# pbf [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mapbox/pbf.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/mapbox/pbf) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/mapbox/pbf/badge.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/mapbox/pbf) A low-level, fast, ultra-lightweight (3KB gzipped) JavaScript library for decoding and encoding [protocol buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers), a compact binary format for structured data serialization. Works both in Node and the browser. Supports lazy decoding and detailed customization of the reading/writing code. ## Performance This library is extremely fast — much faster than native `JSON.parse`/`JSON.stringify` and the [protocol-buffers](https://github.com/mafintosh/protocol-buffers) module. Here's a result from running a real-world benchmark on Node v6.5 (decoding and encoding a sample of 439 vector tiles, 22.6 MB total): - **pbf** decode: 387ms, or 57 MB/s - **pbf** encode: 396ms, or 56 MB/s - **protocol-buffers** decode: 837ms, or 26 MB/s - **protocol-buffers** encode: 4197ms, or 5 MB/s - **JSON.parse**: 1540ms, or 125 MB/s (parsing an equivalent 77.5 MB JSON file) - **JSON.stringify**: 607ms, or 49 MB/s ## Examples #### Using Compiled Code Install `pbf` and compile a JavaScript module from a `.proto` file: ```bash $ npm install -g pbf $ pbf example.proto > example.js ``` Then read and write objects using the module like this: ```js var Pbf = require('pbf'); var Example = require('./example.js').Example; // read var pbf = new Pbf(buffer); var obj = Example.read(pbf); // write var pbf = new Pbf(); Example.write(obj, pbf); var buffer = pbf.finish(); ``` Alternatively, you can compile a module directly in the code: ```js var compile = require('pbf/compile'); var schema = require('protocol-buffers-schema'); var proto = schema.parse(fs.readFileSync('example.proto')); var Test = compile(proto).Test; ``` If you use `webpack` as your module bundler, you can use [pbf-loader](https://github.com/trivago/pbf-loader) to load .proto files directly. It returns a compiled module ready to be used. Given you already configured your `webpack.config.js`, the code above would look like: ```js var Pbf = require('pbf'); var proto = require('./example.proto'); var Test = proto.Test; ``` #### Custom Reading ```js var data = new Pbf(buffer).readFields(readData, {}); function readData(tag, data, pbf) { if (tag === 1) data.name = pbf.readString(); else if (tag === 2) data.version = pbf.readVarint(); else if (tag === 3) data.layer = pbf.readMessage(readLayer, {}); } function readLayer(tag, layer, pbf) { if (tag === 1) layer.name = pbf.readString(); else if (tag === 3) layer.size = pbf.readVarint(); } ``` #### Custom Writing ```js var pbf = new Pbf(); writeData(data, pbf); var buffer = pbf.finish(); function writeData(data, pbf) { pbf.writeStringField(1, data.name); pbf.writeVarintField(2, data.version); pbf.writeMessage(3, writeLayer, data.layer); } function writeLayer(layer, pbf) { pbf.writeStringField(1, layer.name); pbf.writeVarintField(2, layer.size); } ``` ## Install Node and Browserify: ```bash npm install pbf ``` Making a browser build: ```bash npm install npm run build-dev # dist/pbf-dev.js (development build) npm run build-min # dist/pbf.js (minified production build) ``` CDN link: https://unpkg.com/pbf@3.0.5/dist/pbf.js ## API Create a `Pbf` object, optionally given a `Buffer` or `Uint8Array` as input data: ```js // parse a pbf file from disk in Node var pbf = new Pbf(fs.readFileSync('data.pbf')); // parse a pbf file in a browser after an ajax request with responseType="arraybuffer" var pbf = new Pbf(new Uint8Array(xhr.response)); ``` `Pbf` object properties: ```js pbf.length; // length of the underlying buffer pbf.pos; // current offset for reading or writing ``` #### Reading Read a sequence of fields: ```js pbf.readFields(function (tag) { if (tag === 1) pbf.readVarint(); else if (tag === 2) pbf.readString(); else ... }); ``` It optionally accepts an object that will be passed to the reading function for easier construction of decoded data, and also passes the `Pbf` object as a third argument: ```js var result = pbf.readFields(callback, {}) function callback(tag, result, pbf) { if (tag === 1) result.id = pbf.readVarint(); } ``` To read an embedded message, use `pbf.readMessage(fn[, obj])` (in the same way as `read`). Read values: ```js var value = pbf.readVarint(); var str = pbf.readString(); var numbers = pbf.readPackedVarint(); ``` For lazy or partial decoding, simply save the position instead of reading a value, then later set it back to the saved value and read: ```js var fooPos = -1; pbf.readFields(function (tag) { if (tag === 1) fooPos = pbf.pos; }); ... pbf.pos = fooPos; pbf.readMessage(readFoo); ``` Scalar reading methods: * `readVarint(isSigned)` (pass `true` if you expect negative varints) * `readSVarint()` * `readFixed32()` * `readFixed64()` * `readSFixed32()` * `readSFixed64()` * `readBoolean()` * `readFloat()` * `readDouble()` * `readString()` * `readBytes()` * `skip(value)` Packed reading methods: * `readPackedVarint(arr, isSigned)` (appends read items to `arr`) * `readPackedSVarint(arr)` * `readPackedFixed32(arr)` * `readPackedFixed64(arr)` * `readPackedSFixed32(arr)` * `readPackedSFixed64(arr)` * `readPackedBoolean(arr)` * `readPackedFloat(arr)` * `readPackedDouble(arr)` #### Writing Write values: ```js pbf.writeVarint(123); pbf.writeString("Hello world"); ``` Write an embedded message: ```js pbf.writeMessage(1, writeObj, obj); function writeObj(obj, pbf) { pbf.writeStringField(obj.name); pbf.writeVarintField(obj.version); } ``` Field writing methods: * `writeVarintField(tag, val)` * `writeSVarintField(tag, val)` * `writeFixed32Field(tag, val)` * `writeFixed64Field(tag, val)` * `writeSFixed32Field(tag, val)` * `writeSFixed64Field(tag, val)` * `writeBooleanField(tag, val)` * `writeFloatField(tag, val)` * `writeDoubleField(tag, val)` * `writeStringField(tag, val)` * `writeBytesField(tag, buffer)` Packed field writing methods: * `writePackedVarint(tag, val)` * `writePackedSVarint(tag, val)` * `writePackedSFixed32(tag, val)` * `writePackedSFixed64(tag, val)` * `writePackedBoolean(tag, val)` * `writePackedFloat(tag, val)` * `writePackedDouble(tag, val)` Scalar writing methods: * `writeVarint(val)` * `writeSVarint(val)` * `writeSFixed32(val)` * `writeSFixed64(val)` * `writeBoolean(val)` * `writeFloat(val)` * `writeDouble(val)` * `writeString(val)` * `writeBytes(buffer)` Message writing methods: * `writeMessage(tag, fn[, obj])` * `writeRawMessage(fn[, obj])` Misc methods: * `realloc(minBytes)` - pad the underlying buffer size to accommodate the given number of bytes; note that the size increases exponentially, so it won't necessarily equal the size of data written * `finish()` - make the current buffer ready for reading and return the data as a buffer slice * `destroy()` - dispose the buffer For an example of a real-world usage of the library, see [vector-tile-js](https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-js). ## Proto Schema to JavaScript If installed globally, `pbf` provides a binary that compiles `proto` files into JavaScript modules. Usage: ```bash $ pbf [--no-write] [--no-read] [--browser] ``` The `--no-write` and `--no-read` switches remove corresponding code in the output. The `--browser` switch makes the module work in browsers instead of Node. The resulting module exports each message by name with the following methods: * `read(pbf)` - decodes an object from the given `Pbf` instance * `write(obj, pbf)` - encodes an object into the given `Pbf` instance (usually empty) The resulting code is clean and simple, so feel free to customize it. ## Changelog #### 3.2.1 (Oct 11, 2019) - Significantly improved performance when decoding large strings in the browser. #### 3.2.0 (Mar 11, 2019) - Improved decoding to be able to parse repeated fields even if they were specified as packed, and vise versa. - Improved packed encoding to skip empty arrays (previously, it would write a tag). - Fixed an off-by-one data corruption bug when writing a message larger than 0x10000000 bytes. #### 3.1.0 (Sep 27, 2017) - Added support for Protocol Buffer 3 [maps](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#maps) to proto compiler. #### 3.0.5 (Nov 30, 2016) - Fixed an error appearing in some versions of IE11 and old Android browsers. #### 3.0.4 (Nov 14, 2016) - Fixed compiling repeated packed enum fields. #### 3.0.3 (Nov 14, 2016) - Fixed a regression that broke compiling repeated enum fields with defaults. #### 3.0.2 (Sep 30, 2016) - Fixed a regression that broke decoding of packed fields with a tag that didn't fit into one byte. #### 3.0.1 (Sep 20, 2016) - Fixed a regression that broke encoding of long strings. #### 3.0.0 (Aug 30, 2016) This release include tons of compatibility/robustness fixes, and a more reliable Node implementation. Decoding performance is expected to get up to ~15% slower than v2.0 in Node (browsers are unaffected), but encoding got faster by ~15% in return. ##### Encoder/decoder - **Breaking**: changed Node implementation to use `Uint8Array` instead of `Buffer` internally (and produce corresponding result on `finish()`), making it