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# templates []( []( [](
System for creating and managing template collections, and rendering templates with any node.js template engine. Can be used as the basis for creating a static site generator or blog framework.
## Table of Contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Features](#features)
- [Usage](#usage)
* [Example](#example)
- [API](#api)
* [Common](#common)
+ [.option](#option)
+ [.use](#use)
* [App](#app)
* [Engines](#engines)
* [Helpers](#helpers)
* [Built-in helpers](#built-in-helpers)
* [View](#view)
+ [View Data](#view-data)
* [Item](#item)
+ [Item Data](#item-data)
* [Views](#views)
+ [Views Data](#views-data)
+ [Lookup methods](#lookup-methods)
* [Collections](#collections)
* [List](#list)
* [Group](#group)
* [Lookups](#lookups)
* [Rendering](#rendering)
* [Context](#context)
* [Middleware](#middleware)
* [is](#is)
- [More examples](#more-examples)
- [History](#history)
- [About](#about)
* [Related projects](#related-projects)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Building docs](#building-docs)
* [Running tests](#running-tests)
* [Author](#author)
* [License](#license)
_(TOC generated by [verb]( using [markdown-toc](
## Install
Install with [npm](
$ npm install --save templates
## Features
* templates are [vinyl]( files
* rich plugin support, use any [base]( plugin!
* render templates with any [template engine](#engine), including [nunjucks](, [handlebars](, [lodash]( and any consolidate engine!
* [helpers](#helpers): support for sync and async
* [templates collections](#collections) support
* partials and includes
* layouts
* pages
* custom template "types"
* pagination
* [permalinks](
* [middleware](#middleware) can be used to tranform files at any stage in the render cycle
* pagination
* Much more!
## Usage
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
### Example
// register an engine to automatically render `md` files
app.engine('md', require('engine-lodash'));
// create a template collection
// add a template to the collection
|'', {content: 'This is the <%= title %> page'});
// render it
app.render('', {title: 'Home'}, function(err, view) {
//=> 'This is the Home page'
## API
### Common
This section describes API features that are shared by all Templates classes.
#### .option
Set or get an option value.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Pass a key-value pair or an object to set.
* `val` **{any}**: Any value when a key-value pair is passed. This can also be options if a glob pattern is passed as the first value.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining.
app.option('a', 'b');
app.option({c: 'd'});
//=> {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
#### .use
Run a plugin on the given instance. Plugins are invoked immediately upon instantiating in the order in which they were defined.
The simplest plugin looks something like the following:
app.use(function(inst) {
// do something to `inst`
Note that `inst` is the instance of the class you're instantiating. So if you create an instance of `Collection`, inst is the collection instance.
* `fn` **{Function}**: Plugin function. If the plugin returns a function it will be passed to the `use` method of each item created on the instance.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining.
collection.use(function(items) {
// `items` is the instance, as is `this`
// optionally return a function to be passed to
// the `.use` method of each item created on the
// instance
return function(item) {
// do stuff to each `item`
### App
The `Templates` class is the main export of the `templates` library. All of the other classes are exposed as static properties on `Templates`:
* [Item](#Item): Collection item, powered by [vinyl-item](
* [View](#View): Collection item, powered by [vinyl-view](
* [List](#List)
* [Views](#Views):
* [Collection](#Collection): Base collections class. Use this if you need to customize the render cycle, middleware stages, and so on.
* [Group](#Group)
### [Templates](index.js#L36)
This function is the main export of the templates module. Initialize an instance of `templates` to create your application.
* `options` **{Object}**
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
### [.list](index.js#L154)
Create a new list. See the [list docs](docs/ for more information about lists.
* `opts` **{Object}**: List options
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the `list` instance for chaining.
var list = app.list();
list.addItem('abc', {content: '...'});
// or, create list from a collection
var list = app.list(app.pages);
### [.collection](index.js#L193)
Create a new collection. Collections are decorated with special methods for getting and setting items from the collection. Note that, unlike the [create](#create) method, collections created with `.collection()` are not cached.
See the [collection docs](docs/ for more
information about collections.
* `opts` **{Object}**: Collection options
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the `collection` instance for chaining.
### [.create](index.js#L245)
Create a new view collection to be stored on the `app.views` object. See
the [create docs](docs/ for more details.
* `name` **{String}**: The name of the collection to create. Plural or singular form may be used, as the inflections are automatically resolved when the collection is created.
* `opts` **{Object}**: Collection options
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the `collection` instance for chaining.
### [.setup](index.js#L375)
Expose static `setup` method for providing access to an instance before any other code is run.
* `app` **{Object}**: Application instance
* `name` **{String}**: Optionally pass the constructor name to use.
* `returns` **{undefined}**
function App(options) {
|, options);
### [.engine](node_modules/base-engines/index.js#L45)
Register a view engine callback `fn` as `ext`. Calls `.setEngine` and `.getEngine` internally.
* `exts` **{String|Array}**: String or array of file extensions.
