# TopoJSON Client
The **topojson-client** module provides tools for manipulating [TopoJSON](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-specification), such as to [merge shapes](#merge) or [quantize coordinates](#quantize), and for converting back to [GeoJSON features](#feature) for rendering with standard tools such as [d3.geoPath](https://github.com/d3/d3-geo/blob/master/README.md#geoPath). For example, [bl.ocks.org/3783604](https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3783604):
See [topojson](https://github.com/topojson/topojson) for converting GeoJSON to TopoJSON, [shapefile](https://github.com/mbostock/shapefile) for converting ESRI shapefiles to GeoJSON, [ndjson-cli](https://github.com/mbostock/ndjson-cli) for manipulating newline-delimited JSON streams, and [d3-geo-projection](https://github.com/d3/d3-geo-projection) for manipulating GeoJSON. See also [us-atlas](https://github.com/topojson/us-atlas) and [world-atlas](https://github.com/topojson/world-atlas) for pre-built TopoJSON.
## Installing
If you use NPM, `npm install topojson-client`. Otherwise, download the [latest release](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/releases/latest). You can also load directly from [d3js.org](https://d3js.org) as a [standalone library](https://d3js.org/topojson.v2.min.js). AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments are supported. In vanilla, a `topojson` global is exported:
The TopoJSON client API is implemented using ES2015 modules. In compatible environments, you can import the library as a namespace, like so:
import * as topojson from "topojson-client";
[Try topojson-client in your browser.](https://runkit.com/npm/topojson-client)
# API Reference
# topojson.feature(topology, object) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/feature.js "Source")
Returns the GeoJSON Feature or FeatureCollection for the specified *object* in the given *topology*. If the specified object is a GeometryCollection, a FeatureCollection is returned, and each geometry in the collection is mapped to a Feature. Otherwise, a Feature is returned.
Some examples:
* A point is mapped to a feature with a geometry object of type “Point”.
* Likewise for line strings, polygons, and other simple geometries.
* A null geometry object (of type null in TopoJSON) is mapped to a feature with a null geometry object.
* A geometry collection of points is mapped to a feature collection of features, each with a point geometry.
* A geometry collection of geometry collections is mapped to a feature collection of features, each with a geometry collection.
See [feature-test.js](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/test/feature-test.js) for more examples.
# topojson.merge(topology, objects) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/merge.js#L5 "Source")
Returns the GeoJSON MultiPolygon geometry object representing the union for the specified array of Polygon and MultiPolygon *objects* in the given *topology*. Interior borders shared by adjacent polygons are removed. See [Merging States](https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/5416405) for an example.
# topojson.mergeArcs(topology, objects) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/merge.js#L9 "Source")
Equivalent to [topojson.merge](#merge), but returns TopoJSON rather than GeoJSON.
# topojson.mesh(topology[, object[, filter]]) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/mesh.js#L4 "Source")
Returns the GeoJSON MultiLineString geometry object representing the mesh for the specified *object* in the given *topology*. This is useful for rendering strokes in complicated objects efficiently, as edges that are shared by multiple features are only stroked once. If *object* is not specified, a mesh of the entire topology is returned.
An optional *filter* function may be specified to prune arcs from the returned mesh using the topology. The filter function is called once for each candidate arc and takes two arguments, *a* and *b*, two geometry objects that share that arc. Each arc is only included in the resulting mesh if the filter function returns true. For typical map topologies the geometries *a* and *b* are adjacent polygons and the candidate arc is their boundary. If an arc is only used by a single geometry then *a* and *b* are identical. This property is useful for separating interior and exterior boundaries; an easy way to produce a mesh of interior boundaries is:
var interiors = topojson.mesh(topology, object, function(a, b) { return a !== b; });
See this [county choropleth](https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4060606) for example. Note: the *a* and *b* objects are TopoJSON objects (pulled directly from the topology), and not automatically converted to GeoJSON features as by [topojson.feature](#feature).
# topojson.meshArcs(topology[, object[, filter]]) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/mesh.js#L8 "Source")
Equivalent to [topojson.mesh](#mesh), but returns TopoJSON rather than GeoJSON.
# topojson.neighbors(objects) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/neighbors.js "Source")
Returns an array representing the set of neighboring objects for each object in the specified *objects* array. The returned array has the same number of elements as the input array; each element *i* in the returned array is the array of indexes for neighbors of object *i* in the input array. For example, if the specified objects array contains the features *foo* and *bar*, and these features are neighbors, the returned array will be \[\[1\], \[0\]\], indicating that *foo* is a neighbor of *bar* and *vice versa*. Each array of neighbor indexes for each object is guaranteed to be sorted in ascending order.
For a practical example, see the [world map](https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4180634) with topological coloring.
### Transforms
# topojson.bbox(topology) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/bbox.js "Source")
If the given *topology* has a [*topology*.bbox](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-specification#3-bounding-boxes), returns it. Otherwise, computes the bounding box of the *topology* [*x*₀, *y*₀, *x*₁, *y*₁] where *x*₀ is the minimum *x*-value, *y*₀ is the minimum *y*-value, *x*₁ is the maximum *x*-value, and *y*₁ is the maximum *y*-value. The computed bounding box is then assigned to *topology*.bbox and returned. If the *topology* has no points and no non-empty arcs, the returned bounding box is [∞, ∞, -∞, -∞].
