/** @module interact */ import { Options } from '@interactjs/core/defaultOptions'; import Interactable from '@interactjs/core/Interactable'; import { Scope } from '@interactjs/core/scope'; import * as utils from '@interactjs/utils/index'; declare module '@interactjs/core/scope' { interface Scope { interact: InteractStatic; } } export interface InteractStatic { (target: Interact.Target, options?: Options): Interactable; on: typeof on; pointerMoveTolerance: typeof pointerMoveTolerance; stop: typeof stop; supportsPointerEvent: typeof supportsPointerEvent; supportsTouch: typeof supportsTouch; debug: typeof debug; off: typeof off; isSet: typeof isSet; use: typeof use; getPointerAverage: typeof utils.pointer.pointerAverage; getTouchBBox: typeof utils.pointer.touchBBox; getTouchDistance: typeof utils.pointer.touchDistance; getTouchAngle: typeof utils.pointer.touchAngle; getElementRect: typeof utils.dom.getElementRect; getElementClientRect: typeof utils.dom.getElementClientRect; matchesSelector: typeof utils.dom.matchesSelector; closest: typeof utils.dom.closest; addDocument: typeof scope.addDocument; removeDocument: typeof scope.removeDocument; dynamicDrop: (newValue?: boolean) => boolean | Interact.interact; version: string; } declare const scope: Scope; /** * ```js * interact('#draggable').draggable(true) * * var rectables = interact('rect') * rectables * .gesturable(true) * .on('gesturemove', function (event) { * // ... * }) * ``` * * The methods of this variable can be used to set elements as interactables * and also to change various default settings. * * Calling it as a function and passing an element or a valid CSS selector * string returns an Interactable object which has various methods to configure * it. * * @global * * @param {Element | string} target The HTML or SVG Element to interact with * or CSS selector * @return {Interactable} */ export declare const interact: InteractStatic; declare function use(plugin: Interact.Plugin, options?: { [key: string]: any; }): InteractStatic; declare function isSet(target: Interact.Element, options?: any): boolean; declare function on(type: string | Interact.EventTypes, listener: Interact.ListenersArg, options?: object): InteractStatic; declare function off(type: Interact.EventTypes, listener: any, options?: object): InteractStatic; declare function debug(): Scope; declare function supportsTouch(): boolean; declare function supportsPointerEvent(): boolean; declare function stop(): InteractStatic; declare function pointerMoveTolerance(newValue?: number): number | InteractStatic; export { scope }; export default interact;