var mocha = require('mocha'); var assert = require('chai').assert; var Cryo = require('../lib/cryo'); describe('Complex', function() { it('should hydrate several objects referring to each other', function() { var user1 = { name: 'Hunter', destroy: function() { return 'destroyed ' +; } }; var user2 = { name: 'Jim' }; var project = { maintainers: [user1, user2], title: 'Cryo' }; var test = { subject: project, passing: true, hooks: { subscribed_users: [user1] } }; var stringified = Cryo.stringify(test); var hydrated = Cryo.parse(stringified); var result1 = test.hooks.subscribed_users[0].destroy(); var result2 = hydrated.hooks.subscribed_users[0].destroy(); hydrated.hooks.subscribed_users[0].name = 'Newname'; var result3 = hydrated.hooks.subscribed_users[0].destroy(); assert.strictEqual(result1, result2); assert.strictEqual(result3, 'destroyed Newname'); assert.strictEqual(test.passing, hydrated.passing); assert.strictEqual(test.subject.title, hydrated.subject.title); }); it('should dereference objects that were originall the same into the same after hydration', function() { var userList = [{ name: 'Abe' }, { name: 'Bob' }, { name: 'Carl' }]; var state = { users: userList, activeUser: userList[1] }; var stringified = Cryo.stringify(state); var hydrated = Cryo.parse(stringified); assert.strictEqual(hydrated.activeUser, hydrated.users[1]); }); it('should be able to hydrate itself', function() { var stringified = Cryo.stringify(Cryo); var hydrated = Cryo.parse(stringified); assert.isFunction(hydrated.parse); assert.isFunction(hydrated.stringify); }); it('should be able to use callbacks to hydrate objects with types', function() { function CustomType() {} var test = new CustomType(); test.sub = [new CustomType()]; var types = { 'CustomType': CustomType }; var stringified = Cryo.stringify(test, function(obj) { if (types[]) { obj.__class__ =; } }); var hydrated = Cryo.parse(stringified, function(obj) { if (types[obj.__class__]) { obj.__proto__ = types[obj.__class__].prototype; delete obj.__class__; } }); assert.strictEqual(, 'CustomType'); assert.strictEqual(hydrated.sub[0], 'CustomType'); }); });