import basePlugin from "./base.js"; import PointerEvent from "./PointerEvent.js"; function install(scope) { scope.usePlugin(basePlugin); const { pointerEvents } = scope; // don't repeat by default pointerEvents.defaults.holdRepeatInterval = 0; pointerEvents.types.push('holdrepeat'); } function onNew({ pointerEvent }) { if (pointerEvent.type !== 'hold') { return; } pointerEvent.count = (pointerEvent.count || 0) + 1; } function onFired({ interaction, pointerEvent, eventTarget, targets }, scope) { if (pointerEvent.type !== 'hold' || !targets.length) { return; } // get the repeat interval from the first eventable const interval = targets[0].eventable.options.holdRepeatInterval; // don't repeat if the interval is 0 or less if (interval <= 0) { return; } // set a timeout to fire the holdrepeat event interaction.holdIntervalHandle = setTimeout(() => {{ interaction, eventTarget, type: 'hold', pointer: pointerEvent, event: pointerEvent }, scope); }, interval); } function endHoldRepeat({ interaction }) { // set the interaction's holdStopTime property // to stop further holdRepeat events if (interaction.holdIntervalHandle) { clearInterval(interaction.holdIntervalHandle); interaction.holdIntervalHandle = null; } } const holdRepeat = { id: 'pointer-events/holdRepeat', install, listeners: ['move', 'up', 'cancel', 'endall'].reduce((acc, enderTypes) => { acc[`pointerEvents:${enderTypes}`] = endHoldRepeat; return acc; }, { 'pointerEvents:new': onNew, 'pointerEvents:fired': onFired }) }; export default holdRepeat; //#