* `fn` **{Function|Object}**: or `settings`
* `settings` **{Object}**: Optionally pass engine options as the last argument.
app.engine('hbs', require('engine-handlebars'));
// using consolidate.js
var engine = require('consolidate');
app.engine('jade', engine.jade);
app.engine('swig', engine.swig);
// get a registered engine
var swig = app.engine('swig');
### [.setEngine](node_modules/base-engines/index.js#L74)
Register engine `ext` with the given render `fn` and/or `settings`.
* `ext` **{String}**: The engine to set.
app.setEngine('hbs', require('engine-handlebars'), {
delims: ['<%', '%>']
### [.getEngine](node_modules/base-engines/index.js#L97)
Get registered engine `ext`.
* `ext` **{String}**: The engine to get.
app.engine('hbs', require('engine-handlebars'));
var engine = app.getEngine('hbs');
### [.helper](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L46)
Register a template helper.
* `name` **{String}**: Helper name
* `fn` **{Function}**: Helper function.
app.helper('upper', function(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
### [.helpers](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L67)
Register multiple template helpers.
* `helpers` **{Object|Array}**: Object, array of objects, or glob patterns.
foo: function() {},
bar: function() {},
baz: function() {}
### [.asyncHelper](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L86)
Register an async helper.
* `name` **{String}**: Helper name.
* `fn` **{Function}**: Helper function
app.asyncHelper('upper', function(str, next) {
next(null, str.toUpperCase());
### [.asyncHelpers](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L107)
Register multiple async template helpers.
* `helpers` **{Object|Array}**: Object, array of objects, or glob patterns.
foo: function() {},
bar: function() {},
baz: function() {}
### [.getHelper](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L124)
Get a previously registered helper.
* `name` **{String}**: Helper name
* `returns` **{Function}**: Returns the registered helper function.
var fn = app.getHelper('foo');
### [.getAsyncHelper](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L141)
Get a previously registered async helper.
* `name` **{String}**: Helper name
* `returns` **{Function}**: Returns the registered helper function.
var fn = app.getAsyncHelper('foo');
### [.hasHelper](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L160)
Return true if sync helper `name` is registered.
* `name` **{String}**: sync helper name
* `returns` **{Boolean}**: Returns true if the sync helper is registered
if (app.hasHelper('foo')) {
// do stuff
### [.hasAsyncHelper](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L178)
Return true if async helper `name` is registered.
* `name` **{String}**: Async helper name
* `returns` **{Boolean}**: Returns true if the async helper is registered
if (app.hasAsyncHelper('foo')) {
// do stuff
### [.helperGroup](node_modules/base-helpers/index.js#L201)
Register a namespaced helper group.
* `helpers` **{Object|Array}**: Object, array of objects, or glob patterns.
// markdown-utils
app.helperGroup('mdu', {
foo: function() {},
bar: function() {},
// Usage:
// <%= %>
// <%= %>
### Built-in helpers
### View
API for the `View` class.
### [View](node_modules/vinyl-view/index.js#L26)
Create an instance of `View`. Optionally pass a default object to use.
* `view` **{Object}**
var view = new View({
path: 'foo.html',
contents: new Buffer('...')
### [.compile](node_modules/vinyl-view/index.js#L57)
Synchronously compile a view.
* `locals` **{Object}**: Optionally pass locals to the engine.
* `returns` **{Object}** `View`: instance, for chaining.
var view = page.compile();
view.fn({title: 'A'});
view.fn({title: 'B'});
view.fn({title: 'C'});
### [.renderSync](node_modules/vinyl-view/index.js#L75)
Synchronously render templates in `view.content`.
* `locals` **{Object}**: Optionally pass locals to the engine.
* `returns` **{Object}** `View`: instance, for chaining.
var view = new View({content: 'This is <%= title %>'});
view.renderSync({title: 'Home'});
### [.render](node_modules/vinyl-view/index.js#L101)
Asynchronously render templates in `view.content`.
* `locals` **{Object}**: Context to use for rendering templates.
view.render({title: 'Home'}, function(err, res) {
//=> view object with rendered `content`
### [.context](node_modules/vinyl-view/index.js#L132)
Create a context object from `locals` and the `` and `view.locals` objects. The `` property is typically created from front-matter, and `view.locals` is used when a `new View()` is created.
This method be overridden either by defining a custom `view.options.context` function
to customize context for a view instance, or static [View.context](#view-context) function to customize
context for all view instances.
* `locals` **{Object}**: Optionally pass a locals object to merge onto the context.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the context object.
var page = new View({path: 'a/b/c.txt', locals: {a: 'b', c: 'd'}});
var ctx = page.context({a: 'z'});
//=> {a: 'z', c: 'd'}
### [.isType](node_modules/vinyl-view/index.js#L148)
Returns true if the view is the given `viewType`. Returns `false` if no type is assigned. When used with vinyl-collections, types are assigned by their respective collections.
* `type` **{String}**: (`renderable`, `partial`, `layout`)
var view = new View({path: 'a/b/c.txt', viewType: 'partial'})
### [.View.context](node_modules/vinyl-view/index.js#L248)
Define a custom static `View.context` function to override default `.context` behavior. See the [context](#context) docs for more info.
