var check = require('./util/check') var values = require('./util/values') var extend = require('./util/extend') // We store these constants so that the minifier can inline them var GL_FRAMEBUFFER = 0x8D40 var GL_RENDERBUFFER = 0x8D41 var GL_TEXTURE_2D = 0x0DE1 var GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X = 0x8515 var GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 = 0x8CE0 var GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT = 0x8D00 var GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 0x8D20 var GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT = 0x821A var GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE = 0x8CD5 var GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT = 0x8CD6 var GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT = 0x8CD7 var GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS = 0x8CD9 var GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED = 0x8CDD var GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES = 0x8D61 var GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401 var GL_FLOAT = 0x1406 var GL_RGB = 0x1907 var GL_RGBA = 0x1908 var GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT = 0x1902 var colorTextureFormatEnums = [ GL_RGB, GL_RGBA ] // for every texture format, store // the number of channels var textureFormatChannels = [] textureFormatChannels[GL_RGBA] = 4 textureFormatChannels[GL_RGB] = 3 // for every texture type, store // the size in bytes. var textureTypeSizes = [] textureTypeSizes[GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE] = 1 textureTypeSizes[GL_FLOAT] = 4 textureTypeSizes[GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES] = 2 var GL_RGBA4 = 0x8056 var GL_RGB5_A1 = 0x8057 var GL_RGB565 = 0x8D62 var GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 = 0x81A5 var GL_STENCIL_INDEX8 = 0x8D48 var GL_DEPTH_STENCIL = 0x84F9 var GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT = 0x8C43 var GL_RGBA32F_EXT = 0x8814 var GL_RGBA16F_EXT = 0x881A var GL_RGB16F_EXT = 0x881B var colorRenderbufferFormatEnums = [ GL_RGBA4, GL_RGB5_A1, GL_RGB565, GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT, GL_RGBA16F_EXT, GL_RGB16F_EXT, GL_RGBA32F_EXT ] var statusCode = {} statusCode[GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE] = 'complete' statusCode[GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT] = 'incomplete attachment' statusCode[GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS] = 'incomplete dimensions' statusCode[GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT] = 'incomplete, missing attachment' statusCode[GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED] = 'unsupported' module.exports = function wrapFBOState ( gl, extensions, limits, textureState, renderbufferState, stats) { var framebufferState = { cur: null, next: null, dirty: false, setFBO: null } var colorTextureFormats = ['rgba'] var colorRenderbufferFormats = ['rgba4', 'rgb565', 'rgb5 a1'] if (extensions.ext_srgb) { colorRenderbufferFormats.push('srgba') } if (extensions.ext_color_buffer_half_float) { colorRenderbufferFormats.push('rgba16f', 'rgb16f') } if (extensions.webgl_color_buffer_float) { colorRenderbufferFormats.push('rgba32f') } var colorTypes = ['uint8'] if (extensions.oes_texture_half_float) { colorTypes.push('half float', 'float16') } if (extensions.oes_texture_float) { colorTypes.push('float', 'float32') } function FramebufferAttachment (target, texture, renderbuffer) { = target this.texture = texture this.renderbuffer = renderbuffer var w = 0 var h = 0 if (texture) { w = texture.width h = texture.height } else if (renderbuffer) { w = renderbuffer.width h = renderbuffer.height } this.width = w this.height = h } function decRef (attachment) { if (attachment) { if (attachment.texture) { attachment.texture._texture.decRef() } if (attachment.renderbuffer) { attachment.renderbuffer._renderbuffer.decRef() } } } function incRefAndCheckShape (attachment, width, height) { if (!attachment) { return } if (attachment.texture) { var texture = attachment.texture._texture var tw = Math.max(1, texture.width) var th = Math.max(1, texture.height) check(tw === width && th === height, 'inconsistent width/height for supplied texture') texture.refCount += 1 } else { var renderbuffer = attachment.renderbuffer._renderbuffer check( renderbuffer.width === width && renderbuffer.height === height, 'inconsistent width/height for renderbuffer') renderbuffer.refCount += 1 } } function attach (location, attachment) { if (attachment) { if (attachment.texture) { gl.framebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, location,, attachment.texture._texture.texture, 0) } else { gl.framebufferRenderbuffer( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, location, GL_RENDERBUFFER, attachment.renderbuffer._renderbuffer.renderbuffer) } } } function parseAttachment (attachment) { var target = GL_TEXTURE_2D var texture = null var renderbuffer = null var data = attachment if (typeof attachment === 'object') { data = if ('target' in attachment) { target = | 0 } } check.type(data, 'function', 'invalid attachment data') var type = data._reglType if (type === 'texture2d') { texture = data check(target === GL_TEXTURE_2D) } else if (type === 'textureCube') { texture = data check( target >= GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X && target < GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + 6, 'invalid cube map target') } else if (type === 'renderbuffer') { renderbuffer = data target = GL_RENDERBUFFER } else { check.raise('invalid regl object for attachment') } return new FramebufferAttachment(target, texture, renderbuffer) } function allocAttachment ( width, height, isTexture, format, type) { if (isTexture) { var texture = textureState.create2D({ width: width, height: height, format: format, type: type }) texture._texture.refCount = 0 return new FramebufferAttachment(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture, null) } else { var rb = renderbufferState.create({ width: width, height: height, format: format }) rb._renderbuffer.refCount = 0 return new FramebufferAttachment(GL_RENDERBUFFER, null, rb) } } function unwrapAttachment (attachment) { return attachment && (attachment.texture || attachment.renderbuffer) } function resizeAttachment (attachment, w, h) { if (attachment) { if (attachment.texture) { attachment.texture.resize(w, h) } else if (attachment.renderbuffer) { attachment.renderbuffer.resize(w, h) } attachment.width = w attachment.height = h } } var framebufferCount = 0 var framebufferSet = {} function REGLFramebuffer () { = framebufferCount++ framebufferSet[] = this this.framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer() this.width = 0 this.height = 0 this.colorAttachments = [] this.depthAttachment = null this.stencilAttachment = null this.depthStencilAttachment = null } function decFBORefs (framebuffer) { framebuffer.colorAttachments.forEach(decRef) decRef(framebuffer.depthAttachment) decRef(framebuffer.stencilAttachment) decRef(framebuffer.depthStencilAttachment) } function destroy (framebuffer) { var handle = framebuffer.framebuffer check(handle, 'must not double destroy framebuffer') gl.deleteFramebuffer(handle) framebuffer.framebuffer = null stats.framebufferCount-- delete framebufferSet[] } function updateFramebuffer (framebuffer) { var i gl.bindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer.framebuffer) var colorAttachments = framebuffer.colorAttachments for (i = 0; i < colorAttachments.length; ++i) { attach(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, colorAttachments[i]) } for (i = colorAttachments.length; i < limits.maxColorAttachments; ++i) { gl.framebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, GL_TEXTURE_2D, null, 0) } gl.framebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, null, 0) gl.framebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, null, 0) gl.framebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, null, 0) attach(GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, framebuffer.depthAttachment) attach(GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, framebuffer.stencilAttachment) attach(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, framebuffer.depthStencilAttachment) // Check status code var status = gl.checkFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) if (!gl.isContextLost() && status !== GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { check.raise('framebuffer configuration not supported, status = ' + statusCode[status]) } gl.bindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, ? : null) framebufferState.cur = // FIXME: Clear error code here. This is a work around for a bug in // headless-gl gl.getError() } function createFBO (a0, a1) { var framebuffer = new REGLFramebuffer() stats.framebufferCount++ function reglFramebuffer (a, b) { var i check( !