StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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881 lines
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4 years ago
'use strict'
const rgba = require('color-normalize')
const getBounds = require('array-bounds')
const colorId = require('color-id')
const cluster = require('point-cluster')
const extend = require('object-assign')
const glslify = require('glslify')
const pick = require('pick-by-alias')
const updateDiff = require('update-diff')
const flatten = require('flatten-vertex-data')
const ie = require('is-iexplorer')
const f32 = require('to-float32')
const parseRect = require('parse-rect')
module.exports = Scatter
function Scatter (regl, options) {
if (!(this instanceof Scatter)) return new Scatter(regl, options)
if (typeof regl === 'function') {
if (!options) options = {}
options.regl = regl
else {
options = regl
regl = null
if (options && options.length) options.positions = options
regl = options.regl
// persistent variables
let gl = regl._gl, paletteTexture, palette = [], paletteIds = {},
// state
groups = [],
// textures for marker keys
markerTextures = [null],
markerCache = [null]
const maxColors = 255, maxSize = 100
// direct color buffer mode
// IE does not support palette anyways
this.tooManyColors = ie
// texture with color palette
paletteTexture = regl.texture({
data: new Uint8Array(maxColors * 4),
width: maxColors,
height: 1,
type: 'uint8',
format: 'rgba',
wrapS: 'clamp',
wrapT: 'clamp',
mag: 'nearest',
min: 'nearest'
extend(this, {
canvas: gl.canvas
// common shader options
let shaderOptions = {
uniforms: {
pixelRatio: regl.context('pixelRatio'),
palette: paletteTexture,
paletteSize: (ctx, prop) => [this.tooManyColors ? 0 : maxColors, paletteTexture.height],
scale: regl.prop('scale'),
scaleFract: regl.prop('scaleFract'),
translate: regl.prop('translate'),
translateFract: regl.prop('translateFract'),
opacity: regl.prop('opacity'),
marker: regl.prop('markerTexture'),
attributes: {
// FIXME: optimize these parts
x: (ctx, prop) => prop.xAttr || {
buffer: prop.positionBuffer,
stride: 8,
offset: 0
y: (ctx, prop) => prop.yAttr || {
buffer: prop.positionBuffer,
stride: 8,
offset: 4
xFract: (ctx, prop) => prop.xAttr ? { constant: [0, 0] } : {
buffer: prop.positionFractBuffer,
stride: 8,
offset: 0
yFract: (ctx, prop) => prop.yAttr ? { constant: [0, 0] } : {
buffer: prop.positionFractBuffer,
stride: 8,
offset: 4
size: (ctx, prop) => prop.size.length ? {
buffer: prop.sizeBuffer,
stride: 2,
offset: 0
} : {
constant: [ Math.round(prop.size * 255 / this.maxSize) ]
borderSize: (ctx, prop) => prop.borderSize.length ? {
buffer: prop.sizeBuffer,
stride: 2,
offset: 1
} : {
constant: [ Math.round(prop.borderSize * 255 / this.maxSize) ]
colorId: (ctx, prop) => prop.color.length ? {
buffer: prop.colorBuffer,
stride: this.tooManyColors ? 8 : 4,
offset: 0
} : {
constant: this.tooManyColors ? palette.slice(prop.color * 4, prop.color * 4 + 4) : [ prop.color ]
borderColorId: (ctx, prop) => prop.borderColor.length ? {
buffer: prop.colorBuffer,
stride: this.tooManyColors ? 8 : 4,
offset: this.tooManyColors ? 4 : 2
} : {
constant: this.tooManyColors ? palette.slice(prop.borderColor * 4, prop.borderColor * 4 + 4) : [ prop.borderColor ]
isActive: (ctx, prop) => prop.activation === true ? { constant: [1] } : prop.activation ? prop.activation : { constant: [0] }
blend: {
enable: true,
color: [0,0,0,1],
// photoshop blending
func: {
srcRGB: 'src alpha',
dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha',
srcAlpha: 'one minus dst alpha',
dstAlpha: 'one'
scissor: {
enable: true,
box: regl.prop('viewport')
viewport: regl.prop('viewport'),
stencil: {enable: false},
depth: {enable: false},
