'use strict'; var utils = require('../utils/'); /** * Base interface class other can inherits from */ var UI = module.exports = function(opt) { // Instantiate the Readline interface // @Note: Don't reassign if already present (allow test to override the Stream) if (!this.rl) { this.rl = utils.readlineFacade.createInterface(utils.extend({ terminal: true }, opt)); } this.rl.resume(); this.onForceClose = this.onForceClose.bind(this); // Make sure new prompt start on a newline when closing this.rl.on('SIGINT', this.onForceClose); process.on('exit', this.onForceClose); }; /** * Handle the ^C exit * @return {null} */ UI.prototype.onForceClose = function() { this.close(); console.log('\n'); // Line return }; /** * Close the interface and cleanup listeners */ UI.prototype.close = function() { // Remove events listeners this.rl.removeListener('SIGINT', this.onForceClose); process.removeListener('exit', this.onForceClose); // Restore prompt functionnalities this.rl.output.unmute(); // Close the readline this.rl.output.end(); this.rl.pause(); this.rl.close(); this.rl = null; };