"use strict" var browserify = require("browserify") var tape = require("tape") var vm = require("vm") var cases = [ "test" ] bundleCasesFrom(0) function bundleCasesFrom(i) { if (i>=cases.length) return var b = browserify() b.ignore("tape") b.add(__dirname + "/" + cases[i] + ".js") tape(cases[i], function(t) { // Without nested tests, the asynchronous nature of bundle causes issues with tape... b.bundle(function(err, src) { if(err) { throw new Error("failed to bundle!") } vm.runInNewContext(src, { test: t.test.bind(t), Buffer: Buffer, Int8Array: Int8Array, Int16Array: Int16Array, Int32Array: Int32Array, Float32Array: Float32Array, Float64Array: Float64Array, Uint8Array: Uint8Array, Uint16Array: Uint16Array, Uint32Array: Uint32Array, Uint8ClampedArray: Uint8ClampedArray, console: { log: console.log.bind(console) } }) t.end() }) }) bundleCasesFrom(i+1) }