elements: regl.prop('elements'),
count: regl.prop('count'),
offset: regl.prop('offset'),
primitive: 'points'
// draw sdf-marker
let markerOptions = extend({}, shaderOptions)
markerOptions.frag = glslify('./marker-frag.glsl')
markerOptions.vert = glslify('./marker-vert.glsl')
this.drawMarker = regl(markerOptions)
// draw circle
let circleOptions = extend({}, shaderOptions)
circleOptions.frag = glslify('./circle-frag.glsl')
circleOptions.vert = glslify('./circle-vert.glsl')
// polyfill IE
if (ie) {
circleOptions.frag = circleOptions.frag.replace('smoothstep', 'smoothStep')
markerOptions.frag = markerOptions.frag.replace('smoothstep', 'smoothStep')
this.drawCircle = regl(circleOptions)
// single pass defaults
Scatter.defaults = {
color: 'black',
borderColor: 'transparent',
borderSize: 0,
size: 12,
opacity: 1,
marker: undefined,
viewport: null,
range: null,
pixelSize: null,
count: 0,
offset: 0,
bounds: null,
positions: [],
snap: 1e4
// update & redraw
Scatter.prototype.render = function (...args) {
if (args.length) {
return this
// draw all groups or only indicated ones
Scatter.prototype.draw = function (...args) {
let { groups } = this
// if directly array passed - treat as passes
if (args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[0]) && (args[0][0] === null || Array.isArray(args[0][0]))) {
args = args[0]
// FIXME: remove once resolved
if (args.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
this.drawItem(i, args[i])
// draw all passes
else {
groups.forEach((group, i) => {
return this
// draw specific scatter group
Scatter.prototype.drawItem = function (id, els) {
let { groups } = this
let group = groups[id]
// debug viewport
// let { viewport } = group
// gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR_TEST);
// gl.scissor(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height);
// gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, .5);
// gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
if (typeof els === 'number') {
id = els
group = groups[els]
els = null
if (!(group && group.count && group.opacity)) return
// draw circles
if (group.activation[0]) {
// TODO: optimize this performance by making groups and regl.this props
this.drawCircle(this.getMarkerDrawOptions(0, group, els))
// draw all other available markers
let batch = []
for (let i = 1; i < group.activation.length; i++) {
if (!group.activation[i] || (group.activation[i] !== true && !group.activation[i].data.length)) continue
batch.push(...this.getMarkerDrawOptions(i, group, els))
if (batch.length) {
// get options for the marker ids
Scatter.prototype.getMarkerDrawOptions = function(markerId, group, elements) {
let { range, tree, viewport, activation, selectionBuffer, count } = group
let { regl } = this
// direct points
if (!tree) {
// if elements array - draw unclustered points
if (elements) {
return [extend({}, group, {
markerTexture: this.markerTextures[markerId],
activation: activation[markerId],
count: elements.length,
offset: 0
return [ extend({}, group, {
markerTexture: this.markerTextures[markerId],
activation: activation[markerId],
offset: 0
}) ]
// clustered points
let batch = []
let lod = tree.range(range, { lod: true, px: [
(range[2] - range[0]) / viewport.width,
(range[3] - range[1]) / viewport.height
// enable elements by using selection buffer
if (elements) {
let markerActivation = activation[markerId]
let mask =
let data = new Uint8Array(count)
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
let id = elements[i]
data[id] = mask ? mask[id] : 1
for (let l = lod.length; l--;) {
let [from, to] = lod[l]
batch.push(extend({}, group, {
markerTexture: this.markerTextures[markerId],
activation: elements ? selectionBuffer : activation[markerId],
