# Snapshot report for `test/test.js` The actual snapshot is saved in `test.js.snap`. Generated by [AVA](https://ava.li). ## Error: h3 > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you can not use "h3" with v-model' ## Error: input[type="checkbox",v-model:trim] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you can only use number modifier with input[type="checkbox"]' ## Error: input[type="file",v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you can not use "file" type with v-model' ## Error: input[type="radio",v-model:trim] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you can only use number modifier with input[type="radio"]' ## Error: input[type={dynamic}, v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you can not use dynamic type with v-model' ## Error: input[v-model, v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you can not have multiple v-model directives on a single element' ## Error: input[v-model:invalidModifier] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: v-model does not support "invalidModifier" modifier' ## Error: input[v-model="string literal"] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you should use JSX Expression with v-model' ## Error: input[v-model={identifier}] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you should use MemberExpression with v-model' ## Error: select[v-model:trim] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Error mesage 'unknown: you can only use number modifier with ;' ## custom-element[v-model:number] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `var _this = this;␊ ␊ {␊ a.b = _this._n($$v);␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## custom-element[v-model:trim] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code ` {␊ a.b = $$v.trim();␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## custom-element[v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code ` {␊ a.b = $$v;␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## input[type="checkbox", v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `var _this = this;␊ ␊ -1 : a.b} on__c={$event => {␊ const $$a = a.b,␊ $$el = $event.target,␊ $$c = $$el.checked ? true : false;␊ ␊ if (Array.isArray($$a)) {␊ const $$v = null,␊ $$i = _this._i($$a, $$v);␊ ␊ if ($$el.checked) {␊ $$i < 0 && (a.b = $$a.concat($$v));␊ } else {␊ $$i > -1 && (a.b = $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1)));␊ }␊ } else {␊ a.b = $$c;␊ }␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} {...spreadForCoverage} />;` ## input[type="checkbox", value="forArray", true-value={{hello: true}}, false-value={{hello: false}}, v-model:number] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `var _this = this;␊ ␊ -1 : this._q(a.b, { hello: true })} on__c={$event => {␊ const $$a = a.b,␊ $$el = $event.target,␊ $$c = $$el.checked ? { hello: true } : { hello: false };␊ ␊ if (Array.isArray($$a)) {␊ const $$v = _this._n("forArray"),␊ $$i = _this._i($$a, $$v);␊ ␊ if ($$el.checked) {␊ $$i < 0 && (a.b = $$a.concat($$v));␊ } else {␊ $$i > -1 && (a.b = $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1)));␊ }␊ } else {␊ a.b = $$c;␊ }␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} {...spreadForCoverage} />;` ## input[type="radio", v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code ` {␊ a.b = true;␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} {...spreadForCoverage} />;` ## input[type="radio", value="101", v-model:number] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `var _this = this;␊ ␊ {␊ a.b = _this._n("101");␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} {...spreadForCoverage} />;` ## input[type="range", v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code ` {␊ a.b = $event.target.value;␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## input[v-model:lazy] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code ` {␊ a.b = $event.target.value;␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## input[v-model:number] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `var _this = this;␊ ␊ {␊ if ($event.target.composing) return;␊ a.b = _this._n($event.target.value);␊ }} onBlur={() => _this.$forceUpdate()} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## input[v-model:trim] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `var _this = this;␊ ␊ {␊ if ($event.target.composing) return;␊ a.b = $event.target.value.trim();␊ }} onBlur={() => _this.$forceUpdate()} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## input[v-model={a.b[c.d[e]]}] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `var _this = this;␊ ␊ {␊ if ($event.target.composing) return;␊ ␊ _this.$set(a.b, c.d[e], $event.target.value);␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b[c.d[e]]␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## input[v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code ` {␊ if ($event.target.composing) return;␊ a.b = $event.target.value;␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## select > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code ` {␊ const $$selectedVal = Array.prototype.filter.call($event.target.options, o => o.selected).map(o => _this._n("_value" in o ? o._value : o.value));␊ a.b = $event.target.multiple ? $$selectedVal : $$selectedVal[0];␊ }} {...{␊ directives: [{␊ name: "model",␊ value: a.b␊ }]␊ }} />;` ## textarea[v-model] > Initial code `␊ ␊ ` > Compiled code `