var through = require('through2'); /** * Browserify transform that strips meta attributes out * of the plotly.js bundles */ // one line string with or without trailing comma function makeStringRegex(attr) { return attr + ': \'.*\'' + ',?'; } // joined array of strings with or without trailing comma function makeJoinedArrayRegex(attr) { return attr + ': \\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]' + '\\.join\\(.*' + ',?'; } // array with or without trailing comma function makeArrayRegex(attr) { return attr + ': \\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]' + ',?'; } // ref: var regexStr = [ makeStringRegex('description'), makeJoinedArrayRegex('description'), makeArrayRegex('requiredOpts'), makeArrayRegex('otherOpts'), makeStringRegex('hrName'), makeStringRegex('role') ].join('|'); var regex = new RegExp(regexStr, 'g'); module.exports = function() { return through(function(buf, enc, next) { this.push( buf.toString('utf-8') .replace(regex, '') ); next(); }); };