StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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4 years ago
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
* @copyright 2016 Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
* @license MIT
* @preserve Project Home:
var BuildLog = require('./lib/build-log');
var Epsilon = require('./lib/epsilon');
var Intersecter = require('./lib/intersecter');
var SegmentChainer = require('./lib/segment-chainer');
var SegmentSelector = require('./lib/segment-selector');
var GeoJSON = require('./lib/geojson');
var buildLog = false;
var epsilon = Epsilon();
var PolyBool;
PolyBool = {
// getter/setter for buildLog
buildLog: function(bl){
if (bl === true)
buildLog = BuildLog();
else if (bl === false)
buildLog = false;
return buildLog === false ? false : buildLog.list;
// getter/setter for epsilon
epsilon: function(v){
return epsilon.epsilon(v);
// core API
segments: function(poly){
var i = Intersecter(true, epsilon, buildLog);
return {
segments: i.calculate(poly.inverted),
inverted: poly.inverted
combine: function(segments1, segments2){
var i3 = Intersecter(false, epsilon, buildLog);
return {
combined: i3.calculate(
segments1.segments, segments1.inverted,
segments2.segments, segments2.inverted
inverted1: segments1.inverted,
inverted2: segments2.inverted
selectUnion: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.union(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 || combined.inverted2
selectIntersect: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.intersect(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 && combined.inverted2
selectDifference: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.difference(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 && !combined.inverted2
selectDifferenceRev: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.differenceRev(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: !combined.inverted1 && combined.inverted2
selectXor: function(combined){
return {
segments: SegmentSelector.xor(combined.combined, buildLog),
inverted: combined.inverted1 !== combined.inverted2
polygon: function(segments){
return {
regions: SegmentChainer(segments.segments, epsilon, buildLog),
inverted: segments.inverted
// GeoJSON converters
polygonFromGeoJSON: function(geojson){
return GeoJSON.toPolygon(PolyBool, geojson);
polygonToGeoJSON: function(poly){
return GeoJSON.fromPolygon(PolyBool, epsilon, poly);
// helper functions for common operations
union: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectUnion);
intersect: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectIntersect);
difference: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectDifference);
differenceRev: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectDifferenceRev);
xor: function(poly1, poly2){
return operate(poly1, poly2, PolyBool.selectXor);
function operate(poly1, poly2, selector){
var seg1 = PolyBool.segments(poly1);
var seg2 = PolyBool.segments(poly2);
var comb = PolyBool.combine(seg1, seg2);
var seg3 = selector(comb);
return PolyBool.polygon(seg3);
if (typeof window === 'object')
window.PolyBool = PolyBool;
module.exports = PolyBool;
// (c) Copyright 2016, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
// used strictly for logging the processing of the algorithm... only useful if you intend on
// looking under the covers (for pretty UI's or debugging)
function BuildLog(){
var my;
var nextSegmentId = 0;
var curVert = false;
function push(type, data){
type: type,
data: data ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) : void 0
return my;
my = {
list: [],
segmentId: function(){
return nextSegmentId++;
checkIntersection: function(seg1, seg2){
return push('check', { seg1: seg1, seg2: seg2 });
segmentChop: function(seg, end){
push('div_seg', { seg: seg, pt: end });
return push('chop', { seg: seg, pt: end });
statusRemove: function(seg){
return push('pop_seg', { seg: seg });
segmentUpdate: function(seg){
return push('seg_update', { seg: seg });
segmentNew: function(seg, primary){
return push('new_seg', { seg: seg, primary: primary });
segmentRemove: function(seg){
return push('rem_seg', { seg: seg });
tempStatus: function(seg, above, below){
return push('temp_status', { seg: seg, above: above, below: below });
rewind: function(seg){
return push('rewind', { seg: seg });
status: function(seg, above, below){
return push('status', { seg: seg, above: above, below: below });
vert: function(x){
if (x === curVert)
return my;
curVert = x;
return push('vert', { x: x });
log: function(data){
if (typeof data !== 'string')
data = JSON.stringify(data, false, ' ');
return push('log', { txt: data });
reset: function(){
return push('reset');
selected: function(segs){
return push('selected', { segs: segs });
chainStart: function(seg){
return push('chain_start', { seg: seg });
