extract-frustum-planes ====================== Returns a list of frustum planes from a given WebGL matrix (assuming the matrix is stored in the same format as used by [gl-matrix](https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix)). ## Install npm install extract-frustum-planes ## Example ```javascript var getPlanes = require("extract-frustum-planes") var glm = require("gl-matrix") var m = glm.mat4.perspective() ``` ## API ### `require("extract-frustum-planes")(worldToClip[, zNear, zFar])` Extracts the frustum planes of the combined world to clip coordinate matrix for WebGL * `worldToClip` is the concatenated model-view-projection matrix in the same format as expected by WebGL (ie compatible with gl-matrix) * `zNear` is the near clip plane distance as set by `gl.depthRange` (default 0.0) * `zFar` is the far clip plane distance as set by `gl.depthRange` **Returns** An array of 6 planes encoding the view frustum stored in the order: * `left` * `right` * `top` * `bottom` * `near` * `far` ## Credits (c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License