StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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481 lines
14 KiB
481 lines
14 KiB
4 years ago
var assert = require('assert')
var tokenize = require('./parse').tokenize
var stringify = require('./stringify').stringify
var analyze = require('./analyze').analyze
function isObject(x) {
return typeof(x) === 'object' && x !== null
function value_to_tokenlist(value, stack, options, is_key, indent) {
options = Object.create(options)
options._stringify_key = !!is_key
if (indent) {
options._prefix = {
return x.raw
if (options._splitMin == null) options._splitMin = 0
if (options._splitMax == null) options._splitMax = 0
var stringified = stringify(value, options)
if (is_key) {
return [ { raw: stringified, type: 'key', stack: stack, value: value } ]
options._addstack = stack
var result = tokenize(stringified, {
_addstack: stack,
| = null
return result
// '1.2.3' -> ['1','2','3']
function arg_to_path(path) {
// array indexes
if (typeof(path) === 'number') path = String(path)
if (path === '') path = []
if (typeof(path) === 'string') path = path.split('.')
if (!Array.isArray(path)) throw Error('Invalid path type, string or array expected')
return path
// returns new [begin, end] or false if not found
// {x:3, xxx: 111, y: [111, {q: 1, e: 2} ,333] }
// f('y',0) returns this B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E
// then f('1',1) would reduce it to B^^^^^^^^^^E
function find_element_in_tokenlist(element, lvl, tokens, begin, end) {
while(tokens[begin].stack[lvl] != element) {
if (begin++ >= end) return false
while(tokens[end].stack[lvl] != element) {
if (end-- < begin) return false
return [begin, end]
function is_whitespace(token_type) {
return token_type === 'whitespace'
|| token_type === 'newline'
|| token_type === 'comment'
function find_first_non_ws_token(tokens, begin, end) {
while(is_whitespace(tokens[begin].type)) {
if (begin++ >= end) return false
return begin
function find_last_non_ws_token(tokens, begin, end) {
while(is_whitespace(tokens[end].type)) {
if (end-- < begin) return false
return end
* when appending a new element of an object/array, we are trying to
* figure out the style used on the previous element
* return {prefix, sep1, sep2, suffix}
* ' "key" : "element" \r\n'
* prefix^^^^ sep1^ ^^sep2 ^^^^^^^^suffix
* begin - the beginning of the object/array
* end - last token of the last element (value or comma usually)
function detect_indent_style(tokens, is_array, begin, end, level) {
var result = {
sep1: [],
sep2: [],
suffix: [],
prefix: [],
newline: [],
if (tokens[end].type === 'separator' && tokens[end].stack.length !== level+1 && tokens[end].raw !== ',') {
// either a beginning of the array (no last element) or other weird situation
// just return defaults
return result
// ' "key" : "value" ,'
// skipping last separator, we're now here ^^
if (tokens[end].type === 'separator')
end = find_last_non_ws_token(tokens, begin, end - 1)
if (end === false) return result
// ' "key" : "value" ,'
// skipping value ^^^^^^^
while(tokens[end].stack.length > level) end--
if (!is_array) {
while(is_whitespace(tokens[end].type)) {
if (end < begin) return result
if (tokens[end].type === 'whitespace') {
} else {
// newline, comment or other unrecognized codestyle
return result
// ' "key" : "value" ,'
// skipping separator ^
assert.equal(tokens[end].type, 'separator')
assert.equal(tokens[end].raw, ':')
while(is_whitespace(tokens[--end].type)) {
if (end < begin) return result
if (tokens[end].type === 'whitespace') {
} else {
// newline, comment or other unrecognized codestyle
return result
assert.equal(tokens[end].type, 'key')
// ' "key" : "value" ,'
// skipping key ^^^^^
while(is_whitespace(tokens[end].type)) {
if (end < begin) return result
if (tokens[end].type === 'whitespace') {
} else if (tokens[end].type === 'newline') {
return result
} else {
// comment or other unrecognized codestyle
return result
return result
function Document(text, options) {
