// Version 1.3.0 circlepack-chart - https://github.com/vasturiano/circlepack-chart (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = global || self, global.CirclePack = factory()); }(this, function () { 'use strict'; function styleInject(css, ref) { if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = {}; var insertAt = ref.insertAt; if (!css || typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; if (insertAt === 'top') { if (head.firstChild) { head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild); } else { head.appendChild(style); } } else { head.appendChild(style); } if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } } var css = ".circlepack-viz {\n cursor: move;\n}\n\n.circlepack-viz circle {\n cursor: pointer;\n stroke: lightgrey;\n stroke-opacity: .4;\n opacity: .85;\n transition-property: stroke-opacity, opacity;\n transition-duration: .4s;\n}\n\n.circlepack-viz circle:hover {\n stroke-opacity: 1;\n opacity: 1;\n transition-duration: .05s;\n}\n\n.circlepack-viz text {\n font-size: 12px;\n font-family: sans-serif;\n pointer-events: none;\n dominant-baseline: middle;\n text-anchor: middle;\n fill: #404041;\n}\n\n.circlepack-viz text.light {\n fill: #F7F7F7;\n}\n\n.circlepack-tooltip {\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n max-width: 320px;\n white-space: nowrap;\n padding: 5px;\n border-radius: 3px;\n font: 12px sans-serif;\n color: #eee;\n background: rgba(0,0,0,0.65);\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n\n.circlepack-tooltip .tooltip-title {\n font-weight: bold;\n text-align: center;\n margin-bottom: 5px;\n}"; styleInject(css); var xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; var namespaces = { svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xhtml: xhtml, xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xml: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" }; function namespace(name) { var prefix = name += "", i = prefix.indexOf(":"); if (i >= 0 && (prefix = name.slice(0, i)) !== "xmlns") name = name.slice(i + 1); return namespaces.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ? {space: namespaces[prefix], local: name} : name; } function creatorInherit(name) { return function() { var document = this.ownerDocument, uri = this.namespaceURI; return uri === xhtml && document.documentElement.namespaceURI === xhtml ? document.createElement(name) : document.createElementNS(uri, name); }; } function creatorFixed(fullname) { return function() { return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(fullname.space, fullname.local); }; } function creator(name) { var fullname = namespace(name); return (fullname.local ? creatorFixed : creatorInherit)(fullname); } function none() {} function selector(selector) { return selector == null ? none : function() { return this.querySelector(selector); }; } function selection_select(select) { if (typeof select !== "function") select = selector(select); for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, subnode, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group[i]) && (subnode = select.call(node, node.__data__, i, group))) { if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__; subgroup[i] = subnode; } } } return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents); } function empty() { return []; } function selectorAll(selector) { return selector == null ? empty : function() { return this.querySelectorAll(selector); }; } function selection_selectAll(select) { if (typeof select !== "function") select = selectorAll(select); for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = [], parents = [], j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { subgroups.push(select.call(node, node.__data__, i, group)); parents.push(node); } } } return new Selection(subgroups, parents); } function matcher(selector) { return function() { return this.matches(selector); }; } function selection_filter(match) { if (typeof match !== "function") match = matcher(match); for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = [], node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group[i]) && match.call(node, node.__data__, i, group)) { subgroup.push(node); } } } return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents); } function sparse(update) { return new Array(update.length); } function selection_enter() { return new Selection(this._enter || this._groups.map(sparse), this._parents); } function EnterNode(parent, datum) { this.ownerDocument = parent.ownerDocument; this.namespaceURI = parent.namespaceURI; this._next = null; this._parent = parent; this.__data__ = datum; } EnterNode.prototype = { constructor: EnterNode, appendChild: function(child) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, this._next); }, insertBefore: function(child, next) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, next); }, querySelector: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelector(selector); }, querySelectorAll: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelectorAll(selector); } }; function constant(x) { return function() { return x; }; } var keyPrefix = "$"; // Protect against keys like “__proto__”. function bindIndex(parent, group, enter, update, exit, data) { var i = 0, node, groupLength = group.length, dataLength = data.length; // Put any non-null nodes that fit into update. // Put any null nodes into enter. // Put any remaining data into enter. for (; i < dataLength; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { node.__data__ = data[i]; update[i] = node; } else { enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]); } } // Put any non-null nodes that don’t fit into exit. for (; i < groupLength; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { exit[i] = node; } } } function bindKey(parent, group, enter, update, exit, data, key) { var i, node, nodeByKeyValue = {}, groupLength = group.length, dataLength = data.length, keyValues = new Array(groupLength), keyValue; // Compute the key for each node. // If multiple nodes have the same key, the duplicates are added to exit. for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { keyValues[i] = keyValue = keyPrefix + key.call(node, node.__data__, i, group); if (keyValue in nodeByKeyValue) { exit[i] = node; } else { nodeByKeyValue[keyValue] = node; } } } // Compute the key for each datum. // If there a node associated with this key, join and add it to update. // If there is not (or the key is a duplicate), add it to enter. for (i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) { keyValue = keyPrefix + key.call(parent, data[i], i, data); if (node = nodeByKeyValue[keyValue]) { update[i] = node; node.__data__ = data[i]; nodeByKeyValue[keyValue] = null; } else { enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]); } } // Add any remaining nodes that were not bound to data to exit. for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) { if ((node = group[i]) && (nodeByKeyValue[keyValues[i]] === node)) { exit[i] = node; } } } function selection_data(value, key) { if (!value) { data = new Array(this.size()), j = -1; this.each(function(d) { data[++j] = d; }); return data; } var bind = key ? bindKey : bindIndex, parents = this._parents, groups = this._groups; if (typeof value !== "function") value = constant(value); for (var m = groups.length, update = new Array(m), enter = new Array(m), exit = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { var parent = parents[j], group = groups[j], groupLength = group.length, data = value.call(parent, parent && parent.__data__, j, parents), dataLength = data.length, enterGroup = enter[j] = new Array(dataLength), updateGroup = update[j] = new Array(dataLength), exitGroup = exit[j] = new Array(groupLength); bind(parent, group, enterGroup, updateGroup, exitGroup, data, key); // Now connect the enter nodes to their following update node, such that // appendChild can insert the materialized enter node before this node, // rather than at the end of the parent node. for (var i0 = 0, i1 = 0, previous, next; i0 < dataLength; ++i0) { if (previous = enterGroup[i0]) { if (i0 >= i1) i1 = i0 + 1; while (!(next = updateGroup[i1]) && ++i1 < dataLength); previous._next = next || null; } } } update = new Selection(update, parents); update._enter = enter; update._exit = exit; return update; } function selection_exit() { return new Selection(this._exit || this._groups.map(sparse), this._parents); } function selection_join(onenter, onupdate, onexit) { var enter = this.enter(), update = this, exit = this.exit(); enter = typeof onenter === "function" ? onenter(enter) : enter.append(onenter + ""); if (onupdate != null) update = onupdate(update); if (onexit == null) exit.remove(); else onexit(exit); return enter && update ? enter.merge(update).order() : update; } function selection_merge(selection) { for (var groups0 = this._groups, groups1 = selection._groups, m0 = groups0.length, m1 = groups1.length, m = Math.min(m0, m1), merges = new Array(m0), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group0 = groups0[j], group1 = groups1[j], n = group0.length, merge = merges[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group0[i] || group1[i]) { merge[i] = node; } } } for (; j < m0; ++j) { merges[j] = groups0[j]; } return new Selection(merges, this._parents); } function selection_order() { for (var groups = this._groups, j = -1, m = groups.length; ++j < m;) { for (var group = groups[j], i = group.length - 1, next = group[i], node; --i >= 0;) { if (node = group[i]) { if (next && node.compareDocumentPosition(next) ^ 4) next.parentNode.insertBefore(node, next); next = node; } } } return this; } function selection_sort(compare) { if (!compare) compare = ascending; function compareNode(a, b) { return a && b ? compare(a.__data__, b.__data__) : !a - !b; } for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, sortgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, sortgroup = sortgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { sortgroup[i] = node; } } sortgroup.sort(compareNode); } return new Selection(sortgroups, this._parents).order(); } function ascending(a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN; } function selection_call() { var callback = arguments[0]; arguments[0] = this; callback.apply(null, arguments); return this; } function selection_nodes() { var nodes = new Array(this.size()), i = -1; this.each(function() { nodes[++i] = this; }); return nodes; } function selection_node() { for (var groups = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length; i < n; ++i) { var node = group[i]; if (node) return node; } } return null; } function selection_size() { var size = 0; this.each(function() { ++size; }); return size; } function selection_empty() { return !this.node(); } function selection_each(callback) { for (var groups = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups.length; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], i = 0, n = group.length, node; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) callback.call(node, node.__data__, i, group); } } return this; } function attrRemove(name) { return function() { this.removeAttribute(name); }; } function attrRemoveNS(fullname) { return function() { this.removeAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local); }; } function attrConstant(name, value) { return function() { this.setAttribute(name, value); }; } function attrConstantNS(fullname, value) { return function() { this.setAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local, value); }; } function attrFunction(name, value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null) this.removeAttribute(name); else this.setAttribute(name, v); }; } function attrFunctionNS(fullname, value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null) this.removeAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local); else this.setAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local, v); }; } function selection_attr(name, value) { var fullname = namespace(name); if (arguments.length < 2) { var node = this.node(); return fullname.local ? node.getAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local) : node.getAttribute(fullname); } return this.each((value == null ? (fullname.local ? attrRemoveNS : attrRemove) : (typeof value === "function" ? (fullname.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction) : (fullname.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant)))(fullname, value)); } function defaultView(node) { return (node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView) // node is a Node || (node.document && node) // node is a Window || node.defaultView; // node is a Document } function styleRemove(name) { return function() { this.style.removeProperty(name); }; } function styleConstant(name, value, priority) { return function() { this.style.setProperty(name, value, priority); }; } function styleFunction(name, value, priority) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null) this.style.removeProperty(name); else this.style.setProperty(name, v, priority); }; } function selection_style(name, value, priority) { return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((value == null ? styleRemove : typeof value === "function" ? styleFunction : styleConstant)(name, value, priority == null ? "" : priority)) : styleValue(this.node(), name); } function styleValue(node, name) { return node.style.getPropertyValue(name) || defaultView(node).getComputedStyle(node, null).getPropertyValue(name); } function propertyRemove(name) { return function() { delete this[name]; }; } function propertyConstant(name, value) { return function() { this[name] = value; }; } function propertyFunction(name, value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null) delete this[name]; else this[name] = v; }; } function selection_property(name, value) { return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((value == null ? propertyRemove : typeof value === "function" ? propertyFunction : propertyConstant)(name, value)) : this.node()[name]; } function classArray(string) { return string.trim().split(/^|\s+/); } function classList(node) { return node.classList || new ClassList(node); } function ClassList(node) { this._node = node; this._names = classArray(node.getAttribute("class") || ""); } ClassList.prototype = { add: function(name) { var i = this._names.indexOf(name); if (i < 0) { this._names.push(name); this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); } }, remove: function(name) { var i = this._names.indexOf(name); if (i >= 0) { this._names.splice(i, 1); this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); } }, contains: function(name) { return this._names.indexOf(name) >= 0; } }; function classedAdd(node, names) { var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length; while (++i < n) list.add(names[i]); } function classedRemove(node, names) { var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names.length; while (++i < n) list.remove(names[i]); } function classedTrue(names) { return function() { classedAdd(this, names); }; } function classedFalse(names) { return function() { classedRemove(this, names); }; } function classedFunction(names, value) { return function() { (value.apply(this, arguments) ? classedAdd : classedRemove)(this, names); }; } function selection_classed(name, value) { var names = classArray(name + ""); if (arguments.length < 2) { var list = classList(this.node()), i = -1, n = names.length; while (++i < n) if (!list.contains(names[i])) return false; return true; } return this.each((typeof value === "function" ? classedFunction : value ? classedTrue : classedFalse)(names, value)); } function textRemove() { this.textContent = ""; } function textConstant(value) { return function() { this.textContent = value; }; } function textFunction(value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); this.textContent = v == null ? "" : v; }; } function selection_text(value) { return arguments.length ? this.each(value == null ? textRemove : (typeof value === "function" ? textFunction : textConstant)(value)) : this.node().textContent; } function htmlRemove() { this.innerHTML = ""; } function htmlConstant(value) { return function() { this.innerHTML = value; }; } function htmlFunction(value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); this.innerHTML = v == null ? "" : v; }; } function selection_html(value) { return arguments.length ? this.each(value == null ? htmlRemove : (typeof value === "function" ? htmlFunction : htmlConstant)(value)) : this.node().innerHTML; } function raise() { if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.appendChild(this); } function selection_raise() { return this.each(raise); } function lower() { if (this.previousSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, this.parentNode.firstChild); } function selection_lower() { return this.each(lower); } function selection_append(name) { var create = typeof name === "function" ? name : creator(name); return this.select(function() { return this.appendChild(create.apply(this, arguments)); }); } function constantNull() { return null; } function selection_insert(name, before) { var create = typeof name === "function" ? name : creator(name), select = before == null ? constantNull : typeof before === "function" ? before : selector(before); return this.select(function() { return this.insertBefore(create.apply(this, arguments), select.apply(this, arguments) || null); }); } function remove() { var parent = this.parentNode; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this); } function selection_remove() { return this.each(remove); } function selection_cloneShallow() { return this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.cloneNode(false), this.nextSibling); } function selection_cloneDeep() { return this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.cloneNode(true), this.nextSibling); } function selection_clone(deep) { return this.select(deep ? selection_cloneDeep : selection_cloneShallow); } function selection_datum(value) { return arguments.length ? this.property("__data__", value) : this.node().__data__; } var filterEvents = {}; var event = null; if (typeof document !== "undefined") { var element = document.documentElement; if (!("onmouseenter" in element)) { filterEvents = {mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout"}; } } function filterContextListener(listener, index, group) { listener = contextListener(listener, index, group); return function(event) { var related = event.relatedTarget; if (!related || (related !== this && !(related.compareDocumentPosition(this) & 8))) { listener.call(this, event); } }; } function contextListener(listener, index, group) { return function(event1) { var event0 = event; // Events can be reentrant (e.g., focus). event = event1; try { listener.call(this, this.__data__, index, group); } finally { event = event0; } }; } function parseTypenames(typenames) { return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) { var name = "", i = t.indexOf("."); if (i >= 0) name = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i); return {type: t, name: name}; }); } function onRemove(typename) { return function() { var on = this.__on; if (!on) return; for (var j = 0, i = -1, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) { if (o = on[j], (!typename.type || o.type === typename.type) && o.name === typename.name) { this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.capture); } else { on[++i] = o; } } if (++i) on.length = i; else delete this.__on; }; } function onAdd(typename, value, capture) { var wrap = filterEvents.hasOwnProperty(typename.type) ? filterContextListener : contextListener; return function(d, i, group) { var on = this.__on, o, listener = wrap(value, i, group); if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length; j < m; ++j) { if ((o = on[j]).type === typename.type && o.name === typename.name) { this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.capture); this.addEventListener(o.type, o.listener = listener, o.capture = capture); o.value = value; return; } } this.addEventListener(typename.type, listener, capture); o = {type: typename.type, name: typename.name, value: value, listener: listener, capture: capture}; if (!on) this.__on = [o]; else on.push(o); }; } function selection_on(typename, value, capture) { var typenames = parseTypenames(typename + ""), i, n = typenames.length, t; if (arguments.length < 2) { var on = this.node().