chainRemoveHead: function(index, pt){
return push('chain_rem_head', { index: index, pt: pt });
chainRemoveTail: function(index, pt){
return push('chain_rem_tail', { index: index, pt: pt });
chainNew: function(pt1, pt2){
return push('chain_new', { pt1: pt1, pt2: pt2 });
chainMatch: function(index){
return push('chain_match', { index: index });
chainClose: function(index){
return push('chain_close', { index: index });
chainAddHead: function(index, pt){
return push('chain_add_head', { index: index, pt: pt });
chainAddTail: function(index, pt){
return push('chain_add_tail', { index: index, pt: pt, });
chainConnect: function(index1, index2){
return push('chain_con', { index1: index1, index2: index2 });
chainReverse: function(index){
return push('chain_rev', { index: index });
chainJoin: function(index1, index2){
return push('chain_join', { index1: index1, index2: index2 });
done: function(){
return push('done');
return my;
module.exports = BuildLog;
// (c) Copyright 2016, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
// provides the raw computation functions that takes epsilon into account
// zero is defined to be between (-epsilon, epsilon) exclusive
function Epsilon(eps){
if (typeof eps !== 'number')
eps = 0.0000000001; // sane default? sure why not
var my = {
epsilon: function(v){
if (typeof v === 'number')
eps = v;
return eps;
pointAboveOrOnLine: function(pt, left, right){
var Ax = left[0];
var Ay = left[1];
var Bx = right[0];
var By = right[1];
var Cx = pt[0];
var Cy = pt[1];
return (Bx - Ax) * (Cy - Ay) - (By - Ay) * (Cx - Ax) >= -eps;
pointBetween: function(p, left, right){
// p must be collinear with left->right
// returns false if p == left, p == right, or left == right
var d_py_ly = p[1] - left[1];
var d_rx_lx = right[0] - left[0];
var d_px_lx = p[0] - left[0];
var d_ry_ly = right[1] - left[1];
var dot = d_px_lx * d_rx_lx + d_py_ly * d_ry_ly;
// if `dot` is 0, then `p` == `left` or `left` == `right` (reject)
// if `dot` is less than 0, then `p` is to the left of `left` (reject)
if (dot < eps)
return false;
var sqlen = d_rx_lx * d_rx_lx + d_ry_ly * d_ry_ly;
// if `dot` > `sqlen`, then `p` is to the right of `right` (reject)
// therefore, if `dot - sqlen` is greater than 0, then `p` is to the right of `right` (reject)
if (dot - sqlen > -eps)
return false;
return true;
pointsSameX: function(p1, p2){
return Math.abs(p1[0] - p2[0]) < eps;
pointsSameY: function(p1, p2){
return Math.abs(p1[1] - p2[1]) < eps;
pointsSame: function(p1, p2){
return my.pointsSameX(p1, p2) && my.pointsSameY(p1, p2);
pointsCompare: function(p1, p2){
// returns -1 if p1 is smaller, 1 if p2 is smaller, 0 if equal
if (my.pointsSameX(p1, p2))
return my.pointsSameY(p1, p2) ? 0 : (p1[1] < p2[1] ? -1 : 1);
return p1[0] < p2[0] ? -1 : 1;
pointsCollinear: function(pt1, pt2, pt3){
// does pt1->pt2->pt3 make a straight line?
// essentially this is just checking to see if the slope(pt1->pt2) === slope(pt2->pt3)
// if slopes are equal, then they must be collinear, because they share pt2
var dx1 = pt1[0] - pt2[0];
var dy1 = pt1[1] - pt2[1];
var dx2 = pt2[0] - pt3[0];
var dy2 = pt2[1] - pt3[1];
return Math.abs(dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1) < eps;
linesIntersect: function(a0, a1, b0, b1){
// returns false if the lines are coincident (e.g., parallel or on top of each other)
// returns an object if the lines intersect:
// {
// pt: [x, y], where the intersection point is at
// alongA: where intersection point is along A,
// alongB: where intersection point is along B
// }
// alongA and alongB will each be one of: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
// with the following meaning:
// -2 intersection point is before segment's first point
// -1 intersection point is directly on segment's first point
// 0 intersection point is between segment's first and second points (exclusive)
// 1 intersection point is directly on segment's second point
// 2 intersection point is after segment's second point
var adx = a1[0] - a0[0];
var ady = a1[1] - a0[1];
var bdx = b1[0] - b0[0];
var bdy = b1[1] - b0[1];
var axb = adx * bdy - ady * bdx;
if (Math.abs(axb) < eps)
return false; // lines are coincident
var dx = a0[0] - b0[0];
var dy = a0[1] - b0[1];
var A = (bdx * dy - bdy * dx) / axb;
var B = (adx * dy - ady * dx) / axb;
var ret = {
alongA: 0,
alongB: 0,
pt: [
a0[0] + A * adx,
a0[1] + A * ady
// categorize where intersection point is along A and B
if (A <= -eps)
ret.alongA = -2;
else if (A < eps)
ret.alongA = -1;
else if (A - 1 <= -eps)
ret.alongA = 0;
else if (A - 1 < eps)
ret.alongA = 1;
ret.alongA = 2;
if (B <= -eps)
ret.alongB = -2;
else if (B < eps)
ret.alongB = -1;
else if (B - 1 <= -eps)
ret.alongB = 0;
else if (B - 1 < eps)
ret.alongB = 1;
ret.alongB = 2;
return ret;
pointInsideRegion: function(pt, region){
var x = pt[0];
var y = pt[1];
var last_x = region[region.length - 1][0];