var self = Object.create(Document.prototype)
if (options == null) options = {}
//options._structure = true
var tokens = self._tokens = tokenize(text, options)
self._data =
| = null
self._options = options
var stats = analyze(text, options)
if (options.indent == null) {
options.indent = stats.indent
if (options.quote == null) {
options.quote = stats.quote
if (options.quote_keys == null) {
options.quote_keys = stats.quote_keys
if (options.no_trailing_comma == null) {
options.no_trailing_comma = !stats.has_trailing_comma
return self
// return true if it's a proper object
// throw otherwise
function check_if_can_be_placed(key, object, is_unset) {
//if (object == null) return false
function error(add) {
return Error("You can't " + (is_unset ? 'unset' : 'set') + " key '" + key + "'" + add)
if (!isObject(object)) {
throw error(' of an non-object')
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
// array, check boundary
if (String(key).match(/^\d+$/)) {
key = Number(String(key))
if (object.length < key || (is_unset && object.length === key)) {
throw error(', out of bounds')
} else if (is_unset && object.length !== key+1) {
throw error(' in the middle of an array')
} else {
return true
} else {
throw error(' of an array')
} else {
// object
return true
// usage: document.set('', 'value')
// or: document.set(['path','to','something'], 'value')
Document.prototype.set = function(path, value) {
path = arg_to_path(path)
// updating this._data and check for errors
if (path.length === 0) {
if (value === undefined) throw Error("can't remove root document")
this._data = value
var new_key = false
} else {
var data = this._data
for (var i=0; i<path.length-1; i++) {
check_if_can_be_placed(path[i], data, false)
data = data[path[i]]
if (i === path.length-1) {
check_if_can_be_placed(path[i], data, value === undefined)
var new_key = !(path[i] in data)
if (value === undefined) {
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
} else {
delete data[path[i]]
} else {
data[path[i]] = value
// for inserting document
if (!this._tokens.length)
this._tokens = [ { raw: '', type: 'literal', stack: [], value: undefined } ]
var position = [
find_first_non_ws_token(this._tokens, 0, this._tokens.length - 1),
find_last_non_ws_token(this._tokens, 0, this._tokens.length - 1),
for (var i=0; i<path.length-1; i++) {
position = find_element_in_tokenlist(path[i], i, this._tokens, position[0], position[1])
if (position == false) throw Error('internal error, please report this')
// assume that i == path.length-1 here
if (path.length === 0) {
var newtokens = value_to_tokenlist(value, path, this._options)
// all good
} else if (!new_key) {
// replace old value with a new one (or deleting something)
var pos_old = position
position = find_element_in_tokenlist(path[i], i, this._tokens, position[0], position[1])
if (value === undefined && position !== false) {
// deleting element (position !== false ensures there's something)
var newtokens = []
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
// removing element from an object, `{x:1, key:CURRENT} -> {x:1}`
// removing sep, literal and optional sep
// ':'
var pos2 = find_last_non_ws_token(this._tokens, pos_old[0], position[0] - 1)
assert.equal(this._tokens[pos2].type, 'separator')
assert.equal(this._tokens[pos2].raw, ':')
position[0] = pos2
// key
var pos2 = find_last_non_ws_token(this._tokens, pos_old[0], position[0] - 1)
assert.equal(this._tokens[pos2].type, 'key')
assert.equal(this._tokens[pos2].value, path[path.length-1])
position[0] = pos2
// removing comma in arrays and objects
var pos2 = find_last_non_ws_token(this._tokens, pos_old[0], position[0] - 1)
assert.equal(this._tokens[pos2].type, 'separator')
if (this._tokens[pos2].raw === ',') {
position[0] = pos2
} else {
// beginning of the array/object, so we should remove trailing comma instead
pos2 = find_first_non_ws_token(this._tokens, position[1] + 1, pos_old[1])
assert.equal(this._tokens[pos2].type, 'separator')
if (this._tokens[pos2].raw === ',') {