__on; if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) { for (i = 0, o = on[j]; i < n; ++i) { if ((t = typenames[i]).type === o.type && t.name === o.name) { return o.value; } } } return; } on = value ? onAdd : onRemove; if (capture == null) capture = false; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) this.each(on(typenames[i], value, capture)); return this; } function customEvent(event1, listener, that, args) { var event0 = event; event1.sourceEvent = event; event = event1; try { return listener.apply(that, args); } finally { event = event0; } } function dispatchEvent(node, type, params) { var window = defaultView(node), event = window.CustomEvent; if (typeof event === "function") { event = new event(type, params); } else { event = window.document.createEvent("Event"); if (params) event.initEvent(type, params.bubbles, params.cancelable), event.detail = params.detail; else event.initEvent(type, false, false); } node.dispatchEvent(event); } function dispatchConstant(type, params) { return function() { return dispatchEvent(this, type, params); }; } function dispatchFunction(type, params) { return function() { return dispatchEvent(this, type, params.apply(this, arguments)); }; } function selection_dispatch(type, params) { return this.each((typeof params === "function" ? dispatchFunction : dispatchConstant)(type, params)); } var root = [null]; function Selection(groups, parents) { this._groups = groups; this._parents = parents; } function selection() { return new Selection([[document.documentElement]], root); } Selection.prototype = selection.prototype = { constructor: Selection, select: selection_select, selectAll: selection_selectAll, filter: selection_filter, data: selection_data, enter: selection_enter, exit: selection_exit, join: selection_join, merge: selection_merge, order: selection_order, sort: selection_sort, call: selection_call, nodes: selection_nodes, node: selection_node, size: selection_size, empty: selection_empty, each: selection_each, attr: selection_attr, style: selection_style, property: selection_property, classed: selection_classed, text: selection_text, html: selection_html, raise: selection_raise, lower: selection_lower, append: selection_append, insert: selection_insert, remove: selection_remove, clone: selection_clone, datum: selection_datum, on: selection_on, dispatch: selection_dispatch }; function d3Select(selector) { return typeof selector === "string" ? new Selection([[document.querySelector(selector)]], [document.documentElement]) : new Selection([[selector]], root); } function sourceEvent() { var current = event, source; while (source = current.sourceEvent) current = source; return current; } function point(node, event) { var svg = node.ownerSVGElement || node; if (svg.createSVGPoint) { var point = svg.createSVGPoint(); point.x = event.clientX, point.y = event.clientY; point = point.matrixTransform(node.getScreenCTM().inverse()); return [point.x, point.y]; } var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); return [event.clientX - rect.left - node.clientLeft, event.clientY - rect.top - node.clientTop]; } function mouse(node) { var event = sourceEvent(); if (event.changedTouches) event = event.changedTouches[0]; return point(node, event); } function touch(node, touches, identifier) { if (arguments.length < 3) identifier = touches, touches = sourceEvent().changedTouches; for (var i = 0, n = touches ? touches.length : 0, touch; i < n; ++i) { if ((touch = touches[i]).identifier === identifier) { return point(node, touch); } } return null; } function ascending$1(a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN; } function bisector(compare) { if (compare.length === 1) compare = ascendingComparator(compare); return { left: function(a, x, lo, hi) { if (lo == null) lo = 0; if (hi == null) hi = a.length; while (lo < hi) { var mid = lo + hi >>> 1; if (compare(a[mid], x) < 0) lo = mid + 1; else hi = mid; } return lo; }, right: function(a, x, lo, hi) { if (lo == null) lo = 0; if (hi == null) hi = a.length; while (lo < hi) { var mid = lo + hi >>> 1; if (compare(a[mid], x) > 0) hi = mid; else lo = mid + 1; } return lo; } }; } function ascendingComparator(f) { return function(d, x) { return ascending$1(f(d), x); }; } var ascendingBisect = bisector(ascending$1); var bisectRight = ascendingBisect.right; var e10 = Math.sqrt(50), e5 = Math.sqrt(10), e2 = Math.sqrt(2); function ticks(start, stop, count) { var reverse, i = -1, n, ticks, step; stop = +stop, start = +start, count = +count; if (start === stop && count > 0) return [start]; if (reverse = stop < start) n = start, start = stop, stop = n; if ((step = tickIncrement(start, stop, count)) === 0 || !isFinite(step)) return []; if (step > 0) { start = Math.ceil(start / step); stop = Math.floor(stop / step); ticks = new Array(n = Math.ceil(stop - start + 1)); while (++i < n) ticks[i] = (start + i) * step; } else { start = Math.floor(start * step); stop = Math.ceil(stop * step); ticks = new Array(n = Math.ceil(start - stop + 1)); while (++i < n) ticks[i] = (start - i) / step; } if (reverse) ticks.reverse(); return ticks; } function tickIncrement(start, stop, count) { var step = (stop - start) / Math.max(0, count), power = Math.floor(Math.log(step) / Math.LN10), error = step / Math.pow(10, power); return power >= 0 ? (error >= e10 ? 10 : error >= e5 ? 5 : error >= e2 ? 2 : 1) * Math.pow(10, power) : -Math.pow(10, -power) / (error >= e10 ? 10 : error >= e5 ? 5 : error >= e2 ? 2 : 1); } function tickStep(start, stop, count) { var step0 = Math.abs(stop - start) / Math.max(0, count), step1 = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(step0) / Math.LN10)), error = step0 / step1; if (error >= e10) step1 *= 10; else if (error >= e5) step1 *= 5; else if (error >= e2) step1 *= 2; return stop < start ? -step1 : step1; } function initRange(domain, range) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: break; case 1: this.range(domain); break; default: this.range(range).domain(domain); break; } return this; } function define(constructor, factory, prototype) { constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype; prototype.constructor = constructor; } function extend(parent, definition) { var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype); for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key]; return prototype; } function Color() {} var darker = 0.7; var brighter = 1 / darker; var reI = "\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*", reN = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*", reP = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*", reHex3 = /^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/, reHex6 = /^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/, reRgbInteger = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reI, reI, reI] + "\\)$"), reRgbPercent = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reP, reP, reP] + "\\)$"), reRgbaInteger = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reI, reI, reI, reN] + "\\)$"), reRgbaPercent = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reP, reP, reP, reN] + "\\)$"), reHslPercent = new RegExp("^hsl\\(" + [reN, reP, reP] + "\\)$"), reHslaPercent = new RegExp("^hsla\\(" + [reN, reP, reP, reN] + "\\)$"); var named = { aliceblue: 0xf0f8ff, antiquewhite: 0xfaebd7, aqua: 0x00ffff, aquamarine: 0x7fffd4, azure: 0xf0ffff, beige: 0xf5f5dc, bisque: 0xffe4c4, black: 0x000000, blanchedalmond: 0xffebcd, blue: 0x0000ff, blueviolet: 0x8a2be2, brown: 0xa52a2a, burlywood: 0xdeb887, cadetblue: 0x5f9ea0, chartreuse: 0x7fff00, chocolate: 0xd2691e, coral: 0xff7f50, cornflowerblue: 0x6495ed, cornsilk: 0xfff8dc, crimson: 0xdc143c, cyan: 0x00ffff, darkblue: 0x00008b, darkcyan: 0x008b8b, darkgoldenrod: 0xb8860b, darkgray: 0xa9a9a9, darkgreen: 0x006400, darkgrey: 0xa9a9a9, darkkhaki: 0xbdb76b, darkmagenta: 0x8b008b, darkolivegreen: 0x556b2f, darkorange: 0xff8c00, darkorchid: 0x9932cc, darkred: 0x8b0000, darksalmon: 0xe9967a, darkseagreen: 0x8fbc8f, darkslateblue: 0x483d8b, darkslategray: 0x2f4f4f, darkslategrey: 0x2f4f4f, darkturquoise: 0x00ced1, darkviolet: 0x9400d3, deeppink: 0xff1493, deepskyblue: 0x00bfff, dimgray: 0x696969, dimgrey: 0x696969, dodgerblue: 0x1e90ff, firebrick: 0xb22222, floralwhite: 0xfffaf0, forestgreen: 0x228b22, fuchsia: 0xff00ff, gainsboro: 0xdcdcdc, ghostwhite: 0xf8f8ff, gold: 0xffd700, goldenrod: 0xdaa520, gray: 0x808080, green: 0x008000, greenyellow: 0xadff2f, grey: 0x808080, honeydew: 0xf0fff0, hotpink: 0xff69b4, indianred: 0xcd5c5c, indigo: 0x4b0082, ivory: 0xfffff0, khaki: 0xf0e68c, lavender: 0xe6e6fa, lavenderblush: 0xfff0f5, lawngreen: 0x7cfc00, lemonchiffon: 0xfffacd, lightblue: 0xadd8e6, lightcoral: 0xf08080, lightcyan: 0xe0ffff, lightgoldenrodyellow: 0xfafad2, lightgray: 0xd3d3d3, lightgreen: 0x90ee90, lightgrey: 0xd3d3d3, lightpink: 0xffb6c1, lightsalmon: 0xffa07a, lightseagreen: 0x20b2aa, lightskyblue: 0x87cefa, lightslategray: 0x778899, lightslategrey: 0x778899, lightsteelblue: 0xb0c4de, lightyellow: 0xffffe0, lime: 0x00ff00, limegreen: 0x32cd32, linen: 0xfaf0e6, magenta: 0xff00ff, maroon: 0x800000, mediumaquamarine: 0x66cdaa, mediumblue: 0x0000cd, mediumorchid: 0xba55d3, mediumpurple: 0x9370db, mediumseagreen: 0x3cb371, mediumslateblue: 0x7b68ee, mediumspringgreen: 0x00fa9a, mediumturquoise: 0x48d1cc, mediumvioletred: 0xc71585, midnightblue: 0x191970, mintcream: 0xf5fffa, mistyrose: 0xffe4e1, moccasin: 0xffe4b5, navajowhite: 0xffdead, navy: 0x000080, oldlace: 0xfdf5e6, olive: 0x808000, olivedrab: 0x6b8e23, orange: 0xffa500, orangered: 0xff4500, orchid: 0xda70d6, palegoldenrod: 0xeee8aa, palegreen: 0x98fb98, paleturquoise: 0xafeeee, palevioletred: 0xdb7093, papayawhip: 0xffefd5, peachpuff: 0xffdab9, peru: 0xcd853f, pink: 0xffc0cb, plum: 0xdda0dd, powderblue: 0xb0e0e6, purple: 0x800080, rebeccapurple: 0x663399, red: 0xff0000, rosybrown: 0xbc8f8f, royalblue: 0x4169e1, saddlebrown: 0x8b4513, salmon: 0xfa8072, sandybrown: 0xf4a460, seagreen: 0x2e8b57, seashell: 0xfff5ee, sienna: 0xa0522d, silver: 0xc0c0c0, skyblue: 0x87ceeb, slateblue: 0x6a5acd, slategray: 0x708090, slategrey: 0x708090, snow: 0xfffafa, springgreen: 0x00ff7f, steelblue: 0x4682b4, tan: 0xd2b48c, teal: 0x008080, thistle: 0xd8bfd8, tomato: 0xff6347, turquoise: 0x40e0d0, violet: 0xee82ee, wheat: 0xf5deb3, white: 0xffffff, whitesmoke: 0xf5f5f5, yellow: 0xffff00, yellowgreen: 0x9acd32 }; define(Color, color, { displayable: function() { return this.rgb().displayable(); }, hex: function() { return this.rgb().hex(); }, toString: function() { return this.rgb() + ""; } }); function color(format) { var m; format = (format + "").trim().toLowerCase(); return (m = reHex3.exec(format)) ? (m = parseInt(m[1], 16), new Rgb((m >> 8 & 0xf) | (m >> 4 & 0x0f0), (m >> 4 & 0xf) | (m & 0xf0), ((m & 0xf) << 4) | (m & 0xf), 1)) // #f00 : (m = reHex6.exec(format)) ? rgbn(parseInt(m[1], 16)) // #ff0000 : (m = reRgbInteger.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1], m[2], m[3], 1) // rgb(255, 0, 0) : (m = reRgbPercent.exec(format)) ? new Rgb(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, 1) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%) : (m = reRgbaInteger.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]) // rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) : (m = reRgbaPercent.exec(format)) ? rgba(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, m[4]) // rgb(100%, 0%, 0%, 1) : (m = reHslPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, 1) // hsl(120, 50%, 50%) : (m = reHslaPercent.exec(format)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4]) // hsla(120, 50%, 50%, 1) : named.hasOwnProperty(format) ? rgbn(named[format]) : format === "transparent" ? new Rgb(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null; } function rgbn(n) { return new Rgb(n >> 16 & 0xff, n >> 8 & 0xff, n & 0xff, 1); } function rgba(r, g, b, a) { if (a <= 0) r = g = b = NaN; return new Rgb(r, g, b, a); } function rgbConvert(o) { if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o); if (!o) return new Rgb; o = o.rgb(); return new Rgb(o.r, o.g, o.b, o.opacity); } function rgb(r, g, b, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? rgbConvert(r) : new Rgb(r, g, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Rgb(r, g, b, opacity) { this.r = +r; this.g = +g; this.b = +b; this.opacity = +opacity; } define(Rgb, rgb, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k); return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k); return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { return this; }, displayable: function() { return (0 <= this.r && this.r <= 255) && (0 <= this.g && this.g <= 255) && (0 <= this.b && this.b <= 255) && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1); }, hex: function() { return "#" + hex(this.r) + hex(this.g) + hex(this.b); }, toString: function() { var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a)); return (a === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(") + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0)) + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")"); } })); function hex(value) { value = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(value) || 0)); return (value < 16 ? "0" : "") + value.toString(16); } function hsla(h, s, l, a) { if (a <= 0) h = s = l = NaN; else if (l <= 0 || l >= 1) h = s = NaN; else if (s <= 0) h = NaN; return new Hsl(h, s, l, a); } function hslConvert(o) { if (o instanceof Hsl) return new Hsl(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity); if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o); if (!o) return new Hsl; if (o instanceof Hsl) return o; o = o.rgb(); var r = o.r / 255, g = o.g / 255, b = o.b / 255, min = Math.min(r, g, b), max = Math.max(r, g, b), h = NaN, s = max - min, l = (max + min) / 2; if (s) { if (r === max) h = (g - b) / s + (g < b) * 6; else if (g === max) h = (b - r) / s + 2; else h = (r - g) / s + 4; s /= l < 0.5 ? max + min : 2 - max - min; h *= 60; } else { s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h; } return new Hsl(h, s, l, o.opacity); } function hsl(h, s, l, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? hslConvert(h) : new Hsl(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Hsl(h, s, l, opacity) { this.h = +h; this.s = +s; this.l = +l; this.opacity = +opacity; } define(Hsl, hsl, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k); return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k); return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { var h = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360, s = isNaN(h) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s, l = this.l, m2 = l + (l < 0.5 ? l : 1 - l) * s, m1 = 2 * l - m2; return new Rgb( hsl2rgb(h >= 240 ? h - 240 : h + 120, m1, m2), hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2), hsl2rgb(h < 120 ? h + 240 : h - 120, m1, m2), this.opacity ); }, displayable: function() { return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s)) && (0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1) && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1); } })); /* From FvD 13.37, CSS Color Module Level 3 */ function hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2) { return (h < 60 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60 : h < 180 ? m2 : h < 240 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60 : m1) * 255; } var deg2rad = Math.PI / 180; var rad2deg = 180 / Math.PI; // https://beta.observablehq.com/@mbostock/lab-and-rgb var K = 18, Xn = 0.96422, Yn = 1, Zn = 0.82521, t0 = 4 / 29, t1 = 6 / 29, t2 = 3 * t1 * t1, t3 = t1 * t1 * t1; function labConvert(o) { if (o instanceof Lab) return new Lab(o.l, o.a, o.b, o.opacity); if (o instanceof Hcl) { if (isNaN(o.h)) return new Lab(o.l, 0, 0, o.opacity); var h = o.h * deg2rad; return new Lab(o.l, Math.cos(h) * o.c, Math.sin(h) * o.c, o.opacity); } if (!(o instanceof Rgb)) o = rgbConvert(o); var r = rgb2lrgb(o.r), g = rgb2lrgb(o.g), b = rgb2lrgb(o.b), y = xyz2lab((0.2225045 * r + 0.7168786 * g + 0.0606169 * b) / Yn), x, z; if (r === g && g === b) x = z = y; else { x = xyz2lab((0.4360747 * r + 0.3850649 * g + 0.1430804 * b) / Xn); z = xyz2lab((0.0139322 * r + 0.0971045 * g + 0.7141733 * b) / Zn); } return new Lab(116 * y - 16, 500 * (x - y), 200 * (y - z), o.opacity); } function lab(l, a, b, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? labConvert(l) : new Lab(l, a, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Lab(l, a, b, opacity) { this.l = +l; this.a = +a; this.b = +b; this.opacity = +opacity; } define(Lab, lab, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { return new Lab(this.l + K * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.a, this.b, this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { return new Lab(this.l - K * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.a, this.b, this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { var y = (this.l + 16) / 116, x = isNaN(this.a) ? y : y + this.a / 500, z = isNaN(this.b) ? y : y - this.b / 200; x = Xn * lab2xyz(x); y = Yn * lab2xyz(y); z = Zn * lab2xyz(z); return new Rgb( lrgb2rgb( 3.1338561 * x - 1.6168667 * y - 0.4906146 * z), lrgb2rgb(-0.9787684 * x + 1.9161415 * y + 0.0334540 * z), lrgb2rgb( 0.0719453 * x - 0.2289914 * y + 1.4052427 * z), this.opacity ); } })); function xyz2lab(t) { return t > t3 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : t / t2 + t0; } function lab2xyz(t) { return t > t1 ? t * t * t : t2 * (t - t0); } function lrgb2rgb(x) { return 255 * (x <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * x : 1.055 * Math.pow(x, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055); } function rgb2lrgb(x) { return (x /= 255) <= 0.04045 ? x / 12.92 : Math.pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); } function hclConvert(o) { if (o instanceof Hcl) return new Hcl(o.h, o.c, o.l, o.opacity); if (!(o instanceof Lab)) o = labConvert(o); if (o.a === 0 && o.b === 0) return new Hcl(NaN, 0, o.l, o.opacity); var h = Math.atan2(o.b, o.a) * rad2deg; return new Hcl(h < 0 ? h + 360 : h, Math.sqrt(o.a * o.a + o.b * o.b), o.l, o.opacity); } function hcl(h, c, l, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? hclConvert(h) : new Hcl(h, c, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Hcl(h, c, l, opacity) { this.h = +h; this.c = +c; this.l = +l; this.opacity = +opacity; } define(Hcl, hcl, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { return new Hcl(this.h, this.c, this.l + K * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { return new Hcl(this.h, this.c, this.l - K * (k == null ? 1 : k), this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { return labConvert(this).rgb(); } })); var A = -0.14861, B = +1.78277, C = -0.29227, D = -0.90649, E = +1.97294, ED = E * D, EB = E * B, BC_DA = B * C - D * A; function cubehelixConvert(o) { if (o instanceof Cubehelix) return new Cubehelix(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity); if (!(o instanceof Rgb)) o = rgbConvert(o); var r = o.r / 255, g = o.g / 255, b = o.b / 255, l = (BC_DA * b + ED * r - EB * g) / (BC_DA + ED - EB), bl = b - l, k = (E * (g - l) - C * bl) / D, s = Math.sqrt(k * k + bl * bl) / (E * l * (1 - l)), // NaN if l=0 or l=1 h = s ? Math.atan2(k, bl) * rad2deg - 120 : NaN; return new Cubehelix(h < 0 ? h + 360 : h, s, l, o.opacity); } function cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? cubehelixConvert(h) : new Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) { this.h = +h; this.s = +s; this.l = +l; this.opacity = +opacity; } define(Cubehelix, cubehelix, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k); return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k); return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { var h = isNaN(this.h) ? 0 : (this.h + 120) * deg2rad, l = +this.l, a = isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s * l * (1 - l), cosh = Math.cos(h), sinh = Math.sin(h); return new Rgb( 255 * (l + a * (A * cosh + B * sinh)), 255 * (l + a * (C * cosh + D * sinh)), 255 * (l + a * (E * cosh)), this.opacity ); } })); function constant$1(x) { return function() { return x; }; } function linear(a, d) { return function(t) { return a + t * d; }; } function exponential(a, b, y) { return a = Math.pow(a, y), b = Math.pow(b, y) - a, y = 1 / y, function(t) { return Math.pow(a + t * b, y); }; } function gamma(y) { return (y = +y) === 1 ? nogamma : function(a, b) { return b - a ? exponential(a, b, y) : constant$1(isNaN(a) ? b : a); }; } function nogamma(a, b) { var d = b - a; return d ? linear(a, d) : constant$1(isNaN(a) ? b : a); } var interpolateRgb = (function rgbGamma(y) { var color = gamma(y); function rgb$1(start, end) { var r = color((start = rgb(start)).r, (end = rgb(end)).r), g = color(start.g, end.g), b = color(start.b, end.b), opacity = nogamma(start.opacity, end.opacity); return function(t) { start.r = r(t); start.g = g(t); start.b = b(t); start.opacity = opacity(t); return start + ""; }; } rgb$1.gamma = rgbGamma; return rgb$1; })(1); function array(a, b) { var nb = b ? b.length : 0, na = a ? Math.min(nb, a.length) : 0, x = new Array(na), c = new Array(nb), i; for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) x[i] = d3Interpolate(a[i], b[i]); for (; i < nb; ++i) c[i] = b[i]; return function(t) { for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) c[i] = x[i](t); return c; }; } function date(a, b) { var d = new Date; return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) { return d.setTime(a + b * t), d; }; } function interpolateNumber(a, b) { return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) { return a + b * t; }; } function object(a, b) { var i = {}, c = {}, k; if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") a = {}; if (b === null || typeof b !