var last_y = region[region.length - 1][1];
var inside = false;
for (var i = 0; i < region.length; i++){
var curr_x = region[i][0];
var curr_y = region[i][1];
// if y is between curr_y and last_y, and
// x is to the right of the boundary created by the line
if ((curr_y - y > eps) != (last_y - y > eps) &&
(last_x - curr_x) * (y - curr_y) / (last_y - curr_y) + curr_x - x > eps)
inside = !inside
last_x = curr_x;
last_y = curr_y;
return inside;
return my;
module.exports = Epsilon;
// (c) Copyright 2017, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
// convert between PolyBool polygon format and GeoJSON formats (Polygon and MultiPolygon)
var GeoJSON = {
// convert a GeoJSON object to a PolyBool polygon
toPolygon: function(PolyBool, geojson){
// converts list of LineString's to segments
function GeoPoly(coords){
// check for empty coords
if (coords.length <= 0)
return PolyBool.segments({ inverted: false, regions: [] });
// convert LineString to segments
function LineString(ls){
// remove tail which should be the same as head
var reg = ls.slice(0, ls.length - 1);
return PolyBool.segments({ inverted: false, regions: [reg] });
// the first LineString is considered the outside
var out = LineString(coords[0]);
// the rest of the LineStrings are considered interior holes, so subtract them from the
// current result
for (var i = 1; i < coords.length; i++)
out = PolyBool.selectDifference(PolyBool.combine(out, LineString(coords[i])));
return out;
if (geojson.type === 'Polygon'){
// single polygon, so just convert it and we're done
return PolyBool.polygon(GeoPoly(geojson.coordinates));
else if (geojson.type === 'MultiPolygon'){
// multiple polygons, so union all the polygons together
var out = PolyBool.segments({ inverted: false, regions: [] });
for (var i = 0; i < geojson.coordinates.length; i++)
out = PolyBool.selectUnion(PolyBool.combine(out, GeoPoly(geojson.coordinates[i])));
return PolyBool.polygon(out);
throw new Error('PolyBool: Cannot convert GeoJSON object to PolyBool polygon');
// convert a PolyBool polygon to a GeoJSON object
fromPolygon: function(PolyBool, eps, poly){
// make sure out polygon is clean
poly = PolyBool.polygon(PolyBool.segments(poly));
// test if r1 is inside r2
function regionInsideRegion(r1, r2){
// we're guaranteed no lines intersect (because the polygon is clean), but a vertex
// could be on the edge -- so we just average pt[0] and pt[1] to produce a point on the
// edge of the first line, which cannot be on an edge
return eps.pointInsideRegion([
(r1[0][0] + r1[1][0]) * 0.5,
(r1[0][1] + r1[1][1]) * 0.5
], r2);
// calculate inside heirarchy
// _____________________ _______ roots -> A -> F
// | A | | F | | |
// | _______ _______ | | ___ | +-- B +-- G
// | | B | | C | | | | | | | |
// | | ___ | | ___ | | | | | | | +-- D
// | | | D | | | | E | | | | | G | | |
// | | |___| | | |___| | | | | | | +-- C
// | |_______| |_______| | | |___| | |
// |_____________________| |_______| +-- E
function newNode(region){
return {
region: region,
children: []
var roots = newNode(null);
function addChild(root, region){
// first check if we're inside any children
for (var i = 0; i < root.children.length; i++){
var child = root.children[i];
if (regionInsideRegion(region, child.region)){
// we are, so insert inside them instead
addChild(child, region);
// not inside any children, so check to see if any children are inside us
var node = newNode(region);
for (var i = 0; i < root.children.length; i++){
var child = root.children[i];
if (regionInsideRegion(child.region, region)){
// oops... move the child beneath us, and remove them from root
root.children.splice(i, 1);
// now we can add ourselves
// add all regions to the root
for (var i = 0; i < poly.regions.length; i++){
var region = poly.regions[i];
if (region.length < 3) // regions must have at least 3 points (sanity check)
addChild(roots, region);
// with our heirarchy, we can distinguish between exterior borders, and interior holes
// the root nodes are exterior, children are interior, children's children are exterior,
// children's children's children are interior, etc
// while we're at it, exteriors are counter-clockwise, and interiors are clockwise
function forceWinding(region, clockwise){
// first, see if we're clockwise or counter-clockwise
var winding = 0;
var last_x = region[region.length - 1][0];
var last_y = region[region.length - 1][1];
var copy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < region.length; i++){
var curr_x = region[i][0];
var curr_y = region[i][1];
copy.push([curr_x, curr_y]); // create a copy while we're at it
winding += curr_y * last_x - curr_x * last_y;
last_x = curr_x;
last_y = curr_y;
// this assumes Cartesian coordinates (Y is positive going up)
var isclockwise = winding < 0;
if (isclockwise !== clockwise)
// while we're here, the last point must be the first point...
