gl-spikes2d =========== Draws axis spikes for 2D plots ## Example Check back later ## Install ``` npm i gl-spikes2d ``` ## API ### Constructor #### `var spikes = require('gl-spikes2d')(plot, options)` Creates a new spike overlay for the given 2d plot * `plot` is a `gl-plot2d` instance * `options` is an object with a set of properties for the spike object The properties of the options object are as follows: * `enable` Enables rendering of the spikes for each axis * `width` The width of each spike * `color` Color of each spike * `center` Center of spikes ### Methods #### `spikes.update(options)` Updates the spike object in place. Similar behavior to constructor. #### `spikes.dispose()` Destroys the spikes object ## License (c) 2015 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License