== "object") b = {}; for (k in b) { if (k in a) { i[k] = d3Interpolate(a[k], b[k]); } else { c[k] = b[k]; } } return function(t) { for (k in i) c[k] = i[k](t); return c; }; } var reA = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g, reB = new RegExp(reA.source, "g"); function zero(b) { return function() { return b; }; } function one(b) { return function(t) { return b(t) + ""; }; } function interpolateString(a, b) { var bi = reA.lastIndex = reB.lastIndex = 0, // scan index for next number in b am, // current match in a bm, // current match in b bs, // string preceding current number in b, if any i = -1, // index in s s = [], // string constants and placeholders q = []; // number interpolators // Coerce inputs to strings. a = a + "", b = b + ""; // Interpolate pairs of numbers in a & b. while ((am = reA.exec(a)) && (bm = reB.exec(b))) { if ((bs = bm.index) > bi) { // a string precedes the next number in b bs = b.slice(bi, bs); if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string else s[++i] = bs; } if ((am = am[0]) === (bm = bm[0])) { // numbers in a & b match if (s[i]) s[i] += bm; // coalesce with previous string else s[++i] = bm; } else { // interpolate non-matching numbers s[++i] = null; q.push({i: i, x: interpolateNumber(am, bm)}); } bi = reB.lastIndex; } // Add remains of b. if (bi < b.length) { bs = b.slice(bi); if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; // coalesce with previous string else s[++i] = bs; } // Special optimization for only a single match. // Otherwise, interpolate each of the numbers and rejoin the string. return s.length < 2 ? (q[0] ? one(q[0].x) : zero(b)) : (b = q.length, function(t) { for (var i = 0, o; i < b; ++i) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t); return s.join(""); }); } function d3Interpolate(a, b) { var t = typeof b, c; return b == null || t === "boolean" ? constant$1(b) : (t === "number" ? interpolateNumber : t === "string" ? ((c = color(b)) ? (b = c, interpolateRgb) : interpolateString) : b instanceof color ? interpolateRgb : b instanceof Date ? date : Array.isArray(b) ? array : typeof b.valueOf !== "function" && typeof b.toString !== "function" || isNaN(b) ? object : interpolateNumber)(a, b); } function interpolateRound(a, b) { return a = +a, b -= a, function(t) { return Math.round(a + b * t); }; } var degrees = 180 / Math.PI; var identity = { translateX: 0, translateY: 0, rotate: 0, skewX: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }; function decompose(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var scaleX, scaleY, skewX; if (scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)) a /= scaleX, b /= scaleX; if (skewX = a * c + b * d) c -= a * skewX, d -= b * skewX; if (scaleY = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d)) c /= scaleY, d /= scaleY, skewX /= scaleY; if (a * d < b * c) a = -a, b = -b, skewX = -skewX, scaleX = -scaleX; return { translateX: e, translateY: f, rotate: Math.atan2(b, a) * degrees, skewX: Math.atan(skewX) * degrees, scaleX: scaleX, scaleY: scaleY }; } var cssNode, cssRoot, cssView, svgNode; function parseCss(value) { if (value === "none") return identity; if (!cssNode) cssNode = document.createElement("DIV"), cssRoot = document.documentElement, cssView = document.defaultView; cssNode.style.transform = value; value = cssView.getComputedStyle(cssRoot.appendChild(cssNode), null).getPropertyValue("transform"); cssRoot.removeChild(cssNode); value = value.slice(7, -1).split(","); return decompose(+value[0], +value[1], +value[2], +value[3], +value[4], +value[5]); } function parseSvg(value) { if (value == null) return identity; if (!svgNode) svgNode = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g"); svgNode.setAttribute("transform", value); if (!(value = svgNode.transform.baseVal.consolidate())) return identity; value = value.matrix; return decompose(value.a, value.b, value.c, value.d, value.e, value.f); } function interpolateTransform(parse, pxComma, pxParen, degParen) { function pop(s) { return s.length ? s.pop() + " " : ""; } function translate(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) { if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) { var i = s.push("translate(", null, pxComma, null, pxParen); q.push({i: i - 4, x: interpolateNumber(xa, xb)}, {i: i - 2, x: interpolateNumber(ya, yb)}); } else if (xb || yb) { s.push("translate(" + xb + pxComma + yb + pxParen); } } function rotate(a, b, s, q) { if (a !== b) { if (a - b > 180) b += 360; else if (b - a > 180) a += 360; // shortest path q.push({i: s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(", null, degParen) - 2, x: interpolateNumber(a, b)}); } else if (b) { s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(" + b + degParen); } } function skewX(a, b, s, q) { if (a !== b) { q.push({i: s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(", null, degParen) - 2, x: interpolateNumber(a, b)}); } else if (b) { s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(" + b + degParen); } } function scale(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) { if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) { var i = s.push(pop(s) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")"); q.push({i: i - 4, x: interpolateNumber(xa, xb)}, {i: i - 2, x: interpolateNumber(ya, yb)}); } else if (xb !== 1 || yb !== 1) { s.push(pop(s) + "scale(" + xb + "," + yb + ")"); } } return function(a, b) { var s = [], // string constants and placeholders q = []; // number interpolators a = parse(a), b = parse(b); translate(a.translateX, a.translateY, b.translateX, b.translateY, s, q); rotate(a.rotate, b.rotate, s, q); skewX(a.skewX, b.skewX, s, q); scale(a.scaleX, a.scaleY, b.scaleX, b.scaleY, s, q); a = b = null; // gc return function(t) { var i = -1, n = q.length, o; while (++i < n) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t); return s.join(""); }; }; } var interpolateTransformCss = interpolateTransform(parseCss, "px, ", "px)", "deg)"); var interpolateTransformSvg = interpolateTransform(parseSvg, ", ", ")", ")"); var rho = Math.SQRT2, rho2 = 2, rho4 = 4, epsilon2 = 1e-12; function cosh(x) { return ((x = Math.exp(x)) + 1 / x) / 2; } function sinh(x) { return ((x = Math.exp(x)) - 1 / x) / 2; } function tanh(x) { return ((x = Math.exp(2 * x)) - 1) / (x + 1); } // p0 = [ux0, uy0, w0] // p1 = [ux1, uy1, w1] function interpolateZoom(p0, p1) { var ux0 = p0[0], uy0 = p0[1], w0 = p0[2], ux1 = p1[0], uy1 = p1[1], w1 = p1[2], dx = ux1 - ux0, dy = uy1 - uy0, d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy, i, S; // Special case for u0 ≅ u1. if (d2 < epsilon2) { S = Math.log(w1 / w0) / rho; i = function(t) { return [ ux0 + t * dx, uy0 + t * dy, w0 * Math.exp(rho * t * S) ]; }; } // General case. else { var d1 = Math.sqrt(d2), b0 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 + rho4 * d2) / (2 * w0 * rho2 * d1), b1 = (w1 * w1 - w0 * w0 - rho4 * d2) / (2 * w1 * rho2 * d1), r0 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1) - b0), r1 = Math.log(Math.sqrt(b1 * b1 + 1) - b1); S = (r1 - r0) / rho; i = function(t) { var s = t * S, coshr0 = cosh(r0), u = w0 / (rho2 * d1) * (coshr0 * tanh(rho * s + r0) - sinh(r0)); return [ ux0 + u * dx, uy0 + u * dy, w0 * coshr0 / cosh(rho * s + r0) ]; }; } i.duration = S * 1000; return i; } function constant$2(x) { return function() { return x; }; } function number(x) { return +x; } var unit = [0, 1]; function identity$1(x) { return x; } function normalize(a, b) { return (b -= (a = +a)) ? function(x) { return (x - a) / b; } : constant$2(isNaN(b) ? NaN : 0.5); } function clamper(a, b) { var t; if (a > b) t = a, a = b, b = t; return function(x) { return Math.max(a, Math.min(b, x)); }; } // normalize(a, b)(x) takes a domain value x in [a,b] and returns the corresponding parameter t in [0,1]. // interpolate(a, b)(t) takes a parameter t in [0,1] and returns the corresponding range value x in [a,b]. function bimap(domain, range, interpolate) { var d0 = domain[0], d1 = domain[1], r0 = range[0], r1 = range[1]; if (d1 < d0) d0 = normalize(d1, d0), r0 = interpolate(r1, r0); else d0 = normalize(d0, d1), r0 = interpolate(r0, r1); return function(x) { return r0(d0(x)); }; } function polymap(domain, range, interpolate) { var j = Math.min(domain.length, range.length) - 1, d = new Array(j), r = new Array(j), i = -1; // Reverse descending domains. if (domain[j] < domain[0]) { domain = domain.slice().reverse(); range = range.slice().reverse(); } while (++i < j) { d[i] = normalize(domain[i], domain[i + 1]); r[i] = interpolate(range[i], range[i + 1]); } return function(x) { var i = bisectRight(domain, x, 1, j) - 1; return r[i](d[i](x)); }; } function copy(source, target) { return target .domain(source.domain()) .range(source.range()) .interpolate(source.interpolate()) .clamp(source.clamp()) .unknown(source.unknown()); } function transformer() { var domain = unit, range = unit, interpolate = d3Interpolate, transform, untransform, unknown, clamp = identity$1, piecewise, output, input; function rescale() { var n = Math.min(domain.length, range.length); if (clamp !== identity$1) clamp = clamper(domain[0], domain[n - 1]); piecewise = n > 2 ? polymap : bimap; output = input = null; return scale; } function scale(x) { return isNaN(x = +x) ? unknown : (output || (output = piecewise(domain.map(transform), range, interpolate)))(transform(clamp(x))); } scale.invert = function(y) { return clamp(untransform((input || (input = piecewise(range, domain.map(transform), interpolateNumber)))(y))); }; scale.domain = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (domain = Array.from(_, number), rescale()) : domain.slice(); }; scale.range = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (range = Array.from(_), rescale()) : range.slice(); }; scale.rangeRound = function(_) { return range = Array.from(_), interpolate = interpolateRound, rescale(); }; scale.clamp = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (clamp = _ ? true : identity$1, rescale()) : clamp !== identity$1; }; scale.interpolate = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (interpolate = _, rescale()) : interpolate; }; scale.unknown = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (unknown = _, scale) : unknown; }; return function(t, u) { transform = t, untransform = u; return rescale(); }; } function continuous() { return transformer()(identity$1, identity$1); } // Computes the decimal coefficient and exponent of the specified number x with // significant digits p, where x is positive and p is in [1, 21] or undefined. // For example, formatDecimal(1.23) returns ["123", 0]. function formatDecimal(x, p) { if ((i = (x = p ? x.toExponential(p - 1) : x.toExponential()).indexOf("e")) < 0) return null; // NaN, ±Infinity var i, coefficient = x.slice(0, i); // The string returned by toExponential either has the form \d\.\d+e[-+]\d+ // (e.g., 1.2e+3) or the form \de[-+]\d+ (e.g., 1e+3). return [ coefficient.length > 1 ? coefficient[0] + coefficient.slice(2) : coefficient, +x.slice(i + 1) ]; } function exponent(x) { return x = formatDecimal(Math.abs(x)), x ? x[1] : NaN; } function formatGroup(grouping, thousands) { return function(value, width) { var i = value.length, t = [], j = 0, g = grouping[0], length = 0; while (i > 0 && g > 0) { if (length + g + 1 > width) g = Math.max(1, width - length); t.push(value.substring(i -= g, i + g)); if ((length += g + 1) > width) break; g = grouping[j = (j + 1) % grouping.length]; } return t.reverse().join(thousands); }; } function formatNumerals(numerals) { return function(value) { return value.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(i) { return numerals[+i]; }); }; } // [[fill]align][sign][symbol][0][width][,][.precision][~][type] var re = /^(?:(.)?([<>=^]))?([+\-( ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.\d+)?(~)?([a-z%])?$/i; function formatSpecifier(specifier) { return new FormatSpecifier(specifier); } formatSpecifier.prototype = FormatSpecifier.prototype; // instanceof function FormatSpecifier(specifier) { if (!(match = re.exec(specifier))) throw new Error("invalid format: " + specifier); var match; this.fill = match[1] || " "; this.align = match[2] || ">"; this.sign = match[3] || "-"; this.symbol = match[4] || ""; this.zero = !!match[5]; this.width = match[6] && +match[6]; this.comma = !!match[7]; this.precision = match[8] && +match[8].slice(1); this.trim = !!match[9]; this.type = match[10] || ""; } FormatSpecifier.prototype.toString = function() { return this.fill + this.align + this.sign + this.symbol + (this.zero ? "0" : "") + (this.width == null ? "" : Math.max(1, this.width | 0)) + (this.comma ? "," : "") + (this.precision == null ? "" : "." + Math.max(0, this.precision | 0)) + (this.trim ? "~" : "") + this.type; }; // Trims insignificant zeros, e.g., replaces 1.2000k with 1.2k. function formatTrim(s) { out: for (var n = s.length, i = 1, i0 = -1, i1; i < n; ++i) { switch (s[i]) { case ".": i0 = i1 = i; break; case "0": if (i0 === 0) i0 = i; i1 = i; break; default: if (i0 > 0) { if (!+s[i]) break out; i0 = 0; } break; } } return i0 > 0 ? s.slice(0, i0) + s.slice(i1 + 1) : s; } var prefixExponent; function formatPrefixAuto(x, p) { var d = formatDecimal(x, p); if (!d) return x + ""; var coefficient = d[0], exponent = d[1], i = exponent - (prefixExponent = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent / 3))) * 3) + 1, n = coefficient.length; return i === n ? coefficient : i > n ? coefficient + new Array(i - n + 1).join("0") : i > 0 ? coefficient.slice(0, i) + "." + coefficient.slice(i) : "0." + new Array(1 - i).join("0") + formatDecimal(x, Math.max(0, p + i - 1))[0]; // less than 1y! } function formatRounded(x, p) { var d = formatDecimal(x, p); if (!d) return x + ""; var coefficient = d[0], exponent = d[1]; return exponent < 0 ? "0." + new Array(-exponent).join("0") + coefficient : coefficient.length > exponent + 1 ? coefficient.slice(0, exponent + 1) + "." + coefficient.slice(exponent + 1) : coefficient + new Array(exponent - coefficient.length + 2).join("0"); } var formatTypes = { "%": function(x, p) { return (x * 100).toFixed(p); }, "b": function(x) { return Math.round(x).toString(2); }, "c": function(x) { return x + ""; }, "d": function(x) { return Math.round(x).toString(10); }, "e": function(x, p) { return x.toExponential(p); }, "f": function(x, p) { return x.toFixed(p); }, "g": function(x, p) { return x.toPrecision(p); }, "o": function(x) { return Math.round(x).toString(8); }, "p": function(x, p) { return formatRounded(x * 100, p); }, "r": formatRounded, "s": formatPrefixAuto, "X": function(x) { return Math.round(x).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }, "x": function(x) { return Math.round(x).toString(16); } }; function identity$2(x) { return x; } var prefixes = ["y","z","a","f","p","n","µ","m","","k","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y"]; function formatLocale(locale) { var group = locale.grouping && locale.thousands ? formatGroup(locale.grouping, locale.thousands) : identity$2, currency = locale.currency, decimal = locale.decimal, numerals = locale.numerals ? formatNumerals(locale.numerals) : identity$2, percent = locale.percent || "%"; function newFormat(specifier) { specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier); var fill = specifier.fill, align = specifier.align, sign = specifier.sign, symbol = specifier.symbol, zero = specifier.zero, width = specifier.width, comma = specifier.comma, precision = specifier.precision, trim = specifier.trim, type = specifier.type; // The "n" type is an alias for ",g". if (type === "n") comma = true, type = "g"; // The "" type, and any invalid type, is an alias for ".12~g". else if (!formatTypes[type]) precision == null && (precision = 12), trim = true, type = "g"; // If zero fill is specified, padding goes after sign and before digits. if (zero || (fill === "0" && align === "=")) zero = true, fill = "0", align = "="; // Compute the prefix and suffix. // For SI-prefix, the suffix is lazily computed. var prefix = symbol === "$" ? currency[0] : symbol === "#" && /[boxX]/.test(type) ? "0" + type.toLowerCase() : "", suffix = symbol === "$" ? currency[1] : /[%p]/.test(type) ? percent : ""; // What format function should we use? // Is this an integer type? // Can this type generate exponential notation? var formatType = formatTypes[type], maybeSuffix = /[defgprs%]/.test(type); // Set the default precision if not specified, // or clamp the specified precision to the supported range. // For significant precision, it must be in [1, 21]. // For fixed precision, it must be in [0, 20]. precision = precision == null ? 6 : /[gprs]/.test(type) ? Math.max(1, Math.min(21, precision)) : Math.max(0, Math.min(20, precision)); function format(value) { var valuePrefix = prefix, valueSuffix = suffix, i, n, c; if (type === "c") { valueSuffix = formatType(value) + valueSuffix; value = ""; } else { value = +value; // Perform the initial formatting. var valueNegative = value < 0; value = formatType(Math.abs(value), precision); // Trim insignificant zeros. if (trim) value = formatTrim(value); // If a negative value rounds to zero during formatting, treat as positive. if (valueNegative && +value === 0) valueNegative = false; // Compute the prefix and suffix. valuePrefix = (valueNegative ? (sign === "(" ? sign : "-") : sign === "-" || sign === "(" ? "" : sign) + valuePrefix; valueSuffix = (type === "s" ? prefixes[8 + prefixExponent / 3] : "") + valueSuffix + (valueNegative && sign === "(" ? ")" : ""); // Break the formatted value into the integer “value” part that can be // grouped, and fractional or exponential “suffix” part that is not. if (maybeSuffix) { i = -1, n = value.length; while (++i < n) { if (c = value.charCodeAt(i), 48 > c || c > 57) { valueSuffix = (c === 46 ? decimal + value.slice(i + 1) : value.slice(i)) + valueSuffix; value = value.slice(0, i); break; } } } } // If the fill character is not "0", grouping is applied before padding. if (comma && !zero) value = group(value, Infinity); // Compute the padding. var length = valuePrefix.length + value.length + valueSuffix.length, padding = length < width ? new Array(width - length + 1).join(fill) : ""; // If the fill character is "0", grouping is applied after padding. if (comma && zero) value = group(padding + value, padding.length ? width - valueSuffix.length : Infinity), padding = ""; // Reconstruct the final output based on the desired alignment. switch (align) { case "<": value = valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix + padding; break; case "=": value = valuePrefix + padding + value + valueSuffix; break; case "^": value = padding.slice(0, length = padding.length >> 1) + valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix + padding.slice(length); break; default: value = padding + valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix; break; } return numerals(value); } format.toString = function() { return specifier + ""; }; return format; } function formatPrefix(specifier, value) { var f = newFormat((specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier), specifier.type = "f", specifier)), e = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent(value) / 3))) * 3, k = Math.pow(10, -e), prefix = prefixes[8 + e / 3]; return function(value) { return f(k * value) + prefix; }; } return { format: newFormat, formatPrefix: formatPrefix }; } var locale; var format; var formatPrefix; defaultLocale({ decimal: ".", thousands: ",", grouping: [3], currency: ["$", ""] }); function defaultLocale(definition) { locale = formatLocale(definition); format = locale.format; formatPrefix = locale.formatPrefix; return locale; } function precisionFixed(step) { return Math.max(0, -exponent(Math.abs(step))); } function precisionPrefix(step, value) { return Math.max(0, Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent(value) / 3))) * 3 - exponent(Math.abs(step))); } function precisionRound(step, max) { step = Math.abs(step), max = Math.abs(max) - step; return Math.max(0, exponent(max) - exponent(step)) + 1; } function tickFormat(start, stop, count, specifier) { var step = tickStep(start, stop, count), precision; specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier == null ? ",f" : specifier); switch (specifier.type) { case "s": { var value = Math.max(Math.abs(start), Math.abs(stop)); if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionPrefix(step, value))) specifier.precision = precision; return formatPrefix(specifier, value); } case "": case "e": case "g": case "p": case "r": { if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionRound(step, Math.max(Math.abs(start), Math.abs(stop))))) specifier.precision = precision - (specifier.type === "e"); break; } case "f": case "%": { if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionFixed(step))) specifier.precision = precision - (specifier.type === "%") * 2; break; } } return format(specifier); } function linearish(scale) { var domain = scale.domain; scale.ticks = function(count) { var d = domain(); return ticks(d[0], d[d.length - 1], count == null ? 