StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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198 lines
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4 years ago
var fit = require('canvas-fit')
var mouseWheel = require('mouse-wheel')
var mouseChange = require('mouse-change')
var createContour = require('../contour')
var createSelectBox = require('gl-select-box')
var createSpikes = require('gl-spikes2d')
var createPlot = require('gl-plot2d')
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
window.addEventListener('resize', fit(canvas, null, +window.devicePixelRatio), false) // not working well at the moment
var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl')
var aspect = gl.drawingBufferWidth / gl.drawingBufferHeight
// visible data box
var initialVisibleTickItemRangeX = [-10, 10] // initially show at most 10 ticks to the left and 10 to the right
var initialVisibleTickItemRangeY = [-6, 6] // initially show at most 6 ticks up and 6 ticks down
var tickItemRange = aspect > 1 ? initialVisibleTickItemRangeX : initialVisibleTickItemRangeY // make sure it fits
var initialDataBox = [
tickItemRange[0], tickItemRange[0] / aspect,
tickItemRange[1], tickItemRange[1] / aspect
var dataBox = initialDataBox.slice() // will be mutated by mouse interactions
// left closed, right open range function
function range(start, end, specifiedIncrement) {
var increment = specifiedIncrement || 1
var result = []
for(var n = start; n < end; n += increment)
return result
function makeTick(i) {
return {
x: i,
text: i.toString()
var options = {
gl: gl,
dataBox: dataBox,
title: '100 million points',
ticks: [range(-20, 20).map(makeTick), range(-20, 20).map(makeTick)],
labels: ['x', 'y'],
pixelRatio: +window.devicePixelRatio,
tickMarkWidth: [2, 2, 2, 2],
tickMarkLength: [6, 6, 6, 6]
var plot = createPlot(options)
var selectBox = createSelectBox(plot, {
innerFill: false,
outerFill: true
selectBox.enabled = false
var spikes = createSpikes(plot)
// making and populating the data grid
var xRange = range(-6, 7)
var yRange = range(-5, 6)
var z = new Array(xRange.length * yRange.length)
for(var i = 0; i < xRange.length; i++)
for(var j = 0; j < yRange.length; j++)
z[i * yRange.length + j] = Math.pow(xRange[i], 2) / (4 * 4) + Math.pow(yRange[j], 2) / (3 * 3)
// creating the plot
var heatmap = createContour(plot, {
x: xRange,
y: yRange,
z: z,
shape: [xRange.length, yRange.length], // it doesn't calculate shape out even if x and y optionals are passed
levels: [0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5],
lineWidth: 4,
levelColors: [
1, 0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0, 1,
0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 1
fillColors: [
1, 0, 0, .3,
0, 1, 0, .3,
0, 0, 1, .3,
0, 0, 0, .5,
0, 0, 0, .2
// adding interactions (optional)
var lastX = 0, lastY = 0
var boxStart = [0,0]
var boxEnd = [0,0]
var boxEnabled = false
mouseChange(function(buttons, x, y, mods) {
y = window.innerHeight - y
x *= plot.pixelRatio
y *= plot.pixelRatio
if(buttons & 1) {
if(mods.shift) {
var dataX = (x - plot.viewBox[0]) / (plot.viewBox[2]-plot.viewBox[0]) * (dataBox[2] - dataBox[0]) + dataBox[0]
var dataY = (y - plot.viewBox[1]) / (plot.viewBox[3]-plot.viewBox[1]) * (dataBox[3] - dataBox[1]) + dataBox[1]
if(!boxEnabled) {
boxStart[0] = dataX
boxStart[1] = dataY
boxEnd[0] = dataX
boxEnd[1] = dataY
boxEnabled = true
} else {
var dx = (lastX - x) * (dataBox[2] - dataBox[0]) / (plot.viewBox[2]-plot.viewBox[0])
var dy = (lastY - y) * (dataBox[3] - dataBox[1]) / (plot.viewBox[3] - plot.viewBox[1])
dataBox[0] += dx
dataBox[1] += dy
dataBox[2] += dx
dataBox[3] += dy
} else {
var result = plot.pick(x/plot.pixelRatio, y/plot.pixelRatio)
if(result) {
spikes.update({center: result.dataCoord})
} else {
if(boxEnabled) {
selectBox.enabled = true
selectBox.selectBox = [
Math.min(boxStart[0], boxEnd[0]),
Math.min(boxStart[1], boxEnd[1]),
Math.max(boxStart[0], boxEnd[0]),
Math.max(boxStart[1], boxEnd[1])
if(!((buttons&1) && mods.shift)) {
selectBox.enabled = false
dataBox = [
Math.min(boxStart[0], boxEnd[0]),
Math.min(boxStart[1], boxEnd[1]),
Math.max(boxStart[0], boxEnd[0]),
Math.max(boxStart[1], boxEnd[1])
boxEnabled = false
lastX = x
lastY = y
mouseWheel(function(dx, dy, dz) {
var scale = Math.exp(0.1 * dy / gl.drawingBufferHeight)
var cx = (lastX - plot.viewBox[0]) / (plot.viewBox[2] - plot.viewBox[0]) * (dataBox[2] - dataBox[0]) + dataBox[0]
var cy = (plot.viewBox[1] - lastY) / (plot.viewBox[3] - plot.viewBox[1]) * (dataBox[3] - dataBox[1]) + dataBox[3]
dataBox[0] = (dataBox[0] - cx) * scale + cx
dataBox[1] = (dataBox[1] - cy) * scale + cy
dataBox[2] = (dataBox[2] - cx) * scale + cx
dataBox[3] = (dataBox[3] - cy) * scale + cy
return true
function render() {