import Vue from './vue'; import identity from './identity'; import { concat } from './array'; import { removeNode, select } from './dom'; import { isBrowser } from './env'; import { isFunction, isString } from './inspect'; import { HTMLElement } from './safe-types'; import normalizeSlotMixin from '../mixins/normalize-slot'; // BTransporterSingle/BTransporterTargetSingle: // // Single root node portaling of content, which retains parent/child hierarchy // Unlike Portal-Vue where portaled content is no longer a descendent of its // intended parent components // // Private components for use by Tooltips, Popovers and Modals // // Based on vue-simple-portal // // Transporter target used by BTransporterSingle // Supports only a single root element // @vue/component var BTransporterTargetSingle = /*#__PURE__*/ Vue.extend({ // As an abstract component, it doesn't appear in the $parent chain of // components, which means the next parent of any component rendered inside // of this one will be the parent from which is was portal'd abstract: true, name: 'BTransporterTargetSingle', props: { nodes: { // Even though we only support a single root element, // VNodes are always passed as an array type: [Array, Function] // default: undefined } }, data: function data(vm) { return { updatedNodes: vm.nodes }; }, destroyed: function destroyed() { removeNode(this.$el); }, render: function render(h) { var nodes = isFunction(this.updatedNodes) ? this.updatedNodes({}) : this.updatedNodes; nodes = concat(nodes).filter(Boolean); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (nodes && nodes.length > 0 && !nodes[0].text) { return nodes[0]; } else { /* istanbul ignore next */ return h(); } } }); // This component has no root element, so only a single VNode is allowed // @vue/component export var BTransporterSingle = /*#__PURE__*/ Vue.extend({ name: 'BTransporterSingle', mixins: [normalizeSlotMixin], props: { disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }, container: { // String: CSS selector, // HTMLElement: Element reference // Mainly needed for tooltips/popovers inside modals type: [String, HTMLElement], default: 'body' }, tag: { // This should be set to match the root element type type: String, default: 'div' } }, watch: { disabled: { immediate: true, handler: function handler(disabled) { disabled ? this.unmountTarget() : this.$nextTick(this.mountTarget); } } }, created: function created() { this._bv_defaultFn = null; this._bv_target = null; }, beforeMount: function beforeMount() { this.mountTarget(); }, updated: function updated() { // We need to make sure that all children have completed updating // before rendering in the target // `vue-simple-portal` has the this in a `$nextTick()`, // while `portal-vue` doesn't // Just trying to see if the `$nextTick()` delay is required or not // Since all slots in Vue 2.6.x are always functions this.updateTarget(); }, beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() { this.unmountTarget(); this._bv_defaultFn = null; }, methods: { // Get the element which the target should be appended to getContainer: function getContainer() { /* istanbul ignore else */ if (isBrowser) { var container = this.container; return isString(container) ? select(container) : container; } else { return null; } }, // Mount the target mountTarget: function mountTarget() { if (!this._bv_target) { var container = this.getContainer(); if (container) { var el = document.createElement('div'); container.appendChild(el); this._bv_target = new BTransporterTargetSingle({ el: el, parent: this, propsData: { // Initial nodes to be rendered nodes: concat(this.normalizeSlot('default')) } }); } } }, // Update the content of the target updateTarget: function updateTarget() { if (isBrowser && this._bv_target) { var defaultFn = this.$scopedSlots.default; if (!this.disabled) { /* istanbul ignore else: only applicable in Vue 2.5.x */ if (defaultFn && this._bv_defaultFn !== defaultFn) { // We only update the target component if the scoped slot // function is a fresh one. The new slot syntax (since Vue 2.6) // can cache unchanged slot functions and we want to respect that here this._bv_target.updatedNodes = defaultFn; } else if (!defaultFn) { // We also need to be back compatible with non-scoped default slot (i.e. 2.5.x) this._bv_target.updatedNodes = this.$slots.default; } } // Update the scoped slot function cache this._bv_defaultFn = defaultFn; } }, // Unmount the target unmountTarget: function unmountTarget() { if (this._bv_target) { this._bv_target.$destroy(); this._bv_target = null; } } }, render: function render(h) { if (this.disabled) { var nodes = concat(this.normalizeSlot('default')).filter(identity); if (nodes.length > 0 && !nodes[0].text) { return nodes[0]; } } return h(); } });