diff --git a/js/tsne_vis.js b/js/tsne_vis.js
index 35fd1e7..8470c90 100755
--- a/js/tsne_vis.js
+++ b/js/tsne_vis.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ var ArrayContainsDataFeaturesCleared = []; var ArrayContainsDataFeaturesClearedw
var dists; var dists2d; var all_labels; var dist_list = []; var dist_list2d = []; var InitialFormDists = []; var InitialFormDists2D = [];
// These are the dimensions for the Overview view and the Main view
-var dim = document.getElementById('tSNEcanvas').offsetWidth; var dimensions = document.getElementById('modtSNEcanvas').offsetWidth;
+var dim = document.getElementById('overviewRect').offsetWidth-2; var dimensions = document.getElementById('modtSNEcanvas').offsetWidth;
// Category = the name of the category if it exists. The user has to add an asterisk ("*") mark in order to let the program identify this feature as a label/category name.
// ColorsCategorical = the categorical colors (maximum value = 10).
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ var returnVal = false;
var ArrayWithCosts = []; var Iterations = [];
+var VisiblePoints = [];
// This variable is for the kNN Bar Chart in order to store the first execution.
var inside = 0;
@@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ function setContinue(){ // This function allows the continuation of the analysis
function setReset(){ // Reset only the filters which were applied into the data points.
+ emptyPCP();
// Clear d3 SVGs
d3.selectAll("#correlation > *").remove();
d3.selectAll("#modtSNEcanvas_svg > *").remove();
@@ -356,6 +359,12 @@ function lassoEnable(){ // The main Layer becomes the correlation (barchart)
+function deleteAnnotations(){
+ AnnotationsAll = [];
+ ringNotes = [];
+ d3.selectAll("#SvgAnnotator > *").remove();
function setAnnotator(){ // Set a new annotation on top of the main visualization.
vw2 = dimensions;
@@ -472,13 +481,17 @@ function MainVisual(){
// data variable is all the columns except strings, undefined values, or "Version" plus beta and cost values."
// fields variable is all the features (columns) plus beta and cost strings.
function init(data, results_all, fields) {
+ ArrayWithCosts = [];
+ Iterations = [];
+ VisiblePoints = [];
+ points = [];
// Remove all previously drawn SVGs
d3.selectAll("#correlation > *").remove();
d3.selectAll("#modtSNEcanvas_svg > *").remove();
d3.selectAll("#modtSNEcanvas_svg_Schema > *").remove();
d3.selectAll("#SvgAnnotator > *").remove();
d3.selectAll("#sheparheat > *").remove();
+ d3.selectAll("#overviewRect > *").remove();
d3.selectAll("#knnBarChart > *").remove();
d3.selectAll("#costHist > *").remove();
@@ -488,10 +501,13 @@ function init(data, results_all, fields) {
d3.select("#hider").style("z-index", 2);
d3.select("#knnBarChart").style("z-index", 1);
+ d3.select("#hider2").style("z-index", 2);
+ d3.select("#PlotCost").style("z-index", 1);
// Clear the previous t-SNE overview canvas.
- var oldcanvOver = document.getElementById('tSNEcanvas');
+ /*var oldcanvOver = document.getElementById('tSNEcanvas');
var contxOver = oldcanvOver.getContext('experimental-webgl');
- contxOver.clear(contxOver.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ contxOver.clear(contxOver.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);*/
// Clear the previously drawn main visualization canvas.
scene = new THREE.Scene();
@@ -504,6 +520,7 @@ function init(data, results_all, fields) {
// Enable again the lasso interaction.
+ emptyPCP();
// Empty all the Schema Investigation arrays.
Arrayx = [];
Arrayy = [];
@@ -617,7 +634,6 @@ function init(data, results_all, fields) {
// Initialize distance matrix
@@ -753,6 +769,52 @@ function computeDistances(data, distFunc, transFunc) {
+function OverallCostLineChart(){
+ d3.select("#hider2").style("z-index", -1);
+ d3.select("#PlotCost").style("z-index", 2);
+ var trace1 = {
+ x: Iterations,
+ y: ArrayWithCosts,
+ mode: 'lines',
+ connectgaps: true,
+ marker: {
+ color: "rgb(0,128,0)",
+ line: {
+ color: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
+ width: 0.5
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var data = [trace1];
+ var layout = {
+ showlegend: false,
+ width: 285,
+ height: 80,
+ xaxis:{title: 'Iterations',
+ titlefont: {
+ size: 12,
+ color: 'black'
+ }},
+ yaxis:{title: 'Ov. Cost',
+ titlefont: {
+ size: 12,
+ color: 'black'
+ }},
+ margin: {
+ l: 40,
+ r: 15,
+ b: 26,
+ t: 5
+ },
+ };
+ Plotly.newPlot('PlotCost', data, layout,{displayModeBar:false}, {staticPlot: true});
// Function that updates embedding
function updateEmbedding(AnalysisResults) {
@@ -780,45 +842,7 @@ function updateEmbedding(AnalysisResults) {
points[i] = extend(points[i], ArrayContainsDataFeaturesCleared[i]);
points[i] = extend(points[i], dataFeatures[i]);
- var trace1 = {
- x: Iterations,
- y: ArrayWithCosts,
- mode: 'lines',
- connectgaps: true,
- marker: {
- color: "rgb(0,128,0)",
- line: {
- color: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
- width: 1
- }
- }
- }
- var data = [trace1];
- var layout = {
- showlegend: false,
- width: 285,
- height: 80,
- xaxis:{title: 'Iterations',
- titlefont: {
- size: 12,
- color: 'black'
- }},
- yaxis:{title: 'Ov. Cost',
- titlefont: {
- size: 12,
- color: 'black'
- }},
- margin: {
- l: 40,
- r: 15,
- b: 26,
- t: 5
- },
- };
- Plotly.newPlot('PlotCost', data, layout,{displayModeBar:false}, {staticPlot: true});
+ OverallCostLineChart();
} else{
if (flagAnalysis){
var length = (AnalysisResults.length - dataFeatures.length*2 - 7 - 2);
@@ -1051,7 +1075,7 @@ function ShepardHeatMap () {
var legend = d3.legendColor() // Legend color and title!