10 : count); }; scale.tickFormat = function(count, specifier) { var d = domain(); return tickFormat(d[0], d[d.length - 1], count == null ? 10 : count, specifier); }; scale.nice = function(count) { if (count == null) count = 10; var d = domain(), i0 = 0, i1 = d.length - 1, start = d[i0], stop = d[i1], step; if (stop < start) { step = start, start = stop, stop = step; step = i0, i0 = i1, i1 = step; } step = tickIncrement(start, stop, count); if (step > 0) { start = Math.floor(start / step) * step; stop = Math.ceil(stop / step) * step; step = tickIncrement(start, stop, count); } else if (step < 0) { start = Math.ceil(start * step) / step; stop = Math.floor(stop * step) / step; step = tickIncrement(start, stop, count); } if (step > 0) { d[i0] = Math.floor(start / step) * step; d[i1] = Math.ceil(stop / step) * step; domain(d); } else if (step < 0) { d[i0] = Math.ceil(start * step) / step; d[i1] = Math.floor(stop * step) / step; domain(d); } return scale; }; return scale; } function linear$1() { var scale = continuous(); scale.copy = function() { return copy(scale, linear$1()); }; initRange.apply(scale, arguments); return linearish(scale); } function count(node) { var sum = 0, children = node.children, i = children && children.length; if (!i) sum = 1; else while (--i >= 0) sum += children[i].value; node.value = sum; } function node_count() { return this.eachAfter(count); } function node_each(callback) { var node = this, current, next = [node], children, i, n; do { current = next.reverse(), next = []; while (node = current.pop()) { callback(node), children = node.children; if (children) for (i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; ++i) { next.push(children[i]); } } } while (next.length); return this; } function node_eachBefore(callback) { var node = this, nodes = [node], children, i; while (node = nodes.pop()) { callback(node), children = node.children; if (children) for (i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { nodes.push(children[i]); } } return this; } function node_eachAfter(callback) { var node = this, nodes = [node], next = [], children, i, n; while (node = nodes.pop()) { next.push(node), children = node.children; if (children) for (i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; ++i) { nodes.push(children[i]); } } while (node = next.pop()) { callback(node); } return this; } function node_sum(value) { return this.eachAfter(function(node) { var sum = +value(node.data) || 0, children = node.children, i = children && children.length; while (--i >= 0) sum += children[i].value; node.value = sum; }); } function node_sort(compare) { return this.eachBefore(function(node) { if (node.children) { node.children.sort(compare); } }); } function node_path(end) { var start = this, ancestor = leastCommonAncestor(start, end), nodes = [start]; while (start !== ancestor) { start = start.parent; nodes.push(start); } var k = nodes.length; while (end !== ancestor) { nodes.splice(k, 0, end); end = end.parent; } return nodes; } function leastCommonAncestor(a, b) { if (a === b) return a; var aNodes = a.ancestors(), bNodes = b.ancestors(), c = null; a = aNodes.pop(); b = bNodes.pop(); while (a === b) { c = a; a = aNodes.pop(); b = bNodes.pop(); } return c; } function node_ancestors() { var node = this, nodes = [node]; while (node = node.parent) { nodes.push(node); } return nodes; } function node_descendants() { var nodes = []; this.each(function(node) { nodes.push(node); }); return nodes; } function node_leaves() { var leaves = []; this.eachBefore(function(node) { if (!node.children) { leaves.push(node); } }); return leaves; } function node_links() { var root = this, links = []; root.each(function(node) { if (node !== root) { // Don’t include the root’s parent, if any. links.push({source: node.parent, target: node}); } }); return links; } function hierarchy(data, children) { var root = new Node(data), valued = +data.value && (root.value = data.value), node, nodes = [root], child, childs, i, n; if (children == null) children = defaultChildren; while (node = nodes.pop()) { if (valued) node.value = +node.data.value; if ((childs = children(node.data)) && (n = childs.length)) { node.children = new Array(n); for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { nodes.push(child = node.children[i] = new Node(childs[i])); child.parent = node; child.depth = node.depth + 1; } } } return root.eachBefore(computeHeight); } function node_copy() { return hierarchy(this).eachBefore(copyData); } function defaultChildren(d) { return d.children; } function copyData(node) { node.data = node.data.data; } function computeHeight(node) { var height = 0; do node.height = height; while ((node = node.parent) && (node.height < ++height)); } function Node(data) { this.data = data; this.depth = this.height = 0; this.parent = null; } Node.prototype = hierarchy.prototype = { constructor: Node, count: node_count, each: node_each, eachAfter: node_eachAfter, eachBefore: node_eachBefore, sum: node_sum, sort: node_sort, path: node_path, ancestors: node_ancestors, descendants: node_descendants, leaves: node_leaves, links: node_links, copy: node_copy }; var slice = Array.prototype.slice; function shuffle(array) { var m = array.length, t, i; while (m) { i = Math.random() * m-- | 0; t = array[m]; array[m] = array[i]; array[i] = t; } return array; } function enclose(circles) { var i = 0, n = (circles = shuffle(slice.call(circles))).length, B = [], p, e; while (i < n) { p = circles[i]; if (e && enclosesWeak(e, p)) ++i; else e = encloseBasis(B = extendBasis(B, p)), i = 0; } return e; } function extendBasis(B, p) { var i, j; if (enclosesWeakAll(p, B)) return [p]; // If we get here then B must have at least one element. for (i = 0; i < B.length; ++i) { if (enclosesNot(p, B[i]) && enclosesWeakAll(encloseBasis2(B[i], p), B)) { return [B[i], p]; } } // If we get here then B must have at least two elements. for (i = 0; i < B.length - 1; ++i) { for (j = i + 1; j < B.length; ++j) { if (enclosesNot(encloseBasis2(B[i], B[j]), p) && enclosesNot(encloseBasis2(B[i], p), B[j]) && enclosesNot(encloseBasis2(B[j], p), B[i]) && enclosesWeakAll(encloseBasis3(B[i], B[j], p), B)) { return [B[i], B[j], p]; } } } // If we get here then something is very wrong. throw new Error; } function enclosesNot(a, b) { var dr = a.r - b.r, dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y; return dr < 0 || dr * dr < dx * dx + dy * dy; } function enclosesWeak(a, b) { var dr = a.r - b.r + 1e-6, dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y; return dr > 0 && dr * dr > dx * dx + dy * dy; } function enclosesWeakAll(a, B) { for (var i = 0; i < B.length; ++i) { if (!enclosesWeak(a, B[i])) { return false; } } return true; } function encloseBasis(B) { switch (B.length) { case 1: return encloseBasis1(B[0]); case 2: return encloseBasis2(B[0], B[1]); case 3: return encloseBasis3(B[0], B[1], B[2]); } } function encloseBasis1(a) { return { x: a.x, y: a.y, r: a.r }; } function encloseBasis2(a, b) { var x1 = a.x, y1 = a.y, r1 = a.r, x2 = b.x, y2 = b.y, r2 = b.r, x21 = x2 - x1, y21 = y2 - y1, r21 = r2 - r1, l = Math.sqrt(x21 * x21 + y21 * y21); return { x: (x1 + x2 + x21 / l * r21) / 2, y: (y1 + y2 + y21 / l * r21) / 2, r: (l + r1 + r2) / 2 }; } function encloseBasis3(a, b, c) { var x1 = a.x, y1 = a.y, r1 = a.r, x2 = b.x, y2 = b.y, r2 = b.r, x3 = c.x, y3 = c.y, r3 = c.r, a2 = x1 - x2, a3 = x1 - x3, b2 = y1 - y2, b3 = y1 - y3, c2 = r2 - r1, c3 = r3 - r1, d1 = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 - r1 * r1, d2 = d1 - x2 * x2 - y2 * y2 + r2 * r2, d3 = d1 - x3 * x3 - y3 * y3 + r3 * r3, ab = a3 * b2 - a2 * b3, xa = (b2 * d3 - b3 * d2) / (ab * 2) - x1, xb = (b3 * c2 - b2 * c3) / ab, ya = (a3 * d2 - a2 * d3) / (ab * 2) - y1, yb = (a2 * c3 - a3 * c2) / ab, A = xb * xb + yb * yb - 1, B = 2 * (r1 + xa * xb + ya * yb), C = xa * xa + ya * ya - r1 * r1, r = -(A ? (B + Math.sqrt(B * B - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A) : C / B); return { x: x1 + xa + xb * r, y: y1 + ya + yb * r, r: r }; } function place(b, a, c) { var dx = b.x - a.x, x, a2, dy = b.y - a.y, y, b2, d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (d2) { a2 = a.r + c.r, a2 *= a2; b2 = b.r + c.r, b2 *= b2; if (a2 > b2) { x = (d2 + b2 - a2) / (2 * d2); y = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, b2 / d2 - x * x)); c.x = b.x - x * dx - y * dy; c.y = b.y - x * dy + y * dx; } else { x = (d2 + a2 - b2) / (2 * d2); y = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, a2 / d2 - x * x)); c.x = a.x + x * dx - y * dy; c.y = a.y + x * dy + y * dx; } } else { c.x = a.x + c.r; c.y = a.y; } } function intersects(a, b) { var dr = a.r + b.r - 1e-6, dx = b.x - a.x, dy = b.y - a.y; return dr > 0 && dr * dr > dx * dx + dy * dy; } function score(node) { var a = node._, b = node.next._, ab = a.r + b.r, dx = (a.x * b.r + b.x * a.r) / ab, dy = (a.y * b.r + b.y * a.r) / ab; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } function Node$1(circle) { this._ = circle; this.next = null; this.previous = null; } function packEnclose(circles) { if (!(n = circles.length)) return 0; var a, b, c, n, aa, ca, i, j, k, sj, sk; // Place the first circle. a = circles[0], a.x = 0, a.y = 0; if (!(n > 1)) return a.r; // Place the second circle. b = circles[1], a.x = -b.r, b.x = a.r, b.y = 0; if (!(n > 2)) return a.r + b.r; // Place the third circle. place(b, a, c = circles[2]); // Initialize the front-chain using the first three circles a, b and c. a = new Node$1(a), b = new Node$1(b), c = new Node$1(c); a.next = c.previous = b; b.next = a.previous = c; c.next = b.previous = a; // Attempt to place each remaining circle… pack: for (i = 3; i < n; ++i) { place(a._, b._, c = circles[i]), c = new Node$1(c); // Find the closest intersecting circle on the front-chain, if any. // “Closeness” is determined by linear distance along the front-chain. // “Ahead” or “behind” is likewise determined by linear distance. j = b.next, k = a.previous, sj = b._.r, sk = a._.r; do { if (sj <= sk) { if (intersects(j._, c._)) { b = j, a.next = b, b.previous = a, --i; continue pack; } sj += j._.r, j = j.next; } else { if (intersects(k._, c._)) { a = k, a.next = b, b.previous = a, --i; continue pack; } sk += k._.r, k = k.previous; } } while (j !== k.next); // Success! Insert the new circle c between a and b. c.previous = a, c.next = b, a.next = b.previous = b = c; // Compute the new closest circle pair to the centroid. aa = score(a); while ((c = c.next) !== b) { if ((ca = score(c)) < aa) { a = c, aa = ca; } } b = a.next; } // Compute the enclosing circle of the front chain. a = [b._], c = b; while ((c = c.next) !== b) a.push(c._); c = enclose(a); // Translate the circles to put the enclosing circle around the origin. for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) a = circles[i], a.x -= c.x, a.y -= c.y; return c.r; } function optional(f) { return f == null ? null : required(f); } function required(f) { if (typeof f !== "function") throw new Error; return f; } function constantZero() { return 0; } function constant$3(x) { return function() { return x; }; } function defaultRadius(d) { return Math.sqrt(d.value); } function d3Pack() { var radius = null, dx = 1, dy = 1, padding = constantZero; function pack(root) { root.x = dx / 2, root.y = dy / 2; if (radius) { root.eachBefore(radiusLeaf(radius)) .eachAfter(packChildren(padding, 0.5)) .eachBefore(translateChild(1)); } else { root.eachBefore(radiusLeaf(defaultRadius)) .eachAfter(packChildren(constantZero, 1)) .eachAfter(packChildren(padding, root.r / Math.min(dx, dy))) .eachBefore(translateChild(Math.min(dx, dy) / (2 * root.r))); } return root; } pack.radius = function(x) { return arguments.length ? (radius = optional(x), pack) : radius; }; pack.size = function(x) { return arguments.length ? (dx = +x[0], dy = +x[1], pack) : [dx, dy]; }; pack.padding = function(x) { return arguments.length ? (padding = typeof x === "function" ? x : constant$3(+x), pack) : padding; }; return pack; } function radiusLeaf(radius) { return function(node) { if (!node.children) { node.r = Math.max(0, +radius(node) || 0); } }; } function packChildren(padding, k) { return function(node) { if (children = node.children) { var children, i, n = children.length, r = padding(node) * k || 0, e; if (r) for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) children[i].r += r; e = packEnclose(children); if (r) for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) children[i].r -= r; node.r = e + r; } }; } function translateChild(k) { return function(node) { var parent = node.parent; node.r *= k; if (parent) { node.x = parent.x + k * node.x; node.y = parent.y + k * node.y; } }; } var noop = {value: function() {}}; function dispatch() { for (var i = 0, n = arguments.length, _ = {}, t; i < n; ++i) { if (!(t = arguments[i] + "") || (t in _)) throw new Error("illegal type: " + t); _[t] = []; } return new Dispatch(_); } function Dispatch(_) { this._ = _; } function parseTypenames$1(typenames, types) { return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) { var name = "", i = t.indexOf("."); if (i >= 0) name = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i); if (t && !types.hasOwnProperty(t)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + t); return {type: t, name: name}; }); } Dispatch.prototype = dispatch.prototype = { constructor: Dispatch, on: function(typename, callback) { var _ = this._, T = parseTypenames$1(typename + "", _), t, i = -1, n = T.length; // If no callback was specified, return the callback of the given type and name. if (arguments.length < 2) { while (++i < n) if ((t = (typename = T[i]).type) && (t = get(_[t], typename.name))) return t; return; } // If a type was specified, set the callback for the given type and name. // Otherwise, if a null callback was specified, remove callbacks of the given name. if (callback != null && typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback); while (++i < n) { if (t = (typename = T[i]).type) _[t] = set(_[t], typename.name, callback); else if (callback == null) for (t in _) _[t] = set(_[t], typename.name, null); } return this; }, copy: function() { var copy = {}, _ = this._; for (var t in _) copy[t] = _[t].slice(); return new Dispatch(copy); }, call: function(type, that) { if ((n = arguments.length - 2) > 0) for (var args = new Array(n), i = 0, n, t; i < n; ++i) args[i] = arguments[i + 2]; if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type); for (t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args); }, apply: function(type, that, args) { if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type); for (var t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args); } }; function get(type, name) { for (var i = 0, n = type.length, c; i < n; ++i) { if ((c = type[i]).name === name) { return c.value; } } } function set(type, name, callback) { for (var i = 0, n = type.length; i < n; ++i) { if (type[i].name === name) { type[i] = noop, type = type.slice(0, i).concat(type.slice(i + 1)); break; } } if (callback != null) type.push({name: name, value: callback}); return type; } var frame = 0, // is an animation frame pending? timeout = 0, // is a timeout pending? interval = 0, // are any timers active? pokeDelay = 1000, // how frequently we check for clock skew taskHead, taskTail, clockLast = 0, clockNow = 0, clockSkew = 0, clock = typeof performance === "object" && performance.now ? performance : Date, setFrame = typeof window === "object" && window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : function(f) { setTimeout(f, 17); }; function now() { return clockNow || (setFrame(clearNow), clockNow = clock.now() + clockSkew); } function clearNow() { clockNow = 0; } function Timer() { this._call = this._time = this._next = null; } Timer.prototype = timer.prototype = { constructor: Timer, restart: function(callback, delay, time) { if (typeof callback !== "function") throw new TypeError("callback is not a function"); time = (time == null ? now() : +time) + (delay == null ? 0 : +delay); if (!this._next && taskTail !== this) { if (taskTail) taskTail._next = this; else taskHead = this; taskTail = this; } this._call = callback; this._time = time; sleep(); }, stop: function() { if (this._call) { this._call = null; this._time = Infinity; sleep(); } } }; function timer(callback, delay, time) { var t = new Timer; t.restart(callback, delay, time); return t; } function timerFlush() { now(); // Get the current time, if not already set. ++frame; // Pretend we’ve set an alarm, if we haven’t already. var t = taskHead, e; while (t) { if ((e = clockNow - t._time) >= 0) t._call.call(null, e); t = t._next; } --frame; } function wake() { clockNow = (clockLast = clock.now()) + clockSkew; frame = timeout = 0; try { timerFlush(); } finally { frame = 0; nap(); clockNow = 0; } } function poke() { var now = clock.now(), delay = now - clockLast; if (delay > pokeDelay) clockSkew -= delay, clockLast = now; } function nap() { var t0, t1 = taskHead, t2, time = Infinity; while (t1) { if (t1._call) { if (time > t1._time) time = t1._time; t0 = t1, t1 = t1._next; } else { t2 = t1._next, t1._next = null; t1 = t0 ? t0._next = t2 : taskHead = t2; } } taskTail = t0; sleep(time); } function sleep(time) { if (frame) return; // Soonest alarm already set, or will be. if (timeout) timeout = clearTimeout(timeout); var delay = time - clockNow; // Strictly less than if we recomputed clockNow. if (delay > 24) { if (time < Infinity) timeout = setTimeout(wake, time - clock.now() - clockSkew); if (interval) interval = clearInterval(interval); } else { if (!interval) clockLast = clock.now(), interval = setInterval(poke, pokeDelay); frame = 1, setFrame(wake); } } function timeout$1(callback, delay, time) { var t = new Timer; delay = delay == null ? 0 : +delay; t.restart(function(elapsed) { t.stop(); callback(elapsed + delay); }, delay, time); return t; } var emptyOn = dispatch("start", "end", "cancel", "interrupt"); var emptyTween = []; var CREATED = 0; var SCHEDULED = 1; var STARTING = 2; var STARTED = 3; var RUNNING = 4; var ENDING = 5; var ENDED = 6; function schedule(node, name, id, index, group, timing) { var schedules = node.__transition; if (!schedules) node.__transition = {}; else if (id in schedules) return; create(node, id, { name: name, index: index, // For context during callback. group: group, // For context during callback. on: emptyOn, tween: emptyTween, time: timing.time, delay: timing.delay, duration: timing.duration, ease: timing.ease, timer: null, state: CREATED }); } function init(node, id) { var schedule = get$1(node, id); if (schedule.state > CREATED) throw new Error("too late; already scheduled"); return schedule; } function set$1(node, id) { var schedule = get$1(node, id); if (schedule.state > STARTED) throw new Error("too late; already running"); return schedule; } function get$1(node, id) { var schedule = node.__transition; if (!schedule || !(schedule = schedule[id])) throw new Error("transition not found"); return schedule; } function create(node, id, self) { var schedules = node.__transition, tween; // Initialize the self timer when the transition is created. // Note the actual delay is not known until the first callback! schedules[id] = self; self.timer = timer(schedule, 0, self.time); function schedule(elapsed) { self.state = SCHEDULED; self.timer.restart(start, self.delay, self.time); // If the elapsed delay is less than our first sleep, start immediately. if (self.delay <= elapsed) start(elapsed - self.delay); } function start(elapsed) { var i, j, n, o; // If the state is not SCHEDULED, then we previously errored on start. if (self.state !== SCHEDULED) return stop(); for (i in schedules) { o = schedules[i]; if (o.name !== self.name) continue; // While this element already has a starting transition during this frame, // defer starting an interrupting transition until that transition has a // chance to tick (and possibly end); see d3/d3-transition#54! if (o.state === STARTED) return timeout$1(start); // Interrupt the active transition, if any. if (o.state === RUNNING) { o.state = ENDED; o.timer.stop(); o.on.call("interrupt", node, node.