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4 years ago
* templates <>
* Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert.
* Licensed under the MIT License.
'use strict';
var Base = require('base');
var debug = require('debug')('base:templates');
var helpers = require('./lib/helpers/');
var plugin = require('./lib/plugins/');
var utils = require('./lib/utils');
var lib = require('./lib/');
* Expose `Templates`
module.exports = exports = Templates;
* This function is the main export of the templates module.
* Initialize an instance of `templates` to create your
* application.
* ```js
* var templates = require('templates');
* var app = templates();
* ```
* @param {Object} `options`
* @api public
function Templates(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Templates)) {
return new Templates(options);
|, null, options);
this.define('isApp', true);
* Inherit `Base` and load static plugins
plugin.static(Base, Templates, 'Templates');
* Initialize Templates
Templates.prototype.initTemplates = function() {
debug('initializing <%s>, called from <%s>', __filename,;
Templates.emit('templates.preInit', this);
this.items = {};
this.views = {};
this.inflections = {};
// listen for options events
this.define('utils', utils);
this.use(plugin.item('item', 'Item'));
this.use(plugin.item('view', 'View'));
for (var key in this.options.mixins) {
this.mixin(key, this.options.mixins[key]);
// create an async `view` helper
// expose constructors on the instance
Templates.setup(this, 'Templates');
Templates.emit('templates.postInit', this);
* Expose constructors on app instance, allowing them to be
* overridden by the user after Templates is instantiated.
Templates.prototype.expose = function(name) {
this.define(name, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this.options[name] || Templates[name];
* Listen for events
Templates.prototype.listen = function(app) {
this.on('option', function(key, value) {
utils.updateOptions(app, key, value);
// ensure that plugins are loaded onto collections
// created after the plugins are registered
this.on('use', function(fn, app) {
if (!fn) return;
for (var key in app.views) {
if (app.views.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
* Create a new list. See the [list docs](docs/ for more
* information about lists.
* ```js
* var list = app.list();
* list.addItem('abc', {content: '...'});
* // or, create list from a collection
* app.create('pages');
* var list = app.list(app.pages);
* ```
* @param {Object} `opts` List options
* @return {Object} Returns the `list` instance for chaining.
* @api public
Templates.prototype.list = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if (!opts.isList) {
utils.defaults(opts, this.options);
var List = opts.List || this.get('List');
var list = {};
if (opts.isList === true || opts instanceof List) {
list = opts;
} else {
opts.Item = opts.Item || opts.View || this.get('Item');
list = new List(opts);
// customize list items
this.extendList(list, opts);
// emit the list
this.emit('list', list, opts);
return list;
* Create a new collection. Collections are decorated with
* special methods for getting and setting items from the
* collection. Note that, unlike the [create](#create) method,
* collections created with `.collection()` are not cached.
* See the [collection docs](docs/ for more
* information about collections.
* @param {Object} `opts` Collection options
* @return {Object} Returns the `collection` instance for chaining.
* @api public
Templates.prototype.collection = function(opts, created) {
opts = opts || {};
if (!opts.isCollection) {
utils.defaults(opts, this.options);
var Collection = opts.Collection || opts.Views || this.get('Views');
var collection = {};
if (opts.isCollection === true) {
collection = opts;
} else {
opts.Item = opts.Item || opts.View || this.get('View');
collection = new Collection(opts);
if (created !== true) {
// if it's a view collection, prime the viewType(s)
if (collection.isViews) {
// run collection plugins
// emit the collection
this.emit('collection', collection, opts);
this.extendViews(collection, opts);
// add collection and view helpers
helpers.singular(this, collection);
helpers.plural(this, collection);
} else {
// emit the collection
this.emit('collection', collection, opts);
return collection;
* Create a new view collection to be stored on the `app.views` object. See
* the [create docs](docs/ for more details.
* @param {String} `name` The name of the collection to create. Plural or singular form may be used, as the inflections are automatically resolved when the collection
* is created.
* @param {Object} `opts` Collection options
* @return {Object} Returns the `collection` instance for chaining.
* @api public
Templates.prototype.create = function(name, opts) {
debug('creating view collection: "%s"', name);
opts = opts || {};
if (!opts.isCollection) {
opts = utils.merge({}, this.options, opts);
// emit the collection name and options
this.emit('create', name, opts);
// create the actual collection
var collection = this.collection(opts, true);
utils.setInstanceNames(collection, name);
// get the collection inflections, e.g. page/pages
var single = utils.single(name);
var plural = utils.plural(name);
// map the inflections for lookups
this.inflections[single] = plural;
// add inflections to collection options
collection.option('inflection', single);
collection.option('plural', plural);
// prime the viewType(s) for the collection
this.viewType(plural, collection.viewType());
// add the collection to `app.views`
this.views[plural] = collection.items || collection.views;
// create loader functions for adding views to this collection
this.define(plural, function() {
return collection.addViews.apply(collection, arguments);
this.define(single, function() {
return collection.addView.apply(collection, arguments);
/* eslint-disable no-proto */
// decorate loader methods with collection methods
this[plural].__proto__ = collection;
this[single].__proto__ = collection;
// create aliases on the collection for
// addView/addViews to support chaining
collection.define(plural, this[plural]);
collection.define(single, this[single]);
// run collection plugins
// decorate collection and views in collection
// (this is a prototype method to allow overriding behavior)
this.extendViews(collection, opts);
// emit create
this.emit('postCreate', collection, opts);
// add collection and view helpers
helpers.singular(this, collection);
helpers.plural(this, collection);
return collection;
* Decorate or override methods on a view created by a collection.
Templates.prototype.extendView = function(view, options) {
plugin.view(this, view, options);
return this;
* Decorate or override methods on a view collection instance.
Templates.prototype.extendViews = function(views, options) {
plugin.views(this, views, options);
return this;
* Decorate or override methods on a view collection instance.
Templates.prototype.extendList = function(views, options) {
plugin.list(this, views, options);
return this;
* Resolve the name of the layout to use for `view`
Templates.prototype.resolveLayout = function(view) {
debug('resolving layout for "%s"', view.key);
if (!utils.isPartial(view) && typeof view.layout === 'undefined') {
if (view.options && view.options.collection) {
var collection = this[view.options.collection];
var layout = collection.resolveLayout(view);
if (typeof layout === 'undefined') {
layout = this.option('layout');
return layout;
return view.layout;
* Expose static `setup` method for providing access to an
* instance before any other code is run.
* ```js
* function App(options) {
*, options);
* Templates.setup(this);
* }
* Templates.extend(App);
* ```
* @param {Object} `app` Application instance
* @param {String} `name` Optionally pass the constructor name to use.
* @return {undefined}
* @api public
Templates.setup = function(app, name) {
var setup = app.options['init' + name ||];
if (typeof setup === 'function') {
|, app, app.options);
* Expose constructors as static methods.
Templates.Base = Base;
Templates.Collection = lib.collection;
Templates.List = lib.list;
Templates.Group =;
Templates.Views = lib.views;
Templates.Item = lib.item;
Templates.View = lib.view;
* Expose properties for unit tests
utils.define(Templates, 'utils', utils);
utils.define(Templates, '_', { lib: lib, plugin: plugin });