- .cells(9)
+ .cells(7)
.title("Number of Points")
@@ -1095,17 +1119,10 @@ function resize(canvas) { // This is being used in the WebGL t-SNE for the overv
function OverviewtSNE(points){ // The overview t-SNE function
- var canvas = document.getElementById('tSNEcanvas'); // WebGL & canvas
- gl = canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl');
- // If we don't have a GL context, give up now
- if (!gl) {
- alert('Unable to initialize WebGL. Your browser or machine may not support it.');
- return;
- }
- ColorsCategorical = ['#a6cee3','#fb9a99','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#1f78b4','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a']; // Colors for the labels/categories if there are some!
+//Make an SVG Container
+d3.selectAll("#overviewRect > *").remove();
+ColorsCategorical = ['#a6cee3','#fb9a99','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#1f78b4','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6','#6a3d9a']; // Colors for the labels/categories if there are some!
if (all_labels[0] == undefined){
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(["No Category"]).range(["#00000"]); // If no category then grascale.
@@ -1113,6 +1130,7 @@ function OverviewtSNE(points){ // The overview t-SNE function
} else{
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(all_labels).range(ColorsCategorical); // We use the color scale here!
d3.select("#legend2").select("svg").remove(); // Create the legend2 which is for the overview panel.
var svg = d3.select("#legend2").append("svg");
@@ -1128,175 +1146,75 @@ function OverviewtSNE(points){ // The overview t-SNE function
- let vertices = [];
- let colors = [];
- for (var i=0; i
1 to 0->2
- let zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0;
- let zeroToTwo2 = zeroToOne2 * 2.0;
- // convert from 0->2 to -1->+1 (clipspace)
- let clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0;
- let clipSpace2 = zeroToTwo2 - 1.0;
- singleObj = clipSpace;
- vertices.push(singleObj);
- singleObj = clipSpace2 * -1;
- vertices.push(singleObj);
- singleObj = 0.0;
- vertices.push(singleObj);
- }
- for (var i=0; i {
+ temp = temp + 1;
let d3_transform = d3.event.transform;
+ if (temp > 2){
+ var frustum = new THREE.Frustum();
+ var cameraViewProjectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
+ // every time the camera or objects change position (or every frame)
+ camera.updateMatrixWorld(); // make sure the camera matrix is updated
+ camera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld );
+ cameraViewProjectionMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse );
+ frustum.setFromMatrix( cameraViewProjectionMatrix );
+ // frustum is now ready to check all the objects you need
+ VisiblePoints = [];
+ for (var l = 0; l {
- let [mouseX, mouseY] = d3.mouse(view.node());
- let mouse_position = [mouseX, mouseY];
- checkIntersects(mouse_position);
- });
+view.on("mousemove", () => {
+ let [mouseX, mouseY] = d3.mouse(view.node());
+ let mouse_position = [mouseX, mouseY];
- function mouseToThree(mouseX, mouseY) {
- return new THREE.Vector3(
- mouseX / dimensions * 2 - 1,
- -(mouseY / dimensions) * 2 + 1,
- 1
- );
- }
- function checkIntersects(mouse_position) {
- let mouse_vector = mouseToThree(...mouse_position);
- raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse_vector, camera);
- let intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(particlesDuplic);
- if (intersects[0]) {
- if (ColSizeSelector == "color"){
+function mouseToThree(mouseX, mouseY) {
+ return new THREE.Vector3(
+ mouseX / dimensions * 2 - 1,
+ -(mouseY / dimensions) * 2 + 1,
+ 1
+ );
+function checkIntersects(mouse_position) {
+ let mouse_vector = mouseToThree(...mouse_position);
+ raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse_vector, camera);
+ let intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(particlesDuplic);
+ if (intersects[0]) {
+ if (ColSizeSelector == "color"){
+ points = points.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.beta - b.beta;
+ })
+ } else{
points = points.sort(function(a, b) {
- return a.beta - b.beta;
+ return a.cost - b.cost;
- } else{
- points = points.sort(function(a, b) {
- return a.cost - b.cost;
- })
- }
- let sorted_intersects = sortIntersectsByDistanceToRay(intersects);
- let intersect = sorted_intersects[0];
- let index = intersect.index;
- let datum = points[index];
- highlightPoint(datum);
- showTooltip(mouse_position, datum);
