
t = lo;
lo = hi;
hi = t;
if (hi < values[0] || lo > range[1-reverse]) return;
// binary search to index into scale range
a = Math.max(0, d3Array.bisectRight(values, lo) - 1);
b = lo===hi ? a : d3Array.bisectRight(values, hi) - 1;
// increment index a if lo is within padding gap
if (lo - values[a] > bandwidth + 1e-10) ++a;
if (reverse) {
// map + swap
t = a;
a = n - b;
b = n - t;
return (a > b) ? undefined : domain().slice(a, b+1);
scale.invert = function(_) {
var value = scale.invertRange([_, _]);
return value ? value[0] : value;
scale.copy = function() {
return band()
return rescale();
function pointish(scale) {
var copy = scale.copy;
scale.padding = scale.paddingOuter;
delete scale.paddingInner;
scale.copy = function() {
return pointish(copy());
return scale;
function point() {
return pointish(band().paddingInner(1));
var map =;
function numbers(_) {
return, function(x) { return +x; });
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
function scaleBinOrdinal() {
var domain = [],
range = [];
function scale(x) {
return x == null || x !== x
? undefined
: range[(d3Array.bisect(domain, x) - 1) % range.length];
scale.domain = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
domain = numbers(_);
return scale;
} else {
return domain.slice();
scale.range = function(_) {
if (arguments.length) {
range =;
return scale;
} else {
return range.slice();
scale.tickFormat = function(count, specifier) {
return $.tickFormat(domain[0], vegaUtil.peek(domain), count == null ? 10 : count, specifier);
scale.copy = function() {
return scaleBinOrdinal().domain(scale.domain()).range(scale.range());
return scale;
// scale registry
const scales = {};
* Augment scales with their type and needed inverse methods.
function create(type, constructor, metadata) {
const ctr = function scale() {
var s = constructor();
if (!s.invertRange) {
s.invertRange = s.invert ? invertRange(s)
: s.invertExtent ? invertRangeExtent(s)
: undefined;
s.type = type;
return s;
ctr.metadata = vegaUtil.toSet(vegaUtil.array(metadata));
return ctr;
function scale(type, scale, metadata) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
scales[type] = create(type, scale, metadata);
return this;
} else {
return isValidScaleType(type) ? scales[type] : undefined;
// identity scale
scale(Identity, $.scaleIdentity);
// continuous scales
scale(Linear, $.scaleLinear, Continuous);
scale(Log, $.scaleLog, [Continuous, Log]);
scale(Pow, $.scalePow, Continuous);
scale(Sqrt, $.scaleSqrt, Continuous);
scale(Symlog, $.scaleSymlog, Continuous);
scale(Time, $.scaleTime, [Continuous, Temporal]);
scale(UTC, $.scaleUtc, [Continuous, Temporal]);
// sequential scales
scale(Sequential, $.scaleSequential, [Continuous, Interpolating]); // backwards compat
scale(`${Sequential}-${Linear}`, $.scaleSequential, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
scale(`${Sequential}-${Log}`, $.scaleSequentialLog, [Continuous, Interpolating, Log]);
scale(`${Sequential}-${Pow}`, $.scaleSequentialPow, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
scale(`${Sequential}-${Sqrt}`, $.scaleSequentialSqrt, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
scale(`${Sequential}-${Symlog}`, $.scaleSequentialSymlog, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
// diverging scales
scale(`${Diverging}-${Linear}`, $.scaleDiverging, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
scale(`${Diverging}-${Log}`, $.scaleDivergingLog, [Continuous, Interpolating, Log]);