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**
// custom context function
View.context = function(locals) {
// `this` is the view being rendered
return locals;
### [.data](lib/plugins/context.js#L42)
Set, get and load data to be passed to templates as context at render-time.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Pass a key-value pair or an object to set.
* `val` **{any}**: Any value when a key-value pair is passed. This can also be options if a glob pattern is passed as the first value.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns an instance of `Templates` for chaining.
|'a', 'b');
|{c: 'd'});
//=> {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
### [.context](lib/plugins/context.js#L62)
Build the context for the given `view` and `locals`.
* `view` **{Object}**: The view being rendered
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: The object to be passed to engines/views as context.
### [setHelperOptions](lib/plugins/context.js#L119)
Update context in a helper so that `this.helper.options` is
the options for that specific helper.
* `context` **{Object}**
* `key` **{String}**
### [.mergePartials](lib/plugins/context.js#L309)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template
engines have no support for partials or only support one
type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `returns` **{Object}**: Merged partials
### [.mergePartialsAsync](lib/plugins/context.js#L350)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template engines
have no support for partials or only support one type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `callback` **{Function}**: Function that exposes `err` and `partials` parameters
### Item
API for the `Item` class.
### [Item](node_modules/vinyl-item/index.js#L28)
Create an instance of `Item`. Optionally pass a default object to use. See [vinyl]( docs for API details and additional documentation.
* `item` **{Object}**
var item = new Item({
path: 'foo.html',
contents: new Buffer('...')
### [.content](node_modules/vinyl-item/index.js#L184)
Normalize the `content` and `contents` properties on `item`. This is done to ensure compatibility with the vinyl convention of using `contents` as a Buffer, as well as the assemble convention of using `content` as a string. We will eventually deprecate the `content` property.
var item = new Item({path: 'foo/bar.hbs', contents: new Buffer('foo')});
//=> 'foo'
### [.engine](node_modules/vinyl-item/index.js#L206)
Getter/setter to resolve the name of the `engine` to use for rendering.
var item = new Item({path: 'foo/bar.hbs'});
//=> '.hbs'
### [.data](lib/plugins/context.js#L42)
Set, get and load data to be passed to templates as context at render-time.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Pass a key-value pair or an object to set.
* `val` **{any}**: Any value when a key-value pair is passed. This can also be options if a glob pattern is passed as the first value.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns an instance of `Templates` for chaining.
|'a', 'b');
|{c: 'd'});
//=> {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
### [.context](lib/plugins/context.js#L62)
Build the context for the given `view` and `locals`.
* `view` **{Object}**: The view being rendered
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: The object to be passed to engines/views as context.
### [setHelperOptions](lib/plugins/context.js#L119)
Update context in a helper so that `this.helper.options` is
the options for that specific helper.
* `context` **{Object}**
* `key` **{String}**
### [.mergePartials](lib/plugins/context.js#L309)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template
engines have no support for partials or only support one
type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `returns` **{Object}**: Merged partials
### [.mergePartialsAsync](lib/plugins/context.js#L350)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template engines
have no support for partials or only support one type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `callback` **{Function}**: Function that exposes `err` and `partials` parameters
### Views
API for the `Views` class.
### [Views](lib/views.js#L28)
Create an instance of `Views` with the given `options`.
* `options` **{Object}**
var collection = new Views();
collection.addView('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.addView](lib/views.js#L126)
Add a view to `collection.views`. This is identical to [addView](#addView) except `setView` returns the collection instance, and `addView` returns the item instance.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: View key or object
* `value` **{Object}**: If key is a string, value is the view object.
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the `view` instance.
collection.setView('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.setView](lib/views.js#L168)
Set a view on the collection. This is identical to [addView](#addView) except `setView` does not emit an event for each view.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: View key or object
* `value` **{Object}**: If key is a string, value is the view object.
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the `view` instance.
collection.setView('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.getView](lib/views.js#L185)
Get view `name` from `collection.views`.
* `key` **{String}**: Key of the view to get.
* `fn` **{Function}**: Optionally pass a function to modify the key.
* `returns` **{Object}**
### [.deleteView](lib/views.js#L220)
Delete a view from collection `views`.
* `key` **{String}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining
### [.addViews](lib/views.js#L244)
Load multiple views onto the collection.
* `views` **{Object|Array}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the `collection` object
'a.html': {content: '...'},
'b.html': {content: '...'},
'c.html': {content: '...'}
### [.addList](lib/views.js#L276)
Load an array of views onto the collection.
* `list` **{Array}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the `views` instance
{path: 'a.html', content: '...'},
{path: 'b.html', content: '...'},
{path: 'c.html', content: '...'}
### [.groupBy](lib/views.js#L313)
Group all collection `views` by the given property, properties or compare functions. See [group-array]( for the full range of available features and options.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns an object of grouped views.
var collection = new Collection();
var groups = collection.groupBy('', 'data.slug');
### [.isType](lib/views.js#L343)
Return true if the collection belongs to the given view `type`.
