var tape = require('../'); var tap = require('tap'); var concat = require('concat-stream'); var stripFullStack = require('./common').stripFullStack; function fn() { throw new TypeError('RegExp'); } function getNonFunctionMessage(fn) { try { fn(); } catch (e) { return e.message; } } var getter = function () { return 'message'; }; var messageGetterError = Object.defineProperty( { custom: 'error' }, 'message', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter } ); var thrower = function () { throw messageGetterError; }; tap.test('failures', function (tt) { tt.plan(1); var test = tape.createHarness(); test.createStream().pipe(concat(function (body) { tt.equal( stripFullStack(body.toString('utf8')), 'TAP version 13\n' + '# non functions\n' + 'not ok 1 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage() + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage() + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage(undefined) + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + 'not ok 2 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage(null) + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage(null) + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage(null) + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + 'not ok 3 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage(true) + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage(true) + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage(true) + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + 'not ok 4 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage(false) + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage(false) + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage(false) + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + 'not ok 5 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage('abc') + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage('abc') + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage('abc') + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + 'not ok 6 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage(/a/g) + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage(/a/g) + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage(/a/g) + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + 'not ok 7 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage([]) + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage([]) + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage([]) + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + 'not ok 8 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' undefined\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [TypeError: " + getNonFunctionMessage({}) + "] message: '" + getNonFunctionMessage({}) + "' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' TypeError: ' + getNonFunctionMessage({}) + '\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + '# function\n' + 'not ok 9 should throw\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: undefined\n' + ' actual: undefined\n' + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' Error: should throw\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + '# custom error messages\n' + 'ok 10 "message" is enumerable\n' + "ok 11 { custom: 'error', message: 'message' }\n" + 'ok 12 getter is still the same\n' + '# throws null\n' + 'ok 13 throws null\n' + '# wrong type of error\n' + 'not ok 14 throws actual\n' + ' ---\n' + ' operator: throws\n' + ' expected: |-\n' + ' [Function: TypeError]\n' + ' actual: |-\n' + " { [RangeError: actual!] message: 'actual!' }\n" + ' at: Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' stack: |-\n' + ' RangeError: actual!\n' + ' at Test. ($TEST/throws.js:$LINE:$COL)\n' + ' [... stack stripped ...]\n' + ' ...\n' + '\n1..14\n' + '# tests 14\n' + '# pass 4\n' + '# fail 10\n' ); })); test('non functions', function (t) { t.plan(8); t.throws(); t.throws(null); t.throws(true); t.throws(false); t.throws('abc'); t.throws(/a/g); t.throws([]); t.throws({}); }); test('function', function (t) { t.plan(1); t.throws(function () {}); }); test('custom error messages', function (t) { t.plan(3); t.equal(, 'message'), true, '"message" is enumerable'); t.throws(thrower, "{ custom: 'error', message: 'message' }"); t.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(messageGetterError, 'message').get, getter, 'getter is still the same'); }); test('throws null', function (t) { t.plan(1); t.throws(function () { throw null; }, 'throws null'); t.end(); }); test('wrong type of error', function (t) { t.plan(1); var actual = new RangeError('actual!'); t.throws(function () { throw actual; }, TypeError, 'throws actual'); t.end(); }); });