scale(`${Diverging}-${Pow}`, $.scaleDivergingPow, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
scale(`${Diverging}-${Sqrt}`, $.scaleDivergingSqrt, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
scale(`${Diverging}-${Symlog}`, $.scaleDivergingSymlog, [Continuous, Interpolating]);
// discretizing scales
scale(Quantile, $.scaleQuantile, [Discretizing, Quantile]);
scale(Quantize, $.scaleQuantize, Discretizing);
scale(Threshold, $.scaleThreshold, Discretizing);
// discrete scales
scale(BinOrdinal, scaleBinOrdinal, [Discrete, Discretizing]);
scale(Ordinal, $.scaleOrdinal, Discrete);
scale(Band, band, Discrete);
scale(Point, point, Discrete);
function isValidScaleType(type) {
return vegaUtil.hasOwnProperty(scales, type);
function hasType(key, type) {
const s = scales[key];
return s && s.metadata[type];
function isContinuous(key) {
return hasType(key, Continuous);
function isDiscrete(key) {
return hasType(key, Discrete);
function isDiscretizing(key) {
return hasType(key, Discretizing);
function isLogarithmic(key) {
return hasType(key, Log);
function isTemporal(key) {
return hasType(key, Temporal);
function isInterpolating(key) {
return hasType(key, Interpolating);
function isQuantile(key) {
return hasType(key, Quantile);
const scaleProps = ['clamp', 'base', 'constant', 'exponent'];
function interpolateRange(interpolator, range) {
var start = range[0],
span = vegaUtil.peek(range) - start;
return function(i) { return interpolator(start + i * span); };
function interpolateColors(colors, type, gamma) {
return $$1.piecewise(interpolate(type || 'rgb', gamma), colors);
function quantizeInterpolator(interpolator, count) {
var samples = new Array(count),
n = count + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < count;) samples[i] = interpolator(++i / n);
return samples;
function scaleCopy(scale) {
const t = scale.type,
s = scale.copy();
s.type = t;
return s;
function scaleFraction(scale$1, min, max) {
var delta = max - min, i, t, s;
if (!delta || !Number.isFinite(delta)) {
return vegaUtil.constant(0.5);
} else {
i = (t = scale$1.type).indexOf('-');
t = i < 0 ? t : t.slice(i + 1);
s = scale(t)().domain([min, max]).range([0, 1]);
scaleProps.forEach(m => scale$1[m] ? s[m](scale$1[m]()) : 0);
return s;
function interpolate(type, gamma) {
var interp = $$1[method(type)];
return (gamma != null && interp && interp.gamma)
? interp.gamma(gamma)
: interp;
function method(type) {
return 'interpolate' + type.toLowerCase()
.map(function(s) { return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1); })
const continuous = {
blues: 'cfe1f2bed8eca8cee58fc1de74b2d75ba3cf4592c63181bd206fb2125ca40a4a90',
greens: 'd3eecdc0e6baabdda594d3917bc77d60ba6c46ab5e329a512089430e7735036429',
greys: 'e2e2e2d4d4d4c4c4c4b1b1b19d9d9d8888887575756262624d4d4d3535351e1e1e',
oranges: 'fdd8b3fdc998fdb87bfda55efc9244f87f2cf06b18e4580bd14904b93d029f3303',
purples: 'e2e1efd4d4e8c4c5e0b4b3d6a3a0cc928ec3827cb97566ae684ea25c3696501f8c',
reds: 'fdc9b4fcb49afc9e80fc8767fa7051f6573fec3f2fdc2a25c81b1db21218970b13',
blueGreen: 'd5efedc1e8e0a7ddd18bd2be70c6a958ba9144ad77319c5d2089460e7736036429',
bluePurple: 'ccddecbad0e4a8c2dd9ab0d4919cc98d85be8b6db28a55a6873c99822287730f71',
greenBlue: 'd3eecec5e8c3b1e1bb9bd8bb82cec269c2ca51b2cd3c9fc7288abd1675b10b60a1',
orangeRed: 'fddcaffdcf9bfdc18afdad77fb9562f67d53ee6545e24932d32d1ebf130da70403',
purpleBlue: 'dbdaebc8cee4b1c3de97b7d87bacd15b9fc93a90c01e7fb70b70ab056199045281',
purpleBlueGreen: 'dbd8eac8cee4b0c3de93b7d872acd1549fc83892bb1c88a3097f8702736b016353',