# topojson.quantize(topology, n) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/quantize.js "Source")
Quantizes the coordinates of the specified *topology* and [delta-encodes](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-specification#213-arcs) the *topology*’s arcs. The quantization parameter *n* must be a positive integer greater than one, and determines the maximum expressible number of unique values per dimension in the resulting quantized coordinates; typically, a power of ten is chosen such as 1e4, 1e5 or 1e6. If the *topology* does not already have a [bbox](#bbox), one is computed and assigned. If the *topology* is already quantized, an error is thrown. See also [topoquantize](#topoquantize).
# transform(point[, index])
Transforms the specified *point* **in-place**, modifying the *point*’s coordinates. If the specified *index* is truthy, the input *point* is treated as relative to the previous point passed to the transform, as is the case with delta-encoded arcs. Returns the specified *point*.
# topojson.transform(topology) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/transform.js "Source")
If the specified *topology*’s [transform object](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-specification/blob/master/README.md#212-transforms) is non-null, returns a [point *transform* function](#_transform) to remove delta-encoding and apply the transform. If the *topology*’s transform object is null, returns the identity function.
# topojson.untransform(topology) [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/src/untransform.js "Source")
If the specified *topology*’s [transform object](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-specification/blob/master/README.md#212-transforms) is non-null, returns a [point *transform* function](#_transform) to apply delta-encoding and remove the transform. If the *topology*’s transform object is null, returns the identity function.
## Command Line Reference
### topo2geo
# topo2geo [options…] <name=file>… [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/bin/topo2geo "Source")
Converts one or more TopoJSON objects from an input topology to one or more GeoJSON features. For example, to convert the “states” TopoJSON GeometryCollection object in us.json to a GeoJSON feature collection in us-states.json:
topo2geo states=us-states.json < us.json
For convenience, you can omit the object name and specify only the file *name*; the object name will be the basename of the file, with the directory and extension removed. For example, to convert the “states” TopoJSON GeometryCollection object in us.json to a GeoJSON feature collection in states.json:
topo2geo states.json < us.json
See also [geo2topo](https://github.com/topojson/topojson/blob/master/README.md#geo2topo).
To list the available object names, use [--list](#topo2geo_list).
# topo2geo -h
# topo2geo --help
Output usage information.
# topo2geo -V
# topo2geo --version
Output the version number.
# topo2geo -n
# topo2geo --newline-delimited
Output [newline-delimited JSON](http://ndjson.org/), with one feature per line.
# topo2geo -i file
# topo2geo --in file
Specify the input TopoJSON file name. Defaults to “-” for stdin.
# topo2geo -l
# topo2geo --list
List the names of the objects in the input topology, and then exit. For example, this:
topo2geo -l < us.json
Will output this:
### topomerge
# topomerge [options…] <target=source> [file] [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/bin/topomerge "Source")
Merges polygons (or meshes lines) from the specified *source* TopoJSON geometry collection object, assigning to the *target* object.
See also [topojson.mergeArcs](#mergeArcs) and [topojson.meshArcs](#meshArcs).
# topomerge -h
# topomerge --help
Output usage information.
# topomerge -V
# topomerge --version
Output the version number.
# topomerge -o file
# topomerge --out file
Specify the output TopoJSON file name. Defaults to “-” for stdout.
# topomerge -k expression
# topomerge --key expression
Specify a JavaScript *expression*, given a TopoJSON geometry object *d* and its zero-based index *i* in its parent collection, that determines how geometry objects are grouped before merging; each group is merged separately. For example, given a topology of U.S. *counties*, where the *id* of each county is it’s five-digit FIPS code, the county boundaries can be merged into state boundaries by using the first two digits of the county FIPS code, which represents the state FIPS code:
topomerge states=counties -k 'd.id.slice(0, 2)' < us-counties.json > us-states.json
If a key is not specified, all input geometry objects will be merged together. For example, this can be used to merge the state boundaries into a single nation boundary:
topomerge nation=states < us-states.json > us.json
# topomerge -f expression
# topomerge --filter expression
Specify a JavaScript *expression* that filters the input geometries before merging or meshing. In conjunction with [--mesh](#topomerge_mesh), the *expression* is given two TopoJSON geometry objects *a* and *b* that represent the adjacent features for a given arc segment; if the *expression* evaluates truthily, the associated arc segment is retained in mesh. Otherwise, the *expression* is given an input TopoJSON geometry object *d* and its zero-based index *i* in its parent collection; if the *expression* evaluates truthily, the geometry object is retained in the merged polygon.
# topomerge --mesh
Use [topojson.meshArcs](#meshArcs) instead of [topojson.mergeArcs](#mergeArcs), generating a geometry collection of lines rather than polygons.
### topoquantize
# topoquantize [options…] <n> [file] [<>](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-client/blob/master/bin/topoquantize "Source")
Quantizes the coordinates of the input TopoJSON topology and [delta-encodes](https://github.com/topojson/topojson-specification#213-arcs) the topology’s arcs. The quantization parameter *n* must be a positive integer greater than one, and determines the maximum expressible number of unique values per dimension in the resulting quantized coordinates; typically, a power of ten is chosen such as 1e4, 1e5 or 1e6. If the *topology* does not already have a [bbox](#bbox), one is computed and assigned. If the *topology* is already quantized, an error is thrown. See also [topojson.quantize](#quantize).
# topoquantize -h
# topoquantize --help
Output usage information.
# topoquantize -V
# topoquantize --version
Output the version number.
# topoquantize -o file
# topoquantize --out file
Specify the output TopoJSON file name. Defaults to “-” for stdout.