surface-nets ============ Extract a simplicial level set from an [ndarray]( in any dimension using naive surface nets. This module works in both node.js and with [browserify](! # Example Here is a 2D example: ```javascript //Load modules var surfaceNets = require("surface-nets") var ndarray = require("ndarray") var fill = require("ndarray-fill") //Initialize array to a circle var array = ndarray(new Float32Array(32*32), [32,32]) fill(array, function(i,j) { return Math.pow(i-16,2) + Math.pow(j-16,2) }) //Extract 2D contour (this is all there is to it!) var complex = surfaceNets(array, 15*15) //Write SVG image to stdout var svgFile = [''] complex.cells.forEach(function(cell) { var p0 = complex.positions[cell[0]] var p1 = complex.positions[cell[1]] svgFile.push('') }) complex.positions.forEach(function(p) { svgFile.push('') }) svgFile.push('') console.log(svgFile.join("")) ``` And here is the output SVG: This module also works in 3D. Here is an example: ```javascript //Load modules var surfaceNets = require("surface-nets") var ndarray = require("ndarray") var fill = require("ndarray-fill") var mat4 = require("gl-matrix").mat4 //Initialize array var array = ndarray(new Float32Array(32*32*32), [32,32,32]) fill(array, function(i,j,k) { return Math.pow(i-16,2) + Math.pow(j-16,2) + Math.pow(k-16,2) }) //Generate surface! (again, just one line) var complex = surfaceNets(array, 100) //Render the implicit surface to stdout console.log('') console.log(require("svg-3d-simplicial-complex")( complex.cells, complex.positions, { view: mat4.lookAt( mat4.create(), [32, 32, 32], [16, 16, 16], [0,1,0]), projection: mat4.perspective(mat4.create(), Math.PI/4.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1000.0), viewport: [[0,0], [512,512]] })) console.log("") ``` And here is the result: And while it is a bit trivial, you can also generate surfaces in 1D: ```javascript var surfaceNets = require("surface-nets") var ndarray = require("ndarray") console.log(surfaceNets(ndarray([1, -1, 0, 5, -10]))) ``` Output: ```javascript { positions: [ [ 0.5 ], [ 2 ], [ 3.3333333333333335 ] ], cells: [ [ 0 ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ] } ``` The code *should* work in 4D and higher dimensions, but this is not well tested and it is harder to visualize. (Also, why would you want to bother!?!) # Install ``` npm install surface-nets ``` # API #### `require("surface-nets")(array[,level])` Extracts the level set at `level` from `array` as a simplicial complex. * `array` is an [ndarray]( * `level` is an optional number which determines the level at which the levelset is evaluated (default `0`) **Returns** An object with a pair of properties representing a simplicial complex: * `positions` is an array encoding the positions of the vertices. The coordinates of the positions are with respect to the indices in `array`. * `cells` is an array encoding the cells of the simplicial complex as tuples of indices into the `position` array. # Credits (c) 2014 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License