/** @license React v16.12.0 * react-dom-unstable-flight-server.node.development.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ 'use strict'; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { (function() { 'use strict'; var ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server'); function scheduleWork(callback) { setImmediate(callback); } function flushBuffered(destination) { // If we don't have any more data to send right now. // Flush whatever is in the buffer to the wire. if (typeof destination.flush === 'function') { // http.createServer response have flush(), but it has a different meaning and // is deprecated in favor of flushHeaders(). Detect to avoid a warning. if (typeof destination.flushHeaders !== 'function') { // By convention the Zlib streams provide a flush function for this purpose. destination.flush(); } } } function beginWriting(destination) { // Older Node streams like http.createServer don't have this. if (typeof destination.cork === 'function') { destination.cork(); } } function writeChunk(destination, buffer) { var nodeBuffer = buffer; // close enough return destination.write(nodeBuffer); } function completeWriting(destination) { // Older Node streams like http.createServer don't have this. if (typeof destination.uncork === 'function') { destination.uncork(); } } function close(destination) { destination.end(); } function convertStringToBuffer(content) { return Buffer.from(content, 'utf8'); } function renderHostChildrenToString(children) { // TODO: This file is used to actually implement a server renderer // so we can't actually reference the renderer here. Instead, we // should replace this method with a reference to Fizz which // then uses this file to implement the server renderer. return ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(children); } // The Symbol used to tag the ReactElement-like types. If there is no native Symbol // nor polyfill, then a plain number is used for performance. var hasSymbol = typeof Symbol === 'function' && Symbol.for; var REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = hasSymbol ? Symbol.for('react.element') : 0xeac7; // TODO: We don't use AsyncMode or ConcurrentMode anymore. They were temporary // (unstable) APIs that have been removed. Can we remove the symbols? /* FLIGHT PROTOCOL GRAMMAR Response - JSONData RowSequence - JSONData RowSequence - Row RowSequence - Row Row - "J" RowID JSONData - "H" RowID HTMLData - "B" RowID BlobData - "U" RowID URLData - "E" RowID ErrorData RowID - HexDigits ":" HexDigits - HexDigit HexDigits - HexDigit HexDigit - 0-F URLData - (UTF8 encoded URL) "\n" ErrorData - (UTF8 encoded JSON: {message: "...", stack: "..."}) "\n" JSONData - (UTF8 encoded JSON) "\n" - String values that begin with $ are escaped with a "$" prefix. - References to other rows are encoding as JSONReference strings. JSONReference - "$" HexDigits HTMLData - ByteSize (UTF8 encoded HTML) BlobData - ByteSize (Binary Data) ByteSize - (unsigned 32-bit integer) */ // TODO: Implement HTMLData, BlobData and URLData. var stringify = JSON.stringify; function createRequest(model, destination) { var pingedSegments = []; var request = { destination: destination, nextChunkId: 0, pendingChunks: 0, pingedSegments: pingedSegments, completedJSONChunks: [], completedErrorChunks: [], flowing: false, toJSON: function (key, value) { return resolveModelToJSON(request, value); } }; request.pendingChunks++; var rootSegment = createSegment(request, model); pingedSegments.push(rootSegment); return request; } function attemptResolveModelComponent(element) { var type = element.type; var props = element.props; if (typeof type === 'function') { // This is a nested view model. return type(props); } else if (typeof type === 'string') { // This is a host element. E.g. HTML. return renderHostChildrenToString(element); } else { throw new Error('Unsupported type.'); } } function pingSegment(request, segment) { var pingedSegments = request.pingedSegments; pingedSegments.push(segment); if (pingedSegments.length === 1) { scheduleWork(function () { return performWork(request); }); } } function createSegment(request, model) { var id = request.nextChunkId++; var segment = { id: id, model: model, ping: function () { return pingSegment(request, segment); } }; return segment; } function serializeIDRef(id) { return '$' + id.toString(16); } function serializeRowHeader(tag, id) { return tag + id.toString(16) + ':'; } function escapeStringValue(value) { if (value[0] === '$') { // We need to escape $ prefixed strings since we use that to encode // references to IDs. return '$' + value; } else { return value; } } function resolveModelToJSON(request, value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return escapeStringValue(value); } while (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && value.