You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
240 lines
9.2 KiB
240 lines
9.2 KiB
%\documentclass[notlud,showframe]{lnudissertation} % Display the printable area frames --- very useful when typesetting tables and figures
%\usepackage{graphicx} % graphicx already loaded by the class
%% Pay attention to fontenc, inputenc, and babel
%% Smarter management of references (e.g., to fix references like '[300, 15, 81, 1]')
%% subfigure is deprecated, and subfig has issues with hyperref
%% booktabs are used for professionally looking tables:
%% Used for sideways floats, which are probably necessary for this template, and rotation of custom stamps (see below)
%% Used for custom stamps (see below)
%% Font setup below; the order of loading and substituting the fonts is rather specific here
%% STEP 1 (preloading the sans serif font)
%% Biolinum from the libertine package is used as the sans serif font below:
%%% STEP 2 (optional)
%%% KK: libertine and substitutefonts are used to include several words with Cyrillic fonts in the acknowledgments (should work for Greek, too),
%%% so if you don't need that, you could remove them (but note that biolinum from the libertine package is used as the sans serif font below)
%% STEP 3 (the main font)
%% New PX (a Palatino clone) is used as the main font set for serif, typewriter, and math fonts:
\linespread{1.05} % Give Palatino more leading (space between lines)
%% Other viable options for the main font set (supporting math mode) are, for example:
%% Charter BT
%% Libertinus Serif
%% EB Garamond
%%% STEP 4 (optional)
%% See the note about substitutefonts above
%%% KK: Since I had to use a different font for Cyrillic, it looks wider, hence the usage of scalebox to squeeze it horizontally
%% STEP 5 (replacing the sans serif font)
%% biolinum will be used as the sans serif font in those few places where it is required
%% note: the libertine package is required for this!
%% STEP 6
%% Microtype provides a number of adjustments for typesetting automatically, but if it's problematic for any reason, disable it
%% End of font setup
%% KK: A funny command for a DRAFT stamp for first pages
%% Make sure to adjust the box size and position for textpos if page geometry or fonts are modified
\begin{textblock*}{50mm}(100mm,25mm)% % 100mm,25mm
%% Several useful (or not so useful) commands
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\noindent\fcolorbox[rgb]{0.9,0,0}{1,1,0.8}{\parbox{0.97\columnwidth}{TODO: #1}}\newline}
%% Additional hyphenation and word breaking settings below, if necessary:
%% It is recommended to start working in sloppy mode, and once the draft is complete, switch either to fussy or custom settings
%% and go over the text to avoid really wide inter-word gaps as well as overflows:
%% kantlipsum is used purely to produce placeholder paragraphs with the \kant command for this example
%% Remove for actual documents
%% In case source code listings are used, uncomment the following:
%% If there are some issues with some section marks in the headers at the first pages of the respective sections,
%% see
%% Setup the hyperlinks behavior + the metadata for the produced PDF file
hidelinks=true, % Hide the boxes around hyperlinks
Title={Linn{\ae}us University Dissertation Example (non-LUD Series)},
Author={John Doe},
Subject={PhD Dissertation},
Keywords={keyword1; keyword2},
%------------------------HERE STARTS THE PRINTING --------------------------------
%% Don't be surprised by *back*matter here, it is done to avoid page numbering, etc.
%% TODO: if necessary, generate a front cover page directly from Latex here
%% For relatively complex designs, it is probably a better idea to create cover pages *and the spine* in some external application
%% As of February 2019, LNU Press produce a separate leaflet ('spikblad') with a bibliographical reference and abstract to be inserted in the book, even for the books outside of LUD series (
%% The front matter pages must be provided by the author in this case!
%% Traditionally, the halftitle page should get numbered as Roman 'i' (
%% The order should be the following (you might need to modify this, if necessary...):
%% p. i: halftitle (a blank page with the title of the thesis)
%% p. iii: title page (series number, title, author, publisher)
%% p. iv: colophon (edition notice, ISBN, publisher, printer)
%% p. v: dedication
%% p. vii: abstract
%% p. ix: acknowledgments
%% p. xi: table of contents, and so on
%% Start the ToC and add the corresponding lists
\renewcommand\contentsname{Table of Contents}
%% To squeeze one more line of contents in the ToC page, if neccessary, modify the length as below:
%% With regard to figure and table sizes, the following could be used (figbox simply provides a gray frame):
%% wide figure: \figbox{\includegraphics[width=0.975\linewidth]{images/zzz.pdf}}
%% narrow figure: \figbox{\includegraphics[width=0.66\linewidth]{images/zzz.pdf}} (well, might be different than 0.66 depending on the context)
%% sideways figure: \begin{sidewaysfigure} ... \figbox{\includegraphics[width=0.985\linewidth]{images/zzz.pdf}} (make sure to check the margins with geometry package option 'showframe' !)
%% subfigures: \begin{subfigure}{\linewidth} ... \figbox{\includegraphics[width=0.975\linewidth]{images/zzz.pdf}} (make sure configure space between subfigures and captions properly)
%% tables: if required, \begin{table}[t] ... \begin{minipage}{0.975\textwidth} ... \begin{tabular}{lll}
%% Also, note that percent signs at the end of some commands/lines might be important to avoid extra space
%% The list of listings is not tested!!
%% Add the listings package in case it is needed, too
% Add the list of publications
%---------------------HERE STARTS THE THESIS CONTENT-------------------------
%% Input chapters here
%% ...
%---------------------HERE STARTS THE APPENDIX -----------------------------------
%% TODO: if necessary, generate a back cover page directly from Latex here