purpleRed: 'dcc9e2d3b3d7ce9eccd186c0da6bb2e14da0e23189d91e6fc61159ab07498f023a',
redPurple: 'fccfccfcbec0faa9b8f98faff571a5ec539ddb3695c41b8aa908808d0179700174',
yellowGreen: 'e4f4acd1eca0b9e2949ed68880c97c62bb6e47aa5e3297502083440e723b036034',
yellowOrangeBrown: 'feeaa1fedd84fecc63feb746fca031f68921eb7215db5e0bc54c05ab3d038f3204',
yellowOrangeRed: 'fee087fed16ffebd59fea849fd903efc7335f9522bee3423de1b20ca0b22af0225',
blueOrange: '134b852f78b35da2cb9dcae1d2e5eff2f0ebfce0bafbbf74e8932fc5690d994a07',
brownBlueGreen: '704108a0651ac79548e3c78af3e6c6eef1eac9e9e48ed1c74da79e187a72025147',
purpleGreen: '5b1667834792a67fb6c9aed3e6d6e8eff0efd9efd5aedda971bb75368e490e5e29',
purpleOrange: '4114696647968f83b7b9b4d6dadbebf3eeeafce0bafbbf74e8932fc5690d994a07',
redBlue: '8c0d25bf363adf745ef4ae91fbdbc9f2efeed2e5ef9dcae15da2cb2f78b3134b85',
redGrey: '8c0d25bf363adf745ef4ae91fcdccbfaf4f1e2e2e2c0c0c0969696646464343434',
yellowGreenBlue: 'eff9bddbf1b4bde5b594d5b969c5be45b4c22c9ec02182b82163aa23479c1c3185',
redYellowBlue: 'a50026d4322cf16e43fcac64fedd90faf8c1dcf1ecabd6e875abd04a74b4313695',
redYellowGreen: 'a50026d4322cf16e43fcac63fedd8df9f7aed7ee8ea4d86e64bc6122964f006837',
pinkYellowGreen: '8e0152c0267edd72adf0b3d6faddedf5f3efe1f2cab6de8780bb474f9125276419',
spectral: '9e0142d13c4bf0704afcac63fedd8dfbf8b0e0f3a1a9dda269bda94288b55e4fa2',
viridis: '440154470e61481a6c482575472f7d443a834144873d4e8a39568c35608d31688e2d708e2a788e27818e23888e21918d1f988b1fa08822a8842ab07f35b77943bf7154c56866cc5d7ad1518fd744a5db36bcdf27d2e21be9e51afde725',
magma: '0000040404130b0924150e3720114b2c11603b0f704a107957157e651a80721f817f24828c29819a2e80a8327db6377ac43c75d1426fde4968e95462f1605df76f5cfa7f5efc8f65fe9f6dfeaf78febf84fece91fddea0fcedaffcfdbf',
inferno: '0000040403130c0826170c3b240c4f330a5f420a68500d6c5d126e6b176e781c6d86216b932667a12b62ae305cbb3755c73e4cd24644dd513ae65c30ed6925f3771af8850ffb9506fca50afcb519fac62df6d645f2e661f3f484fcffa4',
plasma: '0d088723069033059742039d5002a25d01a66a00a87801a88405a7900da49c179ea72198b12a90ba3488c33d80cb4779d35171da5a69e16462e76e5bed7953f2834cf68f44fa9a3dfca636fdb32ffec029fcce25f9dc24f5ea27f0f921',
rainbow: '6e40aa883eb1a43db3bf3cafd83fa4ee4395fe4b83ff576eff6659ff7847ff8c38f3a130e2b72fcfcc36bee044aff05b8ff4576ff65b52f6673af27828ea8d1ddfa319d0b81cbecb23abd82f96e03d82e14c6edb5a5dd0664dbf6e40aa',
sinebow: 'ff4040fc582af47218e78d0bd5a703bfbf00a7d5038de70b72f41858fc2a40ff402afc5818f4720be78d03d5a700bfbf03a7d50b8de71872f42a58fc4040ff582afc7218f48d0be7a703d5bf00bfd503a7e70b8df41872fc2a58ff4040',
browns: 'eedbbdecca96e9b97ae4a865dc9856d18954c7784cc0673fb85536ad44339f3632',
tealBlues: 'bce4d89dd3d181c3cb65b3c245a2b9368fae347da0306a932c5985',
teals: 'bbdfdfa2d4d58ac9c975bcbb61b0af4da5a43799982b8b8c1e7f7f127273006667',
warmGreys: 'dcd4d0cec5c1c0b8b4b3aaa7a59c9998908c8b827f7e7673726866665c5a59504e',
goldGreen: 'f4d166d5ca60b6c35c98bb597cb25760a6564b9c533f8f4f33834a257740146c36',
goldOrange: 'f4d166f8be5cf8aa4cf5983bf3852aef701be2621fd65322c54923b142239e3a26',
goldRed: 'f4d166f6be59f9aa51fc964ef6834bee734ae56249db5247cf4244c43141b71d3e',
lightGreyRed: 'efe9e6e1dad7d5cbc8c8bdb9bbaea9cd967ddc7b43e15f19df4011dc000b',
lightGreyTeal: 'e4eaead6dcddc8ced2b7c2c7a6b4bc64b0bf22a6c32295c11f85be1876bc',
lightMulti: 'e0f1f2c4e9d0b0de9fd0e181f6e072f6c053f3993ef77440ef4a3c',
lightOrange: 'f2e7daf7d5baf9c499fab184fa9c73f68967ef7860e8645bde515bd43d5b',
lightTealBlue: 'e3e9e0c0dccf9aceca7abfc859afc0389fb9328dad2f7ca0276b95255988',
