simplicial-complex-contour ========================== Finds a piecewise-linear isocontour on a simplicial complex using the marching simplex method. # Example ```javascript var extractContour = require('simplicial-complex-contour') var bunny = require('bunny') //Solve for the curve z=0 on the surface of the bunny var zvalues = { return p[2] }) var curve = extractContour(bunny.cells, zvalues, 0.0) //Unpack edges and positions of curve var curveEdges = curve.cells var curvePositions =,i) { var a = bunny.positions[curve.vertexIds[i][0]] var b = bunny.positions[curve.vertexIds[i][1]] return [ w * a[0] + (1 - w) * b[0], w * a[1] + (1 - w) * b[1], w * a[2] + (1 - w) * b[2] ] }) //Render the curve console.log({ cells: curveEdges, positions: curvePositions }) ``` # Install ``` npm install simplicial-complex-contour ``` # API #### `require('simplicial-complex-contour')(cells, values[, level])` Computes a piecewise linear solution to the solution `values=levels` * `cells` is an array of simplices represented by tuples of vertex indices * `values` is an array of values defined at each vertex of the cell complex * `level` is the level at which the surface is extracted (Default 0) **Returns** An object with 3 properties * `cells` which are the cells of the extracted isosurface * `vertexIds` which is an array of pairs of vertex ids encoding the crossing edges * `vertexWeights` which are linear weights applied to each vertex # Credits (c) 2014 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License