var assert = require('chai').assert var cint = require('../src/cint.js') /*********************************** * String ***********************************/ describe('supplant', function() { it('should supplant an array by index', function() { assert.equal(cint.supplant('{0} walks his {1} in the {2}.', ['Jim', 'dinosaur', 'park']), 'Jim walks his dinosaur in the park.') }) it('should supplant an object by key', function() { assert.equal(cint.supplant('{owner} walks his {pet} in the {place}.', { owner: 'Jim', pet: 'dinosaur', place: 'park' }), 'Jim walks his dinosaur in the park.', 'Supplant with object by key') }) it('should ignore non-existant keys', function() { assert.equal(cint.supplant('{owner} walks his {pet} in the {place}.', { owner: 'Jim', pet: 'dinosaur' }), 'Jim walks his dinosaur in the {place}.', 'Ignores non-existant keys') }) it('should toString all values to be interpolated', function() { var Dino = function() {} Dino.prototype.toString = function() { return 'dinosaur' } assert.equal(cint.supplant('{owner} walks his {pet}.', { owner: 'Jim', pet: new Dino() }), 'Jim walks his dinosaur.' ) }) }) describe('startsWith', function() { it('abc starts with a', function() { assert.equal(cint.startsWith('abc', 'a'), true) }) it('abc doesn\'t start with c', function() { assert.equal(cint.startsWith('abc', 'c'), false) }) it('Testing if something starts with empty string is always false.', function() { assert.equal(cint.startsWith('abc', ''), false) }) }) describe('before', function() { it('Return the substring before the given delimiter', function() { assert.equal(cint.before('ab,cd,ef', ','), 'ab') }) }) describe('after', function() { it('Return the substring after the first given delimiter', function() { assert.equal(cint.after('ab,cd,ef', ','), 'cd,ef') }) }) describe('between', function() { it('Return the substring between the given two delimiters', function() { assert.equal(cint.between('abcdef', 'ab', 'ef'), 'cd') }) }) describe('bookend', function() { it('Add a string to the beginning and a string to the end of a string.', function() { assert.equal(cint.bookend('b', 'a', 'c'), 'abc') }) it('Wrap a string with another string', function() { assert.equal(cint.bookend('b', 'a'), 'aba') }) it('Ignores falsey begin and end values', function() { assert.equal(cint.bookend('b'), 'b') }) }) describe('repeatString', function() { it('Repeat a string n times', function() { assert.equal(cint.repeatString('abc', 3), 'abcabcabc') }) it('Repeating a string 0 times returns an empty string', function() { assert.equal(cint.repeatString('abc', 0), '') }) }) describe('toTitleCase', function() { it('Capitalize the first letter of each word in a sentence', function() { assert.equal(cint.toTitleCase('this is a test'), 'This Is A Test') }) it('Lowercase the rest', function() { assert.equal(cint.toTitleCase('tHis is A tEst'), 'This Is A Test') }) it('Do not alter punctuation.', function() { assert.equal(cint.toTitleCase('don\'t fail the test.'), 'Don\'t Fail The Test.') }) }) /*********************************** * Number ***********************************/ describe('ordinal', function() { it('should add the correct ordinal', function() { assert.equal(cint.ordinal(1), '1st') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(2), '2nd') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(3), '3rd') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(4), '4th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(5), '5th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(6), '6th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(7), '7th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(8), '8th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(9), '9th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(10), '10th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(11), '11th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(12), '12th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(13), '13th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(14), '14th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(15), '15th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(16), '16th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(17), '17th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(18), '18th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(19), '19th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(20), '20th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(21), '21st') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(22), '22nd') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(23), '23rd') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(24), '24th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(100), '100th') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(101), '101st') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(102), '102nd') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(103), '103rd') assert.equal(cint.ordinal(104), '104th') }) }) describe('mapNumber', function() { it('should