# regl-line2d [![experimental](https://img.shields.io/badge/stability-unstable-green.svg)](http://github.com/badges/stability-badges) Draw polyline with regl. ![regl-line2d](https://github.com/dy/regl-line2d/blob/master/preview.png?raw=true) Remake on [gl-line2d](https://github.com/gl-vis/gl-line2d): * GPU join calculation. * Bevel, round and rectangular joins. * Dash patterns. * Self-overlapping and sharp angles cases. * Multiline rendering. * Float64 precision. * [``](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/polyline)-compatible API [Demo](https://a-vis.github.io/regl-line2d). ## Usage [![npm install regl-line2d](https://nodei.co/npm/regl-line2d.png?mini=true)](https://npmjs.org/package/regl-line2d/) ```js let regl = require('regl')({extensions: 'angle_instanced_arrays'}) let line2d = require('regl-line2d')(regl) // draw red triangle line2d.render({ thickness: 4, points: [0,0, 1,1, 1,0], close: true, color: 'red' }) ``` ### `line2d.render(options|list?)` Draw line or multiple lines and update options, once per frame at most. Option | Default | Description ---|---|--- `positions`, `points`, `data` | `[]` | Point coordinates, eg. `[0,0, 1,1, 0,2, 1,-1]` or `[[0,0], [1,1], [0,2], [1,-1]]`. `color`, `colors`, `stroke` | `black` | CSS color string or an array with `0..1` values, eg. `'red'` or `[0, 0, 0, 1]`. `fill` | `null` | Fill area enclosed by line with defined color. `opacity` | `1` | Line transparency regardless of color. `thickness`, `lineWidth`, `width`, `strokeWidth` | `1` | Line width in px. `dashes`, `dash`, `dasharray` | `null` | Array with dash lengths in px, altering color/space pairs, ie. `[2,10, 5,10, ...]`. `null` corresponds to solid line. `join`, `type` | `bevel` | Join style: `'rect'`, `'round'`, `'bevel'`. Applied to caps too. `miterLimit` | `1` | Max ratio of the join length to the thickness. `close`, `closed`, `closePath` | `false` | Connect last point with the first point with a segment. `overlay` | `false` | Enable overlay of line segments. `range`, `dataBox` | `null` | Visible data range. `viewport`, `viewBox` | `null` | Area within canvas, an array `[left, top, right, bottom]` or an object `{x, y, w, h}` or `{left, top, bottom, right}`. To render multiple lines pass an array with options for every line as `list`: ```js line2d.render([ {thickness: 2, points: [0,0, 1,1], color: 'blue'}, {thickness: 2, points: [0,1, 1,0], color: 'blue'} ]) ``` `null` argument will destroy `line2d` instance and dispose resources. ### `line2d.update(options|list)` Update line(s) not incurring redraw. ### `line2d.draw(id?)` Draw lines from last updated options. `id` integer can specify a single line from the `list` to redraw. ### `line2d.destroy()` Dispose `line2d` and associated resources. ## Related * [regl-scatter2d](https://github.com/dy/regl-scatter2d) * [regl-error2d](https://github.com/dy/regl-error2d) ## Similar * [regl-line-builder](https://github.com/jpweeks/regl-line-builder) ## License (c) 2017 Dima Yv. MIT License Development supported by [plot.ly](https://github.com/plotly/).