offset: from,
count: to - from
return batch
// update groups options
Scatter.prototype.update = function (...args) {
if (!args.length) return
// passes are as single array
if (args.length === 1 && Array.isArray(args[0])) args = args[0]
let { groups, gl, regl, maxSize, maxColors, palette } = this
this.groups = groups =, i) => {
let group = groups[i]
if (options === undefined) return group
if (options === null) options = { positions: null }
else if (typeof options === 'function') options = { ondraw: options }
else if (typeof options[0] === 'number') options = { positions: options }
// copy options to avoid mutation & handle aliases
options = pick(options, {
positions: 'positions data points',
snap: 'snap cluster lod tree',
size: 'sizes size radius',
borderSize: 'borderSizes borderSize border-size bordersize borderWidth borderWidths border-width borderwidth stroke-width strokeWidth strokewidth outline',
color: 'colors color fill fill-color fillColor',
borderColor: 'borderColors borderColor stroke stroke-color strokeColor',
marker: 'markers marker shape',
range: 'range dataBox databox',
viewport: 'viewport viewPort viewBox viewbox',
opacity: 'opacity alpha transparency',
bounds: 'bound bounds boundaries limits',
tooManyColors: 'tooManyColors palette paletteMode optimizePalette enablePalette'
if (options.positions === null) options.positions = []
if (options.tooManyColors != null) this.tooManyColors = options.tooManyColors
if (!group) {
groups[i] = group = {
id: i,
scale: null,
translate: null,
scaleFract: null,
translateFract: null,
// buffers for active markers
activation: [],
// buffer for filtered markers
selectionBuffer: regl.buffer({
data: new Uint8Array(0),
usage: 'stream',
type: 'uint8'
// buffers with data: it is faster to switch them per-pass
// than provide one congregate buffer
sizeBuffer: regl.buffer({
data: new Uint8Array(0),
usage: 'dynamic',
type: 'uint8'
colorBuffer: regl.buffer({
data: new Uint8Array(0),
usage: 'dynamic',
type: 'uint8'
positionBuffer: regl.buffer({
data: new Uint8Array(0),
usage: 'dynamic',
type: 'float'
positionFractBuffer: regl.buffer({
data: new Uint8Array(0),
usage: 'dynamic',
type: 'float'
options = extend({}, Scatter.defaults, options)
// force update triggers
if (options.positions && !('marker' in options)) {
options.marker = group.marker
delete group.marker
// updating markers cause recalculating snapping
if (options.marker && !('positions' in options)) {
options.positions = group.positions
delete group.positions
// global count of points
let hasSize = 0, hasColor = 0
updateDiff(group, options, [{
snap: true,
size: (s, group) => {
if (s == null) s = Scatter.defaults.size
hasSize += s && s.length ? 1 : 0
return s
borderSize: (s, group) => {
if (s == null) s = Scatter.defaults.borderSize
hasSize += s && s.length ? 1 : 0
return s
opacity: parseFloat,
// add colors to palette, save references
color: (c, group) => {
if (c == null) c = Scatter.defaults.color
c = this.updateColor(c)
return c
borderColor: (c, group) => {
if (c == null) c = Scatter.defaults.borderColor
c = this.updateColor(c)
return c
bounds: (bounds, group, options) => {
if (!('range' in options)) options.range = null
return bounds
positions: (positions, group, options) => {
let { snap } = group
let { positionBuffer, positionFractBuffer, selectionBuffer } = group
// separate buffers for x/y coordinates
if (positions.x || positions.y) {
if (positions.x.length) {
group.xAttr = {
buffer: regl.buffer(positions.x),
offset: 0,
stride: 4,
count: positions.x.length
else {
group.xAttr = {
buffer: positions.x.buffer,
offset: positions.x.offset * 4 || 0,
stride: (positions.x.stride || 1) * 4,
count: positions.x.count
if (positions.y.length) {
group.yAttr = {