map numbers', function() { var xTwo = function(n) { return n*2 } assert.deepEqual(cint.mapNumber(3, xTwo), [0, 2, 4]) }) }) describe('addTwo', function() { it('Add two numbers.', function() { assert.equal(cint.addTwo(4,5), 9) }) }) describe('add', function() { it('No arguments returns 0', function() { assert.equal(cint.add(), 0) }) it('1 argument returns the argument', function() { assert.equal(cint.add(1), 1) }) it('2 arguments are added', function() { assert.equal(cint.add(1,2), 3) }) it('More than 2 arguments are added', function() { assert.equal(cint.add(1,2,3), 6) }) }) /*********************************** * Array ***********************************/ // test('orderedGroup', function() { // }) // test('tally', function() { // }) describe('tallyProps', function() { it('should tally property values', function() { var data = [ { ideal: 4, past: 3, present: 7 }, { ideal: 3, past: 7, present: 7 } ] var expectedTallies = { "4": { ideal: 1 }, "3": { past: 1, ideal: 1 }, "7": { present: 2, past: 1 } } assert.deepEqual(cint.tallyProps(data), expectedTallies) }) }) describe('index', function() { var arr = [1,2,3,4,5] it('Index into an array as normal', function() { assert.equal(cint.index(arr, 2), 3) }) it('Negative index', function() { assert.equal(cint.index(arr, -1), 5) }) it('Out of bounds index', function() { assert.equal(cint.index(arr, 16), 2) }) var str = 'abcde' it('Index into an array-like object as normal', function() { assert.equal(cint.index(str, 2), 'c') }) it('Negative index of array-like object', function() { assert.equal(cint.index(str, -1), 'e') }) it('Out of bounds index of array-like object', function() { assert.equal(cint.index(str, 16), 'b') }) }) describe('rotate', function() { var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'] var resultArr = cint.rotate(arr, 0) it('Rotate array 0 spaces.', function() { assert.deepEqual(resultArr, ['a', 'b', 'c']) }) it('Rotate array 1 space to the left.', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.rotate(['a', 'b', 'c'], 1), ['b', 'c', 'a']) }) it('Returns a new array instance', function() { assert.notEqual(arr, resultArr) }) it('Does not modify the original array', function() { assert.deepEqual(arr, ['a', 'b', 'c']) }) it('Rotate an array more spaces than its length.', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.rotate(['a', 'b', 'c'], 5), ['c', 'a', 'b']) }) it('Rotate array 1 space to the left.', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.rotate(['a', 'b', 'c'], -1), ['c', 'a', 'b']) }) }) describe('toObject', function() { it('should convert an array to an object', function() { var animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'gecko'] var pluralAnimals = cint.toObject(animals, function(animal) { return cint.keyValue(animal, animal + 's') }) assert.deepEqual(pluralAnimals, { cat: 'cats', dog: 'dogs', gecko: 'geckos' }) }) }) describe('spliced', function() { var arr = [1,2,3,4,5] it('should splice an array', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.spliced(arr, 2, 1, 100, 200, 300), [1,2,100,200,300,4,5]) }) it('Original array is unchanged.', function() { assert.deepEqual(arr, [1,2,3,4,5]) }) }) describe('chunk', function() { var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] it('should split an array into chunks', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.chunk(arr, 1), [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]]) assert.deepEqual(cint.chunk(arr, 2), [[1,2,3,4,5], [6,7,8,9,10]]) assert.deepEqual(cint.chunk(arr, 3), [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7], [8,9,10]]) assert.deepEqual(cint.chunk(arr, 7), [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]) assert.deepEqual(cint.chunk(arr, 10), [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]) }) it('Original array is unchanged', function() { assert.deepEqual(arr, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) }) }) /*********************************** * Object ***********************************/ // object describe('keyValue', function() { it('Creates a key-value pair.', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.keyValue('a',1), {a:1}) }) it('Creates a new object instance each time.', function() { assert.notEqual(cint.keyValue('a',1), cint.keyValue('a',1)) }) }) describe('getValue', function() { var o = {a:1} it('Gets the value of a key of the gven object', function() { assert.equal(cint.getValue(o, 'a'), 1) }) }) describe('setValue', function() { var o = {a:1} it('Sets the value of the given existing key', function() { cint.setValue(o, 'a', 2) assert.deepEqual(o, {a:2}) }) it('Sets the value of the given new key', function() { cint.setValue(o, 'b', 10) assert.deepEqual(o, {a:2, b:10}) }) it('Returns the object', function() { assert.equal(cint.setValue(o, 'a', 10), o) }) }) describe('mapOverKey', function() { var