* `type` **{String}**: (`renderable`, `partial`, `layout`)
### [.viewTypes](lib/views.js#L390)
Alias for `viewType`
### [.data](lib/plugins/context.js#L42)
Set, get and load data to be passed to templates as context at render-time.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Pass a key-value pair or an object to set.
* `val` **{any}**: Any value when a key-value pair is passed. This can also be options if a glob pattern is passed as the first value.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns an instance of `Templates` for chaining.
|'a', 'b');
|{c: 'd'});
//=> {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
### [.context](lib/plugins/context.js#L62)
Build the context for the given `view` and `locals`.
* `view` **{Object}**: The view being rendered
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: The object to be passed to engines/views as context.
### [setHelperOptions](lib/plugins/context.js#L119)
Update context in a helper so that `this.helper.options` is
the options for that specific helper.
* `context` **{Object}**
* `key` **{String}**
### [.mergePartials](lib/plugins/context.js#L309)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template
engines have no support for partials or only support one
type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `returns` **{Object}**: Merged partials
### [.mergePartialsAsync](lib/plugins/context.js#L350)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template engines
have no support for partials or only support one type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `callback` **{Function}**: Function that exposes `err` and `partials` parameters
### [.find](lib/plugins/lookup.js#L25)
Find a view by `name`, optionally passing a `collection` to limit the search. If no collection is passed all `renderable` collections will be searched.
* `name` **{String}**: The name/key of the view to find
* `colleciton` **{String}**: Optionally pass a collection name (e.g. pages)
* `returns` **{Object|undefined}**: Returns the view if found, or `undefined` if not.
var page = app.find('my-page.hbs');
// optionally pass a collection name as the second argument
var page = app.find('my-page.hbs', 'pages');
### [.getView](lib/plugins/lookup.js#L64)
Get view `key` from the specified `collection`.
* `collection` **{String}**: Collection name, e.g. `pages`
* `key` **{String}**: Template name
* `fn` **{Function}**: Optionally pass a `renameKey` function
* `returns` **{Object}**
var view = app.getView('pages', 'a/b/c.hbs');
// optionally pass a `renameKey` function to modify the lookup
var view = app.getView('pages', 'a/b/c.hbs', function(fp) {
return path.basename(fp);
### [.getViews](lib/plugins/lookup.js#L103)
Get all views from a `collection` using the collection's singular or plural name.
* `name` **{String}**: The collection name, e.g. `pages` or `page`
* `returns` **{Object}**
var pages = app.getViews('pages');
//=> { pages: {'home.hbs': { ... }}
var posts = app.getViews('posts');
//=> { posts: {'': { ... }}
### Collections
API for the `Collections` class.
### [Collection](lib/collection.js#L25)
Create an instance of `Collection` with the given `options`.
* `options` **{Object}**
var collection = new Collection();
collection.addItem('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.addItem](lib/collection.js#L93)
Add an item to the collection.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Item name or object
* `val` **{Object}**: Item object, when `key` is a string.
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the `item` instance.
* `emits`: `item` With the created `item` and `collection` instance as arguments.
collection.addItem('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.setItem](lib/collection.js#L118)
Identical to `.addItem`, except the collection instance is returned instead of the item, to allow chaining.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Item name or object
* `val` **{Object}**: Item object, when `key` is a string.
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the `collection` instance.
* `emits`: `item` With the created `item` and `collection` instance as arguments.
collection.setItem('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.getItem](lib/collection.js#L134)
Get an item from `collection.items`.
* `key` **{String}**: Key of the item to get.
* `returns` **{Object}**
### [.deleteItem](lib/collection.js#L149)
Remove an item from `collection.items`.
* `key` **{String}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining
### [.addItems](lib/collection.js#L172)
Load multiple items onto the collection.
* `items` **{Object|Array}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the instance for chaining
'a.html': {content: '...'},
'b.html': {content: '...'},
'c.html': {content: '...'}
### [.addList](lib/collection.js#L196)
Load an array of items onto the collection.
* `items` **{Array}**: or an instance of `List`
* `fn` **{Function}**: Optional sync callback function that is called on each item.
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the Collection instance for chaining
{path: 'a.html', content: '...'},
{path: 'b.html', content: '...'},
{path: 'c.html', content: '...'}
### [.data](lib/plugins/context.js#L42)
Set, get and load data to be passed to templates as context at render-time.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Pass a key-value pair or an object to set.
* `val` **{any}**: Any value when a key-value pair is passed. This can also be options if a glob pattern is passed as the first value.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns an instance of `Templates` for chaining.
|'a', 'b');
|{c: 'd'});
//=> {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
### [.context](lib/plugins/context.js#L62)
Build the context for the given `view` and `locals`.
* `view` **{Object}**: The view being rendered
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: The object to be passed to engines/views as context.
### [setHelperOptions](lib/plugins/context.js#L119)
Update context in a helper so that `this.helper.options` is
the options for that specific helper.
* `context` **{Object}**
* `key` **{String}**
### [.mergePartials](lib/plugins/context.js#L309)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template
engines have no support for partials or only support one
type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `returns` **{Object}**: Merged partials
### [.mergePartialsAsync](lib/plugins/context.js#L350)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template engines
have no support for partials or only support one type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `callback` **{Function}**: Function that exposes `err` and `partials` parameters
### List
API for the `List` class.