== framebuffer, 'can not update framebuffer which is currently in use') var width = 0 var height = 0 var needsDepth = true var needsStencil = true var colorBuffer = null var colorTexture = true var colorFormat = 'rgba' var colorType = 'uint8' var colorCount = 1 var depthBuffer = null var stencilBuffer = null var depthStencilBuffer = null var depthStencilTexture = false if (typeof a === 'number') { width = a | 0 height = (b | 0) || width } else if (!a) { width = height = 1 } else { check.type(a, 'object', 'invalid arguments for framebuffer') var options = a if ('shape' in options) { var shape = options.shape check(Array.isArray(shape) && shape.length >= 2, 'invalid shape for framebuffer') width = shape[0] height = shape[1] } else { if ('radius' in options) { width = height = options.radius } if ('width' in options) { width = options.width } if ('height' in options) { height = options.height } } if ('color' in options || 'colors' in options) { colorBuffer = options.color || options.colors if (Array.isArray(colorBuffer)) { check( colorBuffer.length === 1 || extensions.webgl_draw_buffers, 'multiple render targets not supported') } } if (!colorBuffer) { if ('colorCount' in options) { colorCount = options.colorCount | 0 check(colorCount > 0, 'invalid color buffer count') } if ('colorTexture' in options) { colorTexture = !!options.colorTexture colorFormat = 'rgba4' } if ('colorType' in options) { colorType = options.colorType if (!colorTexture) { if (colorType === 'half float' || colorType === 'float16') { check(extensions.ext_color_buffer_half_float, 'you must enable EXT_color_buffer_half_float to use 16-bit render buffers') colorFormat = 'rgba16f' } else if (colorType === 'float' || colorType === 'float32') { check(extensions.webgl_color_buffer_float, 'you must enable WEBGL_color_buffer_float in order to use 32-bit floating point renderbuffers') colorFormat = 'rgba32f' } } else { check(extensions.oes_texture_float || !(colorType === 'float' || colorType === 'float32'), 'you must enable OES_texture_float in order to use floating point framebuffer objects') check(extensions.oes_texture_half_float || !(colorType === 'half float' || colorType === 'float16'), 'you must enable OES_texture_half_float in order to use 16-bit floating point framebuffer objects') } check.oneOf(colorType, colorTypes, 'invalid color type') } if ('colorFormat' in options) { colorFormat = options.colorFormat if (colorTextureFormats.indexOf(colorFormat) >= 0) { colorTexture = true } else if (colorRenderbufferFormats.indexOf(colorFormat) >= 0) { colorTexture = false } else { if (colorTexture) { check.oneOf( options.colorFormat, colorTextureFormats, 'invalid color format for texture') } else { check.oneOf( options.colorFormat, colorRenderbufferFormats, 'invalid color format for renderbuffer') } } } } if ('depthTexture' in options || 'depthStencilTexture' in options) { depthStencilTexture = !!(options.depthTexture || options.depthStencilTexture) check(!depthStencilTexture || extensions.webgl_depth_texture, 'webgl_depth_texture extension not supported') } if ('depth' in options) { if (typeof options.depth === 'boolean') { needsDepth = options.depth } else { depthBuffer = options.depth needsStencil = false } } if ('stencil' in options) { if (typeof options.stencil === 'boolean') { needsStencil = options.stencil } else { stencilBuffer = options.stencil needsDepth = false } } if ('depthStencil' in options) { if (typeof options.depthStencil === 'boolean') { needsDepth = needsStencil = options.depthStencil } else { depthStencilBuffer = options.depthStencil needsDepth = false needsStencil = false } } } // parse attachments var colorAttachments = null var depthAttachment = null var stencilAttachment = null var depthStencilAttachment = null // Set up color attachments if (Array.isArray(colorBuffer)) { colorAttachments = } else if (colorBuffer) { colorAttachments = [parseAttachment(colorBuffer)] } else { colorAttachments = new Array(colorCount) for (i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) { colorAttachments[i] = allocAttachment( width, height, colorTexture, colorFormat, colorType) } } check(extensions.webgl_draw_buffers || colorAttachments.length <= 1, 'you must enable the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension in order to use multiple color buffers.') check(colorAttachments.length <= limits.maxColorAttachments, 'too many color attachments, not supported') width = width || colorAttachments[0].width height = height || colorAttachments[0].height if (depthBuffer) { depthAttachment = parseAttachment(depthBuffer) } else if (needsDepth && !needsStencil) { depthAttachment = allocAttachment( width, height, depthStencilTexture, 'depth', 'uint32') } if (stencilBuffer) { stencilAttachment = parseAttachment(stencilBuffer) } else if (needsStencil && !needsDepth) { stencilAttachment = allocAttachment( width, height, false, 'stencil', 'uint8') } if (depthStencilBuffer) { depthStencilAttachment = parseAttachment(depthStencilBuffer) } else if (!depthBuffer && !stencilBuffer && needsStencil && needsDepth) { depthStencilAttachment = allocAttachment( width, height, depthStencilTexture, 'depth stencil', 'depth stencil') } check( (!!depthBuffer) + (!!stencilBuffer) + (!!depthStencilBuffer) <= 1, 'invalid framebuffer configuration, can specify exactly one depth/stencil attachment') var commonColorAttachmentSize = null for (i = 0; i < colorAttachments.length; ++i) { incRefAndCheckShape(colorAttachments[i], width, height) check(!colorAttachments[i] || (colorAttachments[i].texture && colorTextureFormatEnums.indexOf(colorAttachments[i].texture._texture.format) >= 0) || (colorAttachments[i].renderbuffer && colorRenderbufferFormatEnums.indexOf(colorAttachments[i].renderbuffer._renderbuffer.format) >= 0), 'framebuffer color attachment ' + i + ' is invalid') if (colorAttachments[i] && colorAttachments[i].texture) { var colorAttachmentSize = textureFormatChannels[colorAttachments[i].texture._texture.format] * textureTypeSizes[colorAttachments[i].texture._texture.type] if (commonColorAttachmentSize === null) { commonColorAttachmentSize = colorAttachmentSize } else { // We need to make sure that all color attachments have the same number of bitplanes // (that is, the same numer of bits per pixel) // This is required by the GLES2.0 standard. See the beginning of Chapter 4 in that document. check(commonColorAttachmentSize === colorAttachmentSize, 'all color attachments much have the same number of bits per pixel.') } } } incRefAndCheckShape(depthAttachment, width, height) check(!depthAttachment || (depthAttachment.texture && depthAttachment.texture._texture.format === GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT) || (depthAttachment.renderbuffer && depthAttachment.renderbuffer._renderbuffer.format === GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16), 'invalid depth attachment for framebuffer object') incRefAndCheckShape(stencilAttachment, width, height) check(!stencilAttachment || (stencilAttachment.renderbuffer && stencilAttachment.renderbuffer._renderbuffer.format === GL_STENCIL_INDEX8), 'invalid stencil attachment for framebuffer object') incRefAndCheckShape(depthStencilAttachment, width, height) check(!depthStencilAttachment || (depthStencilAttachment.texture && depthStencilAttachment.texture._texture.format === GL_DEPTH_STENCIL) || (depthStencilAttachment.renderbuffer && depthStencilAttachment.renderbuffer._renderbuffer.format === GL_DEPTH_STENCIL), 'invalid depth-stencil attachment for framebuffer object') // decrement references decFBORefs(framebuffer) framebuffer.width = width framebuffer.height = height framebuffer.colorAttachments = colorAttachments framebuffer.depthAttachment = depthAttachment framebuffer.stencilAttachment = stencilAttachment framebuffer.depthStencilAttachment = depthStencilAttachment reglFramebuffer.color = reglFramebuffer.depth = unwrapAttachment(depthAttachment) reglFramebuffer.stencil = unwrapAttachment(stencilAttachment) reglFramebuffer.depthStencil = unwrapAttachment(depthStencilAttachment) reglFramebuffer.width = framebuffer.width reglFramebuffer.height = framebuffer.height updateFramebuffer(framebuffer) return reglFramebuffer } function resize (w_, h_) { check( !== framebuffer, 'can not resize a framebuffer which is currently in use') var w = Math.max(w_ | 0, 1) var h = Math.max((h_ | 0) || w, 1) if (w === framebuffer.width && h === framebuffer.height) { return reglFramebuffer } // resize all buffers var colorAttachments = framebuffer.colorAttachments for (var i = 0; i < colorAttachments.length; ++i) { resizeAttachment(colorAttachments[i], w, h) } resizeAttachment(framebuffer.depthAttachment, w, h) resizeAttachment(framebuffer.stencilAttachment, w, h) resizeAttachment(framebuffer.depthStencilAttachment, w, h) framebuffer.width = reglFramebuffer.width = w framebuffer.height = reglFramebuffer.height = h updateFramebuffer(framebuffer) return reglFramebuffer } reglFramebuffer(a0, a1) return extend(reglFramebuffer, { resize: resize, _reglType: 'framebuffer', _framebuffer: framebuffer, destroy: function () { destroy(framebuffer) decFBORefs(framebuffer) }, use: function (block) { framebufferState.setFBO({ framebuffer: reglFramebuffer }, block) } }) } function createCubeFBO (options) { var faces = Array(6) function reglFramebufferCube (a) { var i check(faces.indexOf( < 0, 'can not update framebuffer which is currently in use') var params = { color: null } var radius = 0 var colorBuffer = null var colorFormat = 'rgba' var colorType = 'uint8' var colorCount = 1 if (typeof a === 'number') { radius = a | 0 } else if (!a) { radius = 1 } else { check.type(a, 'object', 'invalid arguments for framebuffer') var options = a if ('shape' in options) { var shape = options.shape check( Array.isArray(shape) && shape.length >= 2, 'invalid shape for framebuffer') check( shape[0] === shape[1], 'cube framebuffer must be square') radius = shape[0] } else { if ('radius' in options) { radius = options.radius | 0 } if ('width' in options) { radius = options.width | 0 if ('height' in options) { check(options.height === radius, 'must be square') } } else if ('height' in options) { radius = options.height | 0 } } if ('color' in options || 'colors' in options) { colorBuffer = options.color || options.colors if (Array.isArray(colorBuffer)) { check( colorBuffer.length === 1 || extensions.webgl_draw_buffers, 'multiple render targets not supported') } } if (!colorBuffer) { if ('colorCount' in options) { colorCount = options.colorCount | 0 check(colorCount > 0, 'invalid color buffer count') } if ('colorType' in options) { check.oneOf( options.colorType, colorTypes, 'invalid color type') colorType = options.colorType } if ('colorFormat' in options) { colorFormat = options.colorFormat check.oneOf( options.colorFormat, colorTextureFormats, 'invalid color format for texture') } } if ('depth' in options) { params.depth = options.depth } if ('stencil' in options) { params.stencil = options.stencil } if ('depthStencil' in options) { params.depthStencil = options.depthStencil } } var colorCubes if (colorBuffer) { if (Array.isArray(colorBuffer)) { colorCubes = [] for (i = 0; i < colorBuffer.length; ++i) { colorCubes[i] = colorBuffer[i] } } else { colorCubes = [ colorBuffer ] } } else { colorCubes = Array(colorCount) var cubeMapParams = { radius: radius, format: colorFormat, type: colorType } for (i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) { colorCubes[i] = textureState.createCube(cubeMapParams) } } // Check color cubes params.color = Array(colorCubes.length) for (i = 0; i < colorCubes.length; ++i) { var cube = colorCubes[i] check( typeof cube === 'function' && cube._reglType === 'textureCube', 'invalid cube map') radius = radius || cube.width check( cube.width === radius && cube.height === radius, 'invalid cube map shape') params.color[i] = { target: GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, data: colorCubes[i] } } for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < colorCubes.length; ++j) { params.color[j].target = GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i } // reuse depth-stencil attachments across all cube maps if (i > 0) { params.depth = faces[0].depth params.stencil = faces[0].stencil params.depthStencil = faces[0].depthStencil } if (faces[i]) { (faces[i])(params) } else { faces[i] = createFBO(params) } } return extend(reglFramebufferCube, { width: radius, height: radius, color: colorCubes }) } function resize (radius_) { var i var radius = radius_ | 0 check(radius > 0 && radius <= limits.maxCubeMapSize, 'invalid radius for cube fbo') if (radius === reglFramebufferCube.width) { return reglFramebufferCube } var colors = reglFramebufferCube.color for (i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) { colors[i].resize(radius) } for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { faces[i].resize(radius) } reglFramebufferCube.width = reglFramebufferCube.height = radius return reglFramebufferCube } reglFramebufferCube(options) return extend(reglFramebufferCube, { faces: faces, resize: resize, _reglType: 'framebufferCube', destroy: function () { faces.forEach(function (f) { f.destroy() }) } }) } function restoreFramebuffers () { framebufferState.cur = null = null framebufferState.dirty = true values(framebufferSet).forEach(function (fb) { fb.framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer() updateFramebuffer(fb) }) } return extend(framebufferState, { getFramebuffer: function (object) { if (typeof object === 'function' && object._reglType === 'framebuffer') { var fbo = object._framebuffer if (fbo instanceof REGLFramebuffer) { return fbo } } return null }, create: createFBO, createCube: createCubeFBO, clear: function () { values(framebufferSet).forEach(destroy) }, restore: restoreFramebuffers }) }