Convert a string of text into a vectorized geometric representation. Works in both node.js and [browserify](
# Example
This module is capable of outputting geometry in several formats.
### Planar graphs
The default (and fastest) output from the module is a planar graph:
var vectorizeText = require("vectorize-text")
var graph = vectorizeText("Hello world! 你好", {
width: 500,
textBaseline: "hanging"
var svg = ['")
### Polygons
You can also configure the module to emit polygons instead:
var vectorizeText = require("vectorize-text")
var polygons = vectorizeText("Hello world! 你好", {
polygons: true,
width: 500,
textBaseline: "hanging"
var svg = []
### Triangulations
Finally, the module can output a triangulation (which is compatible with WebGL for example):
var vectorizeText = require("vectorize-text")
var complex = vectorizeText("Hello world! 你好", {
triangles: true,
width: 500,
textBaseline: "hanging"
var svg = ['")
# Install
npm install vectorize-text
#### `require("vectorize-text")(string[,options])`
Renders a string to a 2D cell complex
* `string` is a string of text (single line)
* `options` is an optional object of parameters
+ `options.font` is the font family to use (default: `"normal"`)
+ `options.fontStyle` if set, determines the [font-style](
+ `options.fontVariant` if set, determines the [font-variant](
+ `options.fontWeight` if set, determines the [font-weight](
+ `options.size` is the [font-size]( used for the rasterization step (determines level of detail of the mesh)
+ `options.textBaseline` determines the baseline, same semantics as the canvas [textBaseline]( property. Default: `"alphabetic"`
+ `options.textAlign` determines the alignment for the text, same semantics as canvas [textAlign]( Default: `"start"`
+ `options.lineHeight` determines the height of a line. Default: `1.0`
+ `options.width` determines the width of the text, overrides `lineHeight` if specified
+ `options.height` determines the height of the text, overrides `lineHeight` if specified
+ `options.triangles` if set, then output a triangulation
+ `options.polygons` if set, output a list of polygons
+ `options.orientation` determines the orientation of any output triangles/polygon curves. Must be either `"cw"` for clockwise or `"ccw"` for counter clockwise. Default is `"cw"`.
+ `options.canvas` an optional canvas element
+ `options.context` an optional canvas 2D context
+ `options.styletags.breaklines` if set, break-line tags i.e. < br > could be used in the input to enter new lines.
+ `options.styletags.bolds` if set, parts of the input i.e. between < b > and < /b > would be presented bold.
+ `options.styletags.italics` if set, parts of the input i.e. between < i > and < /i > would be presented italic.
+ `options.styletags.superscripts` if set, parts of the input i.e. between < sup > and < /sup > would be presented in as superscript. Multiple superscipts are also allowded. For example Line 0Line 1Line 2.
+ `options.styletags.subscripts` if set, parts of the input i.e. between < sub > and < /sub > would be presented in as subscript. Multiple subscipts are also allowded. For example: Line 0Line 1Line 2. Note: it is also possible to combine sub and superscripts: ABC.
**Returns** The returned value depends on the type of geometry
* *Planar graph*: This is the fastest output format. A JSON object encoding the embedding of an oriented planar graph, with the following properties:
+ `edges` are the edges of the graph
+ `positions` are the positions
* *Polygon list*: A list of complex polygons encoded as arrays of positions. This format is most suitable for SVG and GeoJSON output
* *Triangulation*: This format may be most suitable for WebGL/rendering applications. A 2D oriented simplicial complex encoded as a list of cells and positions, represented by a JSON object with two properties
+ `cells` are the faces of the triangulation, encoded as triples of indices into the vertex array
+ `positions` are the positions of the vertices in the triangulation
**Note** In node.js, this library requires Cairo. For more information on how to set this up, look at the documentation for the [canvas module](
# Credits
(c) 2014 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License