/** * @author Toru Nagashima * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. */ "use strict" const path = require("path") const fs = require("fs") const getTryExtensions = require("../util/get-try-extensions") const visitImport = require("../util/visit-import") const packageNamePattern = /^(?:@[^/\\]+[/\\])?[^/\\]+$/u const corePackageOverridePattern = /^(?:assert|async_hooks|buffer|child_process|cluster|console|constants|crypto|dgram|dns|domain|events|fs|http|http2|https|inspector|module|net|os|path|perf_hooks|process|punycode|querystring|readline|repl|stream|string_decoder|sys|timers|tls|trace_events|tty|url|util|v8|vm|worker_threads|zlib)[/\\]$/u /** * Get all file extensions of the files which have the same basename. * @param {string} filePath The path to the original file to check. * @returns {string[]} File extensions. */ function getExistingExtensions(filePath) { const basename = path.basename(filePath, path.extname(filePath)) try { return fs .readdirSync(path.dirname(filePath)) .filter( filename => path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename)) === basename ) .map(filename => path.extname(filename)) } catch (_error) { return [] } } module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: "enforce the style of file extensions in `import` declarations", category: "Stylistic Issues", recommended: false, url: "https://github.com/mysticatea/eslint-plugin-node/blob/v11.0.0/docs/rules/file-extension-in-import.md", }, fixable: "code", messages: { requireExt: "require file extension '{{ext}}'.", forbidExt: "forbid file extension '{{ext}}'.", }, schema: [ { enum: ["always", "never"], }, { type: "object", properties: { tryExtensions: getTryExtensions.schema, }, additionalProperties: { enum: ["always", "never"], }, }, ], type: "suggestion", }, create(context) { if (context.getFilename().startsWith("<")) { return {} } const defaultStyle = context.options[0] || "always" const overrideStyle = context.options[1] || {} function verify({ filePath, name, node }) { // Ignore if it's not resolved to a file or it's a bare module. if ( !filePath || packageNamePattern.test(name) || corePackageOverridePattern.test(name) ) { return } // Get extension. const originalExt = path.extname(name) const resolvedExt = path.extname(filePath) const existingExts = getExistingExtensions(filePath) if (!resolvedExt && existingExts.length !== 1) { // Ignore if the file extension could not be determined one. return } const ext = resolvedExt || existingExts[0] const style = overrideStyle[ext] || defaultStyle // Verify. if (style === "always" && ext !== originalExt) { context.report({ node, messageId: "requireExt", data: { ext }, fix(fixer) { if (existingExts.length !== 1) { return null } const index = node.range[1] - 1 return fixer.insertTextBeforeRange([index, index], ext) }, }) } else if (style === "never" && ext === originalExt) { context.report({ node, messageId: "forbidExt", data: { ext }, fix(fixer) { if (existingExts.length !== 1) { return null } const index = name.lastIndexOf(ext) const start = node.range[0] + 1 + index const end = start + ext.length return fixer.removeRange([start, end]) }, }) } } return visitImport(context, { optionIndex: 1 }, targets => { targets.forEach(verify) }) }, }