var assert = require('assert') var compat = require('../') var fixtures = require('./fixtures') // SHA-1 vectors generated by Node.js // SHA-256/SHA-512 test vectors from: // // describe('pbkdf2-compat', function() { describe('pbkdf2', function() { ;['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512'].forEach(function(algorithm) { describe(algorithm, function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f, i) { var expected = f.results[algorithm] it('Async test case ' + i + ' for ' + algorithm + ' matches ' + expected, function(done) { compat.pbkdf2(f.key, f.salt, f.iterations, f.dkLen, algorithm, function(err, result) { assert.equal(result.toString('hex'), expected) done() }) }) }) fixtures.invalid.forEach(function(f) { it('should throw ' + f.exception, function(done) { compat.pbkdf2(f.key, f.salt, f.iterations, f.dkLen, f.algo, function(err) { assert(new RegExp(f.exception).test(err)) done() }) }) }) }) }) it('should throw if no callback is provided', function() { assert.throws(function() { compat.pbkdf2('password', 'salt', 1, 32, 'sha1') }, /No callback provided to pbkdf2/) }) }) describe('pbkdf2Sync', function() { it('defaults to sha1', function() { var result = compat.pbkdf2Sync('password', 'salt', 1, 32) assert.equal(result.toString('hex'), "0c60c80f961f0e71f3a9b524af6012062fe037a6e0f0eb94fe8fc46bdc637164") }) ;['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512'].forEach(function(algorithm) { describe(algorithm, function() { fixtures.valid.forEach(function(f, i) { var expected = f.results[algorithm] it('Test case ' + i + ' for ' + algorithm + ' matches ' + expected, function() { var result = compat.pbkdf2Sync(f.key, f.salt, f.iterations, f.dkLen, algorithm) assert.equal(result.toString('hex'), expected) }) }) fixtures.invalid.forEach(function(f) { it('should throw ' + f.exception, function() { assert.throws(function() { compat.pbkdf2Sync(f.key, f.salt, f.iterations, f.dkLen, f.algo) }, new RegExp(f.exception)) }) }) }) }) }) })