const path = require('path') const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils') const compiler = require('vue-template-compiler') const vuetifyMatcher = require('./matcher/tag') const vuetifyAttrsMatcher = require('./matcher/attr') const { camelize, capitalize, hyphenate, requirePeer } = require('./util') const runtimePaths = { installComponents: require.resolve('./runtime/installComponents'), installDirectives: require.resolve('./runtime/installDirectives') } function getMatches (type, items, matches, component) { const imports = [] items.forEach(item => { for (const matcher of matches) { const match = matcher(item, { [`kebab${type}`]: hyphenate(item), [`camel${type}`]: capitalize(camelize(item)), path: this.resourcePath.substring(this.rootContext.length + 1), component }) if (match) { imports.push(match) break } } }) imports.sort((a, b) => a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : (a[0] > b[0] ? 1 : 0)) return imports } function install (install, content, imports) { if (imports.length) { let newContent = '/* vuetify-loader */\n' newContent += `import ${install} from ${loaderUtils.stringifyRequest(this, '!' + runtimePaths[install])}\n` newContent += => i[1]).join('\n') + '\n' newContent += `${install}(component, {${ => i[0]).join(',')}})\n` // Insert our modification before the HMR code const hotReload = content.indexOf('/* hot reload */') if (hotReload > -1) { content = content.slice(0, hotReload) + newContent + '\n\n' + content.slice(hotReload) } else { content += '\n\n' + newContent } } return content } module.exports = async function (content, sourceMap) { this.async() this.cacheable() const options = { match: [], attrsMatch: [], ...loaderUtils.getOptions(this) } if (!Array.isArray(options.match)) options.match = [options.match] if (!Array.isArray(options.attrsMatch)) options.attrsMatch = [options.attrsMatch] options.match.push(vuetifyMatcher) options.attrsMatch.push(vuetifyAttrsMatcher) if (!this.resourceQuery) { const readFile = path => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.fs.readFile(path, function (err, data) { if (err) reject(err) else resolve(data) }) }) this.addDependency(this.resourcePath) const tags = new Set() const attrs = new Set() const file = (await readFile(this.resourcePath)).toString('utf8') const component = compiler.parseComponent(file) if (component.template) { if (component.template.src) { const externalFile = (await new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.resolve(path.dirname(this.resourcePath), component.template.src, (err, result) => { if (err) reject(err) else resolve(result) }) )) const externalContent = (await readFile(externalFile)).toString('utf8') component.template.content = externalContent } if (component.template.lang === 'pug') { const pug = requirePeer('pug') try { component.template.content = pug.render(component.template.content, {filename: this.resourcePath}) } catch (err) {/* Ignore compilation errors, they'll be picked up by other loaders */} } compiler.compile(component.template.content, { modules: [{ postTransformNode: node => { if ("directives" in node) { node.directives.forEach(({ name }) => attrs.add(name)) } tags.add(node.tag) } }] }) } content =, 'installComponents', content,, 'Tag', tags, options.match, component)) content =, 'installDirectives', content,, 'Attr', attrs, options.attrsMatch, component)) } this.callback(null, content, sourceMap) }