__data__, o.index, o.group); delete schedules[i]; } // Cancel any pre-empted transitions. else if (+i < id) { o.state = ENDED; o.timer.stop(); o.on.call("cancel", node, node.__data__, o.index, o.group); delete schedules[i]; } } // Defer the first tick to end of the current frame; see d3/d3#1576. // Note the transition may be canceled after start and before the first tick! // Note this must be scheduled before the start event; see d3/d3-transition#16! // Assuming this is successful, subsequent callbacks go straight to tick. timeout$1(function() { if (self.state === STARTED) { self.state = RUNNING; self.timer.restart(tick, self.delay, self.time); tick(elapsed); } }); // Dispatch the start event. // Note this must be done before the tween are initialized. self.state = STARTING; self.on.call("start", node, node.__data__, self.index, self.group); if (self.state !== STARTING) return; // interrupted self.state = STARTED; // Initialize the tween, deleting null tween. tween = new Array(n = self.tween.length); for (i = 0, j = -1; i < n; ++i) { if (o = self.tween[i].value.call(node, node.__data__, self.index, self.group)) { tween[++j] = o; } } tween.length = j + 1; } function tick(elapsed) { var t = elapsed < self.duration ? self.ease.call(null, elapsed / self.duration) : (self.timer.restart(stop), self.state = ENDING, 1), i = -1, n = tween.length; while (++i < n) { tween[i].call(node, t); } // Dispatch the end event. if (self.state === ENDING) { self.on.call("end", node, node.__data__, self.index, self.group); stop(); } } function stop() { self.state = ENDED; self.timer.stop(); delete schedules[id]; for (var i in schedules) return; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars delete node.__transition; } } function interrupt(node, name) { var schedules = node.__transition, schedule, active, empty = true, i; if (!schedules) return; name = name == null ? null : name + ""; for (i in schedules) { if ((schedule = schedules[i]).name !== name) { empty = false; continue; } active = schedule.state > STARTING && schedule.state < ENDING; schedule.state = ENDED; schedule.timer.stop(); schedule.on.call(active ? "interrupt" : "cancel", node, node.__data__, schedule.index, schedule.group); delete schedules[i]; } if (empty) delete node.__transition; } function selection_interrupt(name) { return this.each(function() { interrupt(this, name); }); } function tweenRemove(id, name) { var tween0, tween1; return function() { var schedule = set$1(this, id), tween = schedule.tween; // If this node shared tween with the previous node, // just assign the updated shared tween and we’re done! // Otherwise, copy-on-write. if (tween !== tween0) { tween1 = tween0 = tween; for (var i = 0, n = tween1.length; i < n; ++i) { if (tween1[i].name === name) { tween1 = tween1.slice(); tween1.splice(i, 1); break; } } } schedule.tween = tween1; }; } function tweenFunction(id, name, value) { var tween0, tween1; if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error; return function() { var schedule = set$1(this, id), tween = schedule.tween; // If this node shared tween with the previous node, // just assign the updated shared tween and we’re done! // Otherwise, copy-on-write. if (tween !== tween0) { tween1 = (tween0 = tween).slice(); for (var t = {name: name, value: value}, i = 0, n = tween1.length; i < n; ++i) { if (tween1[i].name === name) { tween1[i] = t; break; } } if (i === n) tween1.push(t); } schedule.tween = tween1; }; } function transition_tween(name, value) { var id = this._id; name += ""; if (arguments.length < 2) { var tween = get$1(this.node(), id).tween; for (var i = 0, n = tween.length, t; i < n; ++i) { if ((t = tween[i]).name === name) { return t.value; } } return null; } return this.each((value == null ? tweenRemove : tweenFunction)(id, name, value)); } function tweenValue(transition, name, value) { var id = transition._id; transition.each(function() { var schedule = set$1(this, id); (schedule.value || (schedule.value = {}))[name] = value.apply(this, arguments); }); return function(node) { return get$1(node, id).value[name]; }; } function interpolate(a, b) { var c; return (typeof b === "number" ? interpolateNumber : b instanceof color ? interpolateRgb : (c = color(b)) ? (b = c, interpolateRgb) : interpolateString)(a, b); } function attrRemove$1(name) { return function() { this.removeAttribute(name); }; } function attrRemoveNS$1(fullname) { return function() { this.removeAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local); }; } function attrConstant$1(name, interpolate, value1) { var string00, string1 = value1 + "", interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = this.getAttribute(name); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1); }; } function attrConstantNS$1(fullname, interpolate, value1) { var string00, string1 = value1 + "", interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = this.getAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1); }; } function attrFunction$1(name, interpolate, value) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0, value1 = value(this), string1; if (value1 == null) return void this.removeAttribute(name); string0 = this.getAttribute(name); string1 = value1 + ""; return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : (string10 = string1, interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1)); }; } function attrFunctionNS$1(fullname, interpolate, value) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0, value1 = value(this), string1; if (value1 == null) return void this.removeAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local); string0 = this.getAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local); string1 = value1 + ""; return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : (string10 = string1, interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1)); }; } function transition_attr(name, value) { var fullname = namespace(name), i = fullname === "transform" ? interpolateTransformSvg : interpolate; return this.attrTween(name, typeof value === "function" ? (fullname.local ? attrFunctionNS$1 : attrFunction$1)(fullname, i, tweenValue(this, "attr." + name, value)) : value == null ? (fullname.local ? attrRemoveNS$1 : attrRemove$1)(fullname) : (fullname.local ? attrConstantNS$1 : attrConstant$1)(fullname, i, value)); } function attrInterpolate(name, i) { return function(t) { this.setAttribute(name, i(t)); }; } function attrInterpolateNS(fullname, i) { return function(t) { this.setAttributeNS(fullname.space, fullname.local, i(t)); }; } function attrTweenNS(fullname, value) { var t0, i0; function tween() { var i = value.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== i0) t0 = (i0 = i) && attrInterpolateNS(fullname, i); return t0; } tween._value = value; return tween; } function attrTween(name, value) { var t0, i0; function tween() { var i = value.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== i0) t0 = (i0 = i) && attrInterpolate(name, i); return t0; } tween._value = value; return tween; } function transition_attrTween(name, value) { var key = "attr." + name; if (arguments.length < 2) return (key = this.tween(key)) && key._value; if (value == null) return this.tween(key, null); if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error; var fullname = namespace(name); return this.tween(key, (fullname.local ? attrTweenNS : attrTween)(fullname, value)); } function delayFunction(id, value) { return function() { init(this, id).delay = +value.apply(this, arguments); }; } function delayConstant(id, value) { return value = +value, function() { init(this, id).delay = value; }; } function transition_delay(value) { var id = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof value === "function" ? delayFunction : delayConstant)(id, value)) : get$1(this.node(), id).delay; } function durationFunction(id, value) { return function() { set$1(this, id).duration = +value.apply(this, arguments); }; } function durationConstant(id, value) { return value = +value, function() { set$1(this, id).duration = value; }; } function transition_duration(value) { var id = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof value === "function" ? durationFunction : durationConstant)(id, value)) : get$1(this.node(), id).duration; } function easeConstant(id, value) { if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error; return function() { set$1(this, id).ease = value; }; } function transition_ease(value) { var id = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each(easeConstant(id, value)) : get$1(this.node(), id).ease; } function transition_filter(match) { if (typeof match !== "function") match = matcher(match); for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = [], node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group[i]) && match.call(node, node.__data__, i, group)) { subgroup.push(node); } } } return new Transition(subgroups, this._parents, this._name, this._id); } function transition_merge(transition) { if (transition._id !== this._id) throw new Error; for (var groups0 = this._groups, groups1 = transition._groups, m0 = groups0.length, m1 = groups1.length, m = Math.min(m0, m1), merges = new Array(m0), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group0 = groups0[j], group1 = groups1[j], n = group0.length, merge = merges[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group0[i] || group1[i]) { merge[i] = node; } } } for (; j < m0; ++j) { merges[j] = groups0[j]; } return new Transition(merges, this._parents, this._name, this._id); } function start(name) { return (name + "").trim().split(/^|\s+/).every(function(t) { var i = t.indexOf("."); if (i >= 0) t = t.slice(0, i); return !t || t === "start"; }); } function onFunction(id, name, listener) { var on0, on1, sit = start(name) ? init : set$1; return function() { var schedule = sit(this, id), on = schedule.on; // If this node shared a dispatch with the previous node, // just assign the updated shared dispatch and we’re done! // Otherwise, copy-on-write. if (on !== on0) (on1 = (on0 = on).copy()).on(name, listener); schedule.on = on1; }; } function transition_on(name, listener) { var id = this._id; return arguments.length < 2 ? get$1(this.node(), id).on.on(name) : this.each(onFunction(id, name, listener)); } function removeFunction(id) { return function() { var parent = this.parentNode; for (var i in this.__transition) if (+i !== id) return; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this); }; } function transition_remove() { return this.on("end.remove", removeFunction(this._id)); } function transition_select(select) { var name = this._name, id = this._id; if (typeof select !== "function") select = selector(select); for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, subnode, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group[i]) && (subnode = select.call(node, node.__data__, i, group))) { if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__; subgroup[i] = subnode; schedule(subgroup[i], name, id, i, subgroup, get$1(node, id)); } } } return new Transition(subgroups, this._parents, name, id); } function transition_selectAll(select) { var name = this._name, id = this._id; if (typeof select !== "function") select = selectorAll(select); for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, subgroups = [], parents = [], j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { for (var children = select.call(node, node.__data__, i, group), child, inherit = get$1(node, id), k = 0, l = children.length; k < l; ++k) { if (child = children[k]) { schedule(child, name, id, k, children, inherit); } } subgroups.push(children); parents.push(node); } } } return new Transition(subgroups, parents, name, id); } var Selection$1 = selection.prototype.constructor; function transition_selection() { return new Selection$1(this._groups, this._parents); } function styleNull(name, interpolate) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = styleValue(this, name), string1 = (this.style.removeProperty(name), styleValue(this, name)); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, string10 = string1); }; } function styleRemove$1(name) { return function() { this.style.removeProperty(name); }; } function styleConstant$1(name, interpolate, value1) { var string00, string1 = value1 + "", interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = styleValue(this, name); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1); }; } function styleFunction$1(name, interpolate, value) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = styleValue(this, name), value1 = value(this), string1 = value1 + ""; if (value1 == null) string1 = value1 = (this.style.removeProperty(name), styleValue(this, name)); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : (string10 = string1, interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1)); }; } function styleMaybeRemove(id, name) { var on0, on1, listener0, key = "style." + name, event = "end." + key, remove; return function() { var schedule = set$1(this, id), on = schedule.on, listener = schedule.value[key] == null ? remove || (remove = styleRemove$1(name)) : undefined; // If this node shared a dispatch with the previous node, // just assign the updated shared dispatch and we’re done! // Otherwise, copy-on-write. if (on !== on0 || listener0 !== listener) (on1 = (on0 = on).copy()).on(event, listener0 = listener); schedule.on = on1; }; } function transition_style(name, value, priority) { var i = (name += "") === "transform" ? interpolateTransformCss : interpolate; return value == null ? this .styleTween(name, styleNull(name, i)) .on("end.style." + name, styleRemove$1(name)) : typeof value === "function" ? this .styleTween(name, styleFunction$1(name, i, tweenValue(this, "style." + name, value))) .each(styleMaybeRemove(this._id, name)) : this .styleTween(name, styleConstant$1(name, i, value), priority) .on("end.style." + name, null); } function styleInterpolate(name, i, priority) { return function(t) { this.style.setProperty(name, i(t), priority); }; } function styleTween(name, value, priority) { var t, i0; function tween() { var i = value.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== i0) t = (i0 = i) && styleInterpolate(name, i, priority); return t; } tween._value = value; return tween; } function transition_styleTween(name, value, priority) { var key = "style." + (name += ""); if (arguments.length < 2) return (key = this.tween(key)) && key._value; if (value == null) return this.tween(key, null); if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error; return this.tween(key, styleTween(name, value, priority == null ? "" : priority)); } function textConstant$1(value) { return function() { this.textContent = value; }; } function textFunction$1(value) { return function() { var value1 = value(this); this.textContent = value1 == null ? "" : value1; }; } function transition_text(value) { return this.tween("text", typeof value === "function" ? textFunction$1(tweenValue(this, "text", value)) : textConstant$1(value == null ? "" : value + "")); } function transition_transition() { var name = this._name, id0 = this._id, id1 = newId(); for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { var inherit = get$1(node, id0); schedule(node, name, id1, i, group, { time: inherit.time + inherit.delay + inherit.duration, delay: 0, duration: inherit.duration, ease: inherit.ease }); } } } return new Transition(groups, this._parents, name, id1); } function transition_end() { var on0, on1, that = this, id = that._id, size = that.size(); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cancel = {value: reject}, end = {value: function() { if (--size === 0) resolve(); }}; that.each(function() { var schedule = set$1(this, id), on = schedule.on; // If this node shared a dispatch with the previous node, // just assign the updated shared dispatch and we’re done! // Otherwise, copy-on-write. if (on !== on0) { on1 = (on0 = on).copy(); on1._.cancel.push(cancel); on1._.interrupt.push(cancel); on1._.end.push(end); } schedule.on = on1; }); }); } var id = 0; function Transition(groups, parents, name, id) { this._groups = groups; this._parents = parents; this._name = name; this._id = id; } function transition(name) { return selection().transition(name); } function newId() { return ++id; } var selection_prototype = selection.prototype; Transition.prototype = transition.prototype = { constructor: Transition, select: transition_select, selectAll: transition_selectAll, filter: transition_filter, merge: transition_merge, selection: transition_selection, transition: transition_transition, call: selection_prototype.call, nodes: selection_prototype.nodes, node: selection_prototype.node, size: selection_prototype.size, empty: selection_prototype.empty, each: selection_prototype.each, on: transition_on, attr: transition_attr, attrTween: transition_attrTween, style: transition_style, styleTween: transition_styleTween, text: transition_text, remove: transition_remove, tween: transition_tween, delay: transition_delay, duration: transition_duration, ease: transition_ease, end: transition_end }; function cubicInOut(t) { return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2; } var defaultTiming = { time: null, // Set on use. delay: 0, duration: 250, ease: cubicInOut }; function inherit(node, id) { var timing; while (!(timing = node.__transition) || !(timing = timing[id])) { if (!(node = node.parentNode)) { return defaultTiming.time = now(), defaultTiming; } } return timing; } function selection_transition(name) { var id, timing; if (name instanceof Transition) { id = name._id, name = name._name; } else { id = newId(), (timing = defaultTiming).time = now(), name = name == null ? null : name + ""; } for (var groups = this._groups, m = groups.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group = groups[j], n = group.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group[i]) { schedule(node, name, id, i, group, timing || inherit(node, id)); } } } return new Transition(groups, this._parents, name, id); } selection.prototype.interrupt = selection_interrupt; selection.prototype.transition = selection_transition; function noevent() { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function dragDisable(view) { var root = view.document.documentElement, selection = d3Select(view).on("dragstart.drag", noevent, true); if ("onselectstart" in root) { selection.on("selectstart.drag", noevent, true); } else { root.__noselect = root.style.MozUserSelect; root.style.MozUserSelect = "none"; } } function yesdrag(view, noclick) { var root = view.document.documentElement, selection = d3Select(view).on("dragstart.drag", null); if (noclick) { selection.on("click.drag", noevent, true); setTimeout(function() { selection.on("click.drag", null); }, 0); } if ("onselectstart" in root) { selection.on("selectstart.drag", null); } else { root.style.MozUserSelect = root.__noselect; delete root.__noselect; } } function constant$4(x) { return function() { return x; }; } function ZoomEvent(target, type, transform) { this.target = target; this.type = type; this.transform = transform; } function Transform(k, x, y) { this.k = k; this.x = x; this.y = y; } Transform.prototype = { constructor: Transform, scale: function(k) { return k === 1 ? this : new Transform(this.k * k, this.x, this.y); }, translate: function(x, y) { return x === 0 & y === 0 ? this : new Transform(this.k, this.x + this.k * x, this.y + this.k * y); }, apply: function(point) { return [point[0] * this.k + this.x, point[1] * this.k + this.y]; }, applyX: function(x) { return x * this.k + this.x; }, applyY: function(y) { return y * this.k + this.y; }, invert: function(location) { return [(location[0] - this.x) / this.k, (location[1] - this.y) / this.k]; }, invertX: function(x) { return (x - this.x) / this.k; }, invertY: function(y) { return (y - this.y) / this.k; }, rescaleX: function(x) { return x.copy().domain(x.range().map(this.invertX, this).map(x.invert, x)); }, rescaleY: function(y) { return y.copy().domain(y.range().map(this.invertY, this).map(y.invert, y)); }, toString: function() { return "translate(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ") scale(" + this.k + ")"; } }; var identity$3 = new Transform(1, 0, 0); function nopropagation() { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function noevent$1() { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } // Ignore right-click, since that should open the context menu. function defaultFilter() { return !event.button; } function defaultExtent() { var e = this, w, h; if (e instanceof SVGElement) { e = e.ownerSVGElement || e; w = e.width.baseVal.value; h = e.height.baseVal.value; } else { w = e.clientWidth; h = e.clientHeight; } return [[0, 0], [w, h]]; } function defaultTransform() { return this.