copy.push([copy[0][0], copy[0][1]]);
return copy;
var geopolys = [];
function addExterior(node){
var poly = [forceWinding(node.region, false)];
// children of exteriors are interior
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++)
function getInterior(node){
// children of interiors are exterior
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++)
// return the clockwise interior
return forceWinding(node.region, true);
// root nodes are exterior
for (var i = 0; i < roots.children.length; i++)
// lastly, construct the approrpriate GeoJSON object
if (geopolys.length <= 0) // empty GeoJSON Polygon
return { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [] };
if (geopolys.length == 1) // use a GeoJSON Polygon
return { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: geopolys[0] };
return { // otherwise, use a GeoJSON MultiPolygon
type: 'MultiPolygon',
coordinates: geopolys
module.exports = GeoJSON;
// (c) Copyright 2016, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
// this is the core work-horse
var LinkedList = require('./linked-list');
function Intersecter(selfIntersection, eps, buildLog){
// selfIntersection is true/false depending on the phase of the overall algorithm
// segment creation
function segmentNew(start, end){
return {
id: buildLog ? buildLog.segmentId() : -1,
start: start,
end: end,
myFill: {
above: null, // is there fill above us?
below: null // is there fill below us?
otherFill: null
function segmentCopy(start, end, seg){
return {
id: buildLog ? buildLog.segmentId() : -1,
start: start,
end: end,
myFill: {
above: seg.myFill.above,
below: seg.myFill.below
otherFill: null
// event logic
var event_root = LinkedList.create();
function eventCompare(p1_isStart, p1_1, p1_2, p2_isStart, p2_1, p2_2){
// compare the selected points first
var comp = eps.pointsCompare(p1_1, p2_1);
if (comp !== 0)
return comp;
// the selected points are the same
if (eps.pointsSame(p1_2, p2_2)) // if the non-selected points are the same too...
return 0; // then the segments are equal
if (p1_isStart !== p2_isStart) // if one is a start and the other isn't...
return p1_isStart ? 1 : -1; // favor the one that isn't the start
// otherwise, we'll have to calculate which one is below the other manually
return eps.pointAboveOrOnLine(p1_2,
p2_isStart ? p2_1 : p2_2, // order matters
p2_isStart ? p2_2 : p2_1
) ? 1 : -1;
function eventAdd(ev, other_pt){
event_root.insertBefore(ev, function(here){
// should ev be inserted before here?
var comp = eventCompare(
ev .isStart, ev .pt, other_pt,
return comp < 0;
function eventAddSegmentStart(seg, primary){
var ev_start = LinkedList.node({
isStart: true,
pt: seg.start,
seg: seg,
primary: primary,
other: null,
status: null
eventAdd(ev_start, seg.end);
return ev_start;
function eventAddSegmentEnd(ev_start, seg, primary){
var ev_end = LinkedList.node({
isStart: false,
pt: seg.end,
seg: seg,
primary: primary,
other: ev_start,
status: null
ev_start.other = ev_end;
function eventAddSegment(seg, primary){
var ev_start = eventAddSegmentStart(seg, primary);
eventAddSegmentEnd(ev_start, seg, primary);
return ev_start;
function eventUpdateEnd(ev, end){
// slides an end backwards
// (start)------------(end) to:
// (start)---(end)
if (buildLog)
buildLog.segmentChop(ev.seg, end);
ev.seg.end = end;
| = end;
function eventDivide(ev, pt){
var ns = segmentCopy(pt, ev.seg.end, ev.seg);
eventUpdateEnd(ev, pt);
return eventAddSegment(ns, ev.primary);
function calculate(primaryPolyInverted, secondaryPolyInverted){
// if selfIntersection is true then there is no secondary polygon, so that isn't used
// status logic
var status_root = LinkedList.create();
function statusCompare(ev1, ev2){
var a1 = ev1.seg.start;
var a2 = ev1.seg.end;
var b1 = ev2.seg.start;
var b2 = ev2.seg.end;
if (eps.pointsCollinear(a1, b1, b2)){
if (eps.pointsCollinear(a2, b1, b2))
return 1;//eventCompare(true, a1, a2, true, b1, b2);
return eps.pointAboveOrOnLine(a2, b1, b2) ? 1 : -1;
return eps.pointAboveOrOnLine(a1, b1, b2) ? 1 : -1;
function statusFindSurrounding(ev){
return status_root.findTransition(function(here){
var comp = statusCompare(ev, here.ev);
return comp > 0;
function checkIntersection(ev1, ev2){