### [List](lib/list.js#L29)
Create an instance of `List` with the given `options`. Lists differ from collections in that items are stored as an array, allowing items to be paginated, sorted, and grouped.
* `options` **{Object}**
var list = new List();
list.addItem('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.addItem](lib/list.js#L108)
Add an item to `list.items`. This is identical to [setItem](#setItem) except `addItem` returns the `item`, add `setItem` returns the instance of `List`.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Item key or object
* `value` **{Object}**: If key is a string, value is the item object.
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the `item` instance.
collection.addItem('foo', {content: 'bar'});
### [.setItem](lib/list.js#L146)
Add an item to `list.items`. This is identical to [addItem](#addItem) except `addItem` returns the `item`, add `setItem` returns the instance of `List`.
* `key` **{String}**
* `value` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance of `List` to support chaining.
var items = new Items(...);
items.setItem('a.html', {path: 'a.html', contents: '...'});
### [.addItems](lib/list.js#L166)
Load multiple items onto the collection.
* `items` **{Object|Array}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the instance for chaining
'a.html': {content: '...'},
'b.html': {content: '...'},
'c.html': {content: '...'}
### [.addList](lib/list.js#L195)
Load an array of items or the items from another instance of `List`.
* `items` **{Array}**: or an instance of `List`
* `fn` **{Function}**: Optional sync callback function that is called on each item.
* `returns` **{Object}**: returns the List instance for chaining
var foo = new List(...);
var bar = new List(...);
### [.hasItem](lib/list.js#L232)
Return true if the list has the given item (name).
* `key` **{String}**
* `returns` **{Object}**
list.addItem('foo.html', {content: '...'});
//=> true
### [.getIndex](lib/list.js#L248)
Get a the index of a specific item from the list by `key`.
* `key` **{String}**
* `returns` **{Object}**
//=> 1
### [.getItem](lib/list.js#L292)
Get a specific item from the list by `key`.
* `key` **{String}**: The item name/key.
* `returns` **{Object}**
//=> '<Item <foo.html>>'
### [.getView](lib/list.js#L311)
Proxy for `getItem`
* `key` **{String}**: Pass the key of the `item` to get.
* `returns` **{Object}**
//=> '<Item "foo.html" <buffer e2 e2 e2>>'
### [.deleteItem](lib/list.js#L325)
Remove an item from the list.
* `key` **{Object|String}**: Pass an `item` instance (object) or `item.key` (string).
### [.extendItem](lib/list.js#L344)
Decorate each item on the list with additional methods
and properties. This provides a way of easily overriding
* `item` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: Instance of item for chaining
### [.groupBy](lib/list.js#L363)
Group all list `items` using the given property, properties or compare functions. See [group-array]( for the full range of available features and options.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the grouped items.
var list = new List();
var groups = list.groupBy('', 'data.slug');
### [.sortBy](lib/list.js#L389)
Sort all list `items` using the given property, properties or compare functions. See [array-sort]( for the full range of available features and options.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns a new `List` instance with sorted items.
var list = new List();
var result = list.sortBy('');
//=> new sorted list
### [.paginate](lib/list.js#L437)
Paginate all `items` in the list with the given options, See [paginationator]( for the full range of available features and options.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the paginated items.
var list = new List(items);
var pages = list.paginate({limit: 5});
### [.data](lib/plugins/context.js#L42)
Set, get and load data to be passed to templates as context at render-time.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Pass a key-value pair or an object to set.
* `val` **{any}**: Any value when a key-value pair is passed. This can also be options if a glob pattern is passed as the first value.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns an instance of `Templates` for chaining.
|'a', 'b');
|{c: 'd'});
//=> {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
### [.context](lib/plugins/context.js#L62)
Build the context for the given `view` and `locals`.
* `view` **{Object}**: The view being rendered
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: The object to be passed to engines/views as context.
### [setHelperOptions](lib/plugins/context.js#L119)
Update context in a helper so that `this.helper.options` is
the options for that specific helper.
* `context` **{Object}**
* `key` **{String}**
### [.mergePartials](lib/plugins/context.js#L309)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template
engines have no support for partials or only support one
type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `returns` **{Object}**: Merged partials
### [.mergePartialsAsync](lib/plugins/context.js#L350)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template engines
have no support for partials or only support one type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `callback` **{Function}**: Function that exposes `err` and `partials` parameters
### Group
API for the `Group` class.
### [Group](lib/group.js#L25)
Create an instance of `Group` with the given `options`.
* `options` **{Object}**
var group = new Group({
'foo': { items: [1,2,3] }
### [.find](lib/plugins/lookup.js#L25)
Find a view by `name`, optionally passing a `collection` to limit the search. If no collection is passed all `renderable` collections will be searched.
