import mixins from './mixins/index.js'; import { Bar, HorizontalBar, Doughnut, Line, Pie, PolarArea, Radar, Bubble, Scatter, generateChart } from './BaseCharts'; var VueCharts = { Bar: Bar, HorizontalBar: HorizontalBar, Doughnut: Doughnut, Line: Line, Pie: Pie, PolarArea: PolarArea, Radar: Radar, Bubble: Bubble, Scatter: Scatter, mixins: mixins, generateChart: generateChart, render: function render() { return console.error('[vue-chartjs]: This is not a vue component. It is the whole object containing all vue components. Please import the named export or access the components over the dot notation. For more info visit'); } }; export default VueCharts; export { VueCharts, Bar, HorizontalBar, Doughnut, Line, Pie, PolarArea, Radar, Bubble, Scatter, mixins, generateChart };