gl-buffer ========= A wrapper for WebGL buffer objects. # Example [View this demo in your browser]( ```javascript var shell = require("gl-now")() var glslify = require("glslify") var createBuffer = require("gl-buffer") var createShader = glslify({ vertex: "\ attribute vec2 position;\ varying vec2 uv;\ void main() {\ gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\ uv = position.xy;\ }", fragment: "\ precision highp float;\ uniform float tick;\ varying vec2 uv;\ void main() {\ gl_FragColor = vec4(0.5*(uv+1.0), 0.5*(cos(tick)+1.0), 1.0);\ }", inline: true }) var buffer, shader shell.on("gl-init", function() { var gl = //Create buffer buffer = createBuffer(gl, [-1, 0, 0,-1, 1, 1]) //Create shader shader = createShader(gl) shader.attributes.position.location = 0 }) shell.on("gl-render", function(t) { var gl = shader.bind() buffer.bind() shader.attributes.position.pointer() shader.uniforms.tick = / 1000.0 gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3) }) ``` Output: # Install npm install gl-buffer # API ```javascript var createBuffer = require("gl-buffer") ``` ## Constructor The constructor for a GL buffer works as follows: ### `var buffer = createBuffer(gl[, data, type, usage])` * `gl` is a WebGL context * `data` is either an integer, an array, a typed array, an array buffer or an ndarray representing the data of the buffer. Default is `0` * `type` is an optional parameter specifying the type of the webgl buffer. Default is `gl.ARRAY_BUFFER`. * `usage` is an optional parameter representing the intended usage for the buffer (in the WebGL sense). It is not clear this does anything in current WebGL implementations. Default `gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW` ## Properties ### `` A reference to the buffer's WebGL context ### `buffer.handle` A handle to the underlying WebGLBuffer object ### `buffer.type` The type of the buffer (either `gl.ARRAY_BUFFER` or `gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER`) ### `buffer.length` The size of the buffer in bytes ### `buffer.usage` The internal WebGL usage for the buffer. ## Methods ### `buffer.bind()` Binds the buffer to the appropriate target. Equivalent to `gl.bindBuffer( ... )` ### `buffer.dispose()` Deletes the buffer releasing all associated resources. Equivalent to `gl.deleteBuffer(...)` ### `buffer.update(data[, offset])` Updates the data in the buffer. There are two basic modes to this function. In the first, it calls `gl.bufferSubData` to update a portion of the buffer in place, and in the second it calls `gl.bufferData` to completely resize the buffer. * `data` the new data to add to the buffer. This follows the same semantics as in the constructor. * `offset` the offset **in bytes** to copy data into the buffer from *or* if unspecified then the buffer is resized by calling `gl.bufferData` instead of `gl.bufferSubData`. Default `0`. ## Credits (c) 2013-2014 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License