darkBlue: '3232322d46681a5c930074af008cbf05a7ce25c0dd38daed50f3faffffff',
darkGold: '3c3c3c584b37725e348c7631ae8b2bcfa424ecc31ef9de30fff184ffffff',
darkGreen: '3a3a3a215748006f4d048942489e4276b340a6c63dd2d836ffeb2cffffaa',
darkMulti: '3737371f5287197d8c29a86995ce3fffe800ffffff',
darkRed: '3434347036339e3c38cc4037e75d1eec8620eeab29f0ce32ffeb2c'
const discrete = {
category10: '1f77b4ff7f0e2ca02cd627289467bd8c564be377c27f7f7fbcbd2217becf',
category20: '1f77b4aec7e8ff7f0effbb782ca02c98df8ad62728ff98969467bdc5b0d58c564bc49c94e377c2f7b6d27f7f7fc7c7c7bcbd22dbdb8d17becf9edae5',
category20b: '393b795254a36b6ecf9c9ede6379398ca252b5cf6bcedb9c8c6d31bd9e39e7ba52e7cb94843c39ad494ad6616be7969c7b4173a55194ce6dbdde9ed6',
category20c: '3182bd6baed69ecae1c6dbefe6550dfd8d3cfdae6bfdd0a231a35474c476a1d99bc7e9c0756bb19e9ac8bcbddcdadaeb636363969696bdbdbdd9d9d9',
tableau10: '4c78a8f58518e4575672b7b254a24beeca3bb279a2ff9da69d755dbab0ac',
tableau20: '4c78a89ecae9f58518ffbf7954a24b88d27ab79a20f2cf5b43989483bcb6e45756ff9d9879706ebab0acd67195fcbfd2b279a2d6a5c99e765fd8b5a5',
accent: '7fc97fbeaed4fdc086ffff99386cb0f0027fbf5b17666666',
dark2: '1b9e77d95f027570b3e7298a66a61ee6ab02a6761d666666',
paired: 'a6cee31f78b4b2df8a33a02cfb9a99e31a1cfdbf6fff7f00cab2d66a3d9affff99b15928',
pastel1: 'fbb4aeb3cde3ccebc5decbe4fed9a6ffffcce5d8bdfddaecf2f2f2',
pastel2: 'b3e2cdfdcdaccbd5e8f4cae4e6f5c9fff2aef1e2cccccccc',
set1: 'e41a1c377eb84daf4a984ea3ff7f00ffff33a65628f781bf999999',
set2: '66c2a5fc8d628da0cbe78ac3a6d854ffd92fe5c494b3b3b3',
set3: '8dd3c7ffffb3bebadafb807280b1d3fdb462b3de69fccde5d9d9d9bc80bdccebc5ffed6f'
function colors(palette) {
var n = palette.length / 6 | 0, c = new Array(n), i = 0;
while (i < n) c[i] = '#' + palette.slice(i * 6, ++i * 6);
return c;
function apply(_, f) {
for (let k in _) scheme(k, f(_[k]));
const schemes = {};
apply(discrete, colors);
apply(continuous, _ => interpolateColors(colors(_)));
function scheme(name, scheme) {
name = name && name.toLowerCase();
if (arguments.length > 1) {
schemes[name] = scheme;
return this;
} else {
return schemes[name];
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'scaleImplicit', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return $.scaleImplicit;
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'tickFormat', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return $.tickFormat;
exports.Band = Band;
exports.BinOrdinal = BinOrdinal;
exports.Diverging = Diverging;
exports.Identity = Identity;
exports.Linear = Linear;
exports.Log = Log;
exports.Ordinal = Ordinal;
exports.Point = Point;
exports.Pow = Pow;
exports.Quantile = Quantile;
exports.Quantize = Quantize;
exports.Sequential = Sequential;
exports.Sqrt = Sqrt;
exports.Symlog = Symlog;
exports.Threshold = Threshold;
exports.Time = Time;
exports.UTC = UTC;
exports.bandSpace = bandSpace;
exports.interpolate = interpolate;
exports.interpolateColors = interpolateColors;
exports.interpolateRange = interpolateRange;
exports.isContinuous = isContinuous;
exports.isDiscrete = isDiscrete;
exports.isDiscretizing = isDiscretizing;
exports.isInterpolating = isInterpolating;
exports.isLogarithmic = isLogarithmic;
exports.isQuantile = isQuantile;
exports.isTemporal = isTemporal;
exports.isValidScaleType = isValidScaleType;
exports.quantizeInterpolator = quantizeInterpolator;
exports.scale = scale;
exports.scaleCopy = scaleCopy;
exports.scaleFraction = scaleFraction;
exports.scheme = scheme;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });