FeatureEnVi: Visual Analytics for Feature Engineering Using Stepwise Selection and Semi-Automatic Extraction Approaches https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2022.3141040
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# Copyright 2014-present MongoDB, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
# may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Tools to parse mongo client options."""
from bson.codec_options import _parse_codec_options
from pymongo.auth import _build_credentials_tuple
from pymongo.common import validate_boolean
from pymongo import common
from pymongo.compression_support import CompressionSettings
from pymongo.errors import ConfigurationError
from pymongo.monitoring import _EventListeners
from pymongo.pool import PoolOptions
from pymongo.read_concern import ReadConcern
from pymongo.read_preferences import (make_read_preference,
from pymongo.server_selectors import any_server_selector
from pymongo.ssl_support import get_ssl_context
from pymongo.write_concern import WriteConcern
def _parse_credentials(username, password, database, options):
"""Parse authentication credentials."""
mechanism = options.get('authmechanism', 'DEFAULT' if username else None)
source = options.get('authsource')
if username or mechanism:
return _build_credentials_tuple(
mechanism, source, username, password, options, database)
return None
def _parse_read_preference(options):
"""Parse read preference options."""
if 'read_preference' in options:
return options['read_preference']
name = options.get('readpreference', 'primary')
mode = read_pref_mode_from_name(name)
tags = options.get('readpreferencetags')
max_staleness = options.get('maxstalenessseconds', -1)
return make_read_preference(mode, tags, max_staleness)
def _parse_write_concern(options):
"""Parse write concern options."""
concern = options.get('w')
wtimeout = options.get('wtimeout', options.get('wtimeoutms'))
j = options.get('j', options.get('journal'))
fsync = options.get('fsync')
return WriteConcern(concern, wtimeout, j, fsync)
def _parse_read_concern(options):
"""Parse read concern options."""
concern = options.get('readconcernlevel')
return ReadConcern(concern)
def _parse_ssl_options(options):
"""Parse ssl options."""
use_ssl = options.get('ssl')
if use_ssl is not None:
validate_boolean('ssl', use_ssl)
certfile = options.get('ssl_certfile')
keyfile = options.get('ssl_keyfile')
passphrase = options.get('ssl_pem_passphrase')
ca_certs = options.get('ssl_ca_certs')
cert_reqs = options.get('ssl_cert_reqs')
match_hostname = options.get('ssl_match_hostname', True)
crlfile = options.get('ssl_crlfile')
ssl_kwarg_keys = [k for k in options
if k.startswith('ssl_') and options[k]]
if use_ssl == False and ssl_kwarg_keys:
raise ConfigurationError("ssl has not been enabled but the "
"following ssl parameters have been set: "
"%s. Please set `ssl=True` or remove."
% ', '.join(ssl_kwarg_keys))
if ssl_kwarg_keys and use_ssl is None:
# ssl options imply ssl = True
use_ssl = True
if use_ssl is True:
ctx = get_ssl_context(
return ctx, match_hostname
return None, match_hostname
def _parse_pool_options(options):
"""Parse connection pool options."""
max_pool_size = options.get('maxpoolsize', common.MAX_POOL_SIZE)
min_pool_size = options.get('minpoolsize', common.MIN_POOL_SIZE)
default_idle_seconds = common.validate_timeout_or_none(
'maxidletimems', common.MAX_IDLE_TIME_MS)
max_idle_time_seconds = options.get('maxidletimems', default_idle_seconds)
if max_pool_size is not None and min_pool_size > max_pool_size:
raise ValueError("minPoolSize must be smaller or equal to maxPoolSize")
connect_timeout = options.get('connecttimeoutms', common.CONNECT_TIMEOUT)
socket_keepalive = options.get('socketkeepalive', True)
socket_timeout = options.get('sockettimeoutms')
wait_queue_timeout = options.get('waitqueuetimeoutms')
wait_queue_multiple = options.get('waitqueuemultiple')
event_listeners = options.get('event_listeners')
appname = options.get('appname')
driver = options.get('driver')
compression_settings = CompressionSettings(
options.get('compressors', []),
options.get('zlibcompressionlevel', -1))
ssl_context, ssl_match_hostname = _parse_ssl_options(options)
return PoolOptions(max_pool_size,
connect_timeout, socket_timeout,
wait_queue_timeout, wait_queue_multiple,
ssl_context, ssl_match_hostname, socket_keepalive,
class ClientOptions(object):
def __init__(self, username, password, database, options):
self.__options = options
self.__codec_options = _parse_codec_options(options)
self.__credentials = _parse_credentials(
username, password, database, options)
self.__local_threshold_ms = options.get(
'localthresholdms', common.LOCAL_THRESHOLD_MS)
# self.__server_selection_timeout is in seconds. Must use full name for
# common.SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT because it is set directly by tests.
self.__server_selection_timeout = options.get(
'serverselectiontimeoutms', common.SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT)
self.__pool_options = _parse_pool_options(options)
self.__read_preference = _parse_read_preference(options)
self.__replica_set_name = options.get('replicaset')
self.__write_concern = _parse_write_concern(options)
self.__read_concern = _parse_read_concern(options)
self.__connect = options.get('connect')
self.__heartbeat_frequency = options.get(
'heartbeatfrequencyms', common.HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY)
self.__retry_writes = options.get('retrywrites', common.RETRY_WRITES)
self.__server_selector = options.get(
'server_selector', any_server_selector)
def _options(self):
"""The original options used to create this ClientOptions."""
return self.__options
def connect(self):
"""Whether to begin discovering a MongoDB topology automatically."""
return self.__connect
def codec_options(self):
"""A :class:`~bson.codec_options.CodecOptions` instance."""
return self.__codec_options
def credentials(self):
"""A :class:`~pymongo.auth.MongoCredentials` instance or None."""
return self.__credentials
def local_threshold_ms(self):
"""The local threshold for this instance."""
return self.__local_threshold_ms
def server_selection_timeout(self):
"""The server selection timeout for this instance in seconds."""
return self.__server_selection_timeout
def server_selector(self):
return self.__server_selector
def heartbeat_frequency(self):
"""The monitoring frequency in seconds."""
return self.__heartbeat_frequency
def pool_options(self):
"""A :class:`~pymongo.pool.PoolOptions` instance."""
return self.__pool_options
def read_preference(self):
"""A read preference instance."""
return self.__read_preference
def replica_set_name(self):
"""Replica set name or None."""
return self.__replica_set_name
def write_concern(self):
"""A :class:`~pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern` instance."""
return self.__write_concern
def read_concern(self):
"""A :class:`~pymongo.read_concern.ReadConcern` instance."""
return self.__read_concern
def retry_writes(self):
"""If this instance should retry supported write operations."""
return self.__retry_writes