(function (exports,Vue) { 'use strict';

  Vue = 'default' in Vue ? Vue['default'] : Vue;

  var version = '2.2.2';

  var compatible = (/^2\./).test(Vue.version);
  if (!compatible) {
    Vue.util.warn('VueClickaway ' + version + ' only supports Vue 2.x, and does not support Vue ' + Vue.version);

  // @SECTION: implementation

  var HANDLER = '_vue_clickaway_handler';

  function bind(el, binding, vnode) {

    var vm = vnode.context;

    var callback = binding.value;
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
      if ('development' !== 'production') {
          'v-' + binding.name + '="' +
          binding.expression + '" expects a function value, ' +
          'got ' + callback

    // @NOTE: Vue binds directives in microtasks, while UI events are dispatched
    //        in macrotasks. This causes the listener to be set up before
    //        the "origin" click event (the event that lead to the binding of
    //        the directive) arrives at the document root. To work around that,
    //        we ignore events until the end of the "initial" macrotask.
    // @REFERENCE: https://jakearchibald.com/2015/tasks-microtasks-queues-and-schedules/
    // @REFERENCE: https://github.com/simplesmiler/vue-clickaway/issues/8
    var initialMacrotaskEnded = false;
    setTimeout(function() {
      initialMacrotaskEnded = true;
    }, 0);

    el[HANDLER] = function(ev) {
      // @NOTE: this test used to be just `el.containts`, but working with path is better,
      //        because it tests whether the element was there at the time of
      //        the click, not whether it is there now, that the event has arrived
      //        to the top.
      // @NOTE: `.path` is non-standard, the standard way is `.composedPath()`
      var path = ev.path || (ev.composedPath ? ev.composedPath() : undefined);
      if (initialMacrotaskEnded && (path ? path.indexOf(el) < 0 : !el.contains(ev.target))) {
        return callback.call(vm, ev);

    document.documentElement.addEventListener('click', el[HANDLER], false);

  function unbind(el) {
    document.documentElement.removeEventListener('click', el[HANDLER], false);
    delete el[HANDLER];

  var directive = {
    bind: bind,
    update: function(el, binding) {
      if (binding.value === binding.oldValue) return;
      bind(el, binding);
    unbind: unbind,

  var mixin = {
    directives: { onClickaway: directive },

  exports.version = version;
  exports.directive = directive;
  exports.mixin = mixin;

})((this.VueClickaway = {}),Vue);