Unofficial LaTeX class for PhD dissertations (and licentiate theses) at Linnaeus University, Sweden
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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\noindent \kant[7-8]
Also, use references to entries of several types here:
\item a book~\cite{Card1999};
\item a book chapter with separate authors~\cite{Fekete2008};
\item a journal article~\cite{VanWijk2006a};
\item a conference paper~\cite{Shneiderman1996};
\item a URL link~\cite{ColorBrewer}; and
\item several references~\cite{Shneiderman1996,Card1999,VanWijk2006a,Fekete2008,ColorBrewer} used in arbitrary order~\cite{VanWijk2006a,ColorBrewer} to check if automatic sorting with \cit{cite} works.
\noindent Test a footnote here, too.\footnote{A footnote}.
Test the quotation environment with a URL link:
\noindent Test a quotation environment with a text quote:
\emph{\cit{A very smart and deep quote \dots}}
\noindent Also test another footnote with a URL link.\footnote{\url{} (last accessed in February 2019)}
%% The way the section title and mark are defined is to force the correct section mark to appear at the correct page
%% See more details at
%% This might not be necessary for all the cases, though
\section[Motivation for Our Problem]{Motivation for Our Research Problem%
\figbox{\rule{.1pt}{2cm} \rule[1cm]{2cm}{.1pt} \rule{.1pt}{2cm}}
\caption[Short caption for example figure]{Long figure caption.
Explain the contents of the figure here properly.}%
%% One might have to decrease the size of the sideways figure to fit the page margins
\figbox{\rule{.1pt}{5cm} \rule[2.5cm]{13cm}{.1pt} \rule{.1pt}{5cm}}
%% ... and to shrink space to fit the page margins
\caption[Sideways figure example]{A long caption for the sideways figure here.}%
\figbox{\rule{.1pt}{2cm} \rule[1cm]{2cm}{.1pt} \rule{.1pt}{2cm}}
\figbox{\rule{.1pt}{2cm} \rule[1cm]{2cm}{.1pt} \rule{.1pt}{2cm}}
\caption[Short caption for a figure with subfigures]{A figure with subfigures with long captions.
(a) A dedicated caption could be provided directly in the subfigure code, but a long caption text arguably suits this area here better.
(b) The same applies to the second subfigure.
\subsection{Subsection Here}\label{subsec:intro-subsection}
\caption[Short caption for a table]{An arbitrary table}%
%% The header
\parbox{0.33\textwidth}{\centering\textbf{Examples}} \\
%% The body
\parbox[c][9mm]{0.26\textwidth}{Foo, bar,\\[-2pt]and baz}
\parbox[c]{0.32\textwidth}{ %
Expression of foo and bar}
\parbox[c]{0.33\textwidth}{ %
\emph{Example1}; \emph{Example2}
\vspace{2pt}} \\
\parbox[c][9mm]{0.26\textwidth}{Foo, bar,\\[-2pt]and baz}
\parbox[c]{0.32\textwidth}{ %
Expression of foo and bar}
\parbox[c]{0.33\textwidth}{ %
\emph{Example1}; \emph{Example2}
\vspace{2pt}} \\
%% The footer
\footnotesize{\emph{Note:} Adjust the column widths appropriately.
And this is the area for long table caption notes, by the way.
\caption[Short caption for a complex sideways table]{A complex sideways table consisting of several parts}
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foo & 75\\
Bar & 20\\
Baz & 5\\
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foo & 75\\
Bar & 20\\
Baz & 5\\
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foo & 75\\
Bar & 20\\
Baz & 5\\
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foooooooooooooooooo & 75\\
Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr & 20\\
Bazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz & 5\\
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foooooooooooooooooo & 75\\
Barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr & 20\\
Bazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz & 5\\
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foo & 75\\
Bar & 20\\
Baz & 5\\
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foo & 75\\
Bar & 20\\
Baz & 5\\
\textbf{Group header} & \textbf{100}\\
Foo & 75\\
Bar & 20\\
Baz & 5\\
\footnotesize{\emph{Note:} Adjust the minipage widths appropriately.
\subsubsection{Subsubsection Here}\label{subsubsec:intro-subsubsection}
\paragraph{A Named Paragraph}