const url = require('url') module.exports = setWarning function setWarning (reqOrRes, code, message, replace) { // Warning = "Warning" ":" 1#warning-value // warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text [SP warn-date] // warn-code = 3DIGIT // warn-agent = ( host [ ":" port ] ) | pseudonym // ; the name or pseudonym of the server adding // ; the Warning header, for use in debugging // warn-text = quoted-string // warn-date = <"> HTTP-date <"> // ( const host = new url.URL(reqOrRes.url).host const jsonMessage = JSON.stringify(message) const jsonDate = JSON.stringify(new Date().toUTCString()) const header = replace ? 'set' : 'append' reqOrRes.headers[header]( 'Warning', `${code} ${host} ${jsonMessage} ${jsonDate}` ) }