// returns the segment equal to ev1, or false if nothing equal
var seg1 = ev1.seg;
var seg2 = ev2.seg;
var a1 = seg1.start;
var a2 = seg1.end;
var b1 = seg2.start;
var b2 = seg2.end;
if (buildLog)
buildLog.checkIntersection(seg1, seg2);
var i = eps.linesIntersect(a1, a2, b1, b2);
if (i === false){
// segments are parallel or coincident
// if points aren't collinear, then the segments are parallel, so no intersections
if (!eps.pointsCollinear(a1, a2, b1))
return false;
// otherwise, segments are on top of each other somehow (aka coincident)
if (eps.pointsSame(a1, b2) || eps.pointsSame(a2, b1))
return false; // segments touch at endpoints... no intersection
var a1_equ_b1 = eps.pointsSame(a1, b1);
var a2_equ_b2 = eps.pointsSame(a2, b2);
if (a1_equ_b1 && a2_equ_b2)
return ev2; // segments are exactly equal
var a1_between = !a1_equ_b1 && eps.pointBetween(a1, b1, b2);
var a2_between = !a2_equ_b2 && eps.pointBetween(a2, b1, b2);
// handy for debugging:
// buildLog.log({
// a1_equ_b1: a1_equ_b1,
// a2_equ_b2: a2_equ_b2,
// a1_between: a1_between,
// a2_between: a2_between
// });
if (a1_equ_b1){
if (a2_between){
// (a1)---(a2)
// (b1)----------(b2)
eventDivide(ev2, a2);
// (a1)----------(a2)
// (b1)---(b2)
eventDivide(ev1, b2);
return ev2;
else if (a1_between){
if (!a2_equ_b2){
// make a2 equal to b2
if (a2_between){
// (a1)---(a2)
// (b1)-----------------(b2)
eventDivide(ev2, a2);
// (a1)----------(a2)
// (b1)----------(b2)
eventDivide(ev1, b2);
// (a1)---(a2)
// (b1)----------(b2)
eventDivide(ev2, a1);
// otherwise, lines intersect at, which may or may not be between the endpoints
// is A divided between its endpoints? (exclusive)
if (i.alongA === 0){
if (i.alongB === -1) // yes, at exactly b1
eventDivide(ev1, b1);
else if (i.alongB === 0) // yes, somewhere between B's endpoints
else if (i.alongB === 1) // yes, at exactly b2
eventDivide(ev1, b2);
// is B divided between its endpoints? (exclusive)
if (i.alongB === 0){
if (i.alongA === -1) // yes, at exactly a1
eventDivide(ev2, a1);
else if (i.alongA === 0) // yes, somewhere between A's endpoints (exclusive)
else if (i.alongA === 1) // yes, at exactly a2
eventDivide(ev2, a2);
return false;
// main event loop
var segments = [];
while (!event_root.isEmpty()){
var ev = event_root.getHead();
if (buildLog)
if (ev.isStart){
if (buildLog)
buildLog.segmentNew(ev.seg, ev.primary);
var surrounding = statusFindSurrounding(ev);
var above = surrounding.before ? surrounding.before.ev : null;
var below = surrounding.after ? surrounding.after.ev : null;
if (buildLog){
above ? above.seg : false,
below ? below.seg : false
function checkBothIntersections(){
if (above){
var eve = checkIntersection(ev, above);
if (eve)
return eve;
if (below)
return checkIntersection(ev, below);
return false;
var eve = checkBothIntersections();
if (eve){
// ev and eve are equal
// we'll keep eve and throw away ev
// merge ev.seg's fill information into eve.seg
if (selfIntersection){
var toggle; // are we a toggling edge?
if (ev.seg.myFill.below === null)
toggle = true;
toggle = ev.seg.myFill.above !== ev.seg.myFill.below;
// merge two segments that belong to the same polygon
// think of this as sandwiching two segments together, where `eve.seg` is
// the bottom -- this will cause the above fill flag to toggle
if (toggle)
eve.seg.myFill.above = !eve.seg.myFill.above;
// merge two segments that belong to different polygons
// each segment has distinct knowledge, so no special logic is needed
// note that this can only happen once per segment in this phase, because we
// are guaranteed that all self-intersections are gone
eve.seg.otherFill = ev.seg.myFill;
if (buildLog)
if (event_root.getHead() !== ev){
// something was inserted before us in the event queue, so loop back around and
// process it before continuing
if (buildLog)
// calculate fill flags
if (selfIntersection){
var toggle; // are we a toggling edge?
if (ev.seg.myFill.below === null) // if we are a new segment...
toggle = true; // then we toggle
else // we are a segment that has previous knowledge from a division
toggle = ev.seg.myFill.above !== ev.seg.myFill.below; // calculate toggle
// next, calculate whether we are filled below us
if (!below){ // if nothing is below us...