buffer: regl.buffer(positions.y),
offset: 0,
stride: 4,
count: positions.y.length
else {
group.yAttr = {
buffer: positions.y.buffer,
offset: positions.y.offset * 4 || 0,
stride: (positions.y.stride || 1) * 4,
count: positions.y.count
group.count = Math.max(group.xAttr.count, group.yAttr.count)
return positions
positions = flatten(positions, 'float64')
let count = group.count = Math.floor(positions.length / 2)
let bounds = group.bounds = count ? getBounds(positions, 2) : null
// if range is not provided updated - recalc it
if (!options.range && !group.range) {
delete group.range
options.range = bounds
// reset marker
if (!options.marker && !group.marker) {
delete group.marker;
options.marker = null;
// build cluster tree if required
if (snap && (snap === true || count > snap)) {
group.tree = cluster(positions, { bounds })
// existing tree instance
else if (snap && snap.length) {
group.tree = snap
if (group.tree) {
let opts = {
primitive: 'points',
usage: 'static',
data: group.tree,
type: 'uint32'
if (group.elements) group.elements(opts)
else group.elements = regl.elements(opts)
// update position buffers
data: f32.float(positions),
usage: 'dynamic'
data: f32.fract(positions),
usage: 'dynamic'
// expand selectionBuffer
data: new Uint8Array(count),
type: 'uint8',
usage: 'stream'
return positions
}, {
// create marker ids corresponding to known marker textures
marker: (markers, group, options) => {
let { activation } = group
// reset marker elements
activation.forEach(buffer => buffer && buffer.destroy && buffer.destroy())
activation.length = 0
// single sdf marker
if (!markers || typeof markers[0] === 'number') {
let id = this.addMarker(markers)
activation[id] = true
// per-point markers use mask buffers to enable markers in vert shader
else {
let markerMasks = []
for (let i = 0, l = Math.min(markers.length, group.count); i < l; i++) {
let id = this.addMarker(markers[i])
if (!markerMasks[id]) markerMasks[id] = new Uint8Array(group.count)
// enable marker by default
markerMasks[id][i] = 1
for (let id = 0; id < markerMasks.length; id++) {
if (!markerMasks[id]) continue
let opts = {
data: markerMasks[id],
type: 'uint8',
usage: 'static'
if (!activation[id]) {
activation[id] = regl.buffer(opts)
else {
activation[id].data = markerMasks[id]
return markers
range: (range, group, options) => {
let bounds = group.bounds
// FIXME: why do we need this?
if (!bounds) return
if (!range) range = bounds
group.scale = [1 / (range[2] - range[0]), 1 / (range[3] - range[1])]
group.translate = [-range[0], -range[1]]
group.scaleFract = f32.fract(group.scale)
group.translateFract = f32.fract(group.translate)
return range
viewport: vp => {
let rect = parseRect(vp || [
// normalize viewport to the canvas coordinates
// rect.y = gl.drawingBufferHeight - rect.height - rect.y
return rect
// update size buffer, if needed
if (hasSize) {
let { count, size, borderSize, sizeBuffer } = group
let sizes = new Uint8Array(count*2)
if (size.length || borderSize.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// we downscale size to allow for fractions
sizes[i*2] = Math.round((size[i] == null ? size : size[i]) * 255 / maxSize)
sizes[i*2 + 1] = Math.round((borderSize[i] == null ? borderSize : borderSize[i]) * 255 / maxSize)
data: sizes,
usage: 'dynamic'
// update color buffer if needed
if (hasColor) {
let {count, color, borderColor, colorBuffer } = group
let colors
// if too many colors - put colors to buffer directly
if (this.tooManyColors) {
if (color.length || borderColor.length) {
colors = new Uint8Array(count * 8)
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let colorId = color[i]
colors[i*8] = palette[colorId*4]
colors[i*8 + 1] = palette[colorId*4 + 1]
colors[i*8 + 2] = palette[colorId*4 + 2]