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) { var element = value; try { value = attemptResolveModelComponent(element); } catch (x) { if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && typeof x.then === 'function') { // Something suspended, we'll need to create a new segment and resolve it later. request.pendingChunks++; var newSegment = createSegment(request, element); var ping = newSegment.ping; x.then(ping, ping); return serializeIDRef(newSegment.id); } else { request.pendingChunks++; var errorId = request.nextChunkId++; emitErrorChunk(request, errorId, x); return serializeIDRef(errorId); } } } return value; } function emitErrorChunk(request, id, error) { // TODO: We should not leak error messages to the client in prod. // Give this an error code instead and log on the server. // We can serialize the error in DEV as a convenience. var message; var stack = ''; try { if (error instanceof Error) { message = '' + error.message; stack = '' + error.stack; } else { message = 'Error: ' + error; } } catch (x) { message = 'An error occurred but serializing the error message failed.'; } var errorInfo = { message: message, stack: stack }; var row = serializeRowHeader('E', id) + stringify(errorInfo) + '\n'; request.completedErrorChunks.push(convertStringToBuffer(row)); } function retrySegment(request, segment) { var value = segment.model; try { while (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && value.$$typeof === REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE) { // If this is a nested model, there's no need to create another chunk, // we can reuse the existing one and try again. var element = value; segment.model = element; value = attemptResolveModelComponent(element); } var json = stringify(value, request.toJSON); var row; var id = segment.id; if (id === 0) { row = json + '\n'; } else { row = serializeRowHeader('J', id) + json + '\n'; } request.completedJSONChunks.push(convertStringToBuffer(row)); } catch (x) { if (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null && typeof x.then === 'function') { // Something suspended again, let's pick it back up later. var ping = segment.ping; x.then(ping, ping); return; } else { // This errored, we need to serialize this error to the emitErrorChunk(request, segment.id, x); } } } function performWork(request) { var pingedSegments = request.pingedSegments; request.pingedSegments = []; for (var i = 0; i < pingedSegments.length; i++) { var segment = pingedSegments[i]; retrySegment(request, segment); } if (request.flowing) { flushCompletedChunks(request); } } var reentrant = false; function flushCompletedChunks(request) { if (reentrant) { return; } reentrant = true; var destination = request.destination; beginWriting(destination); try { var jsonChunks = request.completedJSONChunks; var i = 0; for (; i < jsonChunks.length; i++) { request.pendingChunks--; var chunk = jsonChunks[i]; if (!writeChunk(destination, chunk)) { request.flowing = false; i++; break; } } jsonChunks.splice(0, i); var errorChunks = request.completedErrorChunks; i = 0; for (; i < errorChunks.length; i++) { request.pendingChunks--; var _chunk = errorChunks[i]; if (!writeChunk(destination, _chunk)) { request.flowing = false; i++; break; } } errorChunks.splice(0, i); } finally { reentrant = false; completeWriting(destination); } flushBuffered(destination); if (request.pendingChunks === 0) { // We're done. close(destination); } } function startWork(request) { request.flowing = true; scheduleWork(function () { return performWork(request); }); } function startFlowing(request) { request.flowing = true; flushCompletedChunks(request); } // This file intentionally does *not* have the Flow annotation. // Don't add it. See `./inline-typed.js` for an explanation. function createDrainHandler(destination, request) { return function () { return startFlowing(request); }; } function pipeToNodeWritable(model, destination) { var request = createRequest(model, destination); destination.on('drain', createDrainHandler(destination, request)); startWork(request); } var ReactFlightDOMServerNode = { pipeToNodeWritable: pipeToNodeWritable }; var ReactFlightDOMServerNode$1 = Object.freeze({ default: ReactFlightDOMServerNode }); var ReactFlightDOMServerNode$2 = ( ReactFlightDOMServerNode$1 && ReactFlightDOMServerNode ) || ReactFlightDOMServerNode$1; // TODO: decide on the top-level export form. // This is hacky but makes it work with both Rollup and Jest var unstableFlightServer_node = ReactFlightDOMServerNode$2.default || ReactFlightDOMServerNode$2; module.exports = unstableFlightServer_node; })(); }