__zoom || identity$3; } function defaultWheelDelta() { return -event.deltaY * (event.deltaMode ? 120 : 1) / 500; } function defaultTouchable() { return "ontouchstart" in this; } function defaultConstrain(transform, extent, translateExtent) { var dx0 = transform.invertX(extent[0][0]) - translateExtent[0][0], dx1 = transform.invertX(extent[1][0]) - translateExtent[1][0], dy0 = transform.invertY(extent[0][1]) - translateExtent[0][1], dy1 = transform.invertY(extent[1][1]) - translateExtent[1][1]; return transform.translate( dx1 > dx0 ? (dx0 + dx1) / 2 : Math.min(0, dx0) || Math.max(0, dx1), dy1 > dy0 ? (dy0 + dy1) / 2 : Math.min(0, dy0) || Math.max(0, dy1) ); } function zoom() { var filter = defaultFilter, extent = defaultExtent, constrain = defaultConstrain, wheelDelta = defaultWheelDelta, touchable = defaultTouchable, scaleExtent = [0, Infinity], translateExtent = [[-Infinity, -Infinity], [Infinity, Infinity]], duration = 250, interpolate = interpolateZoom, gestures = [], listeners = dispatch("start", "zoom", "end"), touchstarting, touchending, touchDelay = 500, wheelDelay = 150, clickDistance2 = 0; function zoom(selection) { selection .property("__zoom", defaultTransform) .on("wheel.zoom", wheeled) .on("mousedown.zoom", mousedowned) .on("dblclick.zoom", dblclicked) .filter(touchable) .on("touchstart.zoom", touchstarted) .on("touchmove.zoom", touchmoved) .on("touchend.zoom touchcancel.zoom", touchended) .style("touch-action", "none") .style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)"); } zoom.transform = function(collection, transform) { var selection = collection.selection ? collection.selection() : collection; selection.property("__zoom", defaultTransform); if (collection !== selection) { schedule(collection, transform); } else { selection.interrupt().each(function() { gesture(this, arguments) .start() .zoom(null, typeof transform === "function" ? transform.apply(this, arguments) : transform) .end(); }); } }; zoom.scaleBy = function(selection, k) { zoom.scaleTo(selection, function() { var k0 = this.__zoom.k, k1 = typeof k === "function" ? k.apply(this, arguments) : k; return k0 * k1; }); }; zoom.scaleTo = function(selection, k) { zoom.transform(selection, function() { var e = extent.apply(this, arguments), t0 = this.__zoom, p0 = centroid(e), p1 = t0.invert(p0), k1 = typeof k === "function" ? k.apply(this, arguments) : k; return constrain(translate(scale(t0, k1), p0, p1), e, translateExtent); }); }; zoom.translateBy = function(selection, x, y) { zoom.transform(selection, function() { return constrain(this.__zoom.translate( typeof x === "function" ? x.apply(this, arguments) : x, typeof y === "function" ? y.apply(this, arguments) : y ), extent.apply(this, arguments), translateExtent); }); }; zoom.translateTo = function(selection, x, y) { zoom.transform(selection, function() { var e = extent.apply(this, arguments), t = this.__zoom, p = centroid(e); return constrain(identity$3.translate(p[0], p[1]).scale(t.k).translate( typeof x === "function" ? -x.apply(this, arguments) : -x, typeof y === "function" ? -y.apply(this, arguments) : -y ), e, translateExtent); }); }; function scale(transform, k) { k = Math.max(scaleExtent[0], Math.min(scaleExtent[1], k)); return k === transform.k ? transform : new Transform(k, transform.x, transform.y); } function translate(transform, p0, p1) { var x = p0[0] - p1[0] * transform.k, y = p0[1] - p1[1] * transform.k; return x === transform.x && y === transform.y ? transform : new Transform(transform.k, x, y); } function centroid(extent) { return [(+extent[0][0] + +extent[1][0]) / 2, (+extent[0][1] + +extent[1][1]) / 2]; } function schedule(transition, transform, center) { transition .on("start.zoom", function() { gesture(this, arguments).start(); }) .on("interrupt.zoom end.zoom", function() { gesture(this, arguments).end(); }) .tween("zoom", function() { var that = this, args = arguments, g = gesture(that, args), e = extent.apply(that, args), p = center || centroid(e), w = Math.max(e[1][0] - e[0][0], e[1][1] - e[0][1]), a = that.__zoom, b = typeof transform === "function" ? transform.apply(that, args) : transform, i = interpolate(a.invert(p).concat(w / a.k), b.invert(p).concat(w / b.k)); return function(t) { if (t === 1) t = b; // Avoid rounding error on end. else { var l = i(t), k = w / l[2]; t = new Transform(k, p[0] - l[0] * k, p[1] - l[1] * k); } g.zoom(null, t); }; }); } function gesture(that, args) { for (var i = 0, n = gestures.length, g; i < n; ++i) { if ((g = gestures[i]).that === that) { return g; } } return new Gesture(that, args); } function Gesture(that, args) { this.that = that; this.args = args; this.index = -1; this.active = 0; this.extent = extent.apply(that, args); } Gesture.prototype = { start: function() { if (++this.active === 1) { this.index = gestures.push(this) - 1; this.emit("start"); } return this; }, zoom: function(key, transform) { if (this.mouse && key !== "mouse") this.mouse[1] = transform.invert(this.mouse[0]); if (this.touch0 && key !== "touch") this.touch0[1] = transform.invert(this.touch0[0]); if (this.touch1 && key !== "touch") this.touch1[1] = transform.invert(this.touch1[0]); this.that.__zoom = transform; this.emit("zoom"); return this; }, end: function() { if (--this.active === 0) { gestures.splice(this.index, 1); this.index = -1; this.emit("end"); } return this; }, emit: function(type) { customEvent(new ZoomEvent(zoom, type, this.that.__zoom), listeners.apply, listeners, [type, this.that, this.args]); } }; function wheeled() { if (!filter.apply(this, arguments)) return; var g = gesture(this, arguments), t = this.__zoom, k = Math.max(scaleExtent[0], Math.min(scaleExtent[1], t.k * Math.pow(2, wheelDelta.apply(this, arguments)))), p = mouse(this); // If the mouse is in the same location as before, reuse it. // If there were recent wheel events, reset the wheel idle timeout. if (g.wheel) { if (g.mouse[0][0] !== p[0] || g.mouse[0][1] !== p[1]) { g.mouse[1] = t.invert(g.mouse[0] = p); } clearTimeout(g.wheel); } // If this wheel event won’t trigger a transform change, ignore it. else if (t.k === k) return; // Otherwise, capture the mouse point and location at the start. else { g.mouse = [p, t.invert(p)]; interrupt(this); g.start(); } noevent$1(); g.wheel = setTimeout(wheelidled, wheelDelay); g.zoom("mouse", constrain(translate(scale(t, k), g.mouse[0], g.mouse[1]), g.extent, translateExtent)); function wheelidled() { g.wheel = null; g.end(); } } function mousedowned() { if (touchending || !filter.apply(this, arguments)) return; var g = gesture(this, arguments), v = d3Select(event.view).on("mousemove.zoom", mousemoved, true).on("mouseup.zoom", mouseupped, true), p = mouse(this), x0 = event.clientX, y0 = event.clientY; dragDisable(event.view); nopropagation(); g.mouse = [p, this.__zoom.invert(p)]; interrupt(this); g.start(); function mousemoved() { noevent$1(); if (!g.moved) { var dx = event.clientX - x0, dy = event.clientY - y0; g.moved = dx * dx + dy * dy > clickDistance2; } g.zoom("mouse", constrain(translate(g.that.__zoom, g.mouse[0] = mouse(g.that), g.mouse[1]), g.extent, translateExtent)); } function mouseupped() { v.on("mousemove.zoom mouseup.zoom", null); yesdrag(event.view, g.moved); noevent$1(); g.end(); } } function dblclicked() { if (!filter.apply(this, arguments)) return; var t0 = this.__zoom, p0 = mouse(this), p1 = t0.invert(p0), k1 = t0.k * (event.shiftKey ? 0.5 : 2), t1 = constrain(translate(scale(t0, k1), p0, p1), extent.apply(this, arguments), translateExtent); noevent$1(); if (duration > 0) d3Select(this).transition().duration(duration).call(schedule, t1, p0); else d3Select(this).call(zoom.transform, t1); } function touchstarted() { if (!filter.apply(this, arguments)) return; var g = gesture(this, arguments), touches = event.changedTouches, started, n = touches.length, i, t, p; nopropagation(); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { t = touches[i], p = touch(this, touches, t.identifier); p = [p, this.__zoom.invert(p), t.identifier]; if (!g.touch0) g.touch0 = p, started = true; else if (!g.touch1) g.touch1 = p; } // If this is a dbltap, reroute to the (optional) dblclick.zoom handler. if (touchstarting) { touchstarting = clearTimeout(touchstarting); if (!g.touch1) { g.end(); p = d3Select(this).on("dblclick.zoom"); if (p) p.apply(this, arguments); return; } } if (started) { touchstarting = setTimeout(function() { touchstarting = null; }, touchDelay); interrupt(this); g.start(); } } function touchmoved() { var g = gesture(this, arguments), touches = event.changedTouches, n = touches.length, i, t, p, l; noevent$1(); if (touchstarting) touchstarting = clearTimeout(touchstarting); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { t = touches[i], p = touch(this, touches, t.identifier); if (g.touch0 && g.touch0[2] === t.identifier) g.touch0[0] = p; else if (g.touch1 && g.touch1[2] === t.identifier) g.touch1[0] = p; } t = g.that.__zoom; if (g.touch1) { var p0 = g.touch0[0], l0 = g.touch0[1], p1 = g.touch1[0], l1 = g.touch1[1], dp = (dp = p1[0] - p0[0]) * dp + (dp = p1[1] - p0[1]) * dp, dl = (dl = l1[0] - l0[0]) * dl + (dl = l1[1] - l0[1]) * dl; t = scale(t, Math.sqrt(dp / dl)); p = [(p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2]; l = [(l0[0] + l1[0]) / 2, (l0[1] + l1[1]) / 2]; } else if (g.touch0) p = g.touch0[0], l = g.touch0[1]; else return; g.zoom("touch", constrain(translate(t, p, l), g.extent, translateExtent)); } function touchended() { var g = gesture(this, arguments), touches = event.changedTouches, n = touches.length, i, t; nopropagation(); if (touchending) clearTimeout(touchending); touchending = setTimeout(function() { touchending = null; }, touchDelay); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { t = touches[i]; if (g.touch0 && g.touch0[2] === t.identifier) delete g.touch0; else if (g.touch1 && g.touch1[2] === t.identifier) delete g.touch1; } if (g.touch1 && !g.touch0) g.touch0 = g.touch1, delete g.touch1; if (g.touch0) g.touch0[1] = this.__zoom.invert(g.touch0[0]); else g.end(); } zoom.wheelDelta = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (wheelDelta = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$4(+_), zoom) : wheelDelta; }; zoom.filter = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (filter = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$4(!!_), zoom) : filter; }; zoom.touchable = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (touchable = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$4(!!_), zoom) : touchable; }; zoom.extent = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (extent = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant$4([[+_[0][0], +_[0][1]], [+_[1][0], +_[1][1]]]), zoom) : extent; }; zoom.scaleExtent = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (scaleExtent[0] = +_[0], scaleExtent[1] = +_[1], zoom) : [scaleExtent[0], scaleExtent[1]]; }; zoom.translateExtent = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (translateExtent[0][0] = +_[0][0], translateExtent[1][0] = +_[1][0], translateExtent[0][1] = +_[0][1], translateExtent[1][1] = +_[1][1], zoom) : [[translateExtent[0][0], translateExtent[0][1]], [translateExtent[1][0], translateExtent[1][1]]]; }; zoom.constrain = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (constrain = _, zoom) : constrain; }; zoom.duration = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (duration = +_, zoom) : duration; }; zoom.interpolate = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (interpolate = _, zoom) : interpolate; }; zoom.on = function() { var value = listeners.on.apply(listeners, arguments); return value === listeners ? zoom : value; }; zoom.clickDistance = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (clickDistance2 = (_ = +_) * _, zoom) : Math.sqrt(clickDistance2); }; return zoom; } /** * Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not * be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for * N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the * leading edge, instead of the trailing. The function also has a property 'clear' * that is a function which will clear the timer to prevent previously scheduled executions. * * @source underscore.js * @see http://unscriptable.com/2009/03/20/debouncing-javascript-methods/ * @param {Function} function to wrap * @param {Number} timeout in ms (`100`) * @param {Boolean} whether to execute at the beginning (`false`) * @api public */ function debounce(func, wait, immediate){ var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result; if (null == wait) wait = 100; function later() { var last = Date.now() - timestamp; if (last < wait && last >= 0) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); } else { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; } } } var debounced = function(){ context = this; args = arguments; timestamp = Date.now(); var callNow = immediate && !timeout; if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; } return result; }; debounced.clear = function() { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } }; debounced.flush = function() { if (timeout) { result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } }; return debounced; } // Adds compatibility for ES modules debounce.debounce = debounce; var debounce_1 = debounce; function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); } function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; } function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } var Prop = function Prop(name, _ref) { var _ref$default = _ref["default"], defaultVal = _ref$default === void 0 ? null : _ref$default, _ref$triggerUpdate = _ref.triggerUpdate, triggerUpdate = _ref$triggerUpdate === void 0 ? true : _ref$triggerUpdate, _ref$onChange = _ref.onChange, onChange = _ref$onChange === void 0 ? function (newVal, state) {} : _ref$onChange; _classCallCheck(this, Prop); this.name = name; this.defaultVal = defaultVal; this.triggerUpdate = triggerUpdate; this.onChange = onChange; }; function index (_ref2) { var _ref2$stateInit = _ref2.stateInit, stateInit = _ref2$stateInit === void 0 ? function () { return {}; } : _ref2$stateInit, _ref2$props = _ref2.props, rawProps = _ref2$props === void 0 ? {} : _ref2$props, _ref2$methods = _ref2.methods, methods = _ref2$methods === void 0 ? {} : _ref2$methods, _ref2$aliases = _ref2.aliases, aliases = _ref2$aliases === void 0 ? {} : _ref2$aliases, _ref2$init = _ref2.init, initFn = _ref2$init === void 0 ? function () {} : _ref2$init, _ref2$update = _ref2.update, updateFn = _ref2$update === void 0 ? function () {} : _ref2$update; // Parse props into Prop instances var props = Object.keys(rawProps).map(function (propName) { return new Prop(propName, rawProps[propName]); }); return function () { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; // Holds component state var state = Object.assign({}, stateInit instanceof Function ? stateInit(options) : stateInit, // Support plain objects for backwards compatibility { initialised: false }); // Component constructor function comp(nodeElement) { initStatic(nodeElement, options); digest(); return comp; } var initStatic = function initStatic(nodeElement, options) { initFn.call(comp, nodeElement, state, options); state.initialised = true; }; var digest = debounce_1(function () { if (!state.initialised) { return; } updateFn.call(comp, state); }, 1); // Getter/setter methods props.forEach(function (prop) { comp[prop.name] = getSetProp(prop.name, prop.triggerUpdate, prop.onChange); function getSetProp(prop) { var redigest = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; var onChange = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : function (newVal, state) {}; return function (_) { var curVal = state[prop]; if (!arguments.length) { return curVal; } // Getter mode state[prop] = _; onChange.call(comp, _, state, curVal); if (redigest) { digest(); } return comp; }; } }); // Other methods Object.keys(methods).forEach(function (methodName) { comp[methodName] = function () { var _methods$methodName; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return (_methods$methodName = methods[methodName]).call.apply(_methods$methodName, [comp, state].concat(args)); }; }); // Link aliases Object.entries(aliases).forEach(function (_ref3) { var _ref4 = _slicedToArray(_ref3, 2), alias = _ref4[0], target = _ref4[1]; return comp[alias] = comp[target]; }); // Reset all component props to their default value comp.resetProps = function () { props.forEach(function (prop) { comp[prop.name](prop.defaultVal); }); return comp; }; // comp.resetProps(); // Apply all prop defaults state._rerender = digest; // Expose digest method return comp; }; } function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function (obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; var ownKeys = Object.keys(source); if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') { ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable; })); } ownKeys.forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } return target; } var zoomable = index({ props: { htmlEl: { onChange: function onChange(el, state) { state.htmlEls = (!el ? [] : el instanceof Array ? el : [el]).map(function (el) { return _typeof(el) === 'object' && !!el.node && typeof el.node === 'function' ? el // already a D3 selection : d3Select(el); }); }, triggerUpdate: false }, svgEl: { onChange: function onChange(el, state) { state.svgEls = (!el ? [] : el instanceof Array ? el : [el]).map(function (el) { return _typeof(el) === 'object' && !!el.node && typeof el.node === 'function' ? el // already a D3 selection : d3Select(el); }); }, triggerUpdate: false }, canvasEl: { onChange: function onChange(el, state) { state.canvasCtxs = (!el ? [] : el instanceof Array ? el : [el]).map(function (el) { return _typeof(el) === 'object' && !!el.node && typeof el.node === 'function' ? el.node().getContext('2d') // D3 selection : el.getContext('2d'); }); }, triggerUpdate: false }, enableX: { "default": true, triggerUpdate: false }, enableY: { "default": true, triggerUpdate: false }, scaleExtent: { "default": [1, Infinity], onChange: function onChange(extent, state) { extent && state.zoom.scaleExtent(extent); }, triggerUpdate: false }, translateExtent: { onChange: function onChange(extent, state) { extent && state.zoom.translateExtent(extent); }, triggerUpdate: false }, onChange: { triggerUpdate: false } }, methods: { current: function current(state) { return _objectSpread({}, state.zoomTransform); }, zoomBy: function zoomBy(state, k) { var duration = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; if (state.initialised) { state.transitionDuration = duration; state.el.call(state.zoom.scaleBy, k); } return this; }, zoomReset: function zoomReset(state) { var duration = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0; if (state.initialised) { state.transitionDuration = duration; state.el.call(state.zoom.transform, identity$3); } return this; }, zoomTo: function zoomTo(state, _ref) { var _ref$x = _ref.x, x = _ref$x === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$x, _ref$y = _ref.y, y = _ref$y === void 0 ? 0 : _ref$y, _ref$k = _ref.k, k = _ref$k === void 0 ? 1 : _ref$k; var duration = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; if (state.initialised) { state.transitionDuration = duration; state.el.call(state.zoom.transform, identity$3.scale(k).translate(x, y)); } return this; } }, stateInit: function stateInit() { return { zoom: zoom().filter(function () { return !event.button && !event.dblclick; }), zoomTransform: { x: 0, y: 0, k: 1 } }; }, init: function init(el, state) { var isD3Selection = !!el && _typeof(el) === 'object' && !!el.node && typeof el.node === 'function'; state.el = d3Select(isD3Selection ? el.node() : el); state.el.call(state.zoom.on('zoom', function () { var tr = _objectSpread({}, event.transform); !state.enableX && (tr.x = 0); !state.enableY && (tr.y = 0); var prevTr = state.zoomTransform; state.zoomTransform = tr; var duration = state.transitionDuration || 0; state.transitionDuration = 0; // reset it var scX = state.enableX ? tr.k : 1; var scY = state.enableY ? tr.k : 1; state.htmlEls.forEach(function (el) { (duration ? el.transition().duration(duration) : el).style('transform', "translate(".concat(tr.x, "px, ").concat(tr.y, "px) scale(").concat(scX, ", ").concat(scY, ")")); }); state.svgEls.forEach(function (el) { (duration ? el.transition().duration(duration) : el).attr('transform', "translate(".concat(tr.x, ", ").concat(tr.y, ") scale(").concat(scX, ", ").concat(scY, ")")); }); state.canvasCtxs.forEach(function (ctx, idx) { var applyTr = function applyTr(_ref2) { var x = _ref2.x, y = _ref2.y, scX = _ref2.scX, scY = _ref2.scY; ctx.setTransform(scX, 0, 0, scY, x, y); }; duration ? transition().duration(duration).tween("animate-ctx-".concat(idx), function () { var xIpol = interpolateNumber(prevTr.x, tr.x); var yIpol = interpolateNumber(prevTr.y, tr.y); var scXIpol = state.enableX ? interpolateNumber(prevTr.k, tr.k) : function () { return 1; }; var scYIpol = state.enableY ? interpolateNumber(prevTr.k, tr.k) : function () { return 1; }; return function (t) { return applyTr({ x: xIpol(t), y: yIpol(t), scX: scXIpol(t), scY: scYIpol(t) }); }; }) : applyTr(_objectSpread({ scX: scX, scY: scY }, tr)); }); state.onChange && state.onChange(tr, prevTr, duration); })); state.el.on('dblclick.zoom', null); // Disable double-click zoom } }); var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; function unwrapExports (x) { return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, 'default') ? x['default'] : x; } function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } var tinycolor = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { // TinyColor v1.4.1 // https://github.com/bgrins/TinyColor // Brian Grinstead, MIT License (function(Math) { var trimLeft = /^\s+/, trimRight = /\s+$/, tinyCounter = 0, mathRound = Math.round, mathMin = Math.min, mathMax = Math.max, mathRandom = Math.random; function tinycolor (color, opts) { color = (color) ? color : ''; opts = opts || { }; // If input is already a tinycolor, return itself if (color instanceof tinycolor) { return color; } // If we are called as a function, call using new instead if (!