StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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224 lines
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4 years ago
import { deepFreeze } from './object'; // --- General BootstrapVue configuration ---
// The global config SHALL NOT be used to set defaults for Boolean props, as the props
// would loose their semantic meaning, and force people writing 3rd party components to
// explicity set a true or false value using the v-bind syntax on boolean props
// Supported config values (depending on the prop's supported type(s)):
// `String`, `Array`, `Object`, `null` or `undefined`
// Some components (`<b-col>` and `<b-form-group>`) generate props based on breakpoints,
// and this occurs when the component is first loaded (evaluated), which may happen
// before the config is created/modified
// To get around this we make these components' props async (lazy evaluation)
// The component definition is only called/executed when the first access to the
// component is used (and cached on subsequent uses)
// For default values on props, we use the default value factory function approach so
// that the default values are pulled in at each component instantiation
// props: {
// variant: {
// type: String,
// default: () => getConfigComponent('BAlert', 'variant')
// }
// }
// We also provide a cached getter for breakpoints, which are "frozen" on first access
// prettier-ignore
export default deepFreeze({
// Breakpoints
breakpoints: ['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'],
// Form controls
formControls: {
size: null
// Component specific defaults are keyed by the component
// name (PascalCase) and prop name (camelCase)
BAlert: {
dismissLabel: 'Close',
variant: 'info'
BBadge: {
variant: 'secondary'
BButton: {
size: null,
variant: 'secondary'
BButtonClose: {
content: '×',
// `textVariant` is `null` to inherit the current text color
textVariant: null,
ariaLabel: 'Close'
BCalendar: {
// BFormDate will choose these first if not provided in BFormDate section
labelPrevYear: 'Previous year',
labelPrevMonth: 'Previous month',
labelCurrentMonth: 'Current month',
labelNextMonth: 'Next month',
labelNextYear: 'Next year',
labelToday: 'Today',
labelSelected: 'Selected date',
labelNoDateSelected: 'No date selected',
labelCalendar: 'Calendar',
labelNav: 'Calendar navigation',
labelHelp: 'Use cursor keys to navigate calendar dates'
BCardSubTitle: {
// `<b-card>` and `<b-card-body>` also inherit this prop
subTitleTextVariant: 'muted'
BCarousel: {
labelPrev: 'Previous Slide',
labelNext: 'Next Slide',
labelGotoSlide: 'Goto Slide',
labelIndicators: 'Select a slide to display'
BDropdown: {
toggleText: 'Toggle Dropdown',
size: null,
variant: 'secondary',
splitVariant: null
BFormDatepicker: {
// BFormDatepicker will choose from BCalendar first if not provided in BFormDatepicker section
labelPrevYear: null,
labelPrevMonth: null,
labelCurrentMonth: null,
labelNextMonth: null,
labelNextYear: null,
labelToday: null,
labelSelected: null,
labelNoDateSelected: null,
labelCalendar: null,
labelNav: null,
labelHelp: null,
// These props are specific to BFormDatepicker
labelTodayButton: 'Select today',
labelResetButton: 'Reset',
labelCloseButton: 'Close'
BFormFile: {
browseText: 'Browse',
// Chrome default file prompt
placeholder: 'No file chosen',
dropPlaceholder: 'Drop files here'
BFormSpinbutton: {
labelDecrement: 'Decrement',
labelIncrement: 'Increment'
BFormTag: {
removeLabel: 'Remove tag',
variant: 'secondary'
BFormTags: {
addButtonText: 'Add',
addButtonVariant: 'outline-secondary',
duplicateTagText: 'Duplicate tag(s)',
invalidTagText: 'Invalid tag(s)',
placeholder: 'Add tag...',
tagRemoveLabel: 'Remove tag',
tagRemovedLabel: 'Tag removed',
tagVariant: 'secondary'
BFormText: {
textVariant: 'muted'
BImg: {
blankColor: 'transparent'
BImgLazy: {
blankColor: 'transparent'
BInputGroup: {
size: null
BJumbotron: {
bgVariant: null,
borderVariant: null,
textVariant: null
BListGroupItem: {
variant: null
BModal: {
titleTag: 'h5',
size: 'md',
headerBgVariant: null,
headerBorderVariant: null,
headerTextVariant: null,
headerCloseVariant: null,
bodyBgVariant: null,
bodyTextVariant: null,
footerBgVariant: null,
footerBorderVariant: null,
footerTextVariant: null,
cancelTitle: 'Cancel',
cancelVariant: 'secondary',
okTitle: 'OK',
okVariant: 'primary',
headerCloseContent: '×',
headerCloseLabel: 'Close'
BNavbar: {
variant: null
BNavbarToggle: {
label: 'Toggle navigation'
BPagination: {
size: null
BPaginationNav: {
size: null
BPopover: {
boundary: 'scrollParent',
boundaryPadding: 5,
customClass: null,
delay: 50,
variant: null
BProgress: {
variant: null
BProgressBar: {
variant: null
BSpinner: {
variant: null
BTable: {
selectedVariant: 'active',
headVariant: null,
footVariant: null
BToast: {
toaster: 'b-toaster-top-right',
autoHideDelay: 5000,
variant: null,
toastClass: null,
headerClass: null,
bodyClass: null
BToaster: {
ariaLive: null,
ariaAtomic: null,
role: null
BTooltip: {
boundary: 'scrollParent',
boundaryPadding: 5,
customClass: null,
delay: 50,
variant: null