* `name` **{String}**: The name/key of the view to find
* `colleciton` **{String}**: Optionally pass a collection name (e.g. pages)
* `returns` **{Object|undefined}**: Returns the view if found, or `undefined` if not.
var page = app.find('my-page.hbs');
// optionally pass a collection name as the second argument
var page = app.find('my-page.hbs', 'pages');
### [.getView](lib/plugins/lookup.js#L64)
Get view `key` from the specified `collection`.
* `collection` **{String}**: Collection name, e.g. `pages`
* `key` **{String}**: Template name
* `fn` **{Function}**: Optionally pass a `renameKey` function
* `returns` **{Object}**
var view = app.getView('pages', 'a/b/c.hbs');
// optionally pass a `renameKey` function to modify the lookup
var view = app.getView('pages', 'a/b/c.hbs', function(fp) {
return path.basename(fp);
### [.getViews](lib/plugins/lookup.js#L103)
Get all views from a `collection` using the collection's singular or plural name.
* `name` **{String}**: The collection name, e.g. `pages` or `page`
* `returns` **{Object}**
var pages = app.getViews('pages');
//=> { pages: {'home.hbs': { ... }}
var posts = app.getViews('posts');
//=> { posts: {'': { ... }}
### [.compile](lib/plugins/render.js#L98)
Compile `content` with the given `locals`.
* `view` **{Object|String}**: View object.
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `isAsync` **{Boolean}**: Load async helpers
* `returns` **{Object}**: View object with compiled `view.fn` property.
var indexPage ='some-index-page.hbs');
var view = app.compile(indexPage);
// view.fn => [function]
// you can call the compiled function more than once
// to render the view with different data
view.fn({title: 'Foo'});
view.fn({title: 'Bar'});
view.fn({title: 'Baz'});
### [.compileAsync](lib/plugins/render.js#L173)
Asynchronously compile `content` with the given `locals` and callback. _(fwiw, this method name uses the unconventional "*Async" nomenclature to allow us to preserve the synchronous behavior of the `view.compile` method as well as the name)_.
* `view` **{Object|String}**: View object.
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `isAsync` **{Boolean}**: Pass true to load helpers as async (mostly used internally)
* `callback` **{Function}**: function that exposes `err` and the `view` object with compiled `view.fn` property
var indexPage ='some-index-page.hbs');
app.compileAsync(indexPage, function(err, view) {
// view.fn => compiled function
### [.render](lib/plugins/render.js#L260)
Render a view with the given `locals` and `callback`.
* `view` **{Object|String}**: Instance of `View`
* `locals` **{Object}**: Locals to pass to template engine.
* `callback` **{Function}**
var blogPost ='2015-09-01-foo-bar');
app.render(blogPost, {title: 'Foo'}, function(err, view) {
// `view` is an object with a rendered `content` property
### [.data](lib/plugins/context.js#L42)
Set, get and load data to be passed to templates as context at render-time.
* `key` **{String|Object}**: Pass a key-value pair or an object to set.
* `val` **{any}**: Any value when a key-value pair is passed. This can also be options if a glob pattern is passed as the first value.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns an instance of `Templates` for chaining.
|'a', 'b');
|{c: 'd'});
//=> {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
### [.context](lib/plugins/context.js#L62)
Build the context for the given `view` and `locals`.
* `view` **{Object}**: The view being rendered
* `locals` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: The object to be passed to engines/views as context.
### [setHelperOptions](lib/plugins/context.js#L119)
Update context in a helper so that `this.helper.options` is
the options for that specific helper.
* `context` **{Object}**
* `key` **{String}**
### [.mergePartials](lib/plugins/context.js#L309)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template
engines have no support for partials or only support one
type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `returns` **{Object}**: Merged partials
### [.mergePartialsAsync](lib/plugins/context.js#L350)
Merge "partials" view types. This is necessary for template engines
have no support for partials or only support one type of partials.
* `options` **{Object}**: Optionally pass an array of `viewTypes` to include on `options.viewTypes`
* `callback` **{Function}**: Function that exposes `err` and `partials` parameters
### Middleware
Control the entire render cycle, with simple-to-use routes and middleware.
var router = new app.Router();
var route = new app.Route();
### [.handle](node_modules/base-routes/index.js#L55)
Handle a middleware `method` for `file`.
* `method` **{String}**: Name of the router method to handle. See [router methods](./docs/
* `file` **{Object}**: View object
* `callback` **{Function}**: Callback function
* `returns` **{undefined}**
app.handle('customMethod', file, callback);
### [.handleOnce](node_modules/base-routes/index.js#L109)
Run the given middleware handler only if the file has not already been handled by `method`.
* `method` **{Object}**: The name of the handler method to call.
* `file` **{Object}**
* `returns` **{undefined}**
app.handleOnce('onLoad', file, callback);
### [.route](node_modules/base-routes/index.js#L193)
Create a new Route for the given path. Each route contains a separate middleware stack. See the [route API documentation][route-api] for details on adding handlers and middleware to routes.
* `path` **{String}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining.
.all(function(file, next) {
// do something with file
|'whatever', {path: 'blog/', content: 'bar baz'});
### [.param](node_modules/base-routes/index.js#L220)
Add callback triggers to route parameters, where `name` is the name of the parameter and `fn` is the callback function.
