Ready for the SAVE dashboard mplementation

jaume-nualart 8 months ago
parent 8d2e25add4
commit 25b41e7376
  1. 12
  2. 242
  3. 76

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
<script src=""></script>
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
<script src=""></script> -->
<!-- <script src=""></script> --> -->
<script src="./js/c3.js"></script>
@ -114,8 +114,10 @@
<script src=""></script>
<!-- JS local & config-->
<script src="./js/d3-horizon-chart0.0.5.js"></script>
<script src="./config/config.js"></script>
<script src="./config/datamap.js"></script>
@ -135,9 +137,13 @@
<!-- House info card:-->
<div id="myhouse">
<div id="templates">Templates:
<div id="templates">Manage board:&nbsp;&nbsp;
<button id="saveDash" class="btn btn-outline-success" onclick="getApiUrls();"><i class="fa fa-upload"></i>SAVE</button>
<span class="float-end">Templates:&nbsp;&nbsp;
<button id="button2" class="btn btn-outline-success"><i class="fa fa-map"></i> 33 %</button>
<button id="button1" class="btn btn-outline-success"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i> 100 %</button>
<div class="frame">
<div id="col-left" class="col resizable-column">
@ -402,7 +408,7 @@
<!-- TIME SELECT -->
<div class="form-group col-md-8">
<label for="time">Time</label>

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
// Version 0.0.5. Copyright 2016 Kiril Mandov.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('d3-selection'), require('d3-scale'), require('d3-axis'), require('d3-array')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'd3-selection', 'd3-scale', 'd3-axis', 'd3-array'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {}),global.d3,global.d3,global.d3,global.d3));
}(this, (function (exports,d3Selection,d3Scale,d3Axis,d3Array) { 'use strict';
function horizonChart () {
// default settings:
//var colors = ['#08519c','#3182bd','#6baed6','#bdd7e7','#bae4b3','#74c476','#31a354','#006d2c'],
//var colors = ['#4575b4', '#74add1', '#abd9e9', '#e0f3f8', '#fee090', '#fdae61', '#f46d43', '#d73027'],
//var colors = ["#5e4fa2", "#3288bd", "#66c2a5", "#abdda4", "#e6f598", "#fee08b", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d53e4f", "#9e0142"],
var colors = ["#313695", "#4575b4", "#74add1", "#abd9e9", "#fee090", "#fdae61", "#f46d43", "#d73027"],
bands = colors.length >> 1, // number of bands in each direction (positive / negative)
width = 1000, // width in pixels
height = 30,
offsetX = 0,
step = 1,
spacing = 0,
mode = 'offset',
axis = null,
title = null,
extent = null, // the extent is derived from the data, unless explicitly set via .extent([min, max])
//x = d3.scaleLinear(), // TODO: use ordinal scale instead?
x = null,
y = d3Scale.scaleLinear().range([0, height]),
canvas = null;
// Appends a canvas element to the current element
// and draws a horizon graph based on data & settings
function my(data) {
var horizon =;
var dIncrement = step + spacing;
// update the width
//width = horizon.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
width = dIncrement * data.length;
canvas = horizon.append('canvas');
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
.attr('class', 'title')
.attr('class', 'value');
var context = canvas.node().getContext('2d');
//context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// update the y scale, based on the data extents
var _extent = extent || d3Array.extent(data);
var max = Math.max(-_extent[0], _extent[1]);
y.domain([0, max]);
//x = d3.scaleTime().domain[];
axis = d3Axis.axisTop(x).ticks(5);
// Draw ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
//context.translate(0.5, 0.5);
// the data frame currently being shown:
var increment = step + spacing,
startIndex = ~~Math.max(0, -(offsetX / increment)),
endIndex = ~~Math.min(data.length, startIndex + width / increment);
// skip drawing if there's no data to be drawn
if (startIndex > data.length) return;
// we are drawing positive & negative bands separately to avoid mutating canvas state
var negative = false;
// draw positive bands
for (var b = 0; b < bands; b++) {
context.fillStyle = colors[bands + b];
// Adjust the range based on the current band index.
var bExtents = (b + 1 - bands) * height;
y.range([bands * height + bExtents, bExtents]);
// only the current data frame is being drawn i.e. what's visible:
for (var i = startIndex, value; i < endIndex; i++) {
value = data[i];
if (value <= 0) { negative = true; continue; }
if (value === undefined) continue;
context.fillRect(offsetX + i * increment, y(value), step, y(0) - y(value));
// draw negative bands
if (negative) {
// mirror the negative bands, by flipping the canvas
if (mode === 'offset') {
context.translate(0, height);
context.scale(1, -1);
for (b = 0; b < bands; b++) {
context.fillStyle = colors[bands - b - 1];
// Adjust the range based on the current band index.
bExtents = (b + 1 - bands) * height;
y.range([bands * height + bExtents, bExtents]);
// only the current data frame is being drawn i.e. what's visible:
for (var j = startIndex, nvalue; j < endIndex; j++) {
nvalue = data[j];
if (nvalue >= 0) continue;
context.fillRect(offsetX + j * increment, y(-nvalue), step, y(0) - y(-nvalue));
// Offscreen Draw -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function createOffscreenCanvas(width,height){
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
return canvas;
var offscreenCanvas = createOffscreenCanvas(increment * data.length, height);
var offscreenContext = offscreenCanvas.getContext('2d');
// draw each band:
for (var b = 0; b < bands; b++) {
offscreenContext.fillStyle = colors[b];
// Adjust the range based on the current band index.
var y0 = (b + 1 - bands) * height;
y.range([bands * height + y0, y0]);
// draw the whole period on an offscreen canvas
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
offscreenContext.fillRect(i * increment, y(data[i]), step, y(0) - y(data[i]));
var onscreenImage;
_draw = function() {
onscreenImage = offscreenContext.getImageData(-offsetX, 0, width, height);
context.putImageData(onscreenImage, 0, 0);
//context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
//context.translate(offsetX, 0);
//context.drawImage(offscreenCanvas, offsetX, 0);
my.axis = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (axis = _, my) : axis;
my.canvas = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (canvas = _, my) : canvas;
// Array of colors representing the number of bands
my.colors = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return colors;
colors = _;
// update the number of bands
bands = colors.length >> 1;
return my;
// get/set the height of the graph
my.height = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (height = _, my) : height;
// get/set the step of the graph, i.e. the width of each bar
my.step = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (step = _, my) : step;
// get/set the spacing between the bars of the graph
my.spacing = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (spacing = _, my) : spacing;
// get/set the title of the horizon
my.title = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (title = _, my) : title;
// mirror or offset
my.mode = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (mode = _, my) : mode;
// get/set the extents of the Y axis. If not set the extents are derived from the data
my.extent = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (extent = _, my) : extent;
my.offsetX = function (_) {
return arguments.length ? (offsetX = _, my) : offsetX;
// the data frame currently being shown:
my.indexExtent = function () {
var increment = step + spacing,
startIndex = -offsetX / increment,
endIndex = startIndex + width / increment;
return [startIndex, endIndex];
return my;
exports.horizonChart = horizonChart;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });

@ -529,6 +529,8 @@ document.getElementById("HDParameter").innerHTML = listParametersOptions;
async function createTXT(myid, textData) {
var myDiv = document.getElementById(myid);
myDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', textData);
// Adding argument:
myDiv.setAttribute("apiurl", "txt");
@ -942,12 +944,6 @@ function do_grid_yearly(myid, year, myData) {
// HORIZON d3 diagram
function do_horizon_row(data, myid, title, myDates) {
var horizonChart = d3.horizonChart()
@ -1018,6 +1014,70 @@ function do_horizon_row(data, myid, title, myDates) {
// SAVE DASHBOARF :: export diagrams + texts to the API
function getApiUrls() {
var apiUrlsLeft = {};
var apiUrlsCenter = {};
var apiUrlsRight = {};
document.querySelectorAll('#col-left div').forEach(function(element) {
var apiUrl = element.getAttribute('apiurl');
var id =;
if (apiUrl === 'txt') {
var clone = element.cloneNode(true);
clone.querySelectorAll('span').forEach(function(span) {
var innerHTML = clone.innerHTML.trim();
apiUrlsLeft[id] = innerHTML;
} else if (apiUrl) {
apiUrlsLeft[id] = apiUrl;
document.querySelectorAll('#col-center div').forEach(function(element) {
var apiUrl = element.getAttribute('apiurl');
var id =;
if (apiUrl === 'txt') {
var clone = element.cloneNode(true);
clone.querySelectorAll('span').forEach(function(span) {
var innerHTML = clone.innerHTML.trim();
apiUrlsCenter[id] = innerHTML;
} else if (apiUrl) {
apiUrlsCenter[id] = apiUrl;
document.querySelectorAll('#col-right div').forEach(function(element) {
var apiUrl = element.getAttribute('apiurl');
var id =;
if (apiUrl === 'txt') {
var clone = element.cloneNode(true);
clone.querySelectorAll('span').forEach(function(span) {
var innerHTML = clone.innerHTML.trim();
apiUrlsRight[id] = innerHTML;
} else if (apiUrl) {
apiUrlsRight[id] = apiUrl;
var result = {
"col-left": apiUrlsLeft,
"col-center": apiUrlsCenter,
"col-right": apiUrlsRight
return alert(JSON.stringify(result));
// Template 3 columns 100%
const colLeft = document.getElementById("col-left");
@ -1388,8 +1448,8 @@ function makeApiRequest(formId, apiUrl, myid, myTitle, ...args) {
var myCol = getName(formId[0]).split("-")[1];
// cl("myCol");
// cl(myCol);
document.getElementById(myid).setAttribute("apiurl", apiUrl);