increment = function(n) { return ++n } var people = [ { name: 'Bob', age: 26 }, { name: 'Tia', age: 32 }, { name: 'José', age: 40 } ] it('Maps the given function over the values of a key', function() { var olderPeople = [ { name: 'Bob', age: 27 }, { name: 'Tia', age: 33 }, { name: 'José', age: 41 } ] var incrementAge = cint.mapOverKey(increment, 'age') assert.deepEqual(, olderPeople) }) it('Maps the given function over the values of a key and assigns them to a new key', function() { var nextPeople = [ { name: 'Bob', age: 27, nextAge: 28 }, { name: 'Tia', age: 33, nextAge: 34 }, { name: 'José', age: 41, nextAge: 42 } ] var incrementNextAge = cint.mapOverKey(increment, 'age', 'nextAge') assert.deepEqual(, nextPeople) }) }) describe('joinObject', function() { var o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } it('Join object keys and values together into a string', function() { assert.equal(cint.joinObject(o, '&', '='), 'a=1&b=2&c=3') }) it('Empty object gets joined into an empty string', function() { assert.equal(cint.joinObject({}, '&', '='), '') }) }) describe('mapObject', function() { it('should map an object to an object with new key/values', function() { var o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } var swap = function(k,v) { return cint.keyValue(v,k) } assert.deepEqual(cint.mapObject(o, swap), { '1': 'a', '2': 'b', '3': 'c' }) }) }) describe('toArray', function() { var o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } it('should convert an object to an array', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.toArray(o, function(key, value) { return key + '-' + value }), ['a-1', 'b-2', 'c-3']) }) it('should convert an object to an array of { key: ____, value: ____ } objects if no function is given.', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.toArray(o), [ { key: 'a', value: 1 }, { key: 'b', value: 2 }, { key: 'c', value: 3 } ]) }) }) describe('filterObject', function() { var o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } it('Filter an object based on its keys and values', function() { assert.deepEqual(cint.filterObject(o, function(key, value) { return key !== 'b' && value !== 3 }), { a: 1 }) }) it('Original object is not modified.', function() { assert.deepEqual(o, { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }) }) }) describe('changeKeys', function() { // Assertions, ok, equal, notEqual, deepEqual, notDeepEqual, strictEqual, notStrictEqual var oldObject = { fname: 'Raine', lname: 'Lourie', specialty: 'Javascript' } var newObject = cint.changeKeys( oldObject, { fname: 'first', lname: 'last' }) it('Old object is unmodified.', function() { assert.deepEqual(oldObject, { fname: 'Raine', lname: 'Lourie', specialty: 'Javascript' }) }) it('New object ontains modified keys.', function() { assert.deepEqual(newObject, { first: 'Raine', last: 'Lourie', specialty: 'Javascript' }) }) }) describe('tap', function() { var o = { a: 10 } var incrementA = function(o) { o.a++ } it('Returns the given object', function() { assert.equal(cint.tap(incrementA, o), o) }) it('Invokes the given function on the object', function() { assert.deepEqual(o, { a: 11 }) }) }) describe('look', function() { it('Returns the argument', function() { assert.equal(cint.look('test:look'), 'test:look') }) // Cant' really test the console.log }) /*********************************** * Function ***********************************/ describe('not', function() { var yes = function() { return true } var no = function() { return false } var I = function(x) { return x } it('Reverses true to false.', function() { assert.equal(cint.not(yes)(), false) }) it('Reverses false to true.', function() { assert.equal(cint.not(no)(), true) }) it('Works with arguments.', function() { assert.equal(cint.not(I)(true), false) }) it('Works with arguments.', function() { assert.equal(cint.not(I)(false), true) }) it('Works with non-booleans.', function() { assert.equal(cint.not(I)('a'), false) }) it('Works with non-booleans', function() { assert.equal(cint.not(I)(undefined), true) }) }) describe('partialAt', function() { var subtract = function(x,y) { return x - y } it('Inject arguments at the beginning.', function() { var subtractFromTen = cint.partialAt(subtract, 0, [10]) assert.equal(subtractFromTen(1), 9) }) it('Inject arguments in the middle.', function() { var subtractTen = cint.partialAt(subtract, 1, [10]) assert.equal(subtractTen(100), 90) }) it('Handles negative indexes', function() { var subtractTwenty = cint.partialAt(subtract, -1, [20]) assert.equal(subtractTwenty(100), 80) }) }) describe('aritize', function() { it('should limit the arity of a function', function() { var joinEm = function() { var givenArgs =, 0) return givenArgs.join('') } var joinTwo = cint.aritize(joinEm, 2) assert.equal(joinTwo('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'), 'ab') }) }) // describe('callTillValue', function() { // }) describe('spy', function() { it('should