position[1] = pos2
} else {
var indent = pos2 !== false
? detect_indent_style(this._tokens, Array.isArray(data), pos_old[0], position[1] - 1, i)
: {}
var newtokens = value_to_tokenlist(value, path, this._options, false, indent)
} else {
// insert new key, that's tricky
var path_1 = path.slice(0, i)
// find a last separator after which we're inserting it
var pos2 = find_last_non_ws_token(this._tokens, position[0] + 1, position[1] - 1)
assert(pos2 !== false)
var indent = pos2 !== false
? detect_indent_style(this._tokens, Array.isArray(data), position[0] + 1, pos2, i)
: {}
var newtokens = value_to_tokenlist(value, path, this._options, false, indent)
// adding leading whitespaces according to detected codestyle
var prefix = []
if (indent.newline && indent.newline.length)
prefix = prefix.concat(indent.newline)
if (indent.prefix && indent.prefix.length)
prefix = prefix.concat(indent.prefix)
// adding '"key":' (as in "key":"value") to object values
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
prefix = prefix.concat(value_to_tokenlist(path[path.length-1], path_1, this._options, true))
if (indent.sep1 && indent.sep1.length)
prefix = prefix.concat(indent.sep1)
prefix.push({raw: ':', type: 'separator', stack: path_1})
if (indent.sep2 && indent.sep2.length)
prefix = prefix.concat(indent.sep2)
newtokens.unshift.apply(newtokens, prefix)
// check if prev token is a separator AND they're at the same level
if (this._tokens[pos2].type === 'separator' && this._tokens[pos2].stack.length === path.length-1) {
// previous token is either , or [ or {
if (this._tokens[pos2].raw === ',') {
// restore ending comma
newtokens.push({raw: ',', type: 'separator', stack: path_1})
} else {
// previous token isn't a separator, so need to insert one
newtokens.unshift({raw: ',', type: 'separator', stack: path_1})
if (indent.suffix && indent.suffix.length)
newtokens.push.apply(newtokens, indent.suffix)
assert.equal(this._tokens[position[1]].type, 'separator')
position[0] = pos2+1
position[1] = pos2
newtokens.unshift(position[1] - position[0] + 1)
this._tokens.splice.apply(this._tokens, newtokens)
return this
// convenience method
Document.prototype.unset = function(path) {
return this.set(path, undefined)
Document.prototype.get = function(path) {
path = arg_to_path(path)
var data = this._data
for (var i=0; i<path.length; i++) {
if (!isObject(data)) return undefined
data = data[path[i]]
return data
Document.prototype.has = function(path) {
path = arg_to_path(path)
var data = this._data
for (var i=0; i<path.length; i++) {
if (!isObject(data)) return false
data = data[path[i]]
return data !== undefined
// compare old object and new one, and change differences only
Document.prototype.update = function(value) {
var self = this
change([], self._data, value)
return self
function change(path, old_data, new_data) {
if (!isObject(new_data) || !isObject(old_data)) {
// if source or dest is primitive, just replace
if (new_data !== old_data)
self.set(path, new_data)
} else if (Array.isArray(new_data) != Array.isArray(old_data)) {
// old data is an array XOR new data is an array, replace as well
self.set(path, new_data)
} else if (Array.isArray(new_data)) {
// both values are arrays here
if (new_data.length > old_data.length) {
// adding new elements, so going forward
for (var i=0; i<new_data.length; i++) {
change(path, old_data[i], new_data[i])
} else {
// removing something, so going backward
for (var i=old_data.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
change(path, old_data[i], new_data[i])
} else {
// both values are objects here
for (var i in new_data) {
change(path, old_data[i], new_data[i])
for (var i in old_data) {
if (i in new_data) continue
change(path, old_data[i], new_data[i])
Document.prototype.toString = function() {
return {
return x.raw
module.exports.Document = Document
module.exports.update = function updateJSON(source, new_value, options) {
return Document(source, options).update(new_value).toString()