(this instanceof tinycolor)) { return new tinycolor(color, opts); } var rgb = inputToRGB(color); this._originalInput = color, this._r = rgb.r, this._g = rgb.g, this._b = rgb.b, this._a = rgb.a, this._roundA = mathRound(100*this._a) / 100, this._format = opts.format || rgb.format; this._gradientType = opts.gradientType; // Don't let the range of [0,255] come back in [0,1]. // Potentially lose a little bit of precision here, but will fix issues where // .5 gets interpreted as half of the total, instead of half of 1 // If it was supposed to be 128, this was already taken care of by `inputToRgb` if (this._r < 1) { this._r = mathRound(this._r); } if (this._g < 1) { this._g = mathRound(this._g); } if (this._b < 1) { this._b = mathRound(this._b); } this._ok = rgb.ok; this._tc_id = tinyCounter++; } tinycolor.prototype = { isDark: function() { return this.getBrightness() < 128; }, isLight: function() { return !this.isDark(); }, isValid: function() { return this._ok; }, getOriginalInput: function() { return this._originalInput; }, getFormat: function() { return this._format; }, getAlpha: function() { return this._a; }, getBrightness: function() { //http://www.w3.org/TR/AERT#color-contrast var rgb = this.toRgb(); return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1000; }, getLuminance: function() { //http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#relativeluminancedef var rgb = this.toRgb(); var RsRGB, GsRGB, BsRGB, R, G, B; RsRGB = rgb.r/255; GsRGB = rgb.g/255; BsRGB = rgb.b/255; if (RsRGB <= 0.03928) {R = RsRGB / 12.92;} else {R = Math.pow(((RsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);} if (GsRGB <= 0.03928) {G = GsRGB / 12.92;} else {G = Math.pow(((GsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);} if (BsRGB <= 0.03928) {B = BsRGB / 12.92;} else {B = Math.pow(((BsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);} return (0.2126 * R) + (0.7152 * G) + (0.0722 * B); }, setAlpha: function(value) { this._a = boundAlpha(value); this._roundA = mathRound(100*this._a) / 100; return this; }, toHsv: function() { var hsv = rgbToHsv(this._r, this._g, this._b); return { h: hsv.h * 360, s: hsv.s, v: hsv.v, a: this._a }; }, toHsvString: function() { var hsv = rgbToHsv(this._r, this._g, this._b); var h = mathRound(hsv.h * 360), s = mathRound(hsv.s * 100), v = mathRound(hsv.v * 100); return (this._a == 1) ? "hsv(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + v + "%)" : "hsva(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + v + "%, "+ this._roundA + ")"; }, toHsl: function() { var hsl = rgbToHsl(this._r, this._g, this._b); return { h: hsl.h * 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l, a: this._a }; }, toHslString: function() { var hsl = rgbToHsl(this._r, this._g, this._b); var h = mathRound(hsl.h * 360), s = mathRound(hsl.s * 100), l = mathRound(hsl.l * 100); return (this._a == 1) ? "hsl(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + l + "%)" : "hsla(" + h + ", " + s + "%, " + l + "%, "+ this._roundA + ")"; }, toHex: function(allow3Char) { return rgbToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, allow3Char); }, toHexString: function(allow3Char) { return '#' + this.toHex(allow3Char); }, toHex8: function(allow4Char) { return rgbaToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a, allow4Char); }, toHex8String: function(allow4Char) { return '#' + this.toHex8(allow4Char); }, toRgb: function() { return { r: mathRound(this._r), g: mathRound(this._g), b: mathRound(this._b), a: this._a }; }, toRgbString: function() { return (this._a == 1) ? "rgb(" + mathRound(this._r) + ", " + mathRound(this._g) + ", " + mathRound(this._b) + ")" : "rgba(" + mathRound(this._r) + ", " + mathRound(this._g) + ", " + mathRound(this._b) + ", " + this._roundA + ")"; }, toPercentageRgb: function() { return { r: mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%", g: mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%", b: mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%", a: this._a }; }, toPercentageRgbString: function() { return (this._a == 1) ? "rgb(" + mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%)" : "rgba(" + mathRound(bound01(this._r, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._g, 255) * 100) + "%, " + mathRound(bound01(this._b, 255) * 100) + "%, " + this._roundA + ")"; }, toName: function() { if (this._a === 0) { return "transparent"; } if (this._a < 1) { return false; } return hexNames[rgbToHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, true)] || false; }, toFilter: function(secondColor) { var hex8String = '#' + rgbaToArgbHex(this._r, this._g, this._b, this._a); var secondHex8String = hex8String; var gradientType = this._gradientType ? "GradientType = 1, " : ""; if (secondColor) { var s = tinycolor(secondColor); secondHex8String = '#' + rgbaToArgbHex(s._r, s._g, s._b, s._a); } return "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient("+gradientType+"startColorstr="+hex8String+",endColorstr="+secondHex8String+")"; }, toString: function(format) { var formatSet = !!format; format = format || this._format; var formattedString = false; var hasAlpha = this._a < 1 && this._a >= 0; var needsAlphaFormat = !formatSet && hasAlpha && (format === "hex" || format === "hex6" || format === "hex3" || format === "hex4" || format === "hex8" || format === "name"); if (needsAlphaFormat) { // Special case for "transparent", all other non-alpha formats // will return rgba when there is transparency. if (format === "name" && this._a === 0) { return this.toName(); } return this.toRgbString(); } if (format === "rgb") { formattedString = this.toRgbString(); } if (format === "prgb") { formattedString = this.toPercentageRgbString(); } if (format === "hex" || format === "hex6") { formattedString = this.toHexString(); } if (format === "hex3") { formattedString = this.toHexString(true); } if (format === "hex4") { formattedString = this.toHex8String(true); } if (format === "hex8") { formattedString = this.toHex8String(); } if (format === "name") { formattedString = this.toName(); } if (format === "hsl") { formattedString = this.toHslString(); } if (format === "hsv") { formattedString = this.toHsvString(); } return formattedString || this.toHexString(); }, clone: function() { return tinycolor(this.toString()); }, _applyModification: function(fn, args) { var color = fn.apply(null, [this].concat([].slice.call(args))); this._r = color._r; this._g = color._g; this._b = color._b; this.setAlpha(color._a); return this; }, lighten: function() { return this._applyModification(lighten, arguments); }, brighten: function() { return this._applyModification(brighten, arguments); }, darken: function() { return this._applyModification(darken, arguments); }, desaturate: function() { return this._applyModification(desaturate, arguments); }, saturate: function() { return this._applyModification(saturate, arguments); }, greyscale: function() { return this._applyModification(greyscale, arguments); }, spin: function() { return this._applyModification(spin, arguments); }, _applyCombination: function(fn, args) { return fn.apply(null, [this].concat([].slice.call(args))); }, analogous: function() { return this._applyCombination(analogous, arguments); }, complement: function() { return this._applyCombination(complement, arguments); }, monochromatic: function() { return this._applyCombination(monochromatic, arguments); }, splitcomplement: function() { return this._applyCombination(splitcomplement, arguments); }, triad: function() { return this._applyCombination(triad, arguments); }, tetrad: function() { return this._applyCombination(tetrad, arguments); } }; // If input is an object, force 1 into "1.0" to handle ratios properly // String input requires "1.0" as input, so 1 will be treated as 1 tinycolor.fromRatio = function(color, opts) { if (typeof color == "object") { var newColor = {}; for (var i in color) { if (color.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (i === "a") { newColor[i] = color[i]; } else { newColor[i] = convertToPercentage(color[i]); } } } color = newColor; } return tinycolor(color, opts); }; // Given a string or object, convert that input to RGB // Possible string inputs: // // "red" // "#f00" or "f00" // "#ff0000" or "ff0000" // "#ff000000" or "ff000000" // "rgb 255 0 0" or "rgb (255, 0, 0)" // "rgb 1.0 0 0" or "rgb (1, 0, 0)" // "rgba (255, 0, 0, 1)" or "rgba 255, 0, 0, 1" // "rgba (1.0, 0, 0, 1)" or "rgba 1.0, 0, 0, 1" // "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)" or "hsl 0 100% 50%" // "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)" or "hsla 0 100% 50%, 1" // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)" or "hsv 0 100% 100%" // function inputToRGB(color) { var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }; var a = 1; var s = null; var v = null; var l = null; var ok = false; var format = false; if (typeof color == "string") { color = stringInputToObject(color); } if (typeof color == "object") { if (isValidCSSUnit(color.r) && isValidCSSUnit(color.g) && isValidCSSUnit(color.b)) { rgb = rgbToRgb(color.r, color.g, color.b); ok = true; format = String(color.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb"; } else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.v)) { s = convertToPercentage(color.s); v = convertToPercentage(color.v); rgb = hsvToRgb(color.h, s, v); ok = true; format = "hsv"; } else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.l)) { s = convertToPercentage(color.s); l = convertToPercentage(color.l); rgb = hslToRgb(color.h, s, l); ok = true; format = "hsl"; } if (color.hasOwnProperty("a")) { a = color.a; } } a = boundAlpha(a); return { ok: ok, format: color.format || format, r: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.r, 0)), g: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.g, 0)), b: mathMin(255, mathMax(rgb.b, 0)), a: a }; } // Conversion Functions // -------------------- // `rgbToHsl`, `rgbToHsv`, `hslToRgb`, `hsvToRgb` modified from: // // `rgbToRgb` // Handle bounds / percentage checking to conform to CSS color spec // // *Assumes:* r, g, b in [0, 255] or [0, 1] // *Returns:* { r, g, b } in [0, 255] function rgbToRgb(r, g, b){ return { r: bound01(r, 255) * 255, g: bound01(g, 255) * 255, b: bound01(b, 255) * 255 }; } // `rgbToHsl` // Converts an RGB color value to HSL. // *Assumes:* r, g, and b are contained in [0, 255] or [0, 1] // *Returns:* { h, s, l } in [0,1] function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) { r = bound01(r, 255); g = bound01(g, 255); b = bound01(b, 255); var max = mathMax(r, g, b), min = mathMin(r, g, b); var h, s, l = (max + min) / 2; if(max == min) { h = s = 0; // achromatic } else { var d = max - min; s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min); switch(max) { case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; } h /= 6; } return { h: h, s: s, l: l }; } // `hslToRgb` // Converts an HSL color value to RGB. // *Assumes:* h is contained in [0, 1] or [0, 360] and s and l are contained [0, 1] or [0, 100] // *Returns:* { r, g, b } in the set [0, 255] function hslToRgb(h, s, l) { var r, g, b; h = bound01(h, 360); s = bound01(s, 100); l = bound01(l, 100); function hue2rgb(p, q, t) { if(t < 0) t += 1; if(t > 1) t -= 1; if(t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t; if(t < 1/2) return q; if(t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6; return p; } if(s === 0) { r = g = b = l; // achromatic } else { var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s; var p = 2 * l - q; r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3); g = hue2rgb(p, q, h); b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3); } return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 }; } // `rgbToHsv` // Converts an RGB color value to HSV // *Assumes:* r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] or [0, 1] // *Returns:* { h, s, v } in [0,1] function rgbToHsv(r, g, b) { r = bound01(r, 255); g = bound01(g, 255); b = bound01(b, 255); var max = mathMax(r, g, b), min = mathMin(r, g, b); var h, s, v = max; var d = max - min; s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max; if(max == min) { h = 0; // achromatic } else { switch(max) { case r: h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); break; case g: h = (b - r) / d + 2; break; case b: h = (r - g) / d + 4; break; } h /= 6; } return { h: h, s: s, v: v }; } // `hsvToRgb` // Converts an HSV color value to RGB. // *Assumes:* h is contained in [0, 1] or [0, 360] and s and v are contained in [0, 1] or [0, 100] // *Returns:* { r, g, b } in the set [0, 255] function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) { h = bound01(h, 360) * 6; s = bound01(s, 100); v = bound01(v, 100); var i = Math.floor(h), f = h - i, p = v * (1 - s), q = v * (1 - f * s), t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s), mod = i % 6, r = [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod], g = [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod], b = [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod]; return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 }; } // `rgbToHex` // Converts an RGB color to hex // Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] // Returns a 3 or 6 character hex function rgbToHex(r, g, b, allow3Char) { var hex = [ pad2(mathRound(r).toString(16)), pad2(mathRound(g).toString(16)), pad2(mathRound(b).toString(16)) ]; // Return a 3 character hex if possible if (allow3Char && hex[0].charAt(0) == hex[0].charAt(1) && hex[1].charAt(0) == hex[1].charAt(1) && hex[2].charAt(0) == hex[2].charAt(1)) { return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0); } return hex.join(""); } // `rgbaToHex` // Converts an RGBA color plus alpha transparency to hex // Assumes r, g, b are contained in the set [0, 255] and // a in [0, 1]. Returns a 4 or 8 character rgba hex function rgbaToHex(r, g, b, a, allow4Char) { var hex = [ pad2(mathRound(r).toString(16)), pad2(mathRound(g).toString(16)), pad2(mathRound(b).toString(16)), pad2(convertDecimalToHex(a)) ]; // Return a 4 character hex if possible if (allow4Char && hex[0].charAt(0) == hex[0].charAt(1) && hex[1].charAt(0) == hex[1].charAt(1) && hex[2].charAt(0) == hex[2].charAt(1) && hex[3].charAt(0) == hex[3].charAt(1)) { return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0) + hex[3].charAt(0); } return hex.join(""); } // `rgbaToArgbHex` // Converts an RGBA color to an ARGB Hex8 string // Rarely used, but required for "toFilter()" function rgbaToArgbHex(r, g, b, a) { var hex = [ pad2(convertDecimalToHex(a)), pad2(mathRound(r).toString(16)), pad2(mathRound(g).toString(16)), pad2(mathRound(b).toString(16)) ]; return hex.join(""); } // `equals` // Can be called with any tinycolor input tinycolor.equals = function (color1, color2) { if (!color1 || !color2) { return false; } return tinycolor(color1).toRgbString() == tinycolor(color2).toRgbString(); }; tinycolor.random = function() { return tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: mathRandom(), g: mathRandom(), b: mathRandom() }); }; // Modification Functions // ---------------------- // Thanks to less.js for some of the basics here // function desaturate(color, amount) { amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10); var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); hsl.s -= amount / 100; hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s); return tinycolor(hsl); } function saturate(color, amount) { amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10); var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); hsl.s += amount / 100; hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s); return tinycolor(hsl); } function greyscale(color) { return tinycolor(color).desaturate(100); } function lighten (color, amount) { amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10); var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); hsl.l += amount / 100; hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l); return tinycolor(hsl); } function brighten(color, amount) { amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10); var rgb = tinycolor(color).toRgb(); rgb.r = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.r - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100)))); rgb.g = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.g - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100)))); rgb.b = mathMax(0, mathMin(255, rgb.b - mathRound(255 * - (amount / 100)))); return tinycolor(rgb); } function darken (color, amount) { amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 10); var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); hsl.l -= amount / 100; hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l); return tinycolor(hsl); } // Spin takes a positive or negative amount within [-360, 360] indicating the change of hue. // Values outside of this range will be wrapped into this range. function spin(color, amount) { var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); var hue = (hsl.h + amount) % 360; hsl.h = hue < 0 ? 360 + hue : hue; return tinycolor(hsl); } // Combination Functions // --------------------- // Thanks to jQuery xColor for some of the ideas behind these // function complement(color) { var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); hsl.h = (hsl.h + 180) % 360; return tinycolor(hsl); } function triad(color) { var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); var h = hsl.h; return [ tinycolor(color), tinycolor({ h: (h + 120) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }), tinycolor({ h: (h + 240) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }) ]; } function tetrad(color) { var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); var h = hsl.h; return [ tinycolor(color), tinycolor({ h: (h + 90) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }), tinycolor({ h: (h + 180) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }), tinycolor({ h: (h + 270) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }) ]; } function splitcomplement(color) { var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); var h = hsl.h; return [ tinycolor(color), tinycolor({ h: (h + 72) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l}), tinycolor({ h: (h + 216) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l}) ]; } function analogous(color, results, slices) { results = results || 6; slices = slices || 30; var hsl = tinycolor(color).toHsl(); var part = 360 / slices; var ret = [tinycolor(color)]; for (hsl.h = ((hsl.h - (part * results >> 1)) + 720) % 360; --results; ) { hsl.h = (hsl.h + part) % 360; ret.push(tinycolor(hsl)); } return ret; } function monochromatic(color, results) { results = results || 6; var hsv = tinycolor(color).toHsv(); var h = hsv.h, s = hsv.s, v = hsv.v; var ret = []; var modification = 1 / results; while (results--) { ret.push(tinycolor({ h: h, s: s, v: v})); v = (v + modification) % 1; } return ret; } // Utility Functions // --------------------- tinycolor.mix = function(color1, color2, amount) { amount = (amount === 0) ? 