call a custom log function', function(done) { function add(x, y) { return x + y } function log(f, args, out) { assert.equal(f, add, 'first argument is the function') assert.deepEqual(args, [1,2], 'second argument is an array of arguments to that function') assert.equal(out, 3, 'third argument is the return value of the function') done() } cint.spy(add, log)(1,2) }) }) describe('inContext', function() { var person = { name: 'Cecil' } it('calls the given function in the context of the first argument', function() { var getName = function() { return } var getNameInContext = cint.inContext(getName) assert.equal(getNameInContext(person), 'Cecil') }) it('passes other arguments as normal', function() { var greet = function(greeting) { return greeting + ' ' + } var greetInContext = cint.inContext(greet) assert.equal(greetInContext(person, 'Hi'), 'Hi Cecil') }) }) describe('toAsync', function() { it('should return a function that invokes the given function and passes its results to a node-style callback', function(done) { function add(x, y) { return x + y } var addAsync = cint.toAsync(add) addAsync(1, 2, function(error, result) { assert.notOk(error, 'error is null when successful') assert.equal(result, 3, 'gives the result in a callback') done() }) }) it('pass error as first argument to callback', function(done) { function toss() { throw new Error('Got tossed') } var tossAsync = cint.toAsync(toss) tossAsync(function(error, result) { assert.instanceOf(error, Error) assert.equal(error.message, 'Got tossed') assert.notOk(result, 'no result') done() }) }) }) /*********************************** * Utility ***********************************/ describe('compare', function() { it('Returns 1 if a > b', function() { assert.equal(,1), 1) }) it('Returns 0 if a == b', function() { assert.equal(,1), 0) }) it('Returns -1 if a < b', function() { assert.equal(,2), -1) }) it('Returns 1 if a > b for strings', function() { assert.equal('ace', 'Ann'), 1) }) it('Returns 0 if a == b for strings', function() { assert.equal('ace', 'ace'), 0) }) it('Returns -1 if a < b for strings', function() { assert.equal('Ann', 'ace'), -1) }) }) describe('compareProperty', function() { var small = { n: 1 } var big = { n: 2 } var compareN = cint.compareProperty.bind(cint, 'n') it('Returns 1 if a > b', function() { assert.equal(compareN(big, small), 1) }) it('Returns 0 if a == b', function() { assert.equal(compareN(big, big), 0) }) it('Returns -1 if a < b', function() { assert.equal(compareN(small, big), -1) }) }) // test('dynamicCompare', function() { // }) // test('equals', function() { // }) describe('isValue', function() { it('false is not valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue(null), false) }) it('undefined is not valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue(undefined), false) }) it('empty string is not valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue(''), false) }) it('0 is valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue(0), true) }) it('1 is valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue(1), true) }) it('false is valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue(false), true) }) it('true is valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue(true), true) }) it('a string is valueful', function() { assert.equal(cint.isValue('test'), true) }) }) // test('hash', function() { // }) // test('guid', function() { // }) describe('typeOf', function() { it('should work for null', function() { assert.equal(cint.typeOf(null), 'null') }) it('should work for undefined', function() { assert.equal(cint.typeOf(undefined), 'undefined') }) it('should work for string', function() { assert.equal(cint.typeOf('test'), 'string') }) it('should work for number', function() { assert.equal(cint.typeOf(1), 'number') assert.equal(cint.typeOf(NaN), 'number') }) it('should work for array', function() { assert.equal(cint.typeOf([]), 'array') }) it('should work for object', function() { assert.equal(cint.typeOf({}), 'object') }) it('should work for function', function() { assert.equal(cint.typeOf(function(){}), 'function') }) }) describe('new', function() { it('should create an instance using the given constructor', function() { var Person = function(name, age) { = name this.age = age } var p =, ['Raine', 26]) assert.instanceOf(p, Person) assert.equal(, 'Raine') assert.equal(p.age, 26) }) }) describe('intoString', function() { it('Converts a number to a string', function() { assert.equal(cint.intoString(4), '4') }) it('Converts a boolean to a string', function() { assert.equal(cint.intoString(true), 'true') }) it('should throw a TypeError if null is passed', function() { assert.throws(function() { cint.intoString(null) }, 'Cannot read property \'toString\' of null') }) it('should throw a TypeError if undefined is passed', function() { assert.throws( cint.intoString.bind(cint, undefined), 'Cannot read property \'toString\' of undefined') }) })