// we are filled below us if the polygon is inverted
ev.seg.myFill.below = primaryPolyInverted;
// otherwise, we know the answer -- it's the same if whatever is below
// us is filled above it
ev.seg.myFill.below = below.seg.myFill.above;
// since now we know if we're filled below us, we can calculate whether
// we're filled above us by applying toggle to whatever is below us
if (toggle)
ev.seg.myFill.above = !ev.seg.myFill.below;
ev.seg.myFill.above = ev.seg.myFill.below;
// now we fill in any missing transition information, since we are all-knowing
// at this point
if (ev.seg.otherFill === null){
// if we don't have other information, then we need to figure out if we're
// inside the other polygon
var inside;
if (!below){
// if nothing is below us, then we're inside if the other polygon is
// inverted
inside =
ev.primary ? secondaryPolyInverted : primaryPolyInverted;
else{ // otherwise, something is below us
// so copy the below segment's other polygon's above
if (ev.primary === below.primary)
inside = below.seg.otherFill.above;
inside = below.seg.myFill.above;
ev.seg.otherFill = {
above: inside,
below: inside
if (buildLog){
above ? above.seg : false,
below ? below.seg : false
// insert the status and remember it for later removal
ev.other.status = surrounding.insert(LinkedList.node({ ev: ev }));
var st = ev.status;
if (st === null){
throw new Error('PolyBool: Zero-length segment detected; your epsilon is ' +
'probably too small or too large');
// removing the status will create two new adjacent edges, so we'll need to check
// for those
if (status_root.exists(st.prev) && status_root.exists(
if (buildLog)
// remove the status
// if we've reached this point, we've calculated everything there is to know, so
// save the segment for reporting
if (!ev.primary){
// make sure `seg.myFill` actually points to the primary polygon though
var s = ev.seg.myFill;
ev.seg.myFill = ev.seg.otherFill;
ev.seg.otherFill = s;
// remove the event and continue
if (buildLog)
return segments;
// return the appropriate API depending on what we're doing
if (!selfIntersection){
// performing combination of polygons, so only deal with already-processed segments
return {
calculate: function(segments1, inverted1, segments2, inverted2){
// segmentsX come from the self-intersection API, or this API
// invertedX is whether we treat that list of segments as an inverted polygon or not
// returns segments that can be used for further operations
eventAddSegment(segmentCopy(seg.start, seg.end, seg), true);
eventAddSegment(segmentCopy(seg.start, seg.end, seg), false);
return calculate(inverted1, inverted2);
// otherwise, performing self-intersection, so deal with regions
return {
addRegion: function(region){
// regions are a list of points:
// [ [0, 0], [100, 0], [50, 100] ]
// you can add multiple regions before running calculate
var pt1;
var pt2 = region[region.length - 1];
for (var i = 0; i < region.length; i++){
pt1 = pt2;
pt2 = region[i];
var forward = eps.pointsCompare(pt1, pt2);
if (forward === 0) // points are equal, so we have a zero-length segment
continue; // just skip it
forward < 0 ? pt1 : pt2,
forward < 0 ? pt2 : pt1
calculate: function(inverted){
// is the polygon inverted?
// returns segments
return calculate(inverted, false);
module.exports = Intersecter;
// (c) Copyright 2016, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
// simple linked list implementation that allows you to traverse down nodes and save positions
var LinkedList = {
create: function(){
var my = {
root: { root: true, next: null },
exists: function(node){
if (node === null || node === my.root)
return false;
return true;
isEmpty: function(){
return === null;
getHead: function(){
insertBefore: function(node, check){
var last = my.root;
var here =;
while (here !== null){
if (check(here)){
node.prev = here.prev;
| = here;
| = node;
here.prev = node;
last = here;
here =;
| = node;
node.prev = last;
| = null;
findTransition: function(check){
var prev = my.root;
var here =;
while (here !== null){
if (check(here))
prev = here;
here =;
return {
before: prev === my.root ? null : prev,
after: here,
insert: function(node){
node.prev = prev;
| = here;
| = node;
if (here !== null)
here.prev = node;
return node;
return my;
node: function(data){
data.prev = null;
| = null;
data.remove = function(){
| =;
if (
| = data.prev;
data.prev = null;
| = null;
return data;
module.exports = LinkedList;
// (c) Copyright 2016, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
// converts a list of segments into a list of regions, while also removing unnecessary verticies
function SegmentChainer(segments, eps, buildLog){
var chains = [];
var regions = [];
