var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var minify = require('minify-stream'); var intoStream = require('into-stream'); var constants = require('./constants'); var prefix = 'var locale='; var suffix = ';if(typeof Plotly === \'undefined\') {window.PlotlyLocales = window.PlotlyLocales || []; window.PlotlyLocales.push(locale);} else {Plotly.register(locale);}'; var moduleMarker = 'module.exports = '; /** Wrap a locale json file into a standalone js file * * @param {string} pathToInput path to the locale json file * @param {string} pathToOutput path to destination file * * Logs basename of bundle when completed. */ module.exports = function wrapLocale(pathToInput, pathToOutput) { fs.readFile(pathToInput, 'utf8', function(err, data) { var moduleStart = data.indexOf(moduleMarker) + moduleMarker.length; var moduleEnd = data.indexOf(';', moduleStart); var rawOut = prefix + data.substr(moduleStart, moduleEnd - moduleStart) + suffix; intoStream(rawOut) .pipe(minify(constants.uglifyOptions)) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(pathToOutput)) .on('finish', function() { logger(pathToOutput); }); }); }; function logger(pathToOutput) { var log = 'ok ' + path.basename(pathToOutput); console.log(log); }