var fs = require('fs'); var constants = require('./util/constants'); var common = require('./util/common'); // main makeCredentialsFile(); makeTestImageFolders(); makeRequireJSFixture(); // Create a credentials json file, // to be required in jasmine test suites and test dashboard function makeCredentialsFile() { var credentials = JSON.stringify({ MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN: constants.mapboxAccessToken }, null, 2); common.writeFile(constants.pathToCredentials, credentials); logger('make build/credentials.json'); } // Make artifact folders for image tests function makeTestImageFolders() { function makeOne(folderPath, info) { if(!common.doesDirExist(folderPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(folderPath); logger('initialize ' + info); } else logger(info + ' is present'); } makeOne(constants.pathToTestImages, 'test image folder'); makeOne(constants.pathToTestImagesDiff, 'test image diff folder'); } // Make script file that define plotly in a RequireJS context function makeRequireJSFixture() { var bundle = fs.readFileSync(constants.pathToPlotlyDistMin, 'utf-8'); var index = [ 'define(\'plotly\', function(require, exports, module) {', bundle, '});' ].join(''); common.writeFile(constants.pathToRequireJSFixture, index); logger('make build/requirejs_fixture.js'); } function logger(task) { console.log('ok ' + task); }