colors[i*8 + 3] = palette[colorId*4 + 3]
let borderColorId = borderColor[i]
colors[i*8 + 4] = palette[borderColorId*4]
colors[i*8 + 5] = palette[borderColorId*4 + 1]
colors[i*8 + 6] = palette[borderColorId*4 + 2]
colors[i*8 + 7] = palette[borderColorId*4 + 3]
// if limited amount of colors - keep palette color picking
// that saves significant memory
else {
if (color.length || borderColor.length) {
// we need slight data increase by 2 due to vec4 borderId in shader
colors = new Uint8Array(count * 4 + 2)
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// put color coords in palette texture
if (color[i] != null) {
colors[i*4] = color[i] % maxColors
colors[i*4 + 1] = Math.floor(color[i] / maxColors)
if (borderColor[i] != null) {
colors[i*4 + 2] = borderColor[i] % maxColors
colors[i*4 + 3] = Math.floor(borderColor[i] / maxColors)
data: colors || new Uint8Array(0),
type: 'uint8',
usage: 'dynamic'
return group
// get (and create) marker texture id
Scatter.prototype.addMarker = function (sdf) {
let { markerTextures, regl, markerCache } = this
let pos = sdf == null ? 0 : markerCache.indexOf(sdf)
if (pos >= 0) return pos
// convert sdf to 0..255 range
let distArr
if (sdf instanceof Uint8Array || sdf instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) {
distArr = sdf
else {
distArr = new Uint8Array(sdf.length)
for (let i = 0, l = sdf.length; i < l; i++) {
distArr[i] = sdf[i] * 255
let radius = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(distArr.length))
pos = markerTextures.length
channels: 1,
data: distArr,
radius: radius,
mag: 'linear',
min: 'linear'
return pos
// register color to palette, return it's index or list of indexes
Scatter.prototype.updateColor = function (colors) {
let { paletteIds, palette, maxColors } = this
if (!Array.isArray(colors)) {
colors = [colors]
let idx = []
// if color groups - flatten them
if (typeof colors[0] === 'number') {
let grouped = []
if (Array.isArray(colors)) {
for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i+=4) {
grouped.push(colors.slice(i, i+4))
else {
for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i+=4) {
grouped.push(colors.subarray(i, i+4))
colors = grouped
for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
let color = colors[i]
color = rgba(color, 'uint8')
let id = colorId(color, false)
// if new color - save it
if (paletteIds[id] == null) {
let pos = palette.length
paletteIds[id] = Math.floor(pos / 4)
palette[pos] = color[0]
palette[pos+1] = color[1]
palette[pos+2] = color[2]
palette[pos+3] = color[3]
idx[i] = paletteIds[id]
// detect if too many colors in palette
if (!this.tooManyColors && palette.length > maxColors * 4) this.tooManyColors = true
// limit max color
// keep static index for single-color property
return idx.length === 1 ? idx[0] : idx
Scatter.prototype.updatePalette = function (palette) {
if (this.tooManyColors) return
let { maxColors, paletteTexture } = this
let requiredHeight = Math.ceil(palette.length * .25 / maxColors)
// pad data
if (requiredHeight > 1) {
palette = palette.slice()
for (let i = (palette.length * .25) % maxColors; i < requiredHeight * maxColors; i++) {
palette.push(0, 0, 0, 0)
// ensure height
if (paletteTexture.height < requiredHeight) {
paletteTexture.resize(maxColors, requiredHeight)
// update full data
width: Math.min(palette.length * .25, maxColors),
height: requiredHeight,
data: palette
}, 0, 0)
// remove unused stuff
Scatter.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.groups.forEach(group => {
group.activation.forEach(b => b && b.destroy && b.destroy())
if (group.elements) group.elements.destroy()
this.groups.length = 0
this.markerTextures.forEach(txt => txt && txt.destroy && txt.destroy())
return this