precision highp float; attribute vec3 position; uniform mat4 model, view, projection; uniform vec3 offset, axis, alignDir, alignOpt; uniform float scale, angle, pixelScale; uniform vec2 resolution; vec3 project(vec3 p) { vec4 pp = projection * view * model * vec4(p, 1.0); return / max(pp.w, 0.0001); } float computeViewAngle(vec3 a, vec3 b) { vec3 A = project(a); vec3 B = project(b); return atan( (B.y - A.y) * resolution.y, (B.x - A.x) * resolution.x ); } const float PI = 3.141592; const float TWO_PI = 2.0 * PI; const float HALF_PI = 0.5 * PI; const float ONE_AND_HALF_PI = 1.5 * PI; int option = int(floor(alignOpt.x + 0.001)); float hv_ratio = alignOpt.y; bool enableAlign = (alignOpt.z != 0.0); float mod_angle(float a) { return mod(a, PI); } float positive_angle(float a) { return mod_angle((a < 0.0) ? a + TWO_PI : a ); } float look_upwards(float a) { float b = positive_angle(a); return ((b > HALF_PI) && (b <= ONE_AND_HALF_PI)) ? b - PI : b; } float look_horizontal_or_vertical(float a, float ratio) { // ratio controls the ratio between being horizontal to (vertical + horizontal) // if ratio is set to 0.5 then it is 50%, 50%. // when using a higher ratio e.g. 0.75 the result would // likely be more horizontal than vertical. float b = positive_angle(a); return (b < ( ratio) * HALF_PI) ? 0.0 : (b < (2.0 - ratio) * HALF_PI) ? -HALF_PI : (b < (2.0 + ratio) * HALF_PI) ? 0.0 : (b < (4.0 - ratio) * HALF_PI) ? HALF_PI : 0.0; } float roundTo(float a, float b) { return float(b * floor((a + 0.5 * b) / b)); } float look_round_n_directions(float a, int n) { float b = positive_angle(a); float div = TWO_PI / float(n); float c = roundTo(b, div); return look_upwards(c); } float applyAlignOption(float rawAngle, float delta) { return (option > 2) ? look_round_n_directions(rawAngle + delta, option) : // option 3-n: round to n directions (option == 2) ? look_horizontal_or_vertical(rawAngle + delta, hv_ratio) : // horizontal or vertical (option == 1) ? rawAngle + delta : // use free angle, and flip to align with one direction of the axis (option == 0) ? look_upwards(rawAngle) : // use free angle, and stay upwards (option ==-1) ? 0.0 : // useful for backward compatibility, all texts remains horizontal rawAngle; // otherwise return back raw input angle } bool isAxisTitle = (axis.x == 0.0) && (axis.y == 0.0) && (axis.z == 0.0); void main() { //Compute world offset float axisDistance = position.z; vec3 dataPosition = axisDistance * axis + offset; float beta = angle; // i.e. user defined attributes for each tick float axisAngle; float clipAngle; float flip; if (enableAlign) { axisAngle = (isAxisTitle) ? HALF_PI : computeViewAngle(dataPosition, dataPosition + axis); clipAngle = computeViewAngle(dataPosition, dataPosition + alignDir); axisAngle += (sin(axisAngle) < 0.0) ? PI : 0.0; clipAngle += (sin(clipAngle) < 0.0) ? PI : 0.0; flip = (dot(vec2(cos(axisAngle), sin(axisAngle)), vec2(sin(clipAngle),-cos(clipAngle))) > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0; beta += applyAlignOption(clipAngle, flip * PI); } //Compute plane offset vec2 planeCoord = position.xy * pixelScale; mat2 planeXform = scale * mat2( cos(beta), sin(beta), -sin(beta), cos(beta) ); vec2 viewOffset = 2.0 * planeXform * planeCoord / resolution; //Compute clip position vec3 clipPosition = project(dataPosition); //Apply text offset in clip coordinates clipPosition += vec3(viewOffset, 0.0); //Done gl_Position = vec4(clipPosition, 1.0); }