#!flask/bin/python import sys import os from flask import Flask, request, Response, jsonify from flask_cors import CORS from multiprocessing import Pool from scipy.spatial import procrustes from scipy.spatial import distance from sklearn_extra.cluster import KMedoids from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, train_test_split from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from scipy import spatial from scipy import stats from joblib import Memory import numpy as np import pandas as pd import random, json import bhtsne app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) @app.route('/resetAll', methods = ['POST']) def Reset(): global dataProc dataProc = [] global D_highSpace D_highSpace = [] global overalProjectionsNumber overalProjectionsNumber = [] global projectionsAll projectionsAll = [] global SelectedListofParams SelectedListofParams = [] global SelectedProjectionsReturn SelectedProjectionsReturn = [] global clusterIndex clusterIndex = [] global convertLabels convertLabels = [] global D_lowSpaceList D_lowSpaceList = [] global KeepKs KeepKs = [] global metricsMatrixEntire metricsMatrixEntire = [] global metricsMatrix metricsMatrix = [] global metricsMatrixSel metricsMatrixSel = [] global metricsMatrixEntireSel metricsMatrixEntireSel = [] return 'Reset' # NOTE: Only works with labeled data def neighborhood_hit(X, y, k, selected=None): # Add 1 to k because the nearest neighbor is always the point itself k += 1 y = np.array(y) knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k) knn.fit(X, y) if selected: X = X[selected, :] neighbors = knn.kneighbors(X, return_distance=False) score = np.mean((y[neighbors] == np.tile(y[selected].reshape((-1, 1)), k)).astype('uint8')) return score def trustworthiness(D_high, D_low, k): n = D_high.shape[0] nn_orig = D_high.argsort() nn_proj = D_low.argsort() knn_orig = nn_orig[:, :k + 1][:, 1:] knn_proj = nn_proj[:, :k + 1][:, 1:] sum_i = 0 for i in range(n): U = np.setdiff1d(knn_proj[i], knn_orig[i]) sum_j = 0 for j in range(U.shape[0]): sum_j += np.where(nn_orig[i] == U[j])[0] - k sum_i += sum_j return float((1 - (2 / (n * k * (2 * n - 3 * k - 1)) * sum_i)).squeeze()) def continuity(D_high, D_low, k): n = D_high.shape[0] nn_orig = D_high.argsort() nn_proj = D_low.argsort() knn_orig = nn_orig[:, :k + 1][:, 1:] knn_proj = nn_proj[:, :k + 1][:, 1:] sum_i = 0 for i in range(n): V = np.setdiff1d(knn_proj[i], knn_orig[i]) sum_j = 0 for j in range(V.shape[0]): sum_j += np.where(nn_proj[i] == V[j])[0] - k sum_i += sum_j return float((1 - (2 / (n * k * (2 * n - 3 * k - 1)) * sum_i)).squeeze()) def normalized_stress(D_high, D_low): return (-1) * (np.sum((D_high - D_low)**2) / np.sum(D_high**2) / 100) def shepard_diagram_correlation(D_high, D_low): if len(D_high.shape) > 1: D_high = spatial.distance.squareform(D_high) if len(D_low.shape) > 1: D_low = spatial.distance.squareform(D_low) return stats.spearmanr(D_high, D_low)[0] def preprocess(data): dataPandas = pd.DataFrame(data) dataPandas.dropna() for column in dataPandas: if ('*' in column): gatherLabels = dataPandas[column] del dataPandas[column] length = len(dataPandas.columns) dataNP = dataPandas.to_numpy() return dataNP, length, gatherLabels def multi_run_wrapper(args): embedding_array = bhtsne.run_bh_tsne(*args) return embedding_array def procrustesFun(projections): similarityList = [] for proj1 in projections: disparityList = [] for proj2 in projections: mtx1, mtx2, disparity = procrustes(proj1, proj2) if np.array_equal(proj1, proj2): disparityList.append(0) else: disparityList.append(1/disparity) similarityList.append(disparityList) clusterIndex = Clustering(similarityList) return clusterIndex def Clustering(similarity): similarityNP = np.array(similarity) n_clusters = 25 # change that to send less diverse projections kmedoids = KMedoids(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0, metric='precomputed').fit(similarityNP) global dataProc clusterIndex = [] for c in range(n_clusters): cluster_indices = np.argwhere(kmedoids.labels_ == c).reshape(-1,) D_c = similarityNP[cluster_indices][:, cluster_indices] center = np.argmin(np.sum(D_c, axis=0)) clusterIndex.append(cluster_indices[center]) return clusterIndex location = './cachedir' memory = Memory(location, verbose=0) def wrapGetResults(listofParamsPlusData): pool = Pool() return pool.map(multi_run_wrapper, listofParamsPlusData) wrapGetResults = memory.cache(wrapGetResults) @app.route('/receiver', methods = ['POST']) def calculateGrid(): data = request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') data = json.loads(data) global dataProc dataProc, length, labels = preprocess(data) global D_highSpace D_highSpace = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(dataProc)) DEFAULT_NO_DIMS = 2 INITIAL_DIMENSIONS = 50 DEFAULT_PERPLEXITY = 50 DEFAULT_THETA = 0.5 EMPTY_SEED = -1 VERBOSE = True DEFAULT_USE_PCA = False # all other data sets perplexity = [5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50] # 10 perplexity # iris data set if (labels[0] == 'Iris-setosa'): perplexity = [5,10,15,20,25,28,32,35,40,45] # 10 perplexity # breast cancer data set if (labels[0] == 'Benign'): perplexity =[30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75] # 10 perplexity # diabetes data set if (labels[0] == 1): perplexity = [10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55] # 10 perplexity learning_rate = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100] # 10 learning rate n_iter = [100,150,200,250,350] # 5 iterations global overalProjectionsNumber overalProjectionsNumber = 0 overalProjectionsNumber = len(perplexity)*len(learning_rate)*len(n_iter) global projectionsAll listofParamsPlusData = [] listofParamsAll= [] for k in n_iter: for j in learning_rate: for i in perplexity: listofParamsPlusData.append((dataProc,DEFAULT_NO_DIMS,length,i,j,EMPTY_SEED,VERBOSE,DEFAULT_USE_PCA,k)) listofParamsAll.append((i,j,k)) projectionsAll = wrapGetResults(listofParamsPlusData) global SelectedListofParams SelectedListofParams = [] global SelectedProjectionsReturn SelectedProjectionsReturn = [] global clusterIndex clusterIndex = procrustesFun(projectionsAll) metricNeigh = [] metricTrust = [] metricCont = [] metricStress = [] metricShepCorr = [] metricsAverage = [] global convertLabels convertLabels = [] for index, label in enumerate(labels): if (label == 0): convertLabels.append(0) elif (label == 1): convertLabels.append(1) elif (label == 'Benign'): convertLabels.append(0) elif (label == 'Malignant'): convertLabels.append(1) elif (label == 'Iris-setosa'): convertLabels.append(0) elif (label == 'Iris-versicolor'): convertLabels.append(1) elif (label == 'Iris-virginica'): convertLabels.append(2) else: pass global D_lowSpaceList D_lowSpaceList = [] global KeepKs KeepKs = [] for index in clusterIndex: SelectedProjectionsReturn.append(projectionsAll[index].tolist()) SelectedListofParams.append(listofParamsAll[index]) D_lowSpace = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(projectionsAll[index])) D_lowSpaceList.append(D_lowSpace) k = listofParamsAll[index][0] # k = perplexity KeepKs.append(k) resultNeigh = neighborhood_hit(np.array(projectionsAll[index]), convertLabels, k) resultTrust = trustworthiness(D_highSpace, D_lowSpace, k) resultContinuity = continuity(D_highSpace, D_lowSpace, k) resultStress = normalized_stress(D_highSpace, D_lowSpace) resultShep = shepard_diagram_correlation(D_highSpace, D_lowSpace) metricNeigh.append(resultNeigh) metricTrust.append(resultTrust) metricCont.append(resultContinuity) metricStress.append(resultStress) metricShepCorr.append(resultShep) max_value_neigh = max(metricNeigh) min_value_neigh = min(metricNeigh) max_value_trust = max(metricTrust) min_value_trust = min(metricTrust) max_value_cont = max(metricCont) min_value_cont = min(metricCont) max_value_stress = max(metricStress) min_value_stress = min(metricStress) max_value_shep = max(metricShepCorr) min_value_shep = min(metricShepCorr) global metricsMatrixEntire metricsMatrixEntire = [] for index, data in enumerate(metricTrust): valueNeigh = (metricNeigh[index] - min_value_neigh) / (max_value_neigh - min_value_neigh) valueTrust = (metricTrust[index] - min_value_trust) / (max_value_trust - min_value_trust) valueCont = (metricCont[index] - min_value_cont) / (max_value_cont - min_value_cont) valueStress = 1 - ((metricStress[index]*(-1) - max_value_stress*(-1)) / (min_value_stress*(-1) - max_value_stress*(-1))) # we need the opposite valueShep = (metricShepCorr[index] - min_value_shep) / (max_value_shep - min_value_shep) average = (valueNeigh + valueTrust + valueCont + valueStress + valueShep) / 5 metricsAverage.append(average) metricsMatrixEntire.append([average,valueNeigh,valueTrust,valueCont,valueStress,valueShep]) sortMetricsAverage = sorted(range(len(metricsAverage)), key=lambda k: metricsAverage[k], reverse=True) sortNeigh = sorted(range(len(metricNeigh)), key=lambda k: metricNeigh[k], reverse=True) sortTrust = sorted(range(len(metricTrust)), key=lambda k: metricTrust[k], reverse=True) sortCont = sorted(range(len(metricCont)), key=lambda k: metricCont[k], reverse=True) sortStress = sorted(range(len(metricStress)), key=lambda k: metricStress[k], reverse=True) sortShepCorr = sorted(range(len(metricShepCorr)), key=lambda k: metricShepCorr[k], reverse=True) global metricsMatrix metricsMatrix = [] metricsMatrix.append(sortMetricsAverage) metricsMatrix.append(sortNeigh) metricsMatrix.append(sortTrust) metricsMatrix.append(sortCont) metricsMatrix.append(sortStress) metricsMatrix.append(sortShepCorr) return 'OK' @app.route('/sender') def background_process(): global SelectedProjectionsReturn global projectionsAll global overalProjectionsNumber global metricsMatrix global metricsMatrixEntire while (len(projectionsAll) != overalProjectionsNumber): pass return jsonify({ 'projections': SelectedProjectionsReturn, 'parameters': SelectedListofParams, 'metrics': metricsMatrix, 'metricsEntire': metricsMatrixEntire }) @app.route('/receiverOptimizer', methods = ['POST']) def OptimizeSelection(): dataReceived= request.get_data().decode('utf8').replace("'", '"') dataReceived = json.loads(dataReceived) dataSelected = [] for data in dataReceived: if data != None: dataSelected.append(data) metricNeigh = [] metricTrust = [] metricCont = [] metricStress = [] metricShepCorr = [] metricsAverage = [] for index, loop in enumerate(clusterIndex): resultNeigh = neighborhood_hit(np.array(projectionsAll[index]), convertLabels, KeepKs[index], dataSelected) resultTrust = trustworthiness(D_highSpace[dataSelected, :], D_lowSpaceList[index][dataSelected, :], KeepKs[index]) resultContinuity = continuity(D_highSpace[dataSelected, :], D_lowSpaceList[index][dataSelected, :], KeepKs[index]) resultStress = normalized_stress(D_highSpace[dataSelected, :], D_lowSpaceList[index][dataSelected, :]) resultShep = shepard_diagram_correlation(D_highSpace[dataSelected][:, dataSelected], D_lowSpaceList[index][dataSelected][:, dataSelected]) metricNeigh.append(resultNeigh) metricTrust.append(resultTrust) metricCont.append(resultContinuity) metricStress.append(resultStress) metricShepCorr.append(resultShep) max_value_neigh = max(metricNeigh) min_value_neigh = min(metricNeigh) max_value_trust = max(metricTrust) min_value_trust = min(metricTrust) max_value_cont = max(metricCont) min_value_cont = min(metricCont) max_value_stress = max(metricStress) min_value_stress = min(metricStress) max_value_shep = max(metricShepCorr) min_value_shep = min(metricShepCorr) global metricsMatrixEntireSel metricsMatrixEntireSel = [] for index, data in enumerate(metricTrust): valueNeigh = (metricNeigh[index] - min_value_neigh) / (max_value_neigh - min_value_neigh) valueTrust = (metricTrust[index] - min_value_trust) / (max_value_trust - min_value_trust) valueCont = (metricCont[index] - min_value_cont) / (max_value_cont - min_value_cont) valueStress = 1 - ((metricStress[index]*(-1) - max_value_stress*(-1)) / (min_value_stress*(-1) - max_value_stress*(-1))) # we need the opposite valueShep = (metricShepCorr[index] - min_value_shep) / (max_value_shep - min_value_shep) average = (valueNeigh + valueTrust + valueCont + valueStress + valueShep) / 5 metricsAverage.append(average) metricsMatrixEntireSel.append([average,valueNeigh,valueTrust,valueCont,valueStress,valueShep]) sortMetricsAverage = sorted(range(len(metricsAverage)), key=lambda k: metricsAverage[k], reverse=True) sortNeigh = sorted(range(len(metricNeigh)), key=lambda k: metricNeigh[k], reverse=True) sortTrust = sorted(range(len(metricTrust)), key=lambda k: metricTrust[k], reverse=True) sortCont = sorted(range(len(metricCont)), key=lambda k: metricCont[k], reverse=True) sortStress = sorted(range(len(metricStress)), key=lambda k: metricStress[k], reverse=True) sortShepCorr = sorted(range(len(metricShepCorr)), key=lambda k: metricShepCorr[k], reverse=True) global metricsMatrixSel metricsMatrixSel = [] metricsMatrixSel.append(sortMetricsAverage) metricsMatrixSel.append(sortNeigh) metricsMatrixSel.append(sortTrust) metricsMatrixSel.append(sortCont) metricsMatrixSel.append(sortStress) metricsMatrixSel.append(sortShepCorr) return 'OK' @app.route('/senderOptimizer') def SendOptimizedProjections(): global metricsMatrixSel global metricsMatrixEntireSel return jsonify({'metrics': metricsMatrixSel, 'metricsEntire': metricsMatrixEntireSel }) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run("", "5000")