var pt1 = seg.start;
var pt2 = seg.end;
if (eps.pointsSame(pt1, pt2)){
console.warn('PolyBool: Warning: Zero-length segment detected; your epsilon is ' +
'probably too small or too large');
if (buildLog)
// search for two chains that this segment matches
var first_match = {
index: 0,
matches_head: false,
matches_pt1: false
var second_match = {
index: 0,
matches_head: false,
matches_pt1: false
var next_match = first_match;
function setMatch(index, matches_head, matches_pt1){
// return true if we've matched twice
next_match.index = index;
next_match.matches_head = matches_head;
next_match.matches_pt1 = matches_pt1;
if (next_match === first_match){
next_match = second_match;
return false;
next_match = null;
return true; // we've matched twice, we're done here
for (var i = 0; i < chains.length; i++){
var chain = chains[i];
var head = chain[0];
var head2 = chain[1];
var tail = chain[chain.length - 1];
var tail2 = chain[chain.length - 2];
if (eps.pointsSame(head, pt1)){
if (setMatch(i, true, true))
else if (eps.pointsSame(head, pt2)){
if (setMatch(i, true, false))
else if (eps.pointsSame(tail, pt1)){
if (setMatch(i, false, true))
else if (eps.pointsSame(tail, pt2)){
if (setMatch(i, false, false))
if (next_match === first_match){
// we didn't match anything, so create a new chain
chains.push([ pt1, pt2 ]);
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainNew(pt1, pt2);
if (next_match === second_match){
// we matched a single chain
if (buildLog)
// add the other point to the apporpriate end, and check to see if we've closed the
// chain into a loop
var index = first_match.index;
var pt = first_match.matches_pt1 ? pt2 : pt1; // if we matched pt1, then we add pt2, etc
var addToHead = first_match.matches_head; // if we matched at head, then add to the head
var chain = chains[index];
var grow = addToHead ? chain[0] : chain[chain.length - 1];
var grow2 = addToHead ? chain[1] : chain[chain.length - 2];
var oppo = addToHead ? chain[chain.length - 1] : chain[0];
var oppo2 = addToHead ? chain[chain.length - 2] : chain[1];
if (eps.pointsCollinear(grow2, grow, pt)){
// grow isn't needed because it's directly between grow2 and pt:
// grow2 ---grow---> pt
if (addToHead){
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainRemoveHead(first_match.index, pt);
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainRemoveTail(first_match.index, pt);
grow = grow2; // old grow is gone... new grow is what grow2 was
if (eps.pointsSame(oppo, pt)){
// we're closing the loop, so remove chain from chains
chains.splice(index, 1);
if (eps.pointsCollinear(oppo2, oppo, grow)){
// oppo isn't needed because it's directly between oppo2 and grow:
// oppo2 ---oppo--->grow
if (addToHead){
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainRemoveTail(first_match.index, grow);
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainRemoveHead(first_match.index, grow);
if (buildLog)
// we have a closed chain!
// not closing a loop, so just add it to the apporpriate side
if (addToHead){
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainAddHead(first_match.index, pt);
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainAddTail(first_match.index, pt);
// otherwise, we matched two chains, so we need to combine those chains together
function reverseChain(index){
if (buildLog)
chains[index].reverse(); // gee, that's easy
function appendChain(index1, index2){
// index1 gets index2 appended to it, and index2 is removed
var chain1 = chains[index1];
var chain2 = chains[index2];
var tail = chain1[chain1.length - 1];
var tail2 = chain1[chain1.length - 2];
var head = chain2[0];
var head2 = chain2[1];
if (eps.pointsCollinear(tail2, tail, head)){
// tail isn't needed because it's directly between tail2 and head
// tail2 ---tail---> head
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainRemoveTail(index1, tail);
tail = tail2; // old tail is gone... new tail is what tail2 was
if (eps.pointsCollinear(tail, head, head2)){
// head isn't needed because it's directly between tail and head2
// tail ---head---> head2
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainRemoveHead(index2, head);
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainJoin(index1, index2);
chains[index1] = chain1.concat(chain2);
chains.splice(index2, 1);
var F = first_match.index;
var S = second_match.index;
if (buildLog)
buildLog.chainConnect(F, S);
var reverseF = chains[F].length < chains[S].length; // reverse the shorter chain, if needed
if (first_match.matches_head){
if (second_match.matches_head){
if (reverseF){
// <<<< F <<<< --- >>>> S >>>>
// >>>> F >>>> --- >>>> S >>>>
appendChain(F, S);
// <<<< F <<<< --- >>>> S >>>>