* `name` **{String}**
* `fn` **{Function}**
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining.
app.param('title', function(view, next, title) {
//=> title === 'foo.js'
app.onLoad('/blog/:title', function(view, next) {
//=> view.path === '/blog/foo.js'
### [.all](node_modules/base-routes/index.js#L243)
Special route method that works just like the `router.METHOD()` methods, except that it matches all verbs.
* `path` **{String}**
* `callback` **{Function}**
* `returns` **{Object}** `this`: for chaining
app.all(/\.hbs$/, function(view, next) {
// do stuff to view
### [.handler](node_modules/base-routes/index.js#L265)
Add a router handler method to the instance. Interchangeable with the [handlers](#handlers) method.
* `method` **{String}**: Name of the handler method to define.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining
// or
app.handler(['onFoo', 'onBar']);
### [.handlers](node_modules/base-routes/index.js#L284)
Add one or more router handler methods to the instance.
* `methods` **{Array|String}**: One or more method names to define.
* `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the instance for chaining
app.handlers(['onFoo', 'onBar', 'onBaz']);
// or
### [.isApp](lib/plugins/is.js#L33)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a `templates` instance (`App`).
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
//=> false
//=> true
### [.isCollection](lib/plugins/is.js#L55)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a templates `Collection` instance.
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
//=> true
### [.isViews](lib/plugins/is.js#L77)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a templates `Views` instance.
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
//=> true
### [.isList](lib/plugins/is.js#L100)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a templates `List` instance.
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var templates = require('templates');
var List = templates.List;
var app = templates();
var list = new List();
//=> true
### [.isGroup](lib/plugins/is.js#L123)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a templates `Group` instance.
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var templates = require('templates');
var Group = templates.Group;
var app = templates();
var group = new Group();
//=> true
### [.isView](lib/plugins/is.js#L148)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a templates `View` instance.
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
//=> false
var view = app.view('foo', {content: '...'});
//=> true
### [.isItem](lib/plugins/is.js#L173)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a templates `Item` instance.
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
//=> false
var view = app.view('foo', {content: '...'});
//=> true
### [.isVinyl](lib/plugins/is.js#L200)
Static method that returns true if the given value is a vinyl `File` instance.
* `val` **{Object}**: The value to test.
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
var File = require('vinyl');
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
var view = app.view('foo', {content: '...'});
//=> true
var file = new File({path: 'foo', contents: new Buffer('...')});
//=> true
## More examples
This is just a very basic glimpse at the `templates` API!
var templates = require('templates');
var app = templates();
// create a collection
// add views to the collection
|'a.html', {content: 'this is <%= foo %>'});
|'b.html', {content: 'this is <%= bar %>'});
|'c.html', {content: 'this is <%= baz %>'});
.render({foo: 'home'}, function (err, view) {
//=> 'this is home'
## History
### v0.24.0
* Bumps [base-data]( which removed `renameKey` option used when loading data. Use the `namespace` option instead.
### v0.23.0
* Bumps [base-engine][] to fix a bug in [engine-cache](
### v0.22.2
* fixes `List` bug that was caused collection helpers to explode
### v0.22.0
There should be no breaking changes in this release. If you experience a regression, please [create an issue](../../issues).
* Externalizes a few core plugins to: [base-helpers](, [base-routes](, and [base-engine][]. The goal is to allow you to use only the plugins you need in your builds.
* Improvements to lookup functions: `app.getView()` and `app.find()`
* Bumps [base]( to take advantages of code optimizations.
### v0.21.0
**Breaking changes**
* The `queue` property has been removed, as well as related code for loading views using events. This behavior can easily be added using plugins or existing emitters.
* The `View` and `Item` class have been externalized to modules [vinyl-item]( and [vinyl-view]( so they can be used in other libraries.
### v0.20.0
* **Context**: In general, context should be merged so that the most specific context wins over less specific. This fixes one case where locals was winning over front-matter
* **Helpers**: Exposes `.ctx()` method on helper context, to simplify merging context in non-built-in helpers
* **Engines**: Fixes bug that was using default engine on options instead of engine that matches view file extension.
### v0.19.0
* Numerous [dependency updates](
### v0.18.0
* [Fixes inheritance bug]( that only manifests in node v0.4.0
* Improved [error handling in routes](
### v0.17.0
* Removed `debug` methods and related code
* Improve layout handling with respect to template types (`partial`, `renderable` and `layout`)
* Update dependencies
### v0.16.0
* Improved context handling
* Ensure collection middleware is handled [after app middleware](
### v0.15.0
* removes `.removeItem` method that was deprecated in v0.10.7 from `List`
* `.handleView` is deprecated in favor of `.handleOnce` and will be removed in a future version. Start using `.handleOnce` now.
* adds a static `Templates.setup()` method for initializing any setup code that should have access to the instance before any other use code is run.
* upgrade to [base-data]( v0.4.0, which adds `app.option.set`, `app.option.get` and `app.option.merge`
### v0.14.0
Although 99% of users won't be effected by the changes in this release, there were some **potentially breaking changes**.
