gl-pointcloud2d ============ WebGL 2D point cloud for lots of points ## Example ... to be created ## Install Using [npm](, you can install this module as follows: ``` npm i gl-pointcloud2d ``` ## API ### Constructor #### `var pointcloud = require('gl-pointcloud2d')(plot, options)` Creates a new 2D point cloud. * `plot` is a reference to a `gl-plot2d` object * `options` is a JSON object containing the parameters which are passed to the object when it is updated. `options` has the following properties: * `data` is a packed 2*n length array of the unrolled xy coordinates of the points (required) - buffering is significantly faster if it's of type Float32Array * `idToIndex` is an optional array of length n where `idToIndex[i] = i` - buffering is significantly faster if it's supplied and of type Int32Array * `color` is the color of a marker as a length 4 RGBA array (default `[1,0,0,1]`) * `borderSize` is the ratio of the border around each point (default `0`) * `borderColor` is the color of the border of each point (default `[0,0,0,1]`) * `blend` determines if `gl` blending is enabled for a translucency effect on overlaps; enabling it lowers draw speed somewhat (default `false`) **Returns** A new point cloud plot object, which is also registered to `plot` ### Methods #### `pointcloud.update(options)` Updates the point cloud plot. * `options` is an object with the same properties as in the point cloud plot constructor #### `pointcloud.dispose()` Destroys the point cloud plot and all associated resources. ## License (c) 2015 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License Development supported by