fully match the browser implementation for consistency and simplicity. - Fixed `writeVarint` to write `0` when given `NaN` or other non-number to avoid producing a broken Protobuf message. - Changed `readPacked*` methods signature to accept an optional `arr` argument to append the results to (to support messages with repeated fields that mix packed/non-packed encoding). - Added an optional `isSigned` argument to `readVarint` that enables proper reading of negative varints. - Deprecated `readVarint64()` (it still works, but it's recommended to be changed to `readVarint(true)`). - Faster string encoding. ##### Proto compiler - **Breaking:** Full support for defaults field values (both implicit and explicit); they're now included in the decoded JSON objects. - Fixed reading of repeated fields with mixed packed/non-packed encoding for compatibility. - Fixed proto3 compiler to use packed by default for repeated scalar fields. - Fixed reading of negative varint types. - Fixed packed fields to decode into `[]` if they're not present. - Fixed nested message references handling. - Fixed `packed=false` being interpreted as packed. - Added a comment to generated code with pbf version number. #### 2.0.1 (May 28, 2016) - Fixed a regression with `writeVarint` that affected certain numbers. #### 2.0.0 (May 28, 2016) - Significantly improved the proto compiler, which now produces a much safer reading/writing code. - Added the ability to compile a read/write module from a protobuf schema directly in the code. - Proto compiler: fixed name resolutions and collisions in schemas with nested messages. - Proto compiler: fixed broken top-level enums. #### 1.3.7 (May 28, 2016) - Fixed a regression with `writeVarint` that affected certain numbers. #### 1.3.6 (May 27, 2016) - Improved read and write performance (both ~15% faster). - Improved generated code for default values. #### 1.3.5 (Oct 5, 2015) - Added support for `syntax` keyword proto files (by updating `resolve-protobuf-schema` dependency). #### 1.3.4 (Jul 31, 2015) - Added `writeRawMessage` method for writing a message without a tag, useful for creating pbfs with multiple top-level messages. #### 1.3.2 (Mar 5, 2015) - Added `readVarint64` method for proper decoding of negative `int64`-encoded values. #### 1.3.1 (Feb 20, 2015) - Fixed pbf proto compile tool generating broken writing code. #### 1.3.0 (Feb 5, 2015) - Added `pbf` binary that compiles `.proto` files into `Pbf`-based JavaScript modules. #### 1.2.0 (Jan 5, 2015) ##### Breaking API changes - Changed `writeMessage` signature to `(tag, fn, obj)` (see example in the docs) for a huge encoding performance improvement. - Replaced `readPacked` and `writePacked` methods that accept type as a string with `readPackedVarint`, etc. for each type (better performance and simpler API). ##### Improvements - 5x faster encoding in Node (vector tile benchmark). - 40x faster encoding and 3x faster decoding in the browser (vector tile benchmark). #### 1.1.4 (Jan 2, 2015) - Significantly improved `readPacked` and `writePacked` performance (the tile reading benchmark is now 70% faster). #### 1.1.3 (Dec 26, 2014) Brings tons of improvements and fixes over the previous version (`0.0.2`). Basically makes the library complete. ##### Improvements - Improved performance of both reading and writing. - Made the browser build 3 times smaller. - Added convenience `readFields` and `readMessage` methods for a much easier reading API. - Added reading methods: `readFloat`, `readBoolean`, `readSFixed32`, `readSFixed64`. - Added writing methods: `writeUInt64`, `writeSFixed32`, `writeSFixed64`. - Improved `readDouble` and `readString` to use native Buffer methods under Node. - Improved `readString` and `writeString` to use HTML5 `TextEncoder` and `TextDecoder` where available. - Made `Pbf` `buffer` argument optional. - Added extensive docs and examples in the readme. - Added an extensive test suite that brings test coverage up to 100%. ##### Breaking API changes - Renamed `readBuffer`/`writeBuffer` to `readBytes`/`writeBytes`. - Renamed `readUInt32`/`writeUInt32` to `readFixed32`/`writeFixed32`, etc. - Renamed `writeTaggedVarint` to `writeVarintField`, etc. - Changed `writePacked` signature from `(type, tag, items)` to `(tag, type, items)`. ##### Bugfixes - Fixed `readVarint` to handle varints bigger than 6 bytes. - Fixed `readSVarint` to handle number bigger than `2^30`. - Fixed `writeVarint` failing on some integers. - Fixed `writeVarint` not throwing an error on numbers that are too big. - Fixed `readUInt64` always failing. - Fixed writing to an empty buffer always failing.