0 : (amount || 50); var rgb1 = tinycolor(color1).toRgb(); var rgb2 = tinycolor(color2).toRgb(); var p = amount / 100; var rgba = { r: ((rgb2.r - rgb1.r) * p) + rgb1.r, g: ((rgb2.g - rgb1.g) * p) + rgb1.g, b: ((rgb2.b - rgb1.b) * p) + rgb1.b, a: ((rgb2.a - rgb1.a) * p) + rgb1.a }; return tinycolor(rgba); }; // Readability Functions // --------------------- // false // tinycolor.isReadable("#000", "#111",{level:"AA",size:"large"}) => false tinycolor.isReadable = function(color1, color2, wcag2) { var readability = tinycolor.readability(color1, color2); var wcag2Parms, out; out = false; wcag2Parms = validateWCAG2Parms(wcag2); switch (wcag2Parms.level + wcag2Parms.size) { case "AAsmall": case "AAAlarge": out = readability >= 4.5; break; case "AAlarge": out = readability >= 3; break; case "AAAsmall": out = readability >= 7; break; } return out; }; // `mostReadable` // Given a base color and a list of possible foreground or background // colors for that base, returns the most readable color. // Optionally returns Black or White if the most readable color is unreadable. // *Example* // tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(); // "#112255" // tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff" // tinycolor.mostReadable("#a8015a", ["#faf3f3"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString(); // "#faf3f3" // tinycolor.mostReadable("#a8015a", ["#faf3f3"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff" tinycolor.mostReadable = function(baseColor, colorList, args) { var bestColor = null; var bestScore = 0; var readability; var includeFallbackColors, level, size ; args = args || {}; includeFallbackColors = args.includeFallbackColors ; level = args.level; size = args.size; for (var i= 0; i < colorList.length ; i++) { readability = tinycolor.readability(baseColor, colorList[i]); if (readability > bestScore) { bestScore = readability; bestColor = tinycolor(colorList[i]); } } if (tinycolor.isReadable(baseColor, bestColor, {"level":level,"size":size}) || !includeFallbackColors) { return bestColor; } else { args.includeFallbackColors=false; return tinycolor.mostReadable(baseColor,["#fff", "#000"],args); } }; // Big List of Colors // ------------------ // var names = tinycolor.names = { aliceblue: "f0f8ff", antiquewhite: "faebd7", aqua: "0ff", aquamarine: "7fffd4", azure: "f0ffff", beige: "f5f5dc", bisque: "ffe4c4", black: "000", blanchedalmond: "ffebcd", blue: "00f", blueviolet: "8a2be2", brown: "a52a2a", burlywood: "deb887", burntsienna: "ea7e5d", cadetblue: "5f9ea0", chartreuse: "7fff00", chocolate: "d2691e", coral: "ff7f50", cornflowerblue: "6495ed", cornsilk: "fff8dc", crimson: "dc143c", cyan: "0ff", darkblue: "00008b", darkcyan: "008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "b8860b", darkgray: "a9a9a9", darkgreen: "006400", darkgrey: "a9a9a9", darkkhaki: "bdb76b", darkmagenta: "8b008b", darkolivegreen: "556b2f", darkorange: "ff8c00", darkorchid: "9932cc", darkred: "8b0000", darksalmon: "e9967a", darkseagreen: "8fbc8f", darkslateblue: "483d8b", darkslategray: "2f4f4f", darkslategrey: "2f4f4f", darkturquoise: "00ced1", darkviolet: "9400d3", deeppink: "ff1493", deepskyblue: "00bfff", dimgray: "696969", dimgrey: "696969", dodgerblue: "1e90ff", firebrick: "b22222", floralwhite: "fffaf0", forestgreen: "228b22", fuchsia: "f0f", gainsboro: "dcdcdc", ghostwhite: "f8f8ff", gold: "ffd700", goldenrod: "daa520", gray: "808080", green: "008000", greenyellow: "adff2f", grey: "808080", honeydew: "f0fff0", hotpink: "ff69b4", indianred: "cd5c5c", indigo: "4b0082", ivory: "fffff0", khaki: "f0e68c", lavender: "e6e6fa", lavenderblush: "fff0f5", lawngreen: "7cfc00", lemonchiffon: "fffacd", lightblue: "add8e6", lightcoral: "f08080", lightcyan: "e0ffff", lightgoldenrodyellow: "fafad2", lightgray: "d3d3d3", lightgreen: "90ee90", lightgrey: "d3d3d3", lightpink: "ffb6c1", lightsalmon: "ffa07a", lightseagreen: "20b2aa", lightskyblue: "87cefa", lightslategray: "789", lightslategrey: "789", lightsteelblue: "b0c4de", lightyellow: "ffffe0", lime: "0f0", limegreen: "32cd32", linen: "faf0e6", magenta: "f0f", maroon: "800000", mediumaquamarine: "66cdaa", mediumblue: "0000cd", mediumorchid: "ba55d3", mediumpurple: "9370db", mediumseagreen: "3cb371", mediumslateblue: "7b68ee", mediumspringgreen: "00fa9a", mediumturquoise: "48d1cc", mediumvioletred: "c71585", midnightblue: "191970", mintcream: "f5fffa", mistyrose: "ffe4e1", moccasin: "ffe4b5", navajowhite: "ffdead", navy: "000080", oldlace: "fdf5e6", olive: "808000", olivedrab: "6b8e23", orange: "ffa500", orangered: "ff4500", orchid: "da70d6", palegoldenrod: "eee8aa", palegreen: "98fb98", paleturquoise: "afeeee", palevioletred: "db7093", papayawhip: "ffefd5", peachpuff: "ffdab9", peru: "cd853f", pink: "ffc0cb", plum: "dda0dd", powderblue: "b0e0e6", purple: "800080", rebeccapurple: "663399", red: "f00", rosybrown: "bc8f8f", royalblue: "4169e1", saddlebrown: "8b4513", salmon: "fa8072", sandybrown: "f4a460", seagreen: "2e8b57", seashell: "fff5ee", sienna: "a0522d", silver: "c0c0c0", skyblue: "87ceeb", slateblue: "6a5acd", slategray: "708090", slategrey: "708090", snow: "fffafa", springgreen: "00ff7f", steelblue: "4682b4", tan: "d2b48c", teal: "008080", thistle: "d8bfd8", tomato: "ff6347", turquoise: "40e0d0", violet: "ee82ee", wheat: "f5deb3", white: "fff", whitesmoke: "f5f5f5", yellow: "ff0", yellowgreen: "9acd32" }; // Make it easy to access colors via `hexNames[hex]` var hexNames = tinycolor.hexNames = flip(names); // Utilities // --------- // `{ 'name1': 'val1' }` becomes `{ 'val1': 'name1' }` function flip(o) { var flipped = { }; for (var i in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { flipped[o[i]] = i; } } return flipped; } // Return a valid alpha value [0,1] with all invalid values being set to 1 function boundAlpha(a) { a = parseFloat(a); if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1) { a = 1; } return a; } // Take input from [0, n] and return it as [0, 1] function bound01(n, max) { if (isOnePointZero(n)) { n = "100%"; } var processPercent = isPercentage(n); n = mathMin(max, mathMax(0, parseFloat(n))); // Automatically convert percentage into number if (processPercent) { n = parseInt(n * max, 10) / 100; } // Handle floating point rounding errors if ((Math.abs(n - max) < 0.000001)) { return 1; } // Convert into [0, 1] range if it isn't already return (n % max) / parseFloat(max); } // Force a number between 0 and 1 function clamp01(val) { return mathMin(1, mathMax(0, val)); } // Parse a base-16 hex value into a base-10 integer function parseIntFromHex(val) { return parseInt(val, 16); } // Need to handle 1.0 as 100%, since once it is a number, there is no difference between it and 1 // function isOnePointZero(n) { return typeof n == "string" && n.indexOf('.') != -1 && parseFloat(n) === 1; } // Check to see if string passed in is a percentage function isPercentage(n) { return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf('%') != -1; } // Force a hex value to have 2 characters function pad2(c) { return c.length == 1 ? '0' + c : '' + c; } // Replace a decimal with it's percentage value function convertToPercentage(n) { if (n <= 1) { n = (n * 100) + "%"; } return n; } // Converts a decimal to a hex value function convertDecimalToHex(d) { return Math.round(parseFloat(d) * 255).toString(16); } // Converts a hex value to a decimal function convertHexToDecimal(h) { return (parseIntFromHex(h) / 255); } var matchers = (function() { // var CSS_INTEGER = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?"; // var CSS_NUMBER = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?"; // Allow positive/negative integer/number. Don't capture the either/or, just the entire outcome. var CSS_UNIT = "(?:" + CSS_NUMBER + ")|(?:" + CSS_INTEGER + ")"; // Actual matching. // Parentheses and commas are optional, but not required. // Whitespace can take the place of commas or opening paren var PERMISSIVE_MATCH3 = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")\\s*\\)?"; var PERMISSIVE_MATCH4 = "[\\s|\\(]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")[,|\\s]+(" + CSS_UNIT + ")\\s*\\)?"; return { CSS_UNIT: new RegExp(CSS_UNIT), rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3), rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4), hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3), hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4), hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3), hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4), hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/, hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/, hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/, hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/ }; })(); // `isValidCSSUnit` // Take in a single string / number and check to see if it looks like a CSS unit // (see `matchers` above for definition). function isValidCSSUnit(color) { return !!matchers.CSS_UNIT.exec(color); } // `stringInputToObject` // Permissive string parsing. Take in a number of formats, and output an object // based on detected format. Returns `{ r, g, b }` or `{ h, s, l }` or `{ h, s, v}` function stringInputToObject(color) { color = color.replace(trimLeft,'').replace(trimRight, '').toLowerCase(); var named = false; if (names[color]) { color = names[color]; named = true; } else if (color == 'transparent') { return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, format: "name" }; } // Try to match string input using regular expressions. // Keep most of the number bounding out of this function - don't worry about [0,1] or [0,100] or [0,360] // Just return an object and let the conversion functions handle that. // This way the result will be the same whether the tinycolor is initialized with string or object. var match; if ((match = matchers.rgb.exec(color))) { return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3] }; } if ((match = matchers.rgba.exec(color))) { return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3], a: match[4] }; } if ((match = matchers.hsl.exec(color))) { return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3] }; } if ((match = matchers.hsla.exec(color))) { return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3], a: match[4] }; } if ((match = matchers.hsv.exec(color))) { return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3] }; } if ((match = matchers.hsva.exec(color))) { return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3], a: match[4] }; } if ((match = matchers.hex8.exec(color))) { return { r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]), g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]), b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]), a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4]), format: named ? "name" : "hex8" }; } if ((match = matchers.hex6.exec(color))) { return { r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]), g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]), b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]), format: named ? "name" : "hex" }; } if ((match = matchers.hex4.exec(color))) { return { r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + '' + match[1]), g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + '' + match[2]), b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + '' + match[3]), a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4] + '' + match[4]), format: named ? "name" : "hex8" }; } if ((match = matchers.hex3.exec(color))) { return { r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + '' + match[1]), g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + '' + match[2]), b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + '' + match[3]), format: named ? "name" : "hex" }; } return false; } function validateWCAG2Parms(parms) { // return valid WCAG2 parms for isReadable. // If input parms are invalid, return {"level":"AA", "size":"small"} var level, size; parms = parms || {"level":"AA", "size":"small"}; level = (parms.level || "AA").toUpperCase(); size = (parms.size || "small").toLowerCase(); if (level !== "AA" && level !== "AAA") { level = "AA"; } if (size !== "small" && size !== "large") { size = "small"; } return {"level":level, "size":size}; } // Node: Export function if ( module.exports) { module.exports = tinycolor; } // AMD/requirejs: Define the module else { window.tinycolor = tinycolor; } })(Math); }); var accessor_min = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { !function(e,t){module.exports=t();}(commonjsGlobal,function(){return function(e){function t(o){if(n[o])return n[o].exports;var r=n[o]={i:o,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[o].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,t),r.l=!0,r.exports}var n={};return t.m=e,t.c=n,t.d=function(e,n,o){t.o(e,n)||Object.defineProperty(e,n,{configurable:!1,enumerable:!0,get:o});},t.n=function(e){var n=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return t.d(n,"a",n),n},t.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},t.p="",t(t.s=0)}([function(e,t,n){var o,r,u;!function(n,c){r=[e,t],void 0!==(u="function"==typeof(o=c)?o.apply(t,r):o)&&(e.exports=u);}(0,function(e,t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=function(e){return e instanceof Function?e:"string"==typeof e?function(t){return t[e]}:function(t){return e}},e.exports=t.default;});}])}); }); var accessorFn = unwrapExports(accessor_min); var accessor_min_1 = accessor_min.accessorFn; var LABELS_WIDTH_OPACITY_SCALE = linear$1().domain([4, 8]).clamp(true); // px per char var TRANSITION_DURATION = 800; var circlepack = index({ props: { width: { "default": window.innerWidth, onChange: function onChange(_, state) { state.needsReparse = true; } }, height: { "default": window.innerHeight, onChange: function onChange(_, state) { state.needsReparse = true; } }, data: { onChange: function onChange(_, state) { state.needsReparse = true; } }, children: { "default": 'children', onChange: function onChange(_, state) { state.needsReparse = true; } }, sort: { onChange: function onChange(_, state) { state.needsReparse = true; } }, label: { "default": function _default(d) { return d.name; } }, size: { "default": 'value', onChange: function onChange(_, state) { this.zoomReset(); state.needsReparse = true; } }, padding: { "default": 4, onChange: function onChange(_, state) { state.needsReparse = true; } }, color: { "default": function _default(d) { return 'lightgrey'; } }, minCircleRadius: { "default": 3 }, excludeRoot: { "default": false, onChange: function onChange(_, state) { state.needsReparse = true; } }, showLabels: { "default": true }, showTooltip: { "default": function _default(d) { return true; }, triggerUpdate: false }, tooltipTitle: { "default": null, triggerUpdate: false }, tooltipContent: { "default": function _default(d) { return ''; }, triggerUpdate: false }, onClick: { triggerUpdate: false }, onHover: { triggerUpdate: false } }, methods: { zoomBy: function zoomBy(state, k) { state.zoom.zoomBy(k, TRANSITION_DURATION); return this; }, zoomReset: function zoomReset(state) { state.zoom.zoomReset(TRANSITION_DURATION); return this; }, zoomToNode: function zoomToNode(state) { var d = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var node = d.__dataNode; if (node) { var ZOOM_REL_PADDING = 0.12; var k = Math.max(1, Math.min(state.width, state.height) / (node.r * 2) * (1 - ZOOM_REL_PADDING)); var tr = { k: k, x: -Math.max(0, Math.min(state.width * (1 - 1 / k), // Don't pan out of chart boundaries node.x - state.width / k / 2 // Center circle in view )), y: -Math.max(0, Math.min(state.height * (1 - 1 / k), node.y - state.height / k / 2)) }; state.zoom.zoomTo(tr, TRANSITION_DURATION); } return this; }, _parseData: function _parseData(state) { if (state.data) { var hierData = hierarchy(state.data, accessorFn(state.children)).sum(accessorFn(state.size)); if (state.sort) { hierData.sort(state.sort); } d3Pack().padding(state.padding).size([state.width, state.height])(hierData); hierData.descendants().forEach(function (d, i) { d.id = i; // Mark each node with a unique ID d.data.__dataNode = d; // Dual-link data nodes }); state.layoutData = hierData.descendants().filter(state.excludeRoot ? function (d) { return d.depth > 0; } : function () { return true; }); } } }, stateInit: function stateInit() { return { zoom: zoomable() }; }, init: function init(domNode, state) { var _this = this; var el = d3Select(domNode).append('div').attr('class', 'circlepack-viz'); state.svg = el.append('svg'); state.canvas = state.svg.append('g'); // tooltips state.tooltip = d3Select('body').append('div').attr('class', 'chart-tooltip circlepack-tooltip'); // tooltip cleanup on unmount domNode.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', function (e) { if (e.target === this) { state.tooltip.remove(); } }); state.canvas.on('mousemove', function () { state.tooltip.style('left', event.pageX + 'px').style('top', event.pageY + 'px').style('transform', "translate(-".concat(event.offsetX / state.width * 100, "%, 21px)")); // adjust horizontal position to not exceed canvas boundaries }); // zoom/pan state.zoom(state.svg).svgEl(state.canvas).onChange(function (tr, prevTr, duration) { if (state.showLabels && !duration) { // Scale labels immediately if not animating state.canvas.selectAll('text').attr('transform', "scale(".concat(1 / tr.k, ")")); } // Prevent using transitions when using mouse wheel to zoom state.skipTransitionsOnce = !duration; state._rerender(); }); state.svg.on('click', function () { return (state.onClick || _this.zoomReset)(null); }) // By default reset zoom when clicking on canvas .on('mouseover', function () { return state.onHover && state.onHover(null); }); }, update: function update(state) { var _this2 = this; if (state.needsReparse) { this._parseData(); state.needsReparse = false; } state.svg.style('width', state.width + 'px').style('height', state.height + 'px'); state.zoom.translateExtent([[0, 0], [state.width, state.height]]); if (!state.layoutData) return; var zoomTr = state.zoom.current(); var cell = state.canvas.selectAll('.node').data(state.layoutData.filter(function (d) { return (// Show only circles in scene that are larger than the threshold d.x + d.r > -zoomTr.x / zoomTr.k && d.x - d.r < (state.width - zoomTr.x) / zoomTr.k && d.y + d.r > -zoomTr.y / zoomTr.k && d.y - d.r < (state.height - zoomTr.y) / zoomTr.k && d.r >= state.minCircleRadius / zoomTr.k ); }), function (d) { return d.id; }); var nameOf = accessorFn(state.label); var colorOf = accessorFn(state.color); var animate = !state.skipTransitionsOnce; state.skipTransitionsOnce = false; var transition$1 = transition().duration(animate ? TRANSITION_DURATION : 0); // Exiting cell.exit().transition(transition$1).remove(); // Entering var newCell = cell.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'node').attr('transform', function (d) { return "translate(".concat(d.x, ",").concat(d.y, ")"); }); newCell.append('circle').attr('id', function (d) { return "circle-".concat(d.id); }).attr('r', 0).style('stroke-width', 1).on('click', function (d) { event.stopPropagation(); (state.onClick || _this2.zoomToNode)(d.data); }).on('mouseover', function (d) { event.stopPropagation(); state.onHover && state.onHover(d.data); state.tooltip.style('display', state.showTooltip(d.data, d) ? 'inline' : 'none'); state.tooltip.html("\n
\n ".concat(state.tooltipTitle ? state.tooltipTitle(d.data, d) : getNodeStack(d).slice(state.excludeRoot ? 1 : 0).map(function (d) { return nameOf(d.data); }).join(' → '), "\n
\n ").concat(state.tooltipContent(d.data, d), "\n ")); }).on('mouseout', function () { state.tooltip.style('display', 'none'); }); newCell.append('clipPath').attr('id', function (d) { return "clip-".concat(d.id); }).append('use').attr('xlink:href', function (d) { return "#circle-".concat(d.id); }); var label = newCell.append('g').attr('clip-path', function (d) { return "url(#clip-".concat(d.id, ")"); }).append('g').attr('class', 'label-container').append('text').attr('class', 'path-label'); // Entering + Updating var allCells = cell.merge(newCell); allCells.transition(transition$1).attr('transform', function (d) { return "translate(".concat(d.x, ",").concat(d.y, ")"); }); allCells.select('circle').transition(transition$1).attr('r', function (d) { return d.r; }).style('fill', function (d) { return colorOf(d.data, d.parent); }).style('stroke-width', 1 / zoomTr.k); allCells.select('g.label-container').style('display', state.showLabels ? null : 'none'); if (state.showLabels) { // Update previous scale var prevK = state.prevK || 1; state.prevK = zoomTr.k; allCells.select('text.path-label').classed('light', function (d) { return !tinycolor(colorOf(d.data, d.parent)).isLight(); }).text(function (d) { return nameOf(d.data); }).transition(transition$1).style('opacity', function (d) { return LABELS_WIDTH_OPACITY_SCALE(d.r * 2 * zoomTr.k / nameOf(d.data).length); }).attrTween('transform', function () { var kTr = d3Interpolate(prevK, zoomTr.k); return function (t) { return "scale(".concat(1 / kTr(t), ")"); }; }); } // function getNodeStack(d) { var stack = []; var curNode = d; while (curNode) { stack.unshift(curNode); curNode = curNode.parent; } return stack; } } }); return circlepack; })); //# sourceMappingURL=circlepack-chart.js.map