* The `render` and `compile` methods were streamlined, making it clear that `.mergePartials` should not have been renamed to `mergePartialsSync`. So that change was reverted.
* Helper context: Exposes a `this.helper` object to the context in helpers, which has the helper name and options that were set specifically for that helper
* Helper context: Exposes a `this.view` object to the context in helpers, which is the current view being rendered. This was (and still is) always expose on `this.context.view`, but it makes sense to add this to the root of the context as a convenience. We will deprecate `this.context.view` in a future version.
* Helper context: `.get`, `.set` and `.merge` methods on `this.options`, `this.context` and the `this` object in helpers.
### v0.13.0
* All template handling is async by default. Instead of adding `.compileSync`, we felt that it made more sense to add `.compileAsync`, since `.compile` is a public method and most users will expect it to be sync, and `.compile` methods with most engines are typically sync. In other words, `.compileAsync` probably won't be seen by most users, but we wanted to explain the decision to go against node.js naming conventions.
* Improved layout detection and handling
### v0.12.0
* Adds helper methods, [.hasAsyncHelper](#hasasynchelper), [.hasHelper](#hashelper), [.getAsyncHelper](#getasynchelper), and [.getHelper](#gethelper)
* Ensures that both collection and app routes are handled when both are defined for a view
### v0.11.0
* Default `engine` can now be defined on `app` or a collection using using `app.option('engine')`, `views.option('engine')`
* Default `layout` can now defined using `app.option('layout')`, `views.option('layout')`. No changes have been made to `view.layout`, it should work as before. Resolves [issue/#818](../../issues/818)
* Improves logic for finding a layout, this should make layouts easier to define and find going forward.
* The built-in `view` helper has been refactored completely. The helper is now async and renders the view before returning its content.
* Adds `isApp`, `isViews`, `isCollection`, `isList`, `isView`, `isGroup`, and `isItem` static methods. All return true when the given value is an instance of the respective class.
* Adds `deleteItem` method to List and Collection, and `deleteView` method to Views.
* Last, the static `_.proto` property which is only exposed for unit tests was renamed to `_.plugin`.
### v0.10.7
* Force-update [base]( to v0.6.4 to take advantage of `isRegistered` feature.
### v0.10.6
* Re-introduces fs logic to `getView`, now that the method has been refactored to be faster.
### v0.10.0
* `getView` method no longer automatically reads views from the file system. This was undocumented before and, but it's a breaking change nonetheless. The removed functionality can easily be done in a plugin.
### v0.9.5
* Fixes error messages when no engine is found for a view, and the view does not have a file extension.
### v0.9.4
* Fixes a lookup bug in render and compile that was returning the first view that matched the given name from _any_ collection. So if a partial and a page shared the same name, if the partial was matched first it was returned. Now the `renderable` view is rendered (e.g. page)
### v0.9.0
* _breaking change_: changes parameters on `app.context` method. It now only accepts two arguments, `view` and `locals`, since `ctx` (the parameter that was removed) was technically being merged in twice.
### v0.8.0
* Exposes `isType` method on `view`. Shouldn't be any breaking changes.
### v0.7.0
* _breaking change_: renamed `.error` method to `.formatError`
* adds `mergeContext` option
* collection name is now emitted with `view` and `item` as the second argument
* adds `isType` method for checking the `viewType` on a collection
* also now emits an event with the collection name when a view is created
### v0.5.1
* fixes bug where `default` layout was automatically applied to partials, causing an infinite loop in rare cases.
## About
### Related projects
* [assemble]( Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects… [more]( | [homepage]( "Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects. Assemble is used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, creating themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websit")
* [en-route]( Routing for static site generators, build systems and task runners, heavily based on express.js routes… [more]( | [homepage]( "Routing for static site generators, build systems and task runners, heavily based on express.js routes but works with file objects. Used by Assemble, Verb, and Template.")
* [engine]( Template engine based on Lo-Dash template, but adds features like the ability to register helpers… [more]( | [homepage]( "Template engine based on Lo-Dash template, but adds features like the ability to register helpers and more easily set data to be used as context in templates.")
* [layouts]( Wraps templates with layouts. Layouts can use other layouts and be nested to any depth… [more]( | [homepage]( "Wraps templates with layouts. Layouts can use other layouts and be nested to any depth. This can be used 100% standalone to wrap any kind of file with banners, headers or footer content. Use for markdown, HTML, handlebars views, lo-dash templates, etc. La")
* [verb]( Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used… [more]( | [homepage]( "Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used on hundreds of projects of all sizes to generate everything from API docs to readmes.")
### Contributing
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).
### Building docs
_(This document was generated by [verb-generate-readme]( (a [verb]( generator), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in [](
To generate the readme and API documentation with [verb](
$ npm install -g verb verb-generate-readme && verb
### Running tests
Install dev dependencies:
$ npm install -d && npm test
### Author
**Jon Schlinkert**
* [github/jonschlinkert](
* [twitter/jonschlinkert](
### License
Copyright © 2016, [Jon Schlinkert](
Released under the [MIT license](
_This file was generated by [verb](, v0.9.0, on July 23, 2016._