Changed types for some DB columns to increase performance of indexes

Rafael M. Martins 6 months ago
parent bed899615c
commit 6f9203edcf
  1. 12
  2. 32

@ -71,10 +71,16 @@ for hus_name in next(os.walk(BASEDIR))[1]:
# Create the table
col_names = ['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Minute', 'Second']
col_types = ['INTEGER'] * 6
col_names.extend(f'{family_names[i]}.{sensor_names[i]}.{units[i]}' for i in range(3, len(family_names)))
col_types.extend(['TEXT'] * (len(family_names) - 3))
cur.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table_name}{*col_names,}")
typed_cols = ', '.join(f'"{col_names[i]}" {col_types[i]}' for i in range(len(col_names)))
create_query = f"CREATE TABLE {table_name}({typed_cols})"
cur.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table_name}({typed_cols})")
cur.execute(f'CREATE INDEX idx_{card}_Year ON {table_name} (Year)')
@ -97,9 +103,9 @@ for hus_name in next(os.walk(BASEDIR))[1]:
header2 = next(reader)
# First split the date into three columns (y,m,d)
row = line[0].split('-')
row = [int(x) for x in line[0].split('-')]
# Then split the time into three columns (h,m,s)
row.extend(int(x) for x in line[1].split(':'))
# Then add the data (without the date, time, and empty columns)
row.extend(tuple(compress(line, not_empty))[2:])

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def parallel_daily():
myxs = {}
for data_point in res_all:
point_id = ':'.join(data_point[3:6])
point_id = ':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in data_point[3:6])
myxs[point_id] = 'pos1'
data_point = [point_id, *data_point[6:]]
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ def parallel_monthly():
myxs = {}
# group by day; take first of each group
for data_point in res_all:
point_id = '-'.join(data_point[:3])
point_id = '-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in data_point[:3])
myxs[point_id] = 'pos1'
data_point = [point_id, *data_point[6:]]
@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ def grid_yearly():
res_all = cur.fetchall()
out = []
out.append(['-'.join(x[:3]) for x in res_all])
out.append([':'.join(x[3:6]) for x in res_all])
out.append(['-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[:3]) for x in res_all])
out.append([':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[3:6]) for x in res_all])
out.append([x[6] for x in res_all])
return out
@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ def grid_monthly():
res_all = cur.fetchall()
out = []
out.append(['-'.join(x[:3]) for x in res_all])
out.append([':'.join(x[3:6]) for x in res_all])
out.append(['-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[:3]) for x in res_all])
out.append([':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[3:6]) for x in res_all])
out.append([x[6] for x in res_all])
return out
@ -376,8 +376,8 @@ def grid_weekly():
res_all = cur.fetchall()
out = []
out.append(['-'.join(x[:3]) for x in res_all])
out.append([':'.join(x[3:6]) for x in res_all])
out.append(['-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[:3]) for x in res_all])
out.append([':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[3:6]) for x in res_all])
out.append([x[6] for x in res_all])
return out
@ -423,8 +423,8 @@ def horizon_yearly():
for i, sensor_name in enumerate(out['sensor_names']):
sensor_data_sorted = sorted(aux_data[sensor_name])
if i == 0:
out['days'] = ['-'.join(x[:3]) for x in sensor_data_sorted]
out['times'] = [':'.join(x[3:6]) for x in sensor_data_sorted]
out['days'] = ['-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[:3]) for x in sensor_data_sorted]
out['times'] = [':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in x[3:6]) for x in sensor_data_sorted]
out[sensor_name] = [x[6] for x in sensor_data_sorted]
return out
@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ def horizon_monthly():
# Important: this only works assuming that res_all is correctly sorted
for row in res_all:
out['days'].append('-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in row[:3]))
out['times'].append(':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in row[3:6]))
for i in range(6, len(row)):
@ -511,8 +511,8 @@ def horizon_weekly():
# Important: this only works assuming that res_all is correctly sorted
for row in res_all:
out['days'].append('-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in row[:3]))
out['times'].append(':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in row[3:6]))
for i in range(6, len(row)):
@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ def horizon_daily():
# Important: this only works assuming that res_all is correctly sorted
for row in res_all:
out['days'].append('-'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in row[:3]))
out['times'].append(':'.join(format(y, '02d') for y in row[3:6]))
for i in range(6, len(row)):
