StackGenVis: Alignment of Data, Algorithms, and Models for Stacking Ensemble Learning Using Performance Metrics
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4 years ago
{"version":3,"file":"bootstrap-vue-icons.common.js","sources":["../src/utils/vue.js","../src/utils/array.js","../src/utils/object.js","../src/utils/env.js","../src/utils/inspect.js","../src/utils/string.js","../src/utils/identity.js","../src/utils/number.js","../src/icons/helpers/icon-base.js","../src/icons/helpers/make-icon.js","../src/icons/icons.js","../src/icons/icon.js","../src/icons/iconstack.js","../src/utils/warn.js","../src/utils/plugins.js","../src/icons/plugin.js","../src/icons-only.js"],"sourcesContent":["//\n// Single point of contact for Vue\n//\n// TODO:\n// Conditionally import Vue if no global Vue\n//\nimport Vue from 'vue'\n\nexport default Vue\n","// --- Static ---\n\nexport const from = (...args) => Array.from(...args)\nexport const isArray = val => Array.isArray(val)\n\n// --- Instance ---\n\nexport const arrayIncludes = (array, value) => array.indexOf(value) !== -1\nexport const concat = (...args) => Array.prototype.concat.apply([], args)\n","import { isArray } from './array'\n\n// --- Static ---\n\nexport const assign = (...args) => Object.assign(...args)\nexport const create = (proto, optionalProps) => Object.create(proto, optionalProps)\nexport const defineProperties = (obj, props) => Object.defineProperties(obj, props)\nexport const defineProperty = (obj, prop, descr) => Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descr)\nexport const freeze = obj => Object.freeze(obj)\nexport const getOwnPropertyNames = obj => Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)\nexport const getOwnPropertyDescriptor = (obj, prop) => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop)\nexport const getOwnPropertySymbols = obj => Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)\nexport const getPrototypeOf = obj => Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)\nexport const is = (value1, value2) =>, value2)\nexport const isFrozen = obj => Object.isFrozen(obj)\nexport const keys = obj => Object.keys(obj)\n\n// --- \"Instance\" ---\n\nexport const hasOwnProperty = (obj, prop) =>, prop)\nexport const toString = obj =>\n\n// --- Utilities ---\n\n/**\n * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell\n * Objects from primitive values when we know the value\n * is a JSON-compliant type.\n * Note object could be a complex type like array, date, etc.\n */\nexport const isObject = obj => obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'\n\n/**\n * Strict object type check. Only returns true\n * for plain JavaScript objects.\n */\nexport const isPlainObject = obj => === '[object Object]'\n\n/**\n * Shallow copy an object. If the passed in object\n * is null or undefined, returns an empty object\n */\nexport const clone = obj => ({ ...obj })\n\n/**\n * Return a shallow copy of object with\n * the specified properties omitted\n * @link\n */\nexport const omit = (obj, props) =>\n keys(obj)\n .filter(key => props.indexOf(key) === -1)\n .reduce((result, key) => ({ ...result, [key]: obj[key] }), {})\n\n/**\n * Convenience method to create a read-only descriptor\n */\nexport const readonlyDescriptor = () => ({ enumerable: true, configurable: false, writable: false })\n\n/**\n * Deep-freezes and object, making it immutable / read-only.\n * Returns the same object passed-in, but frozen.\n * Freezes inner object/array/values first.\n *\n * Note: this method will not work for property values using Symbol() as a key\n */\nexport const deepFreeze = obj => {\n // Retrieve the property names defined on object/array\n // Note: `keys` will ignore properties that are keyed by a `Symbol()`\n const props = keys(obj)\n // Iterate over each prop and recursively freeze it\n props.forEach(prop => {\n const value = obj[prop]\n // If value is a plain object or array, we deepFreeze it\n obj[prop] = value && (isPlainObject(value) || isArray(value)) ? deepFreeze(value) : value\n })\n return freeze(obj)\n}\n","/**\n * U