- } else {
- removeHighlights();
- hideTooltip();
+ let sorted_intersects = sortIntersectsByDistanceToRay(intersects);
+ let intersect = sorted_intersects[0];
+ let index = intersect.index;
+ let datum = points[index];
+ highlightPoint(datum);
+ showTooltip(mouse_position, datum);
+ } else {
+ removeHighlights();
+ hideTooltip();
+function sortIntersectsByDistanceToRay(intersects) {
+ return _.sortBy(intersects, "distanceToRay");
+hoverContainer = new THREE.Object3D()
+function highlightPoint(datum) {
+ removeHighlights();
+ let geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
- function sortIntersectsByDistanceToRay(intersects) {
- return _.sortBy(intersects, "distanceToRay");
+ geometry.vertices.push(
+ new THREE.Vector3(
+ (((datum.x/dimensions)*2) - 1)*dimensions,
+ (((datum.y/dimensions)*2) - 1)*dimensions*-1,
+ 0
+ )
+ );
+ if (all_labels[0] == undefined){
+ var colorScaleCat = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(["No Category"]).range(["#C0C0C0"]);
+ }
+ else{
+ var colorScaleCat = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(all_labels).range(ColorsCategorical);
- hoverContainer = new THREE.Object3D()
- scene.add(hoverContainer);
+ geometry.colors = [ new THREE.Color(colorScaleCat(datum[Category])) ];
- function highlightPoint(datum) {
- removeHighlights();
- let geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
- geometry.vertices.push(
- new THREE.Vector3(
- (((datum.x/dimensions)*2) - 1)*dimensions,
- (((datum.y/dimensions)*2) - 1)*dimensions*-1,
- 0
- )
- );
+ let material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
+ size: 26,
+ sizeAttenuation: false,
+ vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors,
+ map: circle_sprite,
+ transparent: true
+ });
+ let point = new THREE.Points(geometry, material);
+ hoverContainer.add(point);
+function removeHighlights() {
+ hoverContainer.remove(...hoverContainer.children);
+view.on("mouseleave", () => {
+ removeHighlights()
+ // Initial tooltip state
+ let tooltip_state = { display: "none" }
+ let tooltip_dimensions;
+ let tooltip_template = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(``);
+ document.body.append(tooltip_template);
+ let $tooltip = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
+ let $point_tip = document.querySelector('#point_tip');
+ let $group_tip = document.querySelector('#group_tip');
+ function updateTooltip() {
if (all_labels[0] == undefined){
var colorScaleCat = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(["No Category"]).range(["#C0C0C0"]);
var colorScaleCat = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(all_labels).range(ColorsCategorical);
- geometry.colors = [ new THREE.Color(colorScaleCat(datum[Category])) ];
- let material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
- size: 35,
- sizeAttenuation: false,
- vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors,
- map: circle_sprite,
- transparent: true
- });
+ $tooltip.style.display = tooltip_state.display;
+ $tooltip.style.left = tooltip_state.left + 'px';
+ $tooltip.style.top = tooltip_state.top + 'px';
+ $point_tip.innerText = tooltip_state[Category];
+ $point_tip.style.background = colorScaleCat(tooltip_state.color);
+ var tooltipComb = [];
+ tooltipComb = "Data set's features: " + "\n";
+ if (tooltip_dimensions){
+ for (var i=0; i {
- removeHighlights()
- });
- // Initial tooltip state
- let tooltip_state = { display: "none" }
- let tooltip_dimensions;
- let tooltip_template = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(``);
- document.body.append(tooltip_template);
- let $tooltip = document.querySelector('#tooltip');
- let $point_tip = document.querySelector('#point_tip');
- let $group_tip = document.querySelector('#group_tip');
- function updateTooltip() {
- if (all_labels[0] == undefined){
- var colorScaleCat = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(["No Category"]).range(["#C0C0C0"]);
- }
- else{
- var colorScaleCat = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(all_labels).range(ColorsCategorical);
- }
- $tooltip.style.display = tooltip_state.display;
- $tooltip.style.left = tooltip_state.left + 'px';
- $tooltip.style.top = tooltip_state.top + 'px';
- $point_tip.innerText = tooltip_state[Category];
- $point_tip.style.background = colorScaleCat(tooltip_state.color);
- var tooltipComb = [];
- tooltipComb = "Data set's features: " + "\n";
- if (tooltip_dimensions){
- for (var i=0; i