// <<<< F <<<< --- <<<< S <<<< logically same as:
// >>>> S >>>> --- >>>> F >>>>
appendChain(S, F);
// <<<< F <<<< --- <<<< S <<<< logically same as:
// >>>> S >>>> --- >>>> F >>>>
appendChain(S, F);
if (second_match.matches_head){
// >>>> F >>>> --- >>>> S >>>>
appendChain(F, S);
if (reverseF){
// >>>> F >>>> --- <<<< S <<<<
// <<<< F <<<< --- <<<< S <<<< logically same as:
// >>>> S >>>> --- >>>> F >>>>
appendChain(S, F);
// >>>> F >>>> --- <<<< S <<<<
// >>>> F >>>> --- >>>> S >>>>
appendChain(F, S);
return regions;
module.exports = SegmentChainer;
// (c) Copyright 2016, Sean Connelly (@voidqk),
// MIT License
// Project Home:
// filter a list of segments based on boolean operations
function select(segments, selection, buildLog){
var result = [];
var index =
(seg.myFill.above ? 8 : 0) +
(seg.myFill.below ? 4 : 0) +
((seg.otherFill && seg.otherFill.above) ? 2 : 0) +
((seg.otherFill && seg.otherFill.below) ? 1 : 0);
if (selection[index] !== 0){
// copy the segment to the results, while also calculating the fill status
id: buildLog ? buildLog.segmentId() : -1,
start: seg.start,
end: seg.end,
myFill: {
above: selection[index] === 1, // 1 if filled above
below: selection[index] === 2 // 2 if filled below
otherFill: null
if (buildLog)
return result;
var SegmentSelector = {
union: function(segments, buildLog){ // primary | secondary
// above1 below1 above2 below2 Keep? Value
// 0 0 0 0 => no 0
// 0 0 0 1 => yes filled below 2
// 0 0 1 0 => yes filled above 1
// 0 0 1 1 => no 0
// 0 1 0 0 => yes filled below 2
// 0 1 0 1 => yes filled below 2
// 0 1 1 0 => no 0
// 0 1 1 1 => no 0
// 1 0 0 0 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 0 1 => no 0
// 1 0 1 0 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 1 1 => no 0
// 1 1 0 0 => no 0
// 1 1 0 1 => no 0
// 1 1 1 0 => no 0
// 1 1 1 1 => no 0
return select(segments, [
0, 2, 1, 0,
2, 2, 0, 0,
1, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0
], buildLog);
intersect: function(segments, buildLog){ // primary & secondary
// above1 below1 above2 below2 Keep? Value
// 0 0 0 0 => no 0
// 0 0 0 1 => no 0
// 0 0 1 0 => no 0
// 0 0 1 1 => no 0
// 0 1 0 0 => no 0
// 0 1 0 1 => yes filled below 2
// 0 1 1 0 => no 0
// 0 1 1 1 => yes filled below 2
// 1 0 0 0 => no 0
// 1 0 0 1 => no 0
// 1 0 1 0 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 1 1 => yes filled above 1
// 1 1 0 0 => no 0
// 1 1 0 1 => yes filled below 2
// 1 1 1 0 => yes filled above 1
// 1 1 1 1 => no 0
return select(segments, [
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 2, 0, 2,
0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 2, 1, 0
], buildLog);
difference: function(segments, buildLog){ // primary - secondary
// above1 below1 above2 below2 Keep? Value
// 0 0 0 0 => no 0
// 0 0 0 1 => no 0
// 0 0 1 0 => no 0
// 0 0 1 1 => no 0
// 0 1 0 0 => yes filled below 2
// 0 1 0 1 => no 0
// 0 1 1 0 => yes filled below 2
// 0 1 1 1 => no 0
// 1 0 0 0 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 0 1 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 1 0 => no 0
// 1 0 1 1 => no 0
// 1 1 0 0 => no 0
// 1 1 0 1 => yes filled above 1
// 1 1 1 0 => yes filled below 2
// 1 1 1 1 => no 0
return select(segments, [
0, 0, 0, 0,
2, 0, 2, 0,
1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 2, 0
], buildLog);
differenceRev: function(segments, buildLog){ // secondary - primary
// above1 below1 above2 below2 Keep? Value
// 0 0 0 0 => no 0
// 0 0 0 1 => yes filled below 2
// 0 0 1 0 => yes filled above 1
// 0 0 1 1 => no 0
// 0 1 0 0 => no 0
// 0 1 0 1 => no 0
// 0 1 1 0 => yes filled above 1
// 0 1 1 1 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 0 0 => no 0
// 1 0 0 1 => yes filled below 2
// 1 0 1 0 => no 0
// 1 0 1 1 => yes filled below 2
// 1 1 0 0 => no 0
// 1 1 0 1 => no 0
// 1 1 1 0 => no 0
// 1 1 1 1 => no 0
return select(segments, [
0, 2, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 2, 0, 2,
0, 0, 0, 0
], buildLog);
xor: function(segments, buildLog){ // primary ^ secondary
// above1 below1 above2 below2 Keep? Value
// 0 0 0 0 => no 0
// 0 0 0 1 => yes filled below 2
// 0 0 1 0 => yes filled above 1
// 0 0 1 1 => no 0
// 0 1 0 0 => yes filled below 2
// 0 1 0 1 => no 0
// 0 1 1 0 => no 0
// 0 1 1 1 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 0 0 => yes filled above 1
// 1 0 0 1 => no 0
// 1 0 1 0 => no 0
// 1 0 1 1 => yes filled below 2
// 1 1 0 0 => no 0
// 1 1 0 1 => yes filled above 1
// 1 1 1 0 => yes filled below 2
// 1 1 1 1 => no 0
return select(segments, [
0, 2, 1, 0,
2, 0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 0, 2,
0, 1